Bring it to the Marley

Destination Now!

December 19, 2022 Dwana A. Smallwood
Destination Now!
Bring it to the Marley
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Bring it to the Marley
Destination Now!
Dec 19, 2022
Dwana A. Smallwood

Today on Bring it to the Marley, I talk about living in the moment. We've been gifted so much time. How are you going to spend yours.

" being fully present in every moment allows you to be more loving, and authentic and at peace. "

Connect with Dwana

Don't forget to share this podcast with a friend and don't forget to follow me on Instagram, Tiktok, and Youtube at Bring it to the Marley.

Show Notes

Today on Bring it to the Marley, I talk about living in the moment. We've been gifted so much time. How are you going to spend yours.

" being fully present in every moment allows you to be more loving, and authentic and at peace. "

Connect with Dwana

Don't forget to share this podcast with a friend and don't forget to follow me on Instagram, Tiktok, and Youtube at Bring it to the Marley.