Strange Deranged Beyond Insane

The Tyranny of a Cult Leader: Inside the Ant Hill Kids and the Shadow of Extremism

March 06, 2024 Melissa
The Tyranny of a Cult Leader: Inside the Ant Hill Kids and the Shadow of Extremism
Strange Deranged Beyond Insane
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Strange Deranged Beyond Insane
The Tyranny of a Cult Leader: Inside the Ant Hill Kids and the Shadow of Extremism
Mar 06, 2024

Dare to uncover the grim saga of the Ant Hill Kids as Melly Mel and I, Carissa, dissect the haunting escapades of Roch "Moïse" Thériault, a man whose charismatic veneer masked a descent into psychological terror and barbarism. Our latest podcast episode traverses the early days of Thériault's commune, the disturbing transformation into a totalitarian nightmare, and the brutal tactics he employed to enslave his followers, culminating in a dire warning about the peril of unseeing faith.

Venturing further into the shadowy world of cults, we scrutinize the contemporary landscape, questioning whether the digital era has reshaped these groups or simply provided them with a new mask. Mel and I spar over the hypothetical—would we rather be a cult leader or a member?—while pondering the complex web of human connection and the innate yearning for a community. This conversation is laced with our signature blend of humor and earnestness, leaving listeners poised on the edge of a journey through the less illuminated stories of cult extremities, resilience, and survival.

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Dare to uncover the grim saga of the Ant Hill Kids as Melly Mel and I, Carissa, dissect the haunting escapades of Roch "Moïse" Thériault, a man whose charismatic veneer masked a descent into psychological terror and barbarism. Our latest podcast episode traverses the early days of Thériault's commune, the disturbing transformation into a totalitarian nightmare, and the brutal tactics he employed to enslave his followers, culminating in a dire warning about the peril of unseeing faith.

Venturing further into the shadowy world of cults, we scrutinize the contemporary landscape, questioning whether the digital era has reshaped these groups or simply provided them with a new mask. Mel and I spar over the hypothetical—would we rather be a cult leader or a member?—while pondering the complex web of human connection and the innate yearning for a community. This conversation is laced with our signature blend of humor and earnestness, leaving listeners poised on the edge of a journey through the less illuminated stories of cult extremities, resilience, and survival.

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Speaker 1:

Good evening everyone. Tonight it is your host, hostess with the mostess, double the trouble the Issa's. The Issa's, who are you again? What's your name? Um, I think it's Carissa. Oh, carissa, okay, yeah, I think so. Okay, what is your name? Um, I believe it's Melissa.

Speaker 2:

I'm Melissa.

Speaker 1:

AKA Melly Mel, aka Trick Nasty, paranormal Gooroo's I am very making.

Speaker 2:

I got Kissa, I got Rissa.

Speaker 1:

Oh God, I got Melly Mel, melly Mel Trick Nasty you guys tonight. Um, I leave it in. Well, instead of saying Jesus take the wheel, it's Carissa take the wheel. Um, I keep saying the wrong thing what this is about, because I have not. Well, I went to go look this up on another podcast to kind of like learn about her topic and my shower speaker died and I was gonna re-listen to it, but I said you know what? No, I want this to be, it's a mystery. Yeah, it's a mystery. So, um, carissa's going to take the wheel on this, so go ahead.

Speaker 2:

Okay, first, first, what, what did you think the Caltz name was? Yeah, alien, ant fart, not a band or anything, oh God. Okay, so tonight's topic is the ant hair kids. And they were called um in Canada, actually. Okay, so this guy Roche Terrio, I believe, is how to pronounce his name. It's definitely Canadian, canadian Terrio, which the A-U-L-T at the end of the lesson, I think it's just an O. Very interesting Um. He was part of the seven, the Adventist church, and then he tried getting so much power and the church was against it. Then he kind of moved into his own leadership and formed the cult Um, but with a background story on him. He was born May 16, 1937, and he worked with a middle class family. He was considered to be really intelligent but only completed school to the seventh grade, because that was as far as the grades went in the small town he was, like raised in.

Speaker 1:

Okay, really quick, really quick. What part of Canada was this in?

Speaker 2:

Um, well, he was in Quebec and, uh, he moved them to, but eventually he moved them to a different location. Um, but I cannot feel it from you, remember. I don't know where exactly it was at, but I know the one was in Quebec. Okay, so in the 1970s he convinced, you know, a bunch of well, at the height of the cult there was 40 people, but he convinced a small group of people to leave their jobs and their homes and join them in this religious movement and they wanted to form like a commune and have free life and equality and unity and all that good stuff.

Speaker 2:

And then at the beginning his vision was that she was, like, really positive and he was against drinking and smoking and, you know, to fight the vultures and Talked about the doomsday. But in the beginning it was. You could see why people would be lured into this. This guy was extremely intelligent, like so intelligent that when he was interrogated which I'll get into that later the psychologist deemed him sane and said that all of this was just a huge mistake, because there's no way that this guy could be that brutal.

Speaker 1:

Wow, so he got away with it for a while.

Speaker 2:

The first time you got out, but then you went back in and to jail or to the psych ward?

Speaker 1:

Oh, to prison, okay.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So members of the Ant Hill kids. They were afraid to leave the commune because Daniel convinced them that they would be killed and they'd lose their salvation.

Speaker 1:

Really quick, though, before you continue, you told me to remind you that this is.

Speaker 2:

Now, with you saying that, did you listen to the podcast on the free masonry?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but you know, like the skit of that, like you know, these cut tongues out and is it.

Speaker 2:

So, before we start, I want a little bit of a spoiler alert. Is it worse than?

Speaker 1:

that the free mason, absolutely. Oh, fuck, yeah, I'm ready. Okay, go ahead. Okay, I'm excited. Okay, so you stayed in Canada. Yes, he stayed in Canada.

Speaker 2:

He eventually convinced his cult members that he was Moses, the second coming, you know, like the direct line. They talked to God and these people believed him and in 1978 I believe it was is when the world was supposed to end, and because they were such devout followers that they would be saved. And I don't even know how to describe it other than it's just like crazy how individuals can be manipulated and controlled when they trust a leader without question.

Speaker 1:

Right, like I would be asking too many questions. You know how annoying I am. I'd be like, well, why would we do that? Why this, why that? I mean, I don't. It takes a special kind of stupid, no offense and being so gullible to like follow these people.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and when I get into, like the abuse that happens, like these people believed in him so much that they were willing to take this amount of torture, oh my god. So um scroll moment. Where is I? Uh, um.

Speaker 1:

That's okay. I'm opening up a new box of incense because this is getting good.

Speaker 2:

So eventually he started, he had this medical element where he I forget exactly what it is that he had. Going on, he had a procedure done and he ended up developing this thing called dumping syndrome, which doesn't allow your food to properly, like, absorb the nutrients your stomach, and so he was always in like a lot of pain, and so he started turning the drinking to alleviate some of the pain, even though if you think about it, it would just irritate your stomach even worse. Well, during these like drunk, like drunken spills he would have and sermons, um, that's when he really started to test the loyalty of his followers.

Speaker 1:

Why didn't he just smoke weed?

Speaker 2:

Because he was, like, against the religion, but then he, like, made up his own religion. Oh, and so the best part, dreams day, obviously passed and went, and his reasoning was our time, our calendar, is different than God's calendar, and these people believed it, of course, without question.

Speaker 2:

I know I would be like, okay, I'm out. Like he moved the commune to like the middle of nowhere and, um, he's been on his fucking ass while all of these people set to work and make him a commune, and so he nicknamed them the anthill kids because it reminded him of ants working in the colony for the queen Wow, right, so because he had all of his cult members like quit their jobs and moved to this remote location. They needed some source of income to either those or you know whatever. So anthill kids did have a bakery at one point and they also had a fruit stand where they sold you know a whole bunch of little produce and whatnot, and so some people know them from the roadside stand. Sorry.

Speaker 1:

I'm sorry you cut out a little bit the roadside. What?

Speaker 2:

The roadside, fruit and the bakery, oh, okay, um and I guess I'm like nervous to get into like the abuse.

Speaker 1:

I'm like, I want to hear it. I'm morbid, tell me.

Speaker 2:

Okay, stoaps shoot each other in the shoulders. I'm gonna talk about this one Lady she received I guess I need to back up and explain this so, because he's like the Messiah now he has powers of healing people. So Part of his healings would be like injecting ethanol into stomachs and performing circumcision on adults and children. Ew, remember, because he did, psychologically, mentally, physically, he depleted them. So you know, hardly any sleep, hardly any food, work, work, work. He wanted them to be like zombies. And so this one lady, she was pregnant. He broke her hips because she ate two extra pancakes during breakfast.

Speaker 1:

Oh my, he broke her hips for that. Rips oh, ribs oh.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, without in the seizure.

Speaker 1:

I could probably overcome that. You know how I am euuren.

Speaker 2:

So like if you wanted to leave, bring like your stuff, your stuff stay there. But if you wanted to leave, he would suspend you from the ceiling and plug each body hair individually and then-.

Speaker 1:

Oh wait, hold on Each body hair individually. So head everything. Oh my god, yeah, plug each of them.

Speaker 2:

Could you, oh my god, could you imagine?

Speaker 1:

Jesus Christ yeah.

Speaker 2:

One follower tried leaving and her toe was halved off by an axe, oh my god. And since the commune was a registered church, authorities were unable to investigate the adults that were getting abused, and I talk a little bit about it. But eventually the police were brought in and the children were removed. One guy his name's Guy, of course had his testicles cut off as punishment by using rubber bands.

Speaker 1:

Oh my god, did he die from that Cause. It's like a main artery.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I'm sorry. Oh right, that was his name. He's the one who had rubber bands placed around his testicles. But what happened? After he swallowed that, he cut the testicle off, cauterized the incision with a hot iron.

Speaker 1:

Oh my god, this guy's a sick motherfucker.

Speaker 2:

Yeah he is. Wow he was into. Like group sex, homosexual tendencies, not for fear, yeah. Nudism Out of fear yeah. Pregamy Prostitution, yeah Jesus. The risk goes on and on. Like I'm not kidding, Like I know that, like so many serial killers that are like mainstream, that, like you know, there's a million documentaries on Honestly and in turn, it's not one of them.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, maybe cause it's like so gruesome, I don't know. But see, the popular ones are always um, they're always like what we went like the presentation tonight, you know we went to earlier. They're always like dramatized. You know they're made into like there's some type of like compelling, almost romanticizing to them, and then that's why they get popular. But I am so glad you're talking about this because I have never heard of this. Yeah, this is fucking nuts, and this was in the late 70s, through the 80s, right, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And like, while he decided he's you know the highest, you know the leader. He dictated how, even if his subjects were allowed to interact with each other, he controlled who was allowed to have sex with who. Um, he took on eight or nine wives, fathered like 20-some children, even even the ectmgical visits in prison and fathered four more kids, jesus Christ, I know this guy is unbelievable.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Um, yeah, so I guess we'll talk a little bit about this one lady that I wanted to talk about. Her name is Deborah Lovett-Livvalli. She, um, I think she got like the worst of the fucking worst.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So, and she is one of the members that he did not take on as a wife, so just remember that, okay. So she suffered wealthy torch burns to her genitals, so a hypodermic needle in her back and broke the needle part off. Oh, oh oh, a finger amputated with a wire cutters. Oh, parts of her breast cut off. Her eyes flashed towards the blunt side of her neck. Um, to kiss thickness of a finger. He took a hunting knife to pin her hand to a table for an hour. Then he left her arm with a belly cleaver. Otherwise, the wound gave her a dry shaft from a truck, heated with acid chain torch, some kind of torch, jesus, fucking Christ. So he left outside in a blizzard by the mother to allegedly stayed the child from. Well, and there was also an incident where this boy I guess he was special needs, he was. He hit the age, but I would say between like seven and 12. He was left babysitting this infant and he wouldn't stop crying. So he got so mad he smashed the baby's head.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my God yeah.

Speaker 2:

So they ended up owning the baby and burying it, and then told the authorities when it was brought to their attention and said that it was kicked by a horse.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my God, yeah, so out of these 44 or 47 members, and it's, you know, like height peak, the cult, where most of them kids, right.

Speaker 2:

Um, I don't know if that includes his kids but I think it does.

Speaker 1:

And how many kids did he have? Total Over 20. Jesus Christ, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So I found some like kind of fun facts Well, not fun facts, but interesting facts, yeah. So, um, he had a vision where he correctly predicted the Jonestown massacre, not quite two years beforehand. Wow. So I could see why some of his followers would be a little intrigued and say, oh, he definitely is seeing visions that are coming correct.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Um, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the. While she broke out from the community, seeked help but then ended up going back to the call and after her punishment, where she had her arm amputated, she went back, got out. And that's when Roke was arrested the second time. He was found her bunch of charges and while he was in prison, um, excuse me, um, while he was in prison he was stabbed to that Good.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And I'm trying to see. I wrote that with the guy that Karabom said, but of course I can't find it right now because I'm trying to. Uh, I wrote through it too fast.

Speaker 1:

This guy was a sick fuck, wasn't?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I mean, I didn't even like touch the pedophilia that was going on and the prostitution and yeah, I was gonna ask you about that.

Speaker 1:

So was he? He was, he was tried. Obviously I wonder how many counts, but I mean he was killed in prison. Anyways, he shanked his ass, so that was good.

Speaker 2:

Mm-hmm. Yeah, he was only 63 when he died. He was only in prison for like 17 years and I think he should have been killed a lot sooner.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I wonder he must have under protection or something. Or they just waited, or he just the wrong person. There was like yeah, no, I found out what you did and I got nothing to lose and I'm gonna get you yeah.

Speaker 2:

Well, he was serving the guy that shanked him. Um was serving, or I believe it was, a white sentence anyway. So Wow. But during his first imprisonment his powers like moved to be closer to the prison, like they were still devout.

Speaker 1:

They were still wanting to follow him.

Speaker 2:

I think I've got it Actually. Um so, while he was in prison, there's this website where, like, serial killers can like submit, like drawings and stuff that, like, you can buy. And he was trying to sell stuff and the Canada was like, up there, shit, you're not earning an extra dime, but you're crimes.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, good.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Good, good good.

Speaker 2:

Yup, wow, ever he'd been clean. Okay, I found it, so his name was Gerard McDonald the one that killed him.

Speaker 1:

Good, thank you, gerard.

Speaker 2:

Yes, thank you he stabbed him in the neck, walked to the guard station, handed him the weapon and said that piece of shit is down on the range. Here's the knife. I've sliced him up. Oh good, I know the first allegation would be in a movie or something.

Speaker 1:

Oh my God, see you should make a movie. You should help me do some movie on this.

Speaker 2:

No, it's too dark. I like dark, but this is.

Speaker 1:

This is just like straight fucking hellish, mm-hmm. Well, I got some Q&A for you now that I'm you know, I was blindfolded by this episode that you did.

Speaker 2:

What did you think of that you did? Was it interesting?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was like way more than I thought. I was like listening. I'm like holy shit, even like the first beginning where he was making them eat their own feces and others and feeding it to each other. I'm just like, oh God, that's just fucking pig-ish, like whoa.

Speaker 2:

Oh, do you want to hear one more horrible story? Yes, and the Solange. Solange passed away from this, alright, so she was complaining about having a abdominal pain. Uh-oh and thanks. Mr you know thinks he knows it all that he's got all these medical knowledge because he read up on books when he was younger learning about his condition.

Speaker 2:

Um, he forced her to lay down on a kitchen table. Nonetheless, though, house-handetary right Ooh Hunched her in the stomach and then performed an animal by shoving a tube filled with olive oil, and I believe it was some kind of syrup.

Speaker 1:

A purée A vise A purée, oh my God.

Speaker 2:

You then cut her stomach open with a box cutter knife. Oh gross, oh, my God being ripped I'll part of her intestines with his very own. First someone, oh, and cut off like a ripped cart whatever four feet of her intestines out, Push it all back in. Oh Stiffed her up. Then he shoved a tube down her throat and made the other women blow air into it and down to her stomach. Ew, Then there goes. The woman obviously passed away.

Speaker 1:

How old was. She doesn't say.

Speaker 2:

Um, I don't know how old she was, but he decided oh, I can bring her back to life. What the fuck. And it wasn't her, it was another one. He decided that when she died, he could bring her back to life. So he drilled a hole into her skull and ejaculated in it and decided that because she, he, he brought her back to life, but she would have been in too much pain, so he let it go. That's what he told his followers.

Speaker 1:

He fucking drilled a hole into this woman's head and ejaculated into it.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and then after a few quick cover-ups in another case and he ran into that boss.

Speaker 1:

Ew, oh my god, how has this not been a movie Like? The only thing close to this would be like human centipede, and even that, wasn't even that as brutal as this. Yeah, holy shit. Yeah, he drilled a hole into her head and ejaculated it what, dude?

Speaker 2:

and then like the box cutter thing no, because you're talking to like when I was he would use all of Jal's stuff, Jal Axe's, Jal's human, and the more excruciating he can make it and the more prolonged he can make it, the better.

Speaker 1:

Ew, mm-hmm, what a sick-. How did he even think of it? I'm sick motherfucker who even thinks of oh my god, yeah, oh my god.

Speaker 2:

Yup, wow. So that was my spiel, your spiel.

Speaker 1:

My spiel Wow, I'm like, I'm pretty taken back by this. I'm like, holy fuck, I didn't when you said like gruesome, I'm like, okay, it's probably I'm like thinking like he's stoning people to death and, you know, cut their heads off to captivate them, put them on like the family's porch or something. But I was like whoa, this is like way this, this definitely escalated. Yeah, woo, girl, wow, yup. Are you ready for your Q&A? Yes, all right. Or, if you, you know, would you rather, all right. So you had to pick in this um Aunt Kid Colt or um Hands Made Tales, hands Made Tales. Oh, I had one more, but okay, so you would pick Hands Made even if you had to go to the radiation fields, you would pick them over this. Yes, okay, all right.

Speaker 2:

And we're not having medical procedures done on me, knowing that I'm fully awake and for all of these torturous devices, and I'm telling you that you were starving.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you need gas just to get like fillings. So, yeah, you would not do well with this.

Speaker 2:

No, no, I wouldn't.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you guys shout out to Kevin. Um, kevin Rowe, he's been on here a couple of times. He actually has been talking about doing like Q&As on the podcast. So thank you. So that's that's why we're starting this tonight and since this is your episode, I definitely wanted to do a Q&A, all right.

Speaker 1:

So you picked Hands Made-Tale anything over this? Um, just ghoulish, morbid, disgusting, pigish, cold. Yes, okay, um, if okay, let's go back to the late 1970s. All right, I'll use me as an example out of all your friends, because not that I know them all very well, but I know a lot of your friends aren't into this shit. But so I'll just use myself as an example. I'll put myself out on the butcher table. So we're in the late 70s, we're good friends, we're both in the, you know, let's say, even back then. We're in the witchy, witchy, bitchy shit. Right? If I, if I, if you had to choose to Become a member, an undercover member in this cult, but could still get whacked at any time or Me dying, what would you choose? She's like, it was so nice meeting you. Oh, do you?

Speaker 2:

really want to go through on the torture.

Speaker 1:

I do want to just be done. Just be done, all right. Another Q&A, do you think? I don't know if I should ask this one. It's kind of cool and I can. We can talk about anything on here. Who am I joking? Yeah, right, okay. So do you think modern cults like this still exist, but they're just under the radar more now? Yes, even with the technology and social media.

Speaker 2:

I think, even more so because people are looking to find the niche somewhere. You know a group of people that accept them who they are, and it's easier to find a group Easier now than ever because you have the access to the internet. Okay, okay, last Q&A Just like, think about it, like okay, if you're sensing to be considered a cult.

Speaker 1:

Well, we're a legend. I mean a lot of it. I think it's cult like sorry.

Speaker 2:

But we're all kind of spiritual. Right, okay, so technically we could be a cult, while people could consider us a cult.

Speaker 1:

Well, remember we were gonna put a cult somewhere in our podcast and the first group that we formed but Tom, uncle Tom was like I don't like the name cult and we're like it's a cult, like a cult, a cult. He's like, no, no cult, no cult. We're like, oh, he's probably right.

Speaker 2:

I didn't mean to be thinking about it, I mean. We, I guess you know, we are more than just religious cults though.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we are kind of a Look, should I say that I mean, we're not like a, I don't know. Are we kind of like a cult, like spiritual people I mean?

Speaker 2:

no, not really. We just we are a group of people with all the same, similar interest, and that's essentially what a cult is, except that most of the time you're like it's something religious, so we're basically something that resonates in that person. So we are kind of an occult in our I mean I mean, I'm not only a little fucked up, but I think so, I think it's kind of cute Para community, para community out there, give us some feedback.

Speaker 1:

Okay, oh shit, there goes the phone, sorry. Okay, no, I pounded on the desk, um, my computer desk. Okay, last q&a, you ready? Yep, for you. Okay, be a cult leader. This is your two options To be become a cult leader or be in a cult. What are you choosing? You don't have any other option. It's one. It's A or B. Yeah, your name.

Speaker 2:

I'm taking the leadership position. I knew it. You get treated like a fucking queen. You don't get a lift of fucking finger, oh Jesus, and of course I'm gonna choose that Jesus.

Speaker 1:

Christ yeah, little cappuccino. Passenger seat princess.

Speaker 2:

Snap my fingers.

Speaker 1:

Oh God, it's total gemini thing to say.

Speaker 2:

I can talk. I can talk a sermon on ghost hunting for an hour. Maybe not that valuable, but I can find something to talk about.

Speaker 1:

Uh-oh, you guys, be careful out there. Be careful, you guys. Do you have any Q&As for me or questions for me?

Speaker 2:

What would you choose to do?

Speaker 1:

What the leader or a cult member? You want to know my honest opinion? Yeah, be a cult member so that I can play pretty nice girl and then I'm gonna kill the leader, okay, alright. Yeah, good perspective. Silent killer I'm a sandbagger baby, you know. You look up serial murder list. By the way, I've said it before, I'm not just a Virgo, I'm a Virgo Libra, but there's a lot of Virgos serial killers. Yeah, that's where my mind goes. I'm gonna be a member and I'm very observant. You know this. Really, I'm gonna wait to strike and when I strike, I'm gonna strike big.

Speaker 2:

So I'm assuming that if you had to choose from the first set of questions, you would've chosen Yandzwee, tier two. That's kind of what Jun is. She hides in the shadows, she's like a good little girl, but the whole time she's blue and a fucking yeah yeah, that's me, beast of mass.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's me. I was just thinking. I just thought that would have been you too, because you're a Gemini.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, when you give me that perspective, yeah, I could see me doing that too.

Speaker 1:

But let's see, I like to be pampered. Yeah, you would just stay like one of those fucking bougie wives. You'd be like it's fine as long as I have a nice house and nice clothes and food.

Speaker 2:

No, I don't even need all that. Just this has my feet when I ask.

Speaker 1:

Oh, so you would be the wife like, what's that bitch's name? I was trying to get pregnant, I don't know. Hands made, tail, the main one, the wife of the main, oh, serena, serena, yeah, so you want to be a fucking Serena and we're all out in the radiation fields for you, you bitch, you're a bitch.

Speaker 2:

I'm just standing in my chair making my way, are you fucker?

Speaker 1:

I'm just oh my god, now we really know. I mean, come on, tell us how you really feel, oh my god. Well, this episode, this is good, you guys again, viewer discretion advised. It's very morbid, it's very brutal, it's disturbing, but it is. I thought that was a great episode. I never knew about this.

Speaker 2:

Like I cannot believe there's documentaries on Amazon Prime, on Hulu, on Netflix, I think there might be maybe one movie, but like you would expect it to be, a movie like Dahmer is Wow. Well, thank you for sharing that no thank you for having me on, and I think next time I will try finding just an interesting cult.

Speaker 1:

Haven't you on, girl, you're the host tonight. You're the you're the host is what the most is tonight. Oh, thank you.

Speaker 2:

And I just want to point out that viewers and listeners have like any ideas, comments, you know, whatever, whether it's good criticism, bad criticism, whatever we're up to hear from you Suggestions and we want to hear your feedback.

Speaker 1:

Who else is like Carissa, here with the fucked up mind and looks up the most fucked up?

Speaker 2:

cult. You know, if you give me one to look up, I will research the fuck out of it and we will make it a fantastic episode.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, she's like the little researcher. That's what she's always like to do. She wants to write essays and I'm like, cool, yeah, but I want to hear. That's why I did a Q&A, because I wanted to hear your take on it. But this was awesome. Like I said, I never could have imagined that it would got that dark. I'm sitting in the basement like whoo. I started to sweat a little bit. We thought our lives were bad.

Speaker 1:

The box cutter like fucks me up, because I used to stock back in the day at Vegas Food Center, like you know the little tiny mom pot grocery store that played all 60, you know golden age, 60s and 70s music, and I remember cutting through boxes and boxes and boxes and you know cutting myself with these dull. I'm going to throw up box cutters that were rusted and I cannot fucking fathom being cut open multiple times with a goddamn box cutter. I mean it just like. And then the needle, the hollow point needle breaking in the middle. Oh, I know right, oh, that reminds me of one of the Saw movies where she falls in the pit of needles and I'm like, oh God, oh, I can't. That just made my whole back arch up. I know it makes your butthole fucking pucker. I'm like, oh no, thank you, just kill me. Well, we have another quick one after this about our adventure tonight, but thank you so much and I cannot wait to hear more from you on anything the Colts or the.

Speaker 1:

Chris also loves the serial killers. What's your favorite? Jack the Ripper, right? Yeah, I would say Jack HH Holmes, yep, hh.

Speaker 2:

Holmes is the first American serial killer, so I mean he is probably the most interesting to me. But Tom and the nice doctor, I mean they're all interesting in their own ways.

Speaker 1:

Well, you'll be back on to make our ears bleed with this gruesome. Sounds good. All right, you guys again. You know. Get ahold of us on our email, ghost sisters2124. At Gmail we haven't. I'm gonna figure out some kind of way with, like a burner phone, whatever. I want people to call in live while we're podcasting. So I got to.

Speaker 2:

I'll rather be correct.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So I want to talk to AT&T about that on our business account and see what I can do for that. I think that would be really cool, because I don't, I don't. People are, you know, even me. I'm like fucking emailing is like old school, but I mean, or even the, even the text, we can't be given out our numbers.

Speaker 1:

You know, because I think you know this, chris, that we have went global with this podcast. Yes, we're in the UK, we're in Germany, india is from your friend, joey. Yes, we're like what else are we? I think there's like a Russia, and then quite a few states, a lot of states, a lot of different parts in California got in New Jersey, tennessee. So it's growing and you know this isn't for like fame and fortune.

Speaker 1:

I mean this is something that's been brewing for many years between all of us, because this is a way. I mean this is to me it's like, you know, like a live journal. I mean this is our, besides our, home life. You know, you know husbands and you know Chris has got a kid and you know kids and you know work. You know, obviously work always comes first, because you know bills got to get paid, oh yeah, but this is a big chunk of our life and this is, this is a lot of work. That's went in a lot of research, time driving. You know um, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

So we want you to. We want to hear from you guys. You know, please. Um, like I said, email us again. Ghost Sisters 2124 at Gmail. You can find Chris on Facebook. You can find me on Facebook. Um, if you look up Strange, strange Beyond Insane, you guys will see Um YouTube channel again. Still got to get you know. I told you guys a couple weeks ago I need some time to you know, keep going um Adding to that right, because that takes time. Um, you can find us on TikTok. Um, I don't have an Instagram. I don't do Twitter X, whatever it's called. Alright, sorry, but if you look up Strange, strange Beyond Insane, you'll see it and you know, like I said, again, we want to hear from you guys. Thank you guys for tuning in.

Speaker 2:

Yes, thank you so much and have a good night.

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