The White Out - Ski Podcast

S2. E24 A look back on Winter 24 and a look forward to this Summer

April 26, 2024 Rob Ski Journalist and Dom Publisher InTheSnow Magazine Season 2 Episode 24
S2. E24 A look back on Winter 24 and a look forward to this Summer
The White Out - Ski Podcast
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The White Out - Ski Podcast
S2. E24 A look back on Winter 24 and a look forward to this Summer
Apr 26, 2024 Season 2 Episode 24
Rob Ski Journalist and Dom Publisher InTheSnow Magazine

This weeks episode looks back on the winter of 2023/24, and all the greatest things that happened 

From the top news stories Vail resorts taking over Crans-Montana and Whams 40 years since filming in Saas Fee and The Dolomites Dirndl Ski Day 

We also looked back at our daftest story of the season The Skypark engagement story as well as our favourite kit this season and our best introduction of the season :)

And we looked at a number of our ‘Legends of the winter’ as well as announcing our winner for 2023/24.

And finally we looked at our Resorts of the Winter and a cast back to the great travels this Winter. 

In the meantime Enjoy the mountains :) And Please do leave a review as it's the only way other like minded travellers get to find us!

And don't forget to check us out on the following channels

and contact us with your suggestions for further episodes at /

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

This weeks episode looks back on the winter of 2023/24, and all the greatest things that happened 

From the top news stories Vail resorts taking over Crans-Montana and Whams 40 years since filming in Saas Fee and The Dolomites Dirndl Ski Day 

We also looked back at our daftest story of the season The Skypark engagement story as well as our favourite kit this season and our best introduction of the season :)

And we looked at a number of our ‘Legends of the winter’ as well as announcing our winner for 2023/24.

And finally we looked at our Resorts of the Winter and a cast back to the great travels this Winter. 

In the meantime Enjoy the mountains :) And Please do leave a review as it's the only way other like minded travellers get to find us!

And don't forget to check us out on the following channels

and contact us with your suggestions for further episodes at /

DOM: welcome to the 24th edition of The White Out podcast for this season and officially it’s our last – but don’t fear because due to massively increased listener numbers and demand we are going to start a summer season too. Rob what do you think about that then?

ROB: Hi Dom, sounds good but you didn’t introduce me.

DOM: if people don’t know who you are by now then they are obviously living on a different planet. You need no introductions.

ROB: ah I see, well they were always so nice but fair enough although I suspect we have a number of new listeners this week because we always do – so hi everyone, my name is Rob Stewart and I am the co-host of The White Out podcast…

DOM: glad we’ve got that out of the way – so this week we are going to take a look back at the highs and lows of this winter season, the good the rad and the gnarly

ROB: I like that Dom, actually there was an old ski movie called that, 1987, Gregg Stump before the world famous Blizzard of Ahhhs but after the acclaimed Maltese Flamingo. It’s packed full of 90’s craziness, big sweaters, big hair, old skool tricks and Scott Kennet and his husky dog Zudnik – happy days. 

DOM: well funny you say that Rob because I have at my fingertips a whole back catalogue of ski movie soundtracks – shall we play a clip from the good the rad and gnarly?

ROB: oh that would be rad for sure, go on then…

LINK (play the music): ohFsGS1IcDj4oA 

DOM: great stuff, 80’s production quality, very cheesy stuff going on but what an absolute classic.

ROB: I agree I love watching these old ski movies and these guys are real ski bums that just happened to be great skiers and proper characters.

DOM: totally different world from the big production Warren Miller movies and the like today.

ROB: which are fantastic but I love the sort of freedom of these films, no agenda, just lots of skiing and by the looks of some of those guys, lots of partying too.

DOM: yes a lot has changed in many ways since those days but I guess people are still skiing and still partying like before.

ROB: yes I reckon so, it is different and being a proper ski bum these days is a bit harder for various reasons – cost, accommodation come to mind. But I still see a lot of people having a lot of fun in the mountains…

DOM: and long may that continue. Which brings us to our season round-up Rob, we’re going to pick out a few highlights and favourite moments from this winter including news stories, the best and worst bit of the season, the best bit of kit and even our legend of the winter.

ROB: yes legend of the winter – hopefully this becomes a big deal for The White Out and its listeners, we might even produce a badge for the winner. 

DOM: would be great to get some feedback from listeners about their legend of the winter too, but for this year it’s all down to us to choose. 

ROB: yes and it’s not easy because this season, when it comes to legends and let’s be clear we are British and although the legend doesn’t need to be British we definitely have a bit more of an interest in that, there has been a few making that shortlist – Brits I mean.

DOM: let’s see who it is later but for now we are going to start by looking back at the best news stories of the season…

News story of the season:

Vail resorts taking over Crans-Montana

DOM: This was a big story over the winter and certainly stirred a few people up, let’s have a listen to what we said about it at the time. 

E9 (5 mins 18)


ROB: it has definitely been a controversial one but let’s see what it brings next season. 

DOM: i think there’s a whole podcast in discussing the corporate side of the ski industry.

ROB: yes for sure. The funny thing it is already happening in Europe too, they are just much quieter about it than the Americans. 

DOM: yes but European resorts are still owned and run differently from the American ones generally - but it’s a good subject to discuss Rob, let’s put it on the list. Right what is the next story…

Wham 40 years

DOM: This was such a great story and a fantastic bit of PR for Saas Fee too. and I just loved watching the video again…all those 80’s haircuts. 

ROB: yes dropping in that I got the meet the trumpet player on Club Tropicana this winter in Tignes, how cool is that!? DOM: ha ha nice, let’s have a listen…

E7 (19 mins)


DOM: Love that, brings up Christmas every time.

ROB: it’s a classic Dom and I’m sure Saas Fee were delighted when Wham turned up. 

DOM: there must be a podcast episode about bands in ski resorts

ROB: yes! Obertauern and the Beatles for example but I’m sure there are many others. I’m not sure  if i can see Mick Jagger as a skier though, wouldn’t get any satisfaction out of it…

DOM: ummm, right. Gimme shelter though, maybe he was in a white out that day.

ROB: very good, well Mic if you’re listening we’ll give you some shelter in our white out, you’d be welcome any time. Moving on, here’s a story to warm anyone up on a cold winters day…skiing in a dirndl.

DOM: You’d look good skiing in a dirndl Rob.

ROB: well they say try anything once and i’m pretty bought into that one but skiing in a dirndl, not going to happen but….

Dolomites Dirndl ski day 

…This story ruffled some lederhosen’s. Although I’m not adverse to a good dirndl I’d definitely like the chance to get the lederhosen on too. 

DOM: absolutely, we should campaign for that one Rob…here’s the original story

E14 (5 mins 7 secs)


ROB: love a dirndl 

DOM: I bet you do. Right let’s get even sillier what’s up next Rob….

ROB: Yes it’s Our daftest story the season:

Skypark engagement story (E1, 6 mins)

ROB: I just love some of the press releases we get where brands try and think of all sorts of things to get a news story. I thought this was one of the daftest of them all – a car park brand survey that looked at apparently top winter destinations to get engaged in, let’s have a listen. 


DOM: well done Skypark, you might have daft press releases but at least they work 

ROB: yep come on PR people, keep sending your daftest press releases, we love them really. Right we do love a bit of kit in the ski industry so we had to include our favourite for this season…

DOM: yes, skiing wouldn't be skiing without all the gear to go with it. Think of the history, the C&A ski suit, Channel, LV, the luxury brands on the slopes and then on the other side of that, some people wouldn’t be seen without an Arcteryx jacket on.

ROB: it’s what i love about our industry Dom, so many facets and fashion is a big part of it, let’s hear about our fav bits of kit from this season… although i will say it was a hard decision to make for me…

DOM: yeah me too…

Best bit of kit: (just play the clips now)

DOM: Sweet Protection Helmet E14 (26 mins 08 secs)

Rob: UYN baselayer E3 (22 mins)

ROB: nice, yes always a bonus to test lots of kit don’t forget to check out the inthesnowmag YouTube channel for lots of gear reviews including next seasons new skis

DOM: okay Rob we are coming onto our next section, our best introduction of the season…

Best introduction of the season: 

E5 (two minutes in) 

….ROB: yes Dom, your introductions to me sort of became more and more over the top, gushing and way too complimentary – I mean don’t get me wrong it’s nice to have that praise but basically, it’s not accurate to start with. So I have picked out the one time you were just plain nasty and perhaps more accurate – shall we hear that? 


DOM: you know i didnt mean in it

ROB: Listen, lots worse has been said about me before so just tell it how it is…

DOM: i will don’t worry, so what’s next Rob?

ROB: Our fav clip of the season Dom…

DOM: right yes of course, but rather than us telling you, the listeners what our favourite clip of the season was, we are asking you to tell us.

ROB: that’s right Dom, when writing notes out for the best of sections we were originally going to pick one out but that lightbulb moment struck and we thought, naah, let’s get the masses onto that one. 

DOM: yes we urge you all to trail through the episodes from this winter and send us your favourite clips…just message us on

DOM: What’s next Rob?

ROB: We have decided to come up with our own little dongs – just shout outs really to people and places that we think are breaking ground and doing great things in the winter sports industry and community. 

DOM: yes so first up is Legend of the Winter – that person that has pulled out all the stops, gone beyond the highest peak, reached the highest of the high….

ROB: yes it the ‘Legend of the winter’:

DOM: Ok here’s our Shortlist:

ROB: yep first up, Dave Ryding. We don’t need to say too much about Dave other than he’s a legend and still going strong. I’m not sure whether this is out there or not or even if I’m allowed to say it but I’m going to anyway, i have heard from reliable sources that Dave will compete again next season. He has to be the greatest British skier of all time….

DOM: absolutely but we are also putting Jasmin Taylor forward too and Jasmin is arguably just as much a British skiing legend now as Dave. Number 1 in the World in Telemark this season, world cup winner. If Telemark was an Olympic sport then the narrative would be very different here. 

ROB: that is so true Dom and of course a reminder that our last podcast episode was an interview with Jasmin so check that out. Next up is a shout out to a few younger British ski racers that are really starting to break through big time. The Carrick Smith boys, Freddy, Zak and Luca and Molly Butler. Having known both sets of parents for many years it was always going to happen, but it’s so great to see it coming together. The highlight this season being Zach’s gold at the youth olympics in Ganwon south korea, the first ever Olympic gold medal by a british ski racer. I can tell my grandkids that i skied with them when i could still just about keep up…ok they were 7 years old. Actually come to think of it, i don’t think i could..

DOM: ha ha, yes i can imagine. Right so last but certainly not least is the worldwide skiing phenomenon that is Michaela Shiffrin. The American star that can do it all, win at every discipline, come back from serious injury and win, seems to always have a smile on her face and of course got engaged to long term boyfriend, ski racer - who unfortunately suffered serious injuries himself this season, Aleksander Aamodt Kilde. 

Rob: yes all serious contenders for our legend of the winter title. Do you want to tell everyone who the winter is Dom?

DOM: yes the Winner is Dave Ryding. Such a tough choice but let’s face it, his best ever season and you can’t knock that.

ROB: he just seems to be getting better and has no sign of slowing down. It’s great to see - BBC take note, this guy needs to be sports personality of the year, period. 

DOM: good call Rob. okay we also want to mention a few people that might not be quite so well known or in fact top class ski racers.

ROB: yes Dom this is our Unsung heroes section and we have a few people in the mix but we’d like to say that in the future, if any of our listeners know anyone that might have gone that extra mile, done something special or has been working behind on the scenes to make lives better then we’d like you to tell us about them. Who have we got on our list Dom?

DOM: first up is Elsa Dooley, but this is really a mention for all the young people out there striving to get to the top of their sport. We met Elsa, a ski racer trying to break through onto the circuit, when she joined us for the SIGB ski test in La Clusaz. It’s just great to see anyone working so hard to get further up the ladder in sport and Elsa certainly seemed to be one of them. 

ROB: absolutely. Okay here’s something completely different. A chap called Edward Courage - remember the beer brand well he’s part of that family, happened to be heli skiing this season in Switzerland on the Petit Combin when an avalanche hit the helicopter and things went wrong very quickly. Fast thinking Edward, 68 years of age, pushed two young members of his family out of the helicopter - risky yes, but they lived, before jumping out himself. Sadly and very tragically 3 people did die in the accident including the guide Adam George, which was just awful to hear. But Edward did save lives so we thought a worthy mention. 

DOM: very sad indeed. Again something very different but arguably another person that has literally helped to save lives and i’m sure he has is Dan Keeley from the charity Snow Camp. Dan is a well known and well loved member of the snowsports community in the UK and works for the charity set up by Dan Charlish. I mean they are both legends but we know the work that Dan Keeley puts in and he rarely gets any accolades for it all. He passionately speaks about his own challenges in life and helps to motivate others - he is a true unsung hero of our industry.

ROB: quite right Dom and just a super nice guy too. Right enough of people and onto the things that are really important in life, ski resorts.

DOM: ah yes so it’s time for our Resort of the season. Why don’t you take it away Rob…

Rob: yes well i’ve been to many resorts this winter Dom, and let’s be honest, all ski resorts are great right - they have snow (yes they really do), ski lifts, bars and hotels, people with little furry dogs in handbags, but this season i went to somewhere that not only has i never been to before but i hadnt actually heard of - it was a tiny little village in the Austrian region of Carinthia called Heiligenblut - shall we hear all about it…

E21 (28 mins 32 secs)


Looking forward to going back there, i have a few plans…what about you Dom

Dom: well for me it has to be sun peaks, of course that lesser known  ski resort in British Columbia, Canada, a little different from your favourite of the season Rob but wow, what a place. A massive ski area, loads of bars restaurants , you do feel tucked away but Shall we have a listen Rob?

ROB: sure, bet you didnt see any dogs in handbags…

E17 (38 mins 15 secs)


ROB: sounds great Dom. you know i havent been to sun peaks but its def on my must do destinations list that ever growing list!. First world problems and all that but when you have been in the skiing industry for as long as i have you need special places like this to aim to get to,.,.

DOM: there’s something wrong with you Rob. no seriously get over there if you have the chance, check it out. 

ROB: I will do my best…right that’s the end of our last episode of the official winter calendar but don’t fret, there’s more to come.

DOM: yes, this year we are continuing our podcast through the summer with bi weekly episodes looking at all things summer mountain related, because you know, summer in the mountains is almost as good as winter.

ROB: very much agree and over the past five years or so i’ve been spending more and more time in the mountains during the summer and I absolutely love it. 

the good the rad and the gnarly
best news story
wham in saas fee
skiing in a durndl
silliest story - best resorts to get engaged
favourite gear of 24
best intro of the season
your favourite clip of the season
legend of the season
unsung heroes of winter 24
best resorts this winter
don't have nightmare, sleep well