Episcopal Youth Ministry in ATL

A Discussion of Racial Healing with Special Guest Dr. Catherine Meeks

Episcopal Youth Ministry in ATL Season 2 Episode 11

These are challenging times for young people. As Youth Workers, we are also experiencing these challenges, but we have a responsibility for the well-being of our young people. The reality is if they don't have these conversations of racial healing in faith communities where they are loved, where will they have them?

In this episode, our team sat down with Dr. Catherine Meeks, the Executive Director of the Absalom Jones Center for Racial Healing. Her work of racial healing is known far and wide across the Episcopal Church. What can we do as Youth Workers to help young people process these recent events? What can we share with them about allyship? How do we as Youth Workers walk alongside them knowing we must also work on ourselves? For responses to these questions and more, listen in.