LU Moment

LU Moment: College of Business Accelerating to success | S4 Ep. 47

November 14, 2022 Lamar University Season 4 Episode 47

This week on the LU Moment, Diana and Emily, business students turned podcast pros, talk about "Accelerate!" the new College of Business podcast.

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Shelbe Rodriguez  0:00  
Welcome to the LU Moment where we showcase other great events, activities, programs and people right here at Lamar University. I'm Shelby Rodriguez, Public Affairs Manager here at o u and guess what, guys, I'm gonna welcome you back to another episode of the LU Moment. So let's do something that we haven't done in a while, right Cardinal shout outs. This is where we showcase and show love to our Cardinals making headlines in the news. First up, Dr. Cynthia Stinson. She was recently recognized as distinguished educator of gerontological nursing by the National Hartford Center for gerontological Nursing Excellence. And so here's a little fun fact about Dr. Stinson. She is a part of the first graduating nursing class here at LU, class of 1975. And that's when the JoAnne gay Dishman School of Nursing so yeah, shout out to you, doctor since and we love you. You've been making big waves here though you for a long time, long, long time. And so I hope we get to keep you for I think you're making you're coming up on your 45th year. I hope we get to keep you for a little bit longer, right. All right. So here's another card making headlines in the news, Monica Frick. Monica was recently awarded Counselor of the Year by region six. Monica, shout out to you. We have an awesome story on Monica at forward slash news, go ahead and check it out. Check out her story of how she got that call. Right when she first got the call. She had a few tears, but exciting. nonetheless. Shout out to those cards and make them waves right. All right. If you are in alum, and you are doing big things, doing work that matters, you've opened up a new business, anything exciting, you got a new promotion, let us know. Visit forward slash alumni and submit your class. Now we want to hear from you. And who knows, you might just hear your Cardinal shout out on the next episode of the LU moment, right. All right. So here's what alright, speaking of the College of Business, here's another exciting thing happening in this COB. They just recently launched a podcast accelerate podcast. And so joining me today our business students turn podcast pros. Diana Martinez and Emily Alvarez. Thank you ladies for joining me on bail you moment this week. Thank you for having me. Oh, I love that synchronicity. Thank you for having us. They make the perfect host for the show. Alright ladies. So anytime I have a student on the show, I always have to ask you can't get out of this. I always ask why l you Emily, we'll start with you. Why did you choose Lamar University? 

Emily  2:17  
Well, I am I was born and raised in Beaumont. Oh, so I've always wanted to come to Lamar growing up going to flush Elementary, odo Middle School Central High School. I always saw Lamar it was the first thing once I'm graduated, I'm gonna go to Lamar. I'm gonna graduate from Lamar. It's just something I've always looked forward to. I always knew you were going to be a Cardinal. Yes, I did. 

Shelbe Rodriguez  2:39  
Wow. Like what sparked your interest? You just kind of you're like lug Big Red.

Emily  2:45  
I think just because I was I was born here and I would see the community within the school. I had a couple of uncles graduate from here from the College of Engineering, actually, ya know, kind of just followed in their footsteps, not the engineering. But yeah, come to Lamar. 

Yeah, you're a Card. Yeah, running your own backyard. What about you, Diana? 

Diana  3:05  
Oh, really? Good question. So when I moved here. I was quite like new to the area. I didn't really know English, and plan as soon as I got to middle school. I think it was the Bernard Harris like summer size camp. Yeah, they reached out to me. And that's when I started coming to Lamar often. And then the town program. I did not attend hell, but I went to summer camps. And that was like the main thing that they were reaching out from like such a young age that I was like, Well, you know, might as well like apply. I think it has been a blessing. 

Shelbe Rodriguez  3:43  
Very interesting. I love that you say they got you at a young age because we do that here at L u right? Even middle schoolers. We have Carter move up until that's our biggest open house of the year, the biggest open house event and we invite prospective students to come on out and that includes middle schoolers, like Diana we got them early. So come on out. Picture yourself here to L you. Alright ladies. So Emily, what's your major?

Emily  4:06  
 Advertising and communications.

Shelbe Rodriguez  4:08  
 What about you, Diana? 

Diana  4:09  
I am marketing Spanish and a minor in business law. 

Shelbe Rodriguez  4:12  
Alright ladies, so how did you get involved with this podcast? How did to marketing major to business students come and say, You know what, we're gonna host this podcast. You want to take this on or think so I think it was Diana's gonna take Elizabeth. 

Diana  4:26  
Elizabeth idea. She was like, Hey, you guys are like really involved into the College of Business. Yeah. And we would like it because you guys are like a great duo. Like we get along really? Well. Yeah. So I think that was like the very first thing that popped out to her. So then she reaches out to us. 

Shelbe Rodriguez  4:42  
Yeah. So Liz Newman. I'm the Marketing Coordinator for the COB right? Yes, yeah. 

Emily  4:48  
We actually received an email and I emailed her well actually texted Diane and I mean, hey, we're in this email together. There's only like five of us. Are you going to try to apply are you gonna do the interview? And so I told her, You better do the interview. We'll do it together, that'd be really cool. And so we just did the interview. And boom, we're here a couple of episodes in, we had no clue what we were doing. We were kind of lost, but... 

Shelbe Rodriguez  5:13  
You jumped in.

Emily  5:14  
 We just jumped in and did it. We dived in. And I want to say we're doing a decent job. 

Shelbe Rodriguez  5:19  
You're doing a fantastic job. Guys, if you have not tuned in to accelerate podcast, here's a little bit of backstory about it. Accelerate podcast is where you can learn about all the College of businesses, students, faculty, classes, news events, and so much more. And so you can tune in for real conversations on relevant topics between students, professors, staff, and alumni. I like that the description for the podcast has real conversations, because I tune in, I tune in to the podcast. And so it seems like very much real conversations. I think first episode, you had two other students on the podcast, right? Yeah. So how was that? Because y'all y'all got really for real talking about college experiences? Right. So how was that? Like? How did it feel to be able to have that relatability? 

Diana  6:03  
I think it was like the conversations that usually happened with students. But you don't really hear it coming from like, a different perspective, because it's in a podcast. Yeah. So you kind of relate to what we're talking about the topics that we're talking about how we feel about every single thing you were talking about. 

Emily  6:24  
And we were honest, we do not hold anything back, you shouldn't tell, because we wanted the audience to feel relatable. We want it to relate to us. Because like Diana mentioned, you have these conversations on a daily basis, but you never really hear it from someone else and have several other people listening kind of agree and say, okay, they said it all out. Like I was thinking it Yeah, they finally said it. So we were just honestly, we're vibing the whole time. We got along pretty good all four of us. And I was telling Diana, I cannot wait to do the recap. At the end of the semester. I'm like, so eager, so excited to meet up with everyone to see how we all ended up. And if we actually completed accomplished our goals, I feel like at first they were kind of shy and timid and they didn't really want to touch on the subjects. But as soon as they saw the Diana and I were just put it all out there, too.

Shelbe Rodriguez  7:19  
Yeah, but why do you think that's important to do you know what I mean? I know these conversations have we all know these conversations happen? Right? among college students, you're like, Man, I'm not doing so hot in that class or who? Yeah, eight o'clock, killing me. But how did it feel though? You know, why do you think that's so important to do and put it out there for not just students to hear but everybody faculty and staff?

Diana  7:38  
Because I think we have to like normalize that it's not okay. To not have those conversations. Yeah, we have those conversations and students feel more comfortable. And eventually they'll try to fix whatever it's bothering them or whatever they can't. They're not doing correct

Emily  7:53  
I agree. I feel that students especially freshmen, sophomores, you know, when you're fresh when you're new, you don't really know individuals, and it's kind of you think, Oh, they're probably not going to the same thing. They seem like they have it all together. But in reality, we're all in this together. And we're all struggling, struggling. Yes. Said you really need to just put it out there. If you don't put it out there, then you're not gonna be able to fix it. Yeah, I would have fixed issue.

Shelbe Rodriguez  8:19  
Yeah. And then I think a lot of times as incoming freshmen, they maybe don't ask for help, because you want to give the appearance like you know what you're doing, right? Yeah. So there's some first generation cards. I was a first generation college student when I was in college. And so you know, I was like, I don't know, I'm asked for nobody helped me, you know, I wanted to look like I was an upperclassman. So I was like, upperclassmen don't go to tutoring, probably. So I'm gonna just chill. But I think that there's something special about what y'all do bringing other students together, having those conversations having those topics being for real, you know, what I mean? is am I kind of messed up? You know what I mean? But I came back, and you can, too, right? I like that. So let me ask you, how do you choose your guests for the podcast or choose students or these students that y'all know? Are you kind of like, Hey, I've seen this student walking around.

Emily  9:03  
Elizabeth has a really good eye for them. Yes. As you can tell, let me stop. Yeah. But she just, you know, she sees the potential in people and she kind of like pushed the freshmen towards us. But at the end of the day, they were both saying, Hey, I'm ready to come back. Like I'm excited. Yeah, kind of just look for people who are willing to be part of the podcast who have a story to tell and who are just wanting to be more involved. We don't really have any criterias either, and we don't have criterias for the professor's either. It's just whoever's willing to help whoever's willing to spread their stories and spread advice and information and that's what we just have on

Shelbe Rodriguez  9:43  
Yeah, and so in I know I read the description of the podcast, but what are your submissions for the podcast? What are you hoping that the cannabis community or any listener and what are you hoping that they get out of the podcast?

Diana  9:55  
I hope that they can relate to what we're talking about because yes, the camera issues that we have are pretty real. But I want them to be able to relate and also to just be more involved because I know that the college of campus has a lot of commuter students. Yeah. So in order for them to have that involvement in the College of Business, I think it's pretty important for them to have that. But sometimes they are not willing to sometimes they are. They work and I completely understand that. But I hope that they can be more involved in it's not just like, like, I have to be there. It's like, oh, like, I want to be there. Yeah, nothing for sure.

Emily  10:34  
No, I agree. Because I we're both commuters, we don't stay on campus. And if it weren't for small opportunities that were presented, to me, I can say on my behalf, I would have not been as involved as I currently am with Lamar. And I thank everyone who kind of not pushed me, but say, hey, look, here's here's an opportunity. You want to take care, you want to leave it and I just slowly started taking and saying yes, yes. And then I grew as a person, I feel that I grew as a person. So I would really want for students to feel the same way to grow to go on to study abroad to join the organizations woman to a woman ama I just want them to be involved in Grow, grow as as much as I can here.

Shelbe Rodriguez  11:15  
Yeah, I think it's important. I like how y'all are spotlighting commuter students, but not just commuter students that we also have an international a very large international student population, right? So these are students come in from over, you know, out of the country don't know anyone here, you know, probably don't have an idea of how things are here on a college campus. And so they're also getting acclimated and so I think hearing a podcast or having student perspectives and hearing Oh, I didn't even know we were supposed to do you know whether you're an upperclassman commuter freshman, you know, incoming prospective International, all of that. I feel like that's what this podcast and compasses and that's what y'all do very, very well. So what can we look forward to from the podcast moving forward? Any special guests? Londa who we got?

Diana  12:00  
not completely sure.

Shelbe Rodriguez  12:01  
Okay, let me ask this. What is like your dream guest to have on the podcast? You have anybody on the podcast, Professor

Diana  12:08  

Emily  12:09  
Oh. What am I stream? Yes, she's amazing. And once again, Professor bald Oh, he goes another shout out to because again, you're amazing. But I know Miss Heather Boler no longer here, but I would wish you would come and give us you know, be a special guest. The students would learn a lot from her. We've had a kind of like a panel with her before she left. Yeah, it would be really cool. And for the future episodes, you're just gonna have to like listen and tune in.

Shelbe Rodriguez  12:40  
Oh, okay, she's teasing up episode already. She's a pro. I told y'all.

Emily  12:47  
Who would you have? Oh, from L, you know, from everyone. And honestly, I think a podcast with Adam Sandler would be so real. So I would love to do that.

Shelbe Rodriguez  13:02  
 Bun B from UGK because he's from Port Arthur. And so he's a rapper, and he, I don't know, he's always in Houston. I'm from Houston. But I would like to pick his brain about I don't know why he wanted to be a rapper. You know, he's from Port Arthur, how did you get out? What are you doing now? What do you do to get back? I don't know. I would just want to pick Michelle Obama, all the people, 

Emily  13:22  
you know, let's just bring everyone on the podcast one by one. A couple of seconds. We're manifesting right now. Y'all don't know mind would pop up here. I'd say hey, how you doing? Me too. 

Shelbe Rodriguez  13:37  
But I think this kind of banter or this kind of conversations that we're having now. And that's what y'all doing as podcasts. And I just love it. There's no leg drawn out script. There's no like, you know, fancy shmancy like, All right, next question. It's very much flowing conversation being real. I felt like I was listening in or something. I shouldn't be listening. Did someone butt-dial me? That was the vibe that I got. But I love that vibe. And so I love that for our campus community. I love that for the college business. I love that for y'all. Ladies. I hope you all continue to do the podcast as we move forward. 

Emily  14:09  
Oh, I hope so. We're excited. Like I said, we have a couple of episodes coming up. We will not reveal much information on it. As of right now. However, please tune in. And maybe you'll listen to one of our accidental butt calls. 

Shelbe Rodriguez  14:24  
Yeah, so where can I guess tune in to accelerate podcast? 

Diana  14:28  
So that's gonna be on Spotify, Castbox, Google podcast and I think that should be it. 

Shelbe Rodriguez  14:36  
You can always visit forward slash business. Click on the accelerate logo to the far right. And then you can tune in there. I know you'll have it on the website. Yes. Tune in there. Well ladies, I want to thank our for joining me on the LU Moment this week. 

Diana  14:49  
Thank you. 

Emily  14:50  
Thank you for having us.

Shelbe Rodriguez  14:52  
I'm looking forward to hearing that next episode. This is Shelbe Rodriguez, Public Affairs Manager here at LU, the pride of Southeast Texas and I'll talk to you next time.

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