CE Dog Training Podcast
Everything dog related. Join entrepreneur Josh Taylor at Canine Education, as he talks about his local dog training businesses, listen as he gives advice not only to people with their dogs but dog trainers and their business. Tons of stories and his personal secrets! Hear out tips on how to run a successful dog business, and how to train your pet to fit your standards and lifestyle.
CE Dog Training Podcast
Being Positive
June 15, 2023
Season 1
Episode 21
Simple as it might sound, it might be difficult to focus when it comes to being positive in dog training.
- There are up and downs in everything in life. Consistency is key in dog training. Whether it's reactivity, resource guarding, or any other type of behavior modification.
- Take these mini-wins. Wins come in different contexts.
- Recovery time is what Josh talks about often during his training sessions. Going to the root of the problem is a long-term process. We need to figure out ways to manage THE behaviors. Why does our dog do what they are doing?
- Breaking through the barrier takes time. Being optimistic in what you're doing, in the end, it'll be much more rewarding.
In this episode, Josh used the example of reactivity during a walk to show us how to learn through failures.
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- Check out our website: https://canineeducation.ca/
- Email us at cepodcast@canineeducation.ca
Thank you all for listening & stay tuned for more!