Strange Deranged Beyond Insane

Mysteries of 2024: Solar Eclipses, Cicada Songs, and Cryptic Cybernetic Ordeals

February 28, 2024 Melissa Episode 1
Mysteries of 2024: Solar Eclipses, Cicada Songs, and Cryptic Cybernetic Ordeals
Strange Deranged Beyond Insane
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Strange Deranged Beyond Insane
Mysteries of 2024: Solar Eclipses, Cicada Songs, and Cryptic Cybernetic Ordeals
Feb 28, 2024 Episode 1

Have you ever been struck by the uncanny recurrence of certain numbers in your life? For me, Melissa, the number '24' has become a harbinger of the extraordinary, and it's no coincidence that 2024 is on the horizon with its own set of peculiar omens. We're set to witness a total solar eclipse that will capture the world's gaze on April 8th, along with the cacophonic symphony of cicadas in Michigan—their first joint emergence in over two centuries. As I reflect on these natural phenomena and the erratic weather patterns stirring the pot, it's hard not to sense the drumbeats of a year chock-full of doomsday prepper activity. 

But it's not all about celestial events and insect extravaganzas; the digital domain seems just as fraught with mysteries. I recount a harrowing brush with what felt like a cyber attack, which left me grappling with unexplained migraines and joint stiffness. This personal ordeal frames our discussion of sleeper cells, secret societies, and the whispered prophecies of Baba Vanga. Whether you're intrigued by the notion of psychic phenomena or you're a hardline skeptic, there's a place for you in our community. Join us at "Strange, Strange Beyond Insane," where we chase the enigmas that lurk in the shadows of the seemingly mundane. Tune in, share your stories, and let's explore the unknown together.

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Have you ever been struck by the uncanny recurrence of certain numbers in your life? For me, Melissa, the number '24' has become a harbinger of the extraordinary, and it's no coincidence that 2024 is on the horizon with its own set of peculiar omens. We're set to witness a total solar eclipse that will capture the world's gaze on April 8th, along with the cacophonic symphony of cicadas in Michigan—their first joint emergence in over two centuries. As I reflect on these natural phenomena and the erratic weather patterns stirring the pot, it's hard not to sense the drumbeats of a year chock-full of doomsday prepper activity. 

But it's not all about celestial events and insect extravaganzas; the digital domain seems just as fraught with mysteries. I recount a harrowing brush with what felt like a cyber attack, which left me grappling with unexplained migraines and joint stiffness. This personal ordeal frames our discussion of sleeper cells, secret societies, and the whispered prophecies of Baba Vanga. Whether you're intrigued by the notion of psychic phenomena or you're a hardline skeptic, there's a place for you in our community. Join us at "Strange, Strange Beyond Insane," where we chase the enigmas that lurk in the shadows of the seemingly mundane. Tune in, share your stories, and let's explore the unknown together.

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Speaker 1:

Good afternoon everyone. It's Melissa, your host at strange, deranged beyond, insane. So today I want to start off with saying that 2024 is already a fucking crazy year. Besides April 8th, the total solar eclipse that's happening, which is, in fact, rare, right, because it's going to be seen all across the world Again, I will be very even full that day. That is a Monday, so I will have that day off and I cannot wait for that. Um, besides that, there is a lot of other things strange, drange beyond and seeing things that are happening.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so I want to start off with the cicada event, right, and Michigan will be one of them that this is going to happen to. So in the spring of 2024, billions of cicadas will emerge in the US this year in a rare double broad event. It's official 2024 belongs to the cicadas. This spring, two different broads of cicadas, one that lives on a 13 year old cycle and the other that lives on a 17 year old cycle, will emerge at the same time from underground in a rare synchronized event that last occurred in 1803. So it's been a long, long time. Billions of the winged insects will make an appearance across the Midwest and southeast, beginning in some places in late April For a mating ritual that tends to inspire Fascination and annoyance, and equal measure. Now I have read on some articles that these little fuckers can be so loud that they are gonna sound like missiles. Okay, so this year's dual and Emergence is a once in a lifetime event.

Speaker 1:

While any given 13 year broad and 17 year Year broad, I'm sorry can occasionally emerge at the same time, each specific pair will see their cycles aligned only once, every 221 years. Now, what's, what is the coincidence of that? Because in that 221, the numbers 2, 2 and If, if you know, you know about, you know Synchronousities and numbers, and I have been seeing twos Everywhere 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 and 4's. So this is a very, very, very, very, very year. I don't care what anyone says, do your research. What's more, this year's cicada groups no one is broad, I'm sorry. The ninth and the tenth, I believe, happened to make their homes Adjacent to one another with a narrow overlap in central Illinois. Thomas Jefferson was president the last time these two broads came out, so it is rare. Yes, said Jean Critsky and entomologists at Mount St Joseph University in Cincinnati, and she's also the author of a tale of two broads, broad brode. I think it's brode a book about this year's dual emergence that was published earlier this month, so she's just in time to let everybody know all the information. I'm just kind of giving you guys a gist.

Speaker 1:

Okay, these type, these types of cicadas, are periodically Insects that spend most of their lives underground feeding on tree roots. After 13 years, or 17 years, depending on their brood, the cicadas will tunnel to the surface to reach maturity and engage in a Month long, noisy search for a mate. So all that just to find a mate. Huh, I'm sure there's a lot of people out there that can relate, and because the dating life nowadays that I hear is very wild and scary, so I guess I'm glad I'm married.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so getting back to cicadas, cicadas typically surface in the spring. One soil reaches a temperature of around 64 degrees in Fahrenheit. Brood I think this is the 11th cicada appear at the Midwest, mostly centered in Illinois, but also stretching into Wisconsin, ohio and Iowa. Brood cicadas have been spotted over a much larger geographic area that includes Missouri, illinois, louisiana, north Carolina, virginia and Maryland. When these insects emerge they do, they do so in big numbers and they're not exactly quiet in their mating frenzy. The insects are known to emit a high-pitched buzz or mating song that can reach up to 100 decibels, roughly equivalent to a motorcycle or a jackhammer. The insects themselves are harmless to humans, but with billions of them set to emerge from underground, it can make for a noisy few weeks before the cicadas reach the end of their life cycles. Once that happens, it also can mean a lot of insect insect carcasses scattered on the ground. It's the kind of spectacle that attracts some and repels others.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so I'm excited for it. I've talked to a lot of customers at work about this and some of them are like, wow, that's crazy. Some are like, oh, okay. And then, of course, a lot of the younger men are like you're fucking crazy, I hate bugs. And I'm like come on, don't be a sissy, this is going to be a fun event, and they strongly disagreed with me. So, anyways, these cicadas are rolling in. I think they're saying like through May and June. Like I said then, the article also said they could pop up the beginning of late April. So I guess we will just have to wait and see. So I don't know who else is excited for this phenomenon, but I am.

Speaker 1:

Well, now I want to get into. You know, I've spoke on this many times and I'm sure people are tired of it, but it's 2024, fucking doomsday, prep year, right? Because all this shit's happening. The weather has been insane Yesterday it was 70 something degrees, and then through the Midwest, through Indiana, everywhere there was tornadoes, there was hailstorms. Today it has cooled down and then, I think tomorrow we might be getting snow. It's going to drop into the 30s and then go back up to the 60s, and I have seen this like all around the globe, like I have seen for myself people posting pictures and videos and other podcasts that I have listened to. Now that brings me to something else, because we all know that it's leap year, right 2024. So this is from Bill Nye, the science guy, one of my favorite guys growing up, so let me just have him talk on here.

Speaker 2:

Happy leap year. That's right. 2024 is a leap year and we have leap years because the earth is spinning as it goes around the sun, but it doesn't spin an even number of times. So people centuries ago decided to add an extra day every four years and it comes out pretty well. But in 1572, they realized that that was adding a little too much time about 11 minutes too much. So they made this rule If the century is not divisible by 400, it's not a leap year. The next adjustment is something like 3080. Happy leap year. Earthwings. Happy leap year.

Speaker 1:

Okay. So Bill Knight of Science guy. He explains what leap year is. So, on top of 2024 being crazy and weird already starting it's also leap year with all these different things. So so far we have the rare event of the total solar eclipse I'm sorry the phenomenon of two broods of cicadas colliding. Okay, now I want to get into Death Valley in California. The precipitation that they have gotten is the highest it's been, I think, since 20. It's either 2005 or 2015, but there it is. The water is so high there in Death Valley that people are kayaking and swimming. So that's fucking crazy. It's usually like a hundred and twenty degrees there, I think, but I'm guessing it cooled off right because of all the rain. But let me play another video.

Speaker 3:

Kayakers got the rare opportunity to paddle in the driest part of the US, california's Death Valley National Park. Look at this a temporary lake form there because the valley floor got nearly five inches of rain in the past six months. It's called Lake Manley and it's about six miles long, three miles wide and about a foot deep. You can see people taking advantage of the water and kayaking through the National Park on Sunday. The National Park Service says bad water basin is normally a dry flat, salt flat, averaging two inches of rain each year so well, it doesn't look bad.

Speaker 4:

It looks like a lot of fun. Looks actually pretty, yes there's no there's no on the mountains. They're having a good now. Those are the only two people that are into that.

Speaker 1:

Kayakers got the rare, so that is extremely rare. Okay, now let's go to some more fun predictions. Of course, you know I like the Simpsons, so let's play this one year, 2024 Simpsons predicts 2024 is going to be very chaotic.

Speaker 5:

The Simpsons three crazy predictions about 2024 make it seem even weirder. Number one has already happened. Number three war between the US and China. In one episode, a news anchor says sadly that America and China have declared war. A big nuclear attack is expected to reach our shores within an hour. With what is happening in the world now, there is a high chance of this happening. Number two the 2024 virus. The Simpsons predict another virus outbreak will happen in 2024. The episode shows how a burger leads to a zombie apocalypse after high quality cows are made into meat sauce and fed to cows. Then humans make the cows into burgers and eat them, becoming zombies. Number one global inflation and economic crisis. The Simpsons predict an economic crisis for America in 2023. In an episode, a man tells Homer about anarchy and how the end of civilization is coming soon to America, but Homer says America can't collapse because we are strong like ancient Rome. Do you think 2024 will be a normal year?

Speaker 1:

or is it? What do you guys think? Do you think this is going to be a normal year? I do not. I. With everything going on and then the cyber attack, you can't get a straight answer. Did it happen? Was it a cyber attack? Was it just the AT&T towers down? Of course Paul and I have AT&T. So last week I was.

Speaker 1:

I woke up feeling very, very ill. I had horrible ringing in my ears, my ankles and my toes, like my hips, my back, my neck, everything was super stiff. It was really hard to move and I know what was going on. I had a horrible, pulsating, fucking migraine from hell and I was trying to text my boss and the manager and say, hey, you know I'm gonna come, because you know, a lot of times if someone's already there to open the store will come in like a couple hours later. Vice versa, like if I open the store but I just always like to send a text, while my text would not go through and I was like what the hell? Didn't think anything of it.

Speaker 1:

You know, I was seeing all this stuff about cyber attacks. I didn't really read into it. So it's getting ready to go up and take a shower and my husband said hey, the phones are down. My work phone seems to kind of be working, so if you need to get a hold of me, get a hold of me on there. And I was so on event and did not feel well and I was just like, okay, yeah, sounds good. So I take a shower, start getting ready, notice my phone's still not working. I can't make a call out. I can go on to TikTok, though, but nothing else. So I'm seeing all this shit on TikTok about wearing a cyber attack and all the phones are down and there's hospitals that can't get into medical records and people are thinking they can't get their prescriptions filled and that all the it all like trickled down right. So I don't know. I find it a big fucking coincidence. Now my phone did start working again, I wanna say midway into like the late afternoon, maybe like 3.30.

Speaker 1:

So it wasn't all day and all night, thank God. Obviously I was at work. I ended up going home from work early. I left, and I never leave work early like that. I was so ill like I could not keep my eyes open. I just kept hearing this buzzing noise in my ears. I felt very shaky. One gentleman's haircut it took me like 28 minutes, which I never cut that slow, and he didn't have a lot of hair because he keeps it super short. So that kind of gives you like I guess, kind of like a picture in your head and how I was feeling. All right, I'm gonna play another video now.

Speaker 5:

Alexa, when will World War III start?

Speaker 6:

World War III will commence on March 1st 2024, when the Chinese invade the United States from within by activating countless sleeper cells. This will be followed by full military invasion on both coasts by Russia and China. The attack will be devastating and incorporate weapons never before seen by mankind. Humanity as we know it will be forever changed and never return to its former glory as the Republic of China will rule going forth.

Speaker 5:

Alexa when.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so notice that Alexa says about supercell, I'm sorry, sleepercells I'm sorry. So I looked this up.

Speaker 7:

Sleepercells. They're a group of organized men or women that are waiting for a signal or orders from head office. Ie Batman. When the bat signals, batman arrived. Same thing, except these people. They're here for a green card.

Speaker 3:

Damn you. She's crazy, she's decent.

Speaker 8:

In the long-scale plan. The worst of our history has been something that we still haven't learned, or learned as a general global population how to stop. Whatever spirit wants us to continue to happen, it just continues to be. Even the most advanced civilizations always came back down to this same situation. The question is Lord, thanks for this. How will we deal with it? That's the real question. Will this bring people together more or will this tear you apart more?

Speaker 8:

The question is if you're still siding with the local bankers, the reverse colonizers, if you're still siding with all this stuff and you should be against any child or any deaf period. I just look at it like that, because what's the point of perpetrating warfare if it's not the people versus the oppressors? And then because of people versus the people totally stupid, I mean. I just look at this same play-off plan for years and years and years. I don't know how I'll live like I'm a soul looking at this and I don't know if you feel the same, but I'm just like how stupid can we be to continue to go down the same rabbit hole?

Speaker 1:

the same path that we. So I did do some research on this, because I've seen this on TikTok before, but I really wanted to know exactly what it was. So what is a sleeper cell? A sleeper cell is a group of operatives, spies or terrorists living in a secret among a targeted community, waiting for instructions, for an opportunity to act. Do I believe this? Hell yes, because look at, freemasonry exists, and it existed that long time ago and still exists. There are secret societies everywhere. Now you can't read into everything or I should say, go all the way deep down into a rabbit hole everything that you see, because then you'll go fucking crazy, crazier than you already are Now.

Speaker 1:

My other topic that I want to kind of cover today is the Baba Vanga scary predictions, and I do believe in her. I think that everybody holds psychic abilities. I mean anyone can. Any human can tap in to any type of supernatural ability. It just depends if your subconscious self wants you to, if you will, if you will, if you will be open to it. Right, I do believe that others have more powerful abilities and more powerful intuitions. Someone speaking on this microphone right now? I have tapped into my dreams many, many times and it turns out that it's not so strange to astro-project a lot of people do it. And when we sleep, that is when we are relaxed usually, and you allow your higher self to meet whatever you'd like to meet or see. So I do believe in Baba Vanga too, so I'm gonna pull her up and I like to do videos on here for you guys to hear and to kind of visualize, because I know, not everybody has TikTok. Like I said, you guys know I love fucking TikTok. So here we go.

Speaker 4:

Interesting one from her and has been highly debated. Obviously, the she's also predicting of an alien attack. People will die if aliens visit the planet. Yeah, that's always been a really interesting one from her and has been highly debated. Obviously, the bow versus friend situation. I really hope that they don't fuck us up. I like to, just, for my sanity, think that they're they're concerned for us and they're here to help. Yeah, obviously there's got to be so many different alien species. They probably all have different. Could you imagine if that was the year to have aliens visit, 2023. Give us another year, please.

Speaker 1:

I have said so give us another year please. Well, we're in 2024, so let's hear some more stuff about Baba Vena.

Speaker 4:

That I don't think this is gonna be a good year 2024.

Speaker 5:

Now we start. Make sure you save this video so we can come back to it, and hopefully none of it's happened. Vanga said that in the year 2024 a powerful object will fall from space to earth in a major city. Some believe this could refer to a meteor strike or satellite crashing. An illness affecting the metabolism and digestion may spread worldwide. Some speculate this could relate to the rise of autoimmune diseases or Antibiotic resistant infections. There will be tension and conflicts between eastern european countries over territorial disputes. This could involve nations like russia, ukraine, belarus and others. Major earthquakes are predicted for mountainous regions like the andes, himalayas and alps. Scientists have warned quakes in these areas could be especially devastating. An assassination or unexpected death of a world leader May rock international politics with rising populism and tensions. Terrorist threats remain high. Economic crises are envisioned for developed nations due to rising fuel costs and death defaults. Inflation from money printing during covet could exacerbate financial issues. Comment vanga 2 and I'll keep you updated in part 2.

Speaker 1:

All right. So baba vanga was blind and I truly believe that if you are Without and a you know, let's say you lose or you're just born without a certain ability, I feel like your other Abilities are heightened and I do believe that there's a lot of psychics out there that that there has been. Does this mean that they're 1000 percent Accurate? No, but they're. A lot of them. A lot of them have been very, very close. Okay, so that concludes today's episode on all the crazy stuff happening in 2024. Now I want to know what you guys think.

Speaker 1:

So, again, if you look up strange, strange beyond insane, you can listen to this podcast on Any place that you listen to podcasts at. So, spotify, amazon, apple, iheart. There's the FM, I think it's, yeah, the FM player. There's a lot more, but if you look up strange, strange beyond insane, we should be on pretty much every, every single Source of podcasting. Also, if you want to, you know, look up my tiktok. You can do that by searching strange, strange beyond insane. Obviously, the youtube channel that we started and I say we because everybody in the paranormal community, anyone that I meet or people that I know. I try to get everybody on here to kind of delve in with all the information with me and all the experiences. So again, if you have suggestions or you want to be on the podcast or you you don't want to just talk about Anything strange strange beyond insane Please get a hold of me. Also, you can email me at ghost sisters 21 24 at gmail. All right, you guys, take care, tune in.

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