One's Too Many

Take your health (and your life) into your own hands with Fred Roger pt. 1

August 30, 2018 Adam Saulters Season 1 Episode 2
Have you ever wondered what you should do after you get that magical DD 214? Have you ever just been floating by while burning through your GI bill? Today we had a very special guest on with us, who can give you his story which will hopefully give you some ideas on what to make with your story. His name is Fred Rodger. He is a marine combat veteran. After getting out he has gotten his MBA, help create and open dozens of franchises, started a nonprofit, opened his own consulting firm, and currently is the director of marketing and outreach for a early stage investment company called the Bricks. There was so much good information given out in this, we’ve had to split our conversation into 2 parts just so we didn’t miss anything.

By a trick of fate, we unfortunately lost the first five minutes of this conversation due to technical problems, but don’t worry it only gets better. In part one (where the recording starts here at least) we go over some things to look for when picking a school after the military, how to get a more advanced internship (unless of course you really like to get coffee and make copies all day), and even what to look for when you are researching a company. We then find out how someone can move from the normal MBA path to start working with franchises fairly quickly.

“Take your health into your own hands”

We talk about challenges he struggled through when getting out and until he worked through them and to the incident that led him to realize he needed help. Meds have a time and place in our lives, but as you know and Fred points out, there is a real downsize that causes many of us to avoid them at all costs. There are so many different services out there that you can utilize that I was unaware of.
• Veterans Choice Program -
• Vet Centers -
• Local Outreach Facilities
• Give an Hour -
o An amazing organization Fred discusses where mental health professionals from around the country volunteer their time every week through many different mediums to vets and first responders that need it. You are able to vet your provider to make sure you get the right person who has the right background (PTSD, sexual trauma, ect..). Please check this out, it is FREE to you.
Please check out part 2 in episode 3 to hear the rest of the story! Thank you for checking us out.

YOU matter, YOU’VE got this, and YOU’RE not alone!