Episcopal Youth Ministry in ATL

A Conversation with Special Guest Melissa Rau at Rooted In Jesus

Episcopal Youth Ministry in ATL Season 2 Episode 10

In the last episode, we shared that we would be releasing some new episodes focused on how we serve as Youth Workers in a pandemic. We thought that all these episodes would be fresh out of post-production. We were wrong. 

We had the opportunity to sit down with Melissa Rau, the Episcopal Church Foundation's Director of Partnerships and New Initiatives, at Rooted in Jesus. The conversation focused on Sunday school and why the current model is broken. It is a hard conversation for churches to digest, but what we found in sitting with Melissa is that faith at home is the most important piece of the formation for our young people. When parents are equipped to be Faith Leaders in the home, it means that the place where young people spend most of their time can be a place where families come together to talk about tough questions of faith.

Listen in to hear why faith at home matters and why this conversation matters more now than it ever has. Learn more about the Faith at Home program at forma.church/faith-at-home.