Let's Talk Link Building

Link Building for Niche Sites with Stephen Hockman

Aaron Anderson Season 1 Episode 26

In this episode, we're joined by Stephen Hockman, Owner of SEO Chatter. Stephen takes us through his career journey, and how he got into SEO and link building.

We start by discussing the importance of on-page SEO as a foundation before starting any link building efforts. Stephen then explains his favorite link building strategies, such as homepage link building and internal link building, and shares real-life stories of successful and unsuccessful link building.

We also talk about how link building works in the SEO world, including pitching colleagues for links. Additionally, we dive into the current state of link building and SEO, discussing effective past and present strategies and how Google's algorithm updates affect link building.

Connect with Stephen on seochatter.com, or follow him on Twitter, @seochatterblog