Strange Deranged Beyond Insane

Tales Told in Twilight Unearthing Ghostly Chronicles and Paranormal Rants

March 06, 2024 Melissa
Tales Told in Twilight Unearthing Ghostly Chronicles and Paranormal Rants
Strange Deranged Beyond Insane
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Strange Deranged Beyond Insane
Tales Told in Twilight Unearthing Ghostly Chronicles and Paranormal Rants
Mar 06, 2024

Haunted libraries, spirited Q&A sessions in cemeteries, and the eternal debate over Ouija boards versus spirit boxes – it's all just another day at the office for us paranormal enthusiasts. Thanks to our host Mike's warm welcome, we explored the newly revitalized Mt Clemens Library, delving into its rich history and the genealogical connections that hit close to home. Our narrative weaves the eerie tales from the haunting Bath City Massacre to the chilling corridors of the Waverly Hills Sanatorium, capturing the essence of our ghostly pursuits and paranormal investigations.

Ever lost your keys in a place so spooky that it feels like more than mere forgetfulness? We've been there, and in this episode, we recount the hair-raising experience of misplacing them in a house notorious for its otherworldly activity. Join us for a recounting of late-night haunts that unnerve as much as they fascinate, complete with missing keys that reappear out of the ether and the creepy presence of dolls that seem to watch your every move. We also indulge in a bit of a rant about the tools of our trade, dissecting the paradoxes in the attitudes towards Ouija boards and spirit boxes, and why it's essential to approach spiritual communication with both respect and protection.

We wrap things up with an invitation to our listeners to join us beyond the airwaves, sharing insights, feedback, or just a ghost story or two. Whether it's through our email or TikTok, where you can catch glimpses of other members of our spirited community like Chris, Kevin, Michael, and Tom, we're eager to connect. Plus, don't miss our review of a particularly riveting paranormal podcast episode that had us hanging on to every word, eager for the next installment in the series.

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Haunted libraries, spirited Q&A sessions in cemeteries, and the eternal debate over Ouija boards versus spirit boxes – it's all just another day at the office for us paranormal enthusiasts. Thanks to our host Mike's warm welcome, we explored the newly revitalized Mt Clemens Library, delving into its rich history and the genealogical connections that hit close to home. Our narrative weaves the eerie tales from the haunting Bath City Massacre to the chilling corridors of the Waverly Hills Sanatorium, capturing the essence of our ghostly pursuits and paranormal investigations.

Ever lost your keys in a place so spooky that it feels like more than mere forgetfulness? We've been there, and in this episode, we recount the hair-raising experience of misplacing them in a house notorious for its otherworldly activity. Join us for a recounting of late-night haunts that unnerve as much as they fascinate, complete with missing keys that reappear out of the ether and the creepy presence of dolls that seem to watch your every move. We also indulge in a bit of a rant about the tools of our trade, dissecting the paradoxes in the attitudes towards Ouija boards and spirit boxes, and why it's essential to approach spiritual communication with both respect and protection.

We wrap things up with an invitation to our listeners to join us beyond the airwaves, sharing insights, feedback, or just a ghost story or two. Whether it's through our email or TikTok, where you can catch glimpses of other members of our spirited community like Chris, Kevin, Michael, and Tom, we're eager to connect. Plus, don't miss our review of a particularly riveting paranormal podcast episode that had us hanging on to every word, eager for the next installment in the series.

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Speaker 1:

All right, good evening everyone. It's your host hostess, but the most this again.

Speaker 1:

I think it's really awesome yeah, and shout out to Mike for inviting us. So, michael, thank you. Michael Bradley has been on the podcast a couple times. He is very active in mouth lemons. He owns several houses. He's very much into, like, the historical part. Okay, yeah, yep, you were right 1996. So, yeah, the guy um, oh shit, I can't remember his name. Yes, very, very pleasant to watch he had. So what he did is I read stories, yeah, and I really enjoyed. He made um, I can appreciate it. He made like a little um, like jokes, yeah, yeah, jokes. He had a PowerPoint presentation. He wasn't boring, he was very personable. This was hosted at the mouth Clemens library, um, which is, is it like? By main street? Basically downtown mouth lemons, yeah, downtown, um, but yeah, and, by the way, the the mouth Clemens library is beautiful. They just redid it, you guys. Oh my gosh, they're pretty, our michigan folks, uh, go check out that library if you haven't. Recently. I can't remember when Mike said that they redid it. I, I know.

Speaker 2:

He said I don't know, but they have a whole genealogy room which I want to seriously go to and see if I can find anything, because my grandma was born remote Clemens. Oh, I didn't know that yeah, janice yeah so I want to see if there's anything on her baby, her baby, who has me okay?

Speaker 1:

cool. That would be really cool for you to go do that. Yeah, I thought so yeah.

Speaker 2:

I mean, it's been to what?

Speaker 1:

we're talking about for a moment. For a moment, I know three trying to adjust um, because I had feel a sneezey coming back on. So, uh, yeah, so this guy was awesome. He did bring up bath city you guys, bath city, michigan, or bath city massacre in 1940, I believe. Right, um, I thought it was 1927.

Speaker 2:

Was it 1927, I believe?

Speaker 1:

so 19? Okay, thank you. Um, we do. We have done a couple podcasts on bath city. Tom went out with there with me one night and, um, we got a lot of um, weird evidence. We got a lot of mocking of the holy trinity whistling. Um, it's very, very pleasant. The park, the bath city park, you know, like the memorial, the school that was built over.

Speaker 1:

It was old, does down yep, and the only thing remaining from the original school is the cupola and Michael Michael Bradley um, being a historian researcher type guy and just an enthusiast of all things you know old, um, he taught me what a cupola was. A cupola is that little cute house thing on top of the rough that is like just there for decoration, right, I'm guessing it's some kind of airflow too, but, um, that was the only thing that was remaining after the explosion. Oh, okay, yeah, so it's there in the park. Um, did you go out there with us?

Speaker 1:

uh, I actually don't think so okay, we'll have to go out there. I feel like.

Speaker 2:

I feel like maybe me and you went out there one time now.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, maybe we did it's. It's just I don't know, is it south or north of Lansing? I think it's just south of Lansing, michigan.

Speaker 2:

I don't know exactly where Lansing is on my fucking hand.

Speaker 2:

And then I do but go ahead, tell them a little fact, fun fact um, he did bring up, um he only did a few out of state paranormal investigations that they've been to, and one of them was your um we really helped Sanatorium and I learned he said he got a lot of evidence and I most of him and I said a piece of what I think I was on like not as fan-active night as maybe somebody else might have gotten yeah, yeah, that, and you, you didn't have enough chaos around you.

Speaker 1:

You know your paranormal group to uh spice things up, but anyways, I learned a fun fact about what is that called the death. What is it? The stereo stairway, death or death stairway, death tunnel, death tunnel, I'm sorry, death tunnel, and you got to see that right yeah, we did not make it all the fucking way down.

Speaker 2:

We started hearing some shit oh, I didn't know, you went down it yeah yeah, but it was crazy because, like your flashlight, like you could still not see in front of you, it was so steep and so far down. It had steps on the left hand side and then, like straight, flat down I'm an angle, I parallel to the stairs.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, when I looked it up when he was talking, it reminded me of the catacombs in Paris. When we went there it was really deep down below. It was a tight squeeze, yeah. And then the Holly Hotel evidence he got.

Speaker 2:

Red evidence is fucking should be on TV.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I made a little TikTok for us tonight. I didn't do the whole video of the appearance. I want to put that on YouTube and maybe tag them in it. I don't know if he'll get. I don't think he would care. I mean, obviously there was no signs that you can't take pictures or videos there, so, so, and then we got, as long as you're not claiming it is out of the picture or not, no, no, no, no. We would say you know, shout out to Southeast that cemetery that he had on his PowerPoint, with all the copper kids, the statues. Chris and I had been there. So we started. I was just whispering to her. I'm like, oh my God, remember that cemetery. It was so cool.

Speaker 1:

And this lady started bitching about us. She was like, oh my God, they're talking. And then we're like sorry. And then, like 10 minutes later, she started talking and we're like, okay, you crusty clown, like fucking dusty lady. And then Chris and I left a few minutes early. I mean, he was, he was wrapping up, but she took me to grab my truck. It was at the dealership. I needed some work on it today.

Speaker 1:

But when we left, kevin was like, yeah, she was bitching about you guys, like she was, like they were munching on popcorn and snapping gum and they were taking pictures from across the room. Well, we were taking pictures of Michael and Kevin sitting, because when she was first started bitching in front of us, she got up and sat right next to Michael, which we were saving the chair for Kevin, so we could all sit together. And you know, of course Michael, he doesn't want to see, so he just moved on to the other side of the room with Kevin. We're snapping pictures of them, you know. And oh yeah, she was fucking like saying all this shit that we were like being clowns, basically, and I'm like, lady, I'm sorry you don't have any experience in the paranormal field, but obviously, like, I would definitely call us like seasoned vets by now. Right, like we've been doing it for a while and we go, we've been to a lot of places. Yes, and I'm sorry, we got excited, lady, because we fucking seen it on the presentation projector screen.

Speaker 2:

We're like oh my God, we've been there.

Speaker 1:

We've been there like we, you know, like sorry, we get excited, like I don't know if you're listening to this podcast. Have a wonderful day, have a blessed one. Yes, blessed be. Blessed be the fruit. Blessed be the fruit. Yeah, her fruit's a little sour, I think, and rotten. Anyways, there's always one. But yeah, it was really cool. I really enjoyed it. I thought it was really unique. And Kevin after, when I talked to him a little bit ago, him and Michael, I think they were on their way to Menards Kevin said that we should start doing Q&As, even in like cemeteries and like recording, because there were I mean, the guy ran out of time, but you know how many people had their hands up, they had questions or they wanted to, you know right. So, and maybe that's something that we will start doing on the podcast. I mean that's really cool, cool too. What else, what do you have to add to this? Our little event tonight.

Speaker 2:

I thought it was really cute that his little joke about Annabelle the doll oh, I have a more head about what he looks like. I have one of those I know. It was cool to see that you don't see him very often.

Speaker 1:

I have a William Fould original from Salem Massachusetts that I bought at the Death Anatomy Museum. Yeah, okay, so let me just get into this really quick. So the PowerPoint like said like Ouija boards, no, no, no, no, no, never. And everybody, what is this fan box Exactly? So, everybody, you know, I get it. Okay, they got a bad name Ouija boards. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. We can talk ours, we can talk circles. However, a lot of people in the field, paranormal field out there and I'm going to fucking call you out, okay, I don't care, liar liar pants on fire or liar liar board on fire, whatever you want to call it, you could talk about Ouija boards. Y'all have so much shit to talk about Ouija boards. But then you guys are the same ones that are fucking around with your spirit box, is asking questions and like oh, I'd like to talk to you. Please come and communicate. What the fuck is the difference? Right? Sorry, I had to rant. Okay, that's my fucking rant tonight. Anyways, what was it?

Speaker 2:

It's a lot easier to say goodbye and switch off the spirit box than it is to say goodbye and like move the bushat to you know goodbye and we're always respectful.

Speaker 1:

We're like hey guys, thanks for communicating. Chris, absolutely. Actually. Will you do your little white prayer again, like what you do for when you ground us? Listen before she does it. Let let this resonate, because this is a non religious, just like a white, light, white, you know love spiritual and this I like when she does it because it really, um, it touches all bases right and it is basically like hey, stay here, can't come with us, okay, go ahead.

Speaker 2:

Um, so I use them and we never, like, can see us. We're invisible to all negativity and evil. We are in the inner spaces. We do not absorb energy, we only observe other in our night.

Speaker 1:

Amen, sister, amen, sister, and I and I always add to that you cannot leave with us. We will come back and visit, but you have to follow the rules. You cannot leave with us. You have to stay here or go wherever, but not you cannot attach yourself to us Exactly. But you know, it's like everybody's like, oh my God, fucking Leegee Bards, like people in the paranormal community, like what the fuck is the difference? Like you're communicating, like even right now, like me sitting on here and just rambling with you. Let's say, we were just running a session live on our podcast so you're telling me that's that's way different than using a fucking Leegee Board and everybody's responses there tonight and heard people go, huh, all dramatic, and then they go. You're inviting them and you're inviting them in.

Speaker 2:

But how I'm biting them in on a sphere box as well, because you're fucking communicating.

Speaker 1:

So if you're communicating to the unknown, it's just like there's a mirror lit up right behind me, like I mean, I'm not saying-.

Speaker 2:

And I often do. People or spirits disguise their voices to pretend to be somebody else, which is no different than a spirit disguising themselves as somebody else on their Ouija board, and they think they're evil Right absolutely.

Speaker 1:

But becoming seasoned in this field we learn right, like I learned. Like Kristen Kiki shout out to Kiki, hey girl. She pretty much kind of had to like grip me up at that house investigation that we did in Harrison Township. Because here's the thing, here's the like, if I can give any advice, never make it personal. We've all done it, but don't Because whatever was attaching to me in the kitchen like really wanted to talk to me and I kept saying I felt like a woman presence. Excuse me, you know I'm drinking Shabuigan brew beer. Shout out to them Shabuigan, and it's blood. Orange honey is so good.

Speaker 2:

Anyways, I had a little- Shout out to Mitten Extracts for your bendenite and Distracted for the stargroom apple that happens to test it out. Forty-four percent.

Speaker 1:

Jesus, yeah well, you broke my pen on the way to the damn presentation. Everything you-.

Speaker 2:

No, I did not Girl, it worked before that, what you need is for a little toothpick or something and get out the goo, the goo.

Speaker 1:

Or is it going with this? Oh so the lady you know I kept Then I was like smelling onions. Well then I was like I smell potatoes in this kitchen and she had said in the spirit box um, pierogi I'm not going to try to say the Polish way Pierogi, or however she said it. And I was like I knew it was a woman. Well then, her, let's just say it, or something else disguised her voice as one of my really, really good, um, good girlfriends of mine that I had known for a long time that had passed away and it was so fucked up because our code words to each other like our nickname.

Speaker 1:

She used to call me Sunshine, because I was always a bitch in the morning, right, so she used to call me a real fucking sunshine and I used to call her Buttercup, because when she would get like down on herself or be like whiny, I'd say, suck it up, buttercup. And literally her voice, like Christina's voice not I hate saying Christina, not Christina on the podcast, not not Harry's, but the other Christina. So we all you know her voice came over. I mean it was her voice and she was like sunshine and I was like, and I sat there for a minute she kept saying, hey, sunshine, I go Buttercup and she goes, yeah, and it was so like the responses were prominent. They were like back to back to back. They were intelligent. Of course I broke down. I'm like I'm like ugly fucking crying. And you know, kristen was pretty much kind of like grit me up a little bit and like we went out to the garage. She was like Mal, think about it. Why would Christina, aka your little Buttercup, you know, one of your best friends that passed why would she come here to this house to talk to you? Like, why would she do that? And like, why would she be laughing and like doing this weird shit? I'm like oh, my God, you're so right. So my point to that is is that we were not using a fucking Ouija board. It was on spirit, it was multiple spirit boxes and then when we were out in the garage we heard them going off and we go back in there and all the spirit boxes were like communicating with each other. It was like fucking crazy. So that's my point.

Speaker 1:

I'm sorry, I just I have to rant about that. And it's not that I'm like a witchy, like I love Ouija boards, like no, no, the couple that I have they're just for display in my little paranormal part in the back of the basement. Yeah, we don't use Ouija boards. No, we don't use, and they've never worked for me, you know. But whatever, I'm not saying that they don't work. I'm not saying you you know they're wrong or they're garbage or anything like that. I think they're really cool, I think the history behind it's really cool and I think they're great showpieces for me. I don't really use them, but it's a big, big, big, like pain in my ass when people want to fucking be like Ouija boards are terrible, but they'll sit there with a spare box all damn night. Sorry, not sorry, it's the fucking same thing.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, absolutely Thank you Good speech, because I can call Thank you.

Speaker 1:

You know, not a lot of people in the field will. But I mean, I mean say that you know my balls. I got balls around my chest and I'm not afraid to like to disagree in the field. I'm not afraid to, you know, be like, stop putting such a stigma. Like it's not all, like it's not what you see in the fucking movie. And the guy from the paranormal society that was hosting the event, he even said that like shit's not like the movies, Like you can sit, you can sit somewhere for fucking 12 hours and not get any evidence. Yep.

Speaker 2:

It meant to happen to us.

Speaker 1:

Well, you're a prime example because you used to watch a lot of the excuse me, the ghost show, ghost shows on TV. I never really watched them. I mean I used to watch like stuff on travel channel, but I know it made me and I don't watch it anymore because I know it's so fake. Yeah, and that was probably hard for you, right, because?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was because, like Ghost Adventures was like, oh my God, because they were going to all these places that I only could dream of in high school. Right, right, yep. I grew up watching all these seasons, even when Nick laughed, and then, yeah, I can't do it anymore. Yeah, but now that and I do watch it it's going for the history of that location, but I don't watch the investigation.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but now that you're experienced in the field for all these years, like you know what goes into it, you know what like expect the unexpected. Basically, like when you're feeling gun, you're like, oh yeah, this place is going to be crazy. There's so much you know, like the song by 21 Pilots Don't Believe the Hype. I've kind of realized that too. I've kind of, you know, paul's offered to, you know, for us to go to Waverly because it's not that far from his parents. Yeah, and I'm like you know.

Speaker 2:

I think you should go to the check it out, though I really do?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, in my lifetime I will. That's not on top of my priority list. We are Christina, I work. This weekend we're going to the Roth house, or actually, is your mom still in Illinois?

Speaker 2:

No, she's in uh Georgia now. Oh, she did move.

Speaker 1:

Okay, yeah, um yeah, we're going to go stay at the Roth uh, roff Roth house. Okay, awesome, we're going to go to that cemetery, resurrection Mary, where people have picked her up Remember they went on dates with her and she gets dropped off the cemetery and they go and find their like coats on her grave.

Speaker 2:

Really, no, I don't remember that. That's really cool. I don't think I've had a good time this week, though that's a tale. That's some fucking evidence girl.

Speaker 1:

Yeah Well, I mean we might not get a lot at the house, like you know, like when we were staying at Lehman and we got like little jolts of evidence but it was really peaceful, I didn't think anything was bad. I mean, you know, you just never know going into it, right?

Speaker 2:

Nope, you don't, and that's okay, so I got to ask you. So, um, I and me decided for my birthday we're going to the Hinscale house.

Speaker 1:

Oh cool, how was it? Actually? We were going to rent it again in May. Oh really, yeah, um, it's um, they don't like men upstairs. That's what we gathered when we took Tom. Um, just, holly warned me, lauren warned me too, to like, really do some grounding.

Speaker 1:

I did have a couple of experiences there. Um, that, um, I didn't think what happened and I don't really. I definitely don't remember the one, and even Tom and Christina after we came back there, like yeah, that wasn't you Cause I specifically said something that I did not want to do there. And then, coming into this jolt of whatever happened to me, I was like I let's go do this, I want to explore this right now, and they're like but you said you, but anyways, um, it does make you hostile there, okay, and it did really affect Tom um throughout the rest of the trip. So, and I have pictures of Tom's face and I mean he was really uneasy, like he was sitting on the couch for a while and he's like something doesn't want me here. He's like my chest is tight and that's not like Tom, right, right, so is it just going to be you and guy?

Speaker 2:

Um, it's an open public investigation, so I don't know if there'll be the only ones there or if there'll be other people.

Speaker 1:

Okay, um, I did do some scrying upstairs in the scribe room, um, in the closet, and actually Teresa is the one who found it in one of the pictures and I was like, oh my God. And then Teresa went through the other pictures I don't, I didn't send those to you. I'll send them to you. Well, maybe I shouldn't, but maybe because you can go in there a little bit blindfolded, but it's, it definitely fucks with you. You don't really realize it until like a couple of days later. Okay, you want me to tell you the scariest part. Yeah, I, me and Christina were in the middle of doing a podcast. She's like, she's like you need to come over. I'm like, yeah, I think I should come over. She was like fucking freaked out. Okay, so there's two, there's three rooms up there. There's oh, be very careful on the stairs. They're not to code, they're like. It reminds me of my uncle, harry and Jake's old farmhouse, I think, in Port Hope. The upstairs is very steep, the stairs, and they're very like staggered like on each other. So you have to be very, very careful. And then to get across to the two little bungalow rooms, you have to like hop across. There's not like floor, I mean, there's a little bit, but you'll see when you get there, okay. So, anyways, the day I thought, see, that's the thing in my head, it was the day that we were leaving, but it was actually the night before. Okay, so there's two items in each room. I'm not going to tell you, I had no idea. I did not fuck with the one room because I wasn't even interested, but that's where Teresa got that picture, like where she found it. The other room I was like infactuated with I don't know why. I was like the stuffed animal, whatever. Now I did open up that one item in that room and I was like, oh, my God, it's so cool. Okay, I'm trying to tell you the short version.

Speaker 1:

So that day before that happened, christina claims that she heard it and she thought I was like, yeah, when you were upstairs. I was like, christina, I wasn't upstairs then, remember, we were making our little arts and crafts to like leave our initials. And she's like what the fuck? And I'm like why do we have two different memories? She's like, yeah, when you were up on the bed with me, remember. And then you remember that other one, this item, codeword item, and I said what are you talking about. She goes yeah, you were talking to me. And I said, christina, I never was on that bed in that room. I said, it's the room to the right, remember, I'm like all my videos are from that room. And she's like no, you were talking to me, she goes. And you told me exactly what that was. I said, christina, I didn't know that's what that was. I didn't even open that and she's like shut up, she. And she's like no, she. I said did you look at me? And she's like she was. I can't remember seeing your face, but I remember you sitting on this, you know. And then she caught herself and she was someone, was sitting on the bed with me and had your voice, wow, and I'm like, and I'm like, oh, my god, so like it gave me chills. So that's so.

Speaker 1:

We ended the podcast and I went over. There was like one o'clock in the morning and I'm showing her my pictures in my videos and she's like no, no, no, this isn't right, this isn't right. I was like Christina, this is the main room that I was infactuated with up there. And she's like oh, my god, and we have like different time frames on our actual pictures and videos. Really, okay, I'm gonna tell you one thing right now when you get those keys oh, you're not doing a private, so you shouldn't have to worry about it.

Speaker 1:

But the keys. The night before, when we went outside because we had to put snow suits on and I had specifically said to her I looked at her with these keys Because Tom's like bring the keys with us. Because it's like it's like a fucking house in billa, no, where, like you'll see, tom's like bring the keys with us. And I'm like and I'm looking at Chrissy, I go, I don't want to fucking bring the keys up, so what if I lose them to the house? And so there's like a little dropbox on the back of the door. I mean, christina, both seen it simultaneously. We're like the keys are going in here. I have a fucking Video of where the keys were in the fucking dropbox, the plastic little dropbox, clear, it's clear. You can see it on the back of the door. So the next day we get everything ready. Of course, tom and Christina packed the truck like retard, so I had to go back out there and repack it. They're fucking laughing. You know how I am.

Speaker 2:

So I read the whole truck.

Speaker 1:

I come in, I fucking Christina goes, I grab the keys because you got it's like lockboxes on the house and everything. The keys aren't there and we're like huh, so that the night before she makes a fucking joke and she goes, I watch them take the keys and I shut up, like shut up. And then I was like who watch him take our truck key? Then I realized I had only brought one truck key. So I took the Ford. Now the truck. He was still on the table, the key fob. So now we are like at first it was funny, now we cannot find we already packed everything. We've gone through up and through this house. Christina's outside, tom's out in the front, tom's in the Florida room. I'm like scatterbrained. I'm like oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. So I finally end up having to text Dan and I'm like listen, this is fucked up. And he's like look it, what did he text me back? It sounds like they're playing tricks on you. He's like but please find those keys. Let me know he goes, please go through all your stuff. I said we are, we're re going through everything. So, anyways, the first thing me and Christina could think of was go through the dare suits. We, we went through them thoroughly Several motherfucking times the pockets, the bibs, the coat, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And we were like oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, like this is bad, like we cannot leave this house unlocked in the end and then live like an hour away from there. And I'm like what the fuck is happening? So we get back to the house. I don't know. I walk into the house by myself and I scream and I said god damn it, please just give us the keys. I'm like you know, I'm gonna be in fucking trouble. They're not, they're not ever gonna want us back, like please. And I am like okay, I just had like a fucking mini strokes and I'm gonna go outside smoke. God said I light it up.

Speaker 1:

Christina said Melissa, get over here. And she never calls me by my full name. You know I'm Mellon and I'm like what? And she's like get over here. Right now she's in the back of the truck, so I go over there. I'm like what? Harry's second? She's like no fucking shit. She's holding the keys in her hand and I said you bitch, I said you had him the whole time. You didn't remember. She's like no, she was asked Tom, I pulled them out of a pocket, out of one of the deer suits. I said there's no fucking way, there's only two deer suits. We look through them. You did it, you seen it. I seen it. She goes, I know she goes.

Speaker 1:

They literally appeared out of nowhere and I was like holy shit, I don't think they wanted me and Christina to leave. Tom doesn't think that they liked him. I think that they thought. I think that over time they knew he was okay, but they did something physically to him because his shoulder was hurt. He just he was not Tom, the rest of the you know we go after that. We went to like Moonville Tunnel and stuff. Um, he just wasn't like the regular Tom that we know, so something. And then something attacked me in the hotel. I thought it was Christina. So either something followed us from Hinsdale, which I don't. I honestly do not think so I think it was one of those black-eyed children things in that tunnel. Yeah, just tell guy to be careful upstairs, cuz that's where the girls rooms were. Do you know any the history about that place?

Speaker 2:

I'm a little bit but I haven't done my research yet.

Speaker 1:

Because there was several exorcisms done there. Okay, I also tried to open up the doll box. There's a really creepy doll there. She was through several, several fires. I only tried to open it to get the fucking picture. So I didn't have to get the glass in the front, but it's glued, it's glued shut. I was not going to touch it out, I just wanted to get a picture of her without the glass, yeah, and there's clearly a sign that says do not open. So, yeah, anyways, anyways, alright. So to sum this up with the presentation that we went and seen tonight in Mel Clemens at the library, is that something that in the future, you think that would be like something fun to go do with our little group? I think so.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think the more we go to these places we might meet other those hunters. In that work and that's what I'm always doing someone, people and learn a little bit and see some really cool evidence being rescossed.

Speaker 1:

That's what I always say network in this field Like that's, you know, that's, I really don't.

Speaker 2:

I keep to myself. I'm really quiet around other people Other than the people I'm close with. Yeah, you were really and they see the real me.

Speaker 1:

You were really quiet around me tonight. You didn't even say a word.

Speaker 2:

Oh my God, that's why that lady was getting pissed off at us.

Speaker 1:

Why do you feel like I was whispering more to you than you were me? But I was just excited. I was like shh, this lady's getting pissed? No, you didn't say it. I heard her say it. No, I know, I know, but I knew she was getting frustrated because she was doing a peck. Oh, I didn't hear her. I didn't hear her. Yeah, I did. I did oh, so because she was more behind you on that side. Oh yeah, what a bitch.

Speaker 2:

Whatever, she was just and we definitely weren't eating popcorn.

Speaker 1:

I'm like, why the fuck we did not bring popcorn into the damn bliner? Why me? Well, you were. You did have a peppermint.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I did. I didn't realize that that was gonna bother somebody so much and I had some gum.

Speaker 1:

Oh, she said that we were snapping our gum, making bubbles, and I'm like, no, that's not a gum. Yeah, no, definitely not. I don't snap my gum. I can't stand that. I just want to have good breath and have I don't know something to do when you're sitting there. Anyways, but it was cool. Besides that old crusty clown, it was really awesome. Yeah, I was Cool.

Speaker 1:

Well, we'll have to find more to go to. Yup sounds good for me. Alright, you guys. Well then, I think that sums up this episode. And again, if you guys want to reach out suggestions, recommendations, or to bitch at us, or to tell us how we did, or just get in touch, or just get in touch network, whatever you know or email us ghost sisters2124 at gmailcom. Again, ghost sisters2124 at gmail. And if you look up Strange Drange Be'en Insane, you will see that it's linked to my TikTok. Chris is on my TikTok too, kevin, michael, everybody in the community, tom's on there. You know our little para community and you know Facebook and you know, get ahold of us, let us know. Yup. Thanks for tuning in. You guys. Have a good one.

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