Fair Food Futures
Fair Food Futures
Episode 6: ‘Food and rights for all’: the missing conversation about hunger and land access in Australia
In this episode, Dr Rachel Carey, Senior Lecturer in food systems at the School of Agriculture and Food from the University of Melbourne, and Emma Brindal, the Youth Education Coordinator of the Northey St City Farm and co-founder of the Decolonisation Action Group, take us on a journey to understand what the right to food means, based on their work with civic food networks in Australia.
The conversation sheds light on “hidden hunger” in Australia, where women and children, including First Nations communities, experience food insecurity due to the over-emphasis on exports in the Australian food system, under-emphasis on local food, and the lack of an integrated national food policy plan.
Our guests elaborate on policy mechanisms that can support the protection of the right to food in Australia, and the key role that civil society participation in policy making spaces at different levels plays to build fairer food systems.
Food policy councils, sustainable procurement, food systems education, and decolonisation action groups were highlighted as strategies to progress the right to food in Australia, and successful policies and initiatives from other countries are showcased to provide the listeners with an understanding of the possibilities available.
Important links:
More information about the Fair Food Futures Project and the scenarios for food justice HERE
Australia’s Right to Food Coalition
Foodprint Melbourne (Research Project of The University of Melbourne)
Dr Rachel Carey academic profile
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food
United African Farm (Cardinia Food Movement)
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The Fair Food Futures project is led by Dr Kiah Smith from The University of Queensland and funded by The Australian Research Council (DE190101126). This podcast is produced by Dr Kiah Smith, Dr Daniel Cruz, Joanna Horton and VMP Studio, and funded by the Future Earth's Pathways Initiative.
Visit our website at: https://fairfoodfutures.com/