One's Too Many

Life can get better, life will get better with Carlos Garcia.

Adam Saulters Season 1 Episode 1
Hey everyone and welcome to our first episode of One’s Too Many, the podcast dedicated to veterans and first responders. For our first episode we have a good friend of mine, Carlos Garcia coming on the show with us. He is a marine combat vet turned fire fighter turned psychologist, so he has seen the problems many of us have struggled through from both sides. In this episode we go over a bunch of different things from what Carlos struggled with, to what he has seen since starting to work with others, to what worked for him and what he has seen work with others. One of my favorite parts of this episode is he goes over what Post Tramatic Growth is and what he has found over the course of the past couple of years about it. It is an amazing perspective about what many of us go through and a good strategy to overcome PTSD. I would highly encourage anyone to do their own research on this as well, the more you know the more you can grow. These are only a very small amount of what we went over on this episode. I can’t wait for you to listen to it.

Carlos - 813-644-1791
IG - life_doc

3 Keys
1. Lose the shame, stop feeling bad about what you’re going through
2. Reach out to someone
3. Know that life can be different, it can get better, it can feel better. You can get yourself out of the place you’re at right now.