Strange Deranged Beyond Insane

Chilling Tales from the Heartland With Carissa: Ghostly Mansions and Hidden Histories in St. Louis

February 09, 2024 Melissa Episode 1
Chilling Tales from the Heartland With Carissa: Ghostly Mansions and Hidden Histories in St. Louis
Strange Deranged Beyond Insane
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Strange Deranged Beyond Insane
Chilling Tales from the Heartland With Carissa: Ghostly Mansions and Hidden Histories in St. Louis
Feb 09, 2024 Episode 1

Have you ever sensed a chill creep up your spine as you walked into a room? That's just a taste of the supernatural thrills we experienced on our haunted vacation in St. Louis, and we can't wait to share every eerie detail with you. Join us as we bed down in the Lehman House Bed and Breakfast, where the spirits are just as hospitable as the living—Edward, the resident ghost, made quite an impression! We also delve into the peculiar and poignant history revealed by a local about the "Exorcist" movie, a story that began in our own temporary backyard at the Alexian Brothers Hospital.

Imagine casually saving up for your fantasy getaway home when a mysterious stranger spins a yarn of Roswell proportions—sounds like the plot of a novel, right? Well, it happened to us, and this gentleman's tales of secret military pasts and "softball teams" were more captivating than the latest bestseller. We also chat about the demolished hospital linked to the notorious 1949 exorcism, stirring up a blend of skepticism and fascination as we try to piece together the truth from his cryptic clues.

Lastly, brace yourself as we recount the shivers and shadows that linger in two of America's most infamous haunted abodes. From the tragedy-entwined walls of the Leighton House to the somber, yet oddly comforting embrace of the Lemp Mansion, our explorations of these storied estates will leave you with a fascinating mix of dread and awe. And we promise, the laughter is just as abundant as the chills—so tune in for the full spectrum of our paranormal escapades.

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Have you ever sensed a chill creep up your spine as you walked into a room? That's just a taste of the supernatural thrills we experienced on our haunted vacation in St. Louis, and we can't wait to share every eerie detail with you. Join us as we bed down in the Lehman House Bed and Breakfast, where the spirits are just as hospitable as the living—Edward, the resident ghost, made quite an impression! We also delve into the peculiar and poignant history revealed by a local about the "Exorcist" movie, a story that began in our own temporary backyard at the Alexian Brothers Hospital.

Imagine casually saving up for your fantasy getaway home when a mysterious stranger spins a yarn of Roswell proportions—sounds like the plot of a novel, right? Well, it happened to us, and this gentleman's tales of secret military pasts and "softball teams" were more captivating than the latest bestseller. We also chat about the demolished hospital linked to the notorious 1949 exorcism, stirring up a blend of skepticism and fascination as we try to piece together the truth from his cryptic clues.

Lastly, brace yourself as we recount the shivers and shadows that linger in two of America's most infamous haunted abodes. From the tragedy-entwined walls of the Leighton House to the somber, yet oddly comforting embrace of the Lemp Mansion, our explorations of these storied estates will leave you with a fascinating mix of dread and awe. And we promise, the laughter is just as abundant as the chills—so tune in for the full spectrum of our paranormal escapades.

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Speaker 1:

Hey everyone. Hey, it's Carissa and Melissa.

Speaker 2:

And I am on tonight's podcast, Strange, Strange Bannon saying Welcome back.

Speaker 1:

She took a little siesta.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I did for a little bit, but I am so glad to be on tonight. We are gonna talk about our fucking vacation.

Speaker 1:

Was that two years ago?

Speaker 2:

It was in May 2021.

Speaker 1:

Oh my god, that was three years ago.

Speaker 2:

Almost Holy shit, which is why I am so glad we are doing it tonight, because I feel like we are beginning to forget some of the funny parts of our vacation.

Speaker 1:

Oh my god. Alright, well, you take the wheel. I am just your co-host tonight, so go ahead. Start how you do it.

Speaker 2:

Okay, well, so it was my 36th birthday. Ouch, that's three years ago. We decided to go to St Louis. I lived in Illinois, southern Illinois, for about two years during my 20s and I fell in love with the city of St Louis. Oh, I absolutely love that place, and so I asked you to take a road trip.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So the first place that we went to. It was called the Lehman House Bed and Breakfast and that's in St Louis. It's in the historic neighborhood. Little bit of history about it. It was in 1993. It had a covered front porch and a spiral turret room, which I don't know. Do you remember that? I thought it was so pretty.

Speaker 1:

Are you talking about the porch or the front room?

Speaker 2:

But the porch was gorgeous.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and we wanted to take that cat remember. I know all, that's right. It looked like Marley. It looked like Marley kind of, didn't it yeah?

Speaker 2:

a little bit. I wonder if I probably still got pictures of that cat. Wow, but shout out to the homeowner, marley, she was awesome.

Speaker 1:

She really was Very, very welcoming.

Speaker 2:

Very, and it was such a different experience. That was my first time being at a bed and breakfast. I don't really know what to expect and it was so weird thinking about it like in the old days. That would be like a boarding house and that would be your room.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's crazy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but short story on Marley. She claims that her plumber, her, like loud footsteps and prints of shoes, like prints, were on the ground and I don't know if you remember her telling us, but she awoke to Edward. Is the ghost, yeah, picking up her jewelry and all that kind of stuff.

Speaker 1:

Well, okay, so Edward was. That was Edward Lehman, right.

Speaker 2:

No, this is at the Lehman house. So this is Edward Rouse, but the second owners were Frederick and Nora Lehman.

Speaker 1:

So when she was sick, when Marie cause, wasn't she like bedwritten with one of her kids?

Speaker 2:

Oh, honestly, I don't remember.

Speaker 1:

She had, like she was ill for a while or something, but the ghost that stayed by her. Which guy was that? Was that Lehman, or was that the other guy?

Speaker 2:

It was a different guy.

Speaker 1:

Okay, cause her husband.

Speaker 2:

I respect you, marie. The homeowner thinks is the one that haunts the house, but like I don't know how you felt.

Speaker 1:

But I felt very peaceful there, oh God, yeah, it was so peaceful. We did get some action in the bathroom, remember. And then, when we let the spirit boxes go in that front, god. What was that Not the? What room did I love? What was that called the like the library, the cigar room?

Speaker 2:

Is that what it was called? I know what we were talking about, but I don't remember what it was called.

Speaker 1:

Beautiful. The other room in the front which was like I think it. We got tea room or something like the one all the way, or a parlor, yeah, but the well, no, the room off of that, remember there was like Right to the left, while if you're looking facing out towards the door, yeah, remember we let the spirit boxes go and we had the camcorder going and they were talking when we weren't in there. Yeah, yup, yeah that was fun.

Speaker 2:

Let's talk about the gentleman that we met that lived next door to the Lina house.

Speaker 1:

Okay, but before we do that, that was so that night that we stayed there. It was Chris's actual birthday and I saw the videos. So why don't you go ahead and tell them who your favorite band is? Oh my God, and what you did in front of the truck? I have videos of you dancing in the street, literally.

Speaker 2:

So every year I listen to me kids on the block happy birthday song and I was singing it to me and please tell me I was not singing.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you were. Oh, that's right, they dedicated that to you. Yes, yes.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yeah, in my head. They dedicated it to me.

Speaker 1:

But let's rewind. So now, before she says a story, I want you guys to know she's the one who picked up on this at the end of this guy, you know the neighbor I. I wouldn't have known if she didn't sing. I thought it was a guy's dad. But go ahead, go ahead.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so I don't even. Oh, we got there early and the homeowner wasn't there yet. So we were talking to the neighbor and he was telling us, yeah, she's not there yet, yep. And so we just started talking and he was asking us why we were there and we're like, oh, we're normal investigators, yep. And his ears perked up. He was like like all about it and we talked about different conspiracy theories and we got on to like the exorcist movie and talking about the Alexian Brothers Hospital, yep.

Speaker 1:

And how he knew inside information. Yes, and Chris actually did a lot of research cause she she's not really into movies. I don't know if you are now, but you never so.

Speaker 1:

But she does like the exorcist movie, because you guys all the listeners, know we've talked about it before on here. That is, there is so much truth and so much depth and layers to that that we do know it definitely happened and it was recorded. So she did her information or her I'm sorry, her research on it and it was torn down. So when we got to the-.

Speaker 2:

Do you know that the actual Alexian Brothers Hospital itself got torn down last year?

Speaker 1:

Oh, wait, that the original.

Speaker 2:

Not the original, the hospital that was built from the original. Remember how they now I can't remember, but anyways, yeah, the original. At the Alexian Brothers Hospital, where the exorcist, or exorcism took place, that particular wing was rolled off. Nobody could go in there, and then eventually it did get torn down.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they demolished it. That's why I was like when she, when she, when we stayed at the Lehman, I was like kind of disappointed, cause I was like, man, we're not gonna be able to see that, cause I knew we weren't gonna be able to go inside. It probably Right. But this is where the story gets good. So tell them about the guy now.

Speaker 2:

So the guy tells us he's like no, the original hospital, yes, has been torn down, but this is where you go, which was part of a hospital, and this is where you go where the original hospital stood. So we went there. Should I back up and say what happened when we got back, or get back to that part of the story later?

Speaker 1:

Well, I'd like to go into depth a little bit about this guy. Okay, he is God. What was his name? I want to say Ken, but it's not Ken I, you know. I don't know if we got his name, but yeah, I don't know. He obviously sees hundreds and hundreds of people or cause people stayed at the Lehman all the time. Even if you're not into paranormal, it's a nice historical place, no cause, it's a historical neighborhood.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and the houses are beautiful, of course. We picked out, you know, three houses that we claimed Vacation. There's our vacation house.

Speaker 2:

How much do you have saved?

Speaker 1:

towards that. Yeah, I got $150. I want you to know.

Speaker 2:

You're doing better than me. I got like 59 cents.

Speaker 1:

Well, shit, but this guy, I mean, he sees hundreds of people, I don't care. That's why, chris, I'm here tonight too, so that she can, you know, really go into depth with me. This guy, like he just wanted to talk to us, and, of course, you guys, we, did not record him and of course I said this like a day later and she you know, chris has said it wasn't meant to record. I said no, you're right?

Speaker 2:

No, he would have never talked to us the way he did.

Speaker 1:

But this guy was like telling us that we're on the right path and to keep going. All right, we're searching for our truth. Yeah, and he okay. So when we're talking to this guy, he looked to be in his what do you say? 60s, maybe early 60s, yeah, maybe late, late 50s.

Speaker 1:

Good looking gentleman, tall, slender, he had round glasses on. He looked like an author, right, that's what kind of vibes he gave me. Yeah, he looked like he's a writer. So, and of course, this episode we're probably gonna have to do two parts, because this is. There's a lot of information in here, but this guy is like key element, but anyways, so he goes.

Speaker 1:

You know, we talked about all this stuff he was telling us a story about. He said it was his best friend. Remember His? Do you remember this part? His best friend, his best friend's dad, had just died recently and he was like in his 90s or like about a hundred years old. He was in was it wasn't Vietnam? No, I'm sorry, he wasn't that old, he was like in his 80s. Was it Vietnam? No, it was before that. But yeah, I'm not sure what war.

Speaker 1:

He was saying that his so-called you know quote unquote that his best friend's dad died and all this mail from his dad came to his house, his best friend's house, and his friend was like what the hell is this Like? My dad was in the army and he was, you know, had these. Oh my God, paul would kill me. I can't think of it. What was the, the Like classified shit. No, what did he put on their uniforms? They're ribbons, okay. So his best friend was like this is how I knew my dad in the army. He did this, he did that, yada, yada, yada. So all this mail got sent to this best friend's dad's house and the dad was obviously had. This was deceased. So the son was taking all the stuff and he's looking through all this mail and all of a sudden he sees his dad in like different kind of uniform and he sees that his dad was in a class.

Speaker 1:

It was a classified journey in Roswell. Oh, I'm sorry, I'm so excited I got ahead of myself and we're like me and her, just in there. We're like okay, so your best friends, your best friends, dad blah, blah and he's going into detail and he's saying oh yeah, he goes in his. His dad was, he did the quote on quote fingers was on the Roswell softball team and I had heard that from Teresa stepdad that had passed away, but he wasn't gone then. But Teresa stepdad told me the same thing one time over there that that's their secret, like little society, like a softball team.

Speaker 1:

So this guy, his best friend, was so confused. He was like why, like, what is going on? Like, did they get this mixed up with my dad? Did my dad lie? Like why would my dad have lied? Well, what brings me in this conversation is that now my ears perk up because I'm like aliens. Yes, right, and that's when the guy was saying, well, you guys keep going and you know you'll find the truth. And but he was so adamant on telling us this story about his, his best friend's dad, remember, yeah, and I was like, where's this guy going with this? Okay, now go ahead.

Speaker 2:

Is this when he gets into finding out who we're in those?

Speaker 1:

Yes, okay, and he said he's still living. Remember, we thought maybe it was him. You know what I'm hinting at. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Because honestly he, rowan Doe, was like 14 years old when the exorcism happened, and exorcism happened in like 1949, I believe.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, 1949. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And he would have looked really good for his age.

Speaker 1:

And he just kept, like he was really adamant, like he kept telling.

Speaker 2:

Chris Right when he switched his appearance, maybe Okay.

Speaker 1:

I just now thought about it. So before that, though, okay. So he kept telling Chris like, cause she had all the information she was like really in about this hospital and then the aunt's house were in any listener out there that knows exorcist story the true one that he was playing Ouija with his aunt, cause his aunt was a hippie he sounds like one of us, yeah, aunt Harriet, aunt Harriet, yep, see, she knows the name. And so Chris was telling this gentleman like, yeah, you know we're going to go by the aunt's house and blah, blah, blah. And this guy was like all fucking for it. I mean, he was like so, like yeah, yeah, yeah. And then he kept saying no, you guys got to go to the hospital. And I was being like no, it's torn down.

Speaker 2:

There's nothing to. What are we going to do?

Speaker 1:

Right, as I say, cause I was a Debbie downer. So what the fuck we going to go do is sit there and look at an open field.

Speaker 2:

Oh, but we got so much more that we bargained for.

Speaker 1:

So go ahead and tell him about the hospital, then we'll come back to him about the neighbor when we came back, right, or do you want to say it now?

Speaker 2:

Well, so he was saying which I explained to her that you know the hospital is torn down and whatnot, which is built in 1869. And at one time you know it was called the Alexian Brothers Hospital, and anything as far along.

Speaker 1:

I did not know that?

Speaker 2:

When did you find that out? I found that out yesterday when I was just looking up to make sure I have all my facts and stuff right.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I wonder if that's why they sent him there too.

Speaker 2:

Uh, that's what I was thinking. Oh, did you make little food for?

Speaker 1:

thought Well, guy would know too what he does, so do you ask him about that?

Speaker 2:

No, I should though.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he would probably, because they probably want to do a psychological evaluation on him, like really, you know in depth.

Speaker 2:

Right, because they're not gonna automatically go. Oh, you need an exorcism. They're gonna want to know, like mentally, if like there's something going on, if it's not physical.

Speaker 1:

Well, and an exorcism is like the real deal in the Catholic society, you guys know, like they had the Pope, you know priests and all them. They got to get together, they got to okay it and they got to. It's like huge societies of meetings, like they don't just come out and be like, okay, you need an exorcism. Let me give you one.

Speaker 2:

Right, oh, let me go get the local priest that will do it. It doesn't happen like that.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, no. So this is a big deal.

Speaker 2:

So he convinced us to go, and when we got there we took out our spirit box and we got some good responses, just in the parking lot where we were walking around.

Speaker 1:

Well, hold on though you're. So the spirit box we use is Chris's. Chris has an original old radio box from the UK and we reordered, we got we both got new ones from the UK and they're they're. You know they're good, but they're not. They're not as good as yours, though you got to go. Did you ever go to someone and have it fixed? Have them fix it?

Speaker 2:

No, not yet. I've been using it, but not that much. I've been babying it because I just I need to get the wires looked at. Yeah, it's, it's an old box. I don't know who to go to.

Speaker 1:

Do you have any idea about? Do you? Do you have? Do you know, like when that was built, like, do you know when that's from?

Speaker 2:

No, I don't know, but I'm going to say at least the 90s.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, her box is the real deal. I mean, that box is, that box is everything, and you can't find them like that anymore.

Speaker 2:

I've been offered money for it and I won't. Even when it takes the shit on me, I will keep it for just walks.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I wouldn't sell that, how no?

Speaker 2:

no, that's my baby.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so yeah, that's how I learned about Chris. You know, everyone was like Chris is a girl at the really cool spare box. I'm like I want to see the spirit box. And when I met you at Eloise, I don't think you had it with you the first year.

Speaker 2:

I don't think I did.

Speaker 1:

Okay, sorry, we're getting sidetracked. Go ahead, so we yeah, no shit. Sorry, everyone Squirrel my bad, go ahead.

Speaker 2:

So do you want to talk about what happened in the parking lot?

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Then the second part. When you told me, don't go that way, I said fuck that, I want to get a picture and you're like, I want to do it.

Speaker 2:

I'm like I'm doing it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah Well, I almost got arrested and my phone confiscated. They would have left you. They wanted to take him in. You wouldn't have even drove the damn truck. You won't drive the truck, so you just want to sit there. So I got out. Oh my God, so she's walking around. I got videos. Did you check out the YouTube channel yet?

Speaker 2:

No, I have not.

Speaker 1:

I got that video of you walking around. So she's, she's walking around their box and it had to be like five minutes in and this, this security guard. She was cool as hell, she loved our hair, she complimented us and she was cool and she's like look, you guys, you know what are you guys here for? You know, we just gave her the gist. Look, we just we're just running our little spirit box, we just want to. You know, blah, blah, we're paranormal investigators. We do research and stuff. We're here on vacation. We came from Michigan. Yada, yada, yada, okay, fine, okay. So then Kristin keeps going with her box and you know we're getting some hits. And the lady comes back around again and she's like you know, my boss is like really dogging me right now. You know she wants information on you guys and yada, yada, yada, okay, so she wants our license license plate or names or first and last names or social security numbers.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm just kidding.

Speaker 2:

I would have come in there and fake one that was ridiculous, but she was like cool as hell, right? So she was yeah, she could get two shits less.

Speaker 1:

So now she leaves again. Okay, so give her all the information. So we're still in the spirit box, kristin says. I think she was kneeling at one point and I happened to look up at the very top of the building and I see this camera and I'm like, okay, well, I'm watching this ball, this camera, and I'm like this fucking camera is moving. I told her. I said, chris, this thing's fucking moving. I go look at it and she's like, oh my God, they're like really watching us. I'm like, well, we better fucking hurry up. She said we have like 10 minutes, so we're like trying to get all these answers out. She's asking questions, I'm asking questions and then they're like power through this. Then the security comes back around and she's like you know, pretty much like you guys got to get out here. You know she's getting pissed. You know the head boss Actually, I don't think she said it was a she, she just said the boss is getting pissed.

Speaker 1:

So we're like, okay, yeah, so we go to leave. And, of course, my dumb ass. I see this big ass crucifix on the other side. I said, oh, I got to get a picture of that. And Chris goes oh my God, melissa, don't drive over there I said, fuck that, I want a picture. She's like all right, whatever Cause. Cause there was people walking in and out and I swear they all had white on, they had white scrubs. Yeah, remember we were like maybe this is a mental you know institute that part yeah.

Speaker 1:

And you told me not to, but of course I dig some asshole. So I, we weren't even. We weren't even parked there on the other side for not even two minutes. And this bold dog ass bitch I mean straight up, bold dog ass bitch she comes up to my truck. She's like what are you guys doing? She's screaming at us and we're like look, lady, we're, we're leaving. See, I see the exit. We're going. Hold on a minute, you remember? She goes, you know, I could, I could have your phones confiscated. I'm going to call the police. Then she asked her she goes well, what were you guys? What were you guys doing? And I said, oh, we were just talking into the spirit box, we're paranormal researchers. She said no, you girls weren't, you guys were taking pictures, you were recording. She goes I want those recordings. I said we just took some pictures and I feel like she wanted to ruffle our feathers. She just thought we were going to hand over her phones. I was like fuck it.

Speaker 2:

You ain't getting her. She's like delete them in front of me. We'll delete them later, lady.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, she was like so we get the hell out of there. We're like fuck this, we got.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, she's like I'm going to call the cops.

Speaker 1:

We're like okay. And then I said to her I go call the cops. I said we're not doing anything wrong.

Speaker 1:

She goes actually we saw no sign saying private property no there was not one sign, and that's when she hit us with this as a private facility and it's privately funded, remember, she said that yeah, it was privately funded, whatever the fuck that means. So we're like okay, so we leave and we go back to Lehman. Now there's a car in my parking spot. You know, I'm an old man about my parking spot. So what the fuck? Someone took our spot in front of the house and this little old couple gets out. So go ahead. You tell him.

Speaker 2:

So he goes like around to the back of the van or whatever that should be, and he like opens up the hatch and he turns around and he's the same fucking man, older but like a little man. He didn't see it right away. I noticed it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, chris, and noticed it right away. And when she said that I go no, that's his dad, he looks just like him and she goes, okay, I said, well, I don't know, so we're watching him. He's walking with his little wife. Oh my God, they were so cute, they were hunting over and he's holding her arm.

Speaker 1:

Now, do you remember what happened when he got so it on that street? Um, and most of those older houses in St Louis, they have double doors. It's like French, you know, it's really pretty. Do you remember what he did when he got through the first door and he turned around?

Speaker 2:

and he looked at us.

Speaker 1:

And what did he do? He winked, he winked. And I was like, oh my God, you're right, you're right, that's fucking him. And she's like I told you.

Speaker 2:

And I didn't get a chance to talk to him again.

Speaker 1:

And I was so baffled I'm like, oh my God, that is not what the fuck he looked like earlier. He, when we seen him, when we pulled back up, he had to be every bit of like 90, 95, 96 years old.

Speaker 2:

And what if he was rolling down?

Speaker 1:

That's what we're saying, that's what I'm thinking. Oh, and we forgot a detail. So when he was, when he was talking to us on the porch, he had an old school hoe and another shovel and he was gardening Like he. He was I'm telling you he was I'm not saying it Cuba to the listeners Like he was a good looking, maybe mid late fifties, early sixties, gentlemen, and when we've seen him the second time he was like a shriveled little cute raisin.

Speaker 2:

He had hunched over low shoulders and he was a cutest old man, but that was the same fucking person.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and he winked. He winked at us and and yeah, I shut it out at you, I didn't doubt you. I just was like no, it's like he's probably his fucking dad. Like he looks just like and you're like, okay. And then when he turned around and then I was like, oh, my God Told you what do you call? That's called like a reptilian right.

Speaker 2:

I believe he's some form of reptilian. Yes, he definitely. I mean he morphed.

Speaker 1:

Karissa has a theory. Tell me your theory. Who that is? What do you mean? Like who? Like you fucking blew my mind when you said later that night who? Who do you think he is? Who do you think he was?

Speaker 2:

I don't remember now Rolling Besides rolling though. Yeah, that's what I'm saying you we think, oh, yeah, yeah, it might have been rolling himself, the boy, the 14 year old boy that got the exorcism done Because the details that he knew, I don't care if it really did come, it came from someone or it came from him, but he was so adamant about us pursuing getting the truth about the exorcism that took place, yep, and I think he really worked for like the CIA.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean because it happened to him. Maybe they had him and then he told us to listen to this radio station and we never could fucking remember.

Speaker 1:

I know, but remember that night when you were out dancing for your birthday, I kept looking up and I was like, do you see the window, the light on? And you're like, yeah, and I'm like let's see if he like moves. Like we were waiting for him to like move in front of the window to look at us. We never seen him ever again. No, no, okay. And then tell them when we were talking to what's her name? Marie, right, yeah, marie, okay.

Speaker 1:

So when we were getting ready to leave, she really opened up and talked to us and you know, chris, I was talking to her about the exorcist stuff and all this other and she said I I don't know if I made the comment or you did, but we said oh, your neighbor is so sweet. And she said which one? And we said oh, the gentleman. He was out gardening and she kind of looked at us. She was like he was gardening and then we're like, yeah, but then it was really weird. When we came back he looked very, very old. Yeah, and I can't remember what she said he doesn't talk to anybody. Yes, I remember that part.

Speaker 1:

But what did she say after? We were like he was younger, but then he was older. I don't remember, but she was baffled. We were like yeah, he was gardening and she was like, yeah, gardening and talking to you guys, and we're like, oh yeah, he was so nice, he was pretty, and she thought that was so odd.

Speaker 2:

So I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I mean it was just meant for us to see and hear. But I mean I'm not going to say that I wish we would have recorded it or whatever. I just with us telling the story, like I really hope like listeners are understanding, like like we literally both witnessed that, like that was probably the coolest evidence that we'll ever have. It was just so, it was so surreal. I was just like, oh my God, and how awesome we got to share that moment. Take out, yeah.

Speaker 2:

That was really cool. That was really cool, you were right.

Speaker 1:

That was him and I was like no, that's his dad. And you're like okay, girl. And then he turned around and gave that wink and I was like oh, oh, my God. I mean, I was like literally speechless, and that never happens, I always can talk, okay. Well, chris is a host tonight, so proceed, go ahead. Okay.

Speaker 2:

So that was our experience at the Leighton and House, which I would say that was by far one of the coolest conversations I've ever had with a stranger. Like you know, I was like I'm not sure what. The next place that we went to was Leighton, which.

Speaker 1:

I'm sure a lot of listeners have heard it, since it is like one of the top 10 haunted places in America, according to like some internet websites.

Speaker 2:

But this mansion was huge. Do you want to tell them that we were there alone?

Speaker 1:

too. We had no idea, yeah. So, oh my God, there could have been, wasn't there maybe?

Speaker 2:

one other couple? Yeah, but we knocked on the door and everything and no one ever came up. I don't want to answer because we were hearing shit and they would remember that loud dog and we thought it was them. Yeah, but they never answered the door, they never came out. There was no other car in the parking lot.

Speaker 1:

It was just our, it was just our car. Yeah, it was weird, okay.

Speaker 2:

So let's do a little backstory for people that don't know. Go ahead. John Adam Lepp came over from Germany. He had a good relationship with a guy. He had a grocery store that he was selling his like light colored blogger and it was doing so good that he gave up the grocery store and bought a brewery. And that's how one brewery came about. Yep, the house was built in 1892 and it had 33 rooms and then they also had the tunnel to the caves of the brewery. There was a lot of people that were there and the other thing that he did was he sold his family and his family to the caves of the brewery. There was a lot of tragedy that happened there, like really sad tragedy Just over a few of the family members. And then he had a family member. He was William senior's favorite son. He died at 28 apart failure in the house. William senior took that so hard the death that in 1904 he shot himself With a 38 caliber Smith and Weston William. And that's where the lavender room was.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and she was very callous.

Speaker 2:

She didn't want to want to know her age. Yes, and do you remember William wanted like nothing to do with her, but they were married? Yeah, and she had to give her $1000 a day back in the early 1900s and she had to spend it.

Speaker 1:

That's crazy.

Speaker 2:

Yes, then Will. Because of all of his extramarital affairs, he ended up having an illegitimate son, which is Ziki, which we'll talk about in a minute. Back to all of their sadness. In 1920, elsa, which is Elsa Lump, is the room we stayed in. That was her bedroom. She shot herself. William Jr he shot himself in the same room as his dad did. 18 years earlier. William Lump III had a heart attack, died at 42. Ziki, which is William's illegitimate child, he died there in his 30s. Then Charles, which is William Sr's brother, he shot himself with a 38 caliber and shot his dog. The dog was shot in the basement and made it up halfway up the stairs.

Speaker 1:

Oh God, I remember that now.

Speaker 2:

I know Jesus Christ, but that was so much tragedy within a home and within a family.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was fucking crazy. I mean to hear that and do it.

Speaker 2:

Right, one of the haunted areas which we did get some. Do you remember being up in the attic? That's where Ziki, which is William's illegitimate child. He had Down syndrome and he was sent to live in the attic for his entire life. There's no documentation that he ever existed, but a servant and a chauffeur both confirmed years later that, yes, there was a child up in the attic.

Speaker 1:

The neighbors.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, then we could talk about the women's downstairs bathroom. There was so much weird shit that happened during that night Because, like Melissa was saying earlier, the staff left at like three o'clock in the afternoon, gave us a house, came, was like see you later.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and left us, and this was a bad part of town too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it wasn't in the bus area and so, oh God, you remember having to go up the turnet of stairs.

Speaker 1:

Oh, jesus Christ, with all of our shit. Yeah, I'm like if we die here, we're going to be stuck here like American Horror Story, like we're going to like stay here, like we're never going to be able to leave.

Speaker 2:

It was bad, but we end up having the place to ourselves. Well, we think maybe there could have been one of our couple, but while shit was happening during the night, like there was a loud thought upstairs, so we like immediately go upstairs thinking is the person? Ok, we knocked on the door, we pounded on the door, we were yelling hello and no one ever came to the door.

Speaker 1:

No, and the light was on. Remember earlier in the room, but then later in witching out, it was off. It was off. Yeah, I just got heart palpitations and but really quick though. So remind you guys, this place is like off of like the freeway, like on one side. So, the parking lot is just like a corner parking lot Right, and we were the only ones. There was no other car there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, not till morning, when staff came back.

Speaker 1:

So who the fuck was in that room?

Speaker 2:

I, you know and I don't remember or recall what family members room that was to be like. Oh yeah, that's definitely a knowing thing that happens.

Speaker 1:

The dining room, crewed me out that front room and then we had a lot of action on the stairs, remember, and the bar. The bar was fucking airy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was. Yeah, I like the that, the room that had the green walls with all the leaps and stuff on it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, wasn't that the dining area? No, no, because that was upstairs, oh yeah, where I put the iPad at. Yes, yeah, yeah, his rocking chair, the, the, the guy, yep.

Speaker 2:

So I think the place that I felt the safest when everything was going on, because we heard awful voices, we heard actually gunshot, I'm going to yell. And then the women's bathroom, which I know it was really cool. It was like the first stand up shower ever installed in a home and it was. It was beautiful.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was really cool in there. It was like an old, like saloon bathroom, almost right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, and it had like little stalls and apparently William, because he was the womanizer that he was um, he likes to look over the stall doors, which that didn't happen to us. We felt really safe in there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I like that room a lot. We were in there a lot.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we were, we had a good time, though it really did, yeah, but um, they say, like William Jr's, william Lump senior's room, there's knocking, there's running up the stairs what else to reexpress? I mean, I felt like we got a bit there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we heard the dog Mm. Hmm, yeah. And then the bar. What else happened in the bar? Like freaked us a fuck out. And then we ran into the bathroom work because the bathroom's right, right off the bar. We're like bye.

Speaker 2:

So you want me to read the note that we left at Elsa's room? Yes, I just found a picture of it.

Speaker 1:

Oh, but tell them what you found though, how you found that.

Speaker 2:

Oh, there was a loose floor floor floor board.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and it was like rumor that like if you find this loose floor board. She looked that up and found that I had no idea about this.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but we didn't know where it was going to be. We took us a minute to find it.

Speaker 1:

This was for Chris's birthday, so she did like all the research, everything like she wanted to stay at Levin. I didn't know anything about Levin until, like, she told me about it, so yeah, so she found the board first, try.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so our note is from May 25, 2021. We had some fun experiences within this house Definitely walking in the hallways flickering lights, old house with electrical issues, question mark, question mark, Faint, noises of people talking clear throats, k2 meter going off, mostly in Charles's chair and Elsa's bed. Spirit box session said monkey boy, which is the key, and spoke to him. He kept saying dad and daddy heard a big bang in the hallway and we were the only ones in the house. Great experience in the best 36th birthday. We will be back for more evidence in a longer stay. Thank you, spirits, for giving us a great stay, though, love course, and Melissa Gypsy Stage and Souls.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's how we first started. That was our little name. I still have that name. I'm proud of it. I like that name still. Thank you. I want to get a sticker made Gypsy Sage and Soul.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Oh boy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that was. And then our very last thing that we did was the Belmont T cemetery.

Speaker 1:

Well, OK, so let's finish off this part with that and then let's go into, if you want to tonight, the tour that we took of the Lemp. And the the Burley and the tunnels, yeah, OK, so go ahead and finish off with the cemetery that you found where they're all buried.

Speaker 2:

Yep, so the Lemp family's buried there. William Clark, there's 87,000 graves, so there was like not enough time for us to explore the entire ground.

Speaker 1:

Tell them one more time what cemetery this is.

Speaker 2:

Belmont T cemetery in St Louis, Missouri.

Speaker 1:

It was beautiful, beautiful. It was breathtaking.

Speaker 2:

And many of the victims were victims to the cholera epidemic. They know if you knew that.

Speaker 1:

No, because your person knows, like every epidemic, like like virus that's killed people.

Speaker 2:

I like the morbid stuff, yeah, but like we didn't see it, but it's been seen by other people White fog, like even during the daytime at that cemetery, like unexplained fog.

Speaker 1:

We've gotten it at a different cemetery though. Yes, yes, we have On cameras, on pictures and everything, and a random ghost car.

Speaker 2:

Oh my God, that was the creepiest.

Speaker 1:

That was in Ohio, right, yeah, it was after. It was after Madison, I think.

Speaker 2:

OK, yeah, you're right. You're right. So that would have been Ohio. Yeah, but there's this one that I wish we would have found. It was called the girl in the shadow box. It's a stone chamber with a glass window with a, a statue of the girl.

Speaker 1:

We, we didn't see that, but we did. We've seen some really cool crypts there and like some yeah, mausoleum yeah that that I highly recommend any, even if you guys aren't into like the paranormal shit, whatever, go just the beauty, the beauty and the uniqueness of all the tombs and the crypts and the you know mausoleums and if you're in St Louis, go check that place out. It's good luck getting out. No.

Speaker 2:

Oh my God. Fortunately, we were able to investigate it like they do. What? There are the gates.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yeah, yeah, oh yeah. That's definitely a place you're not going to get there. You're not going to get in there past dark.

Speaker 2:

No, no, yeah, but that's okay. We still got some stuff going the day. That was fun.

Speaker 1:

I really, really enjoyed that cemetery. I mean I would love to go back. Oh, so on the next episode too, we have to talk about the other. So we got um, yeah, so we'll tie those two in together, because there's we actually did quite a bit.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

For only three days.

Speaker 2:

They're only like what we only live in for, like three, four days.

Speaker 1:

So let's tie this up. So Lehman Mansion um, definitely some activity, but I would say it's super peaceful. What do you feel about Lemp Mansion?

Speaker 2:

Lemp Mansion was a good experience. There was activity, but it didn't feel uh malicious, I felt more sad.

Speaker 1:

I was just going to say that I felt more sad Like it was. It's like, um, you're like dreadful kind of right, Like a dreadful.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like, yeah, just a lot of there was some happiness. Yeah, I think a lot of it had to do with how many suicides there were.

Speaker 1:

Well, you guys, this is going to be it for this episode, but we have a next episode coming with all the other things that we did, and we got a lot more funny stories too.

Speaker 2:

Stay tuned for part two.

Haunted Vacation in St Louis
Discussion on Exorcism, Roswell, and Investigation
Strange Encounter With Reptilian-Like Man
Haunted Mansion
Lemp Mansion and Its Peaceful Activity

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