Strange Deranged Beyond Insane

Encounters with the Unexplained A Guide to Safe Ghost Hunting

March 18, 2024 Melissa
Encounters with the Unexplained A Guide to Safe Ghost Hunting
Strange Deranged Beyond Insane
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Strange Deranged Beyond Insane
Encounters with the Unexplained A Guide to Safe Ghost Hunting
Mar 18, 2024

Ever felt chills skitter down your spine as you overheard a tale of the paranormal? Imagine the pulse-quickening reality of facing the inexplicable, like a toilet with a mind of its own or an investigator's encounter with a self-inflicted wound in the Velisca Axe Murder House. In this nerve-racking episode, we recount firsthand the unpredictable escapades of ghost hunting and the eerie repercussions that followed. My own confrontation with the supernatural at Pioneer Cemetery left me with more than just a chilling story—a mysterious eye condition that still baffles me. We tread that precarious line between seeking the unknown and the unforeseen consequences, and it's a journey you won't want to miss.

Navigating the shadows of haunted realms requires more than just courage; it calls for a clear head and the right gear. Together with Kristina, a newcomer to our spectral pursuits, we've encountered time slips and aggressive energies that remind us just how thin the veil may be. Insights on high-quality sound equipment and the art of remaining grounded become invaluable as we discuss the essentials of paranormal investigation safety. And for those eager to explore these haunted locations themselves? I offer a word of wisdom on age restrictions and the potential pitfalls of liability. Strap in and brace yourself for a revelation that merges the chilling with the practical.

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Ever felt chills skitter down your spine as you overheard a tale of the paranormal? Imagine the pulse-quickening reality of facing the inexplicable, like a toilet with a mind of its own or an investigator's encounter with a self-inflicted wound in the Velisca Axe Murder House. In this nerve-racking episode, we recount firsthand the unpredictable escapades of ghost hunting and the eerie repercussions that followed. My own confrontation with the supernatural at Pioneer Cemetery left me with more than just a chilling story—a mysterious eye condition that still baffles me. We tread that precarious line between seeking the unknown and the unforeseen consequences, and it's a journey you won't want to miss.

Navigating the shadows of haunted realms requires more than just courage; it calls for a clear head and the right gear. Together with Kristina, a newcomer to our spectral pursuits, we've encountered time slips and aggressive energies that remind us just how thin the veil may be. Insights on high-quality sound equipment and the art of remaining grounded become invaluable as we discuss the essentials of paranormal investigation safety. And for those eager to explore these haunted locations themselves? I offer a word of wisdom on age restrictions and the potential pitfalls of liability. Strap in and brace yourself for a revelation that merges the chilling with the practical.

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Speaker 1:

I'm getting out of here. Oh shit, oh darn it. Ah, ah, ah, ah Ah.

Speaker 2:

Ah, ah, what the fuck, what the fuck, oh my god.

Speaker 1:

Wow, wow, wow.

Speaker 2:

Holy crap man. Oh god, Holy shit, I'm in a toilet. I'm in a freaking toilet, bro, I'm getting out of here.

Speaker 1:

Hey everyone, it's your host, Melissa at Strange Strange Band Sing. So the clip that you just heard. Imagine being on a paranormal investigation with either a group or just you and another friend and having Having that happen, something happen to you that would make you that scared. So that's kind of like what this episode is based on and just from experiences of my own and all the paranormal investigations that I have done in Michigan and out of state, outside, inside buildings, in asylums, in prisons. Yeah, a lot of that happens.

Speaker 1:

A lot of times you freak yourself out or you hear something and you can debunk it. But in this video actually a toilet was throwing down the stairs so, as you can hear, the guy started running because he heard something behind him and then he got down to the end of the stairs and a toilet just came tumbling down and then just completely shredded into pieces. So yeah, I would name this like paranormal investigations that have gone wrong or have scared the shit out of people, and I'm going to play another one and then I'm going to get into just like a little deep dive into what it's like investigating and how many things can go wrong and then how important it is to have people around you that you trust, that can help you come out of a situation or a feeling when it overcomes you, and vice versa, what you need to do for someone else. I'm going to play this next little clip.

Speaker 2:

Those hunts gone wrong. Part two the Velisca axe murder house is a well known hotbed for paranormal activity and many people believe that it is plagued with negative entities that haunt the place. Around 12.45 am, while the rest of his group was outside, robert Stephen Larson Jr was inside the Northwest bedroom by himself. He called for help on the two way radio and his friends immediately ran back into the house. When his friends ran inside, they were shocked to see that Larson Jr had a self inflicted stab wound in his chest. He was taken to the nearby hospital but then had to be airlifted to one of the larger hospitals in Nebraska. He did eventually return to the house one more time to apologize to the spirits that he apparently insulted. But the story does have a happy ending. He did survive his wounds, but what made him stop himself? You tell me Ghost hunts gone wrong.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so that is one of my favorite stories because you don't really hear any other scary real life incidents happening to paranormal investigators like that. And this is Alex Medcio. I think she's an author. I follow her on Tiktok too and I just kind of want to tell you some of the comments. So this is haunted LA girl. She says the Larson case is very interesting.

Speaker 1:

He set up the room just like the killer taunted the spirits Key word he taunted the spirits, blacked out and woke up with a knife in his shoulder. Yeah, so this is the Veliska Iowa house. It's Axe Murderer house and you guys can look it up. We did, chris, and I actually covered this on a podcast episode last year. So this brings me to to talk about something you know I have mentioned it in more recent episodes.

Speaker 1:

I'd say in like the last six months me investigating, like physically going on and investigating I've had a lot of different and more extreme things happen, and the first thing I want to start off with is at the Pioneer Cemetery, also known as Foot Cemetery because of the main last names there Foot F-O-O-T. You can look that up Again. That was a hole in the wall like little cemetery that we came across and we just went down this rabbit hole and that's where my eye situation happened, with the very bizarre cataract known as a white cap, usually seen in like 85 years and older, and my symptoms started with my eye about a week after and it literally turned into a ghost eye, like you could physically see the cataract in my eye and you didn't even have to get close to it. Even the nurses at the hospital when I went to get my surgery, they were like holy shit, I can see it, and they're like you're so young, and I had told them the story, like all of them, and they were just like blown away. So, and then all these other bad things had followed after, with Tom and Christina, with family members. I do believe that it was almost like a mothman prophecy, because the flying let's just say thing that we had seen above us and the wing flapping, and then Kevin almost being literally lifted off the ground, and I had that on video. I think that this cryptid is actually for the better good. I think that it was warning us. It's just crazy that I never knew that my eye had that and that the symptoms started a week later. And then the other, like I said the other bad things that had happened to other people in the group had happened like about a week later too. The other thing I wanna talk about is the astro projecting that started about I don't know eight, nine months ago, the more vivid like night terror dreams that I've had. But I really wanna do like a deep dive into while doing paranormal investigations and the more recent times that I've realized.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so, christina has. She's been on here many times. One of the first episodes with her was talking about the haunted condo that she lives in, and that's a whole nother rabbit hole. But she's really opened up I guess you can say her third eye in this past year, year and a half. She's definitely come to her higher self and she has so much passion for paranormal investigations and paranormal research and she has, like just really made waves. I mean she's come very far in a short amount of time. I mean it's amazing Something about her and I together doing these investigations, like I can't, like we lose time for one, like we have a time lapse all the time.

Speaker 1:

There are things she can remember, things that I can't remember. And then like the hostility, like it will just happen out of nowhere and it will only last a couple minutes and then we both kind of like look each other and we're like what the fuck was that? It's just. I think, her and I together, I think that we just kind of like open. I think because her and I are so open to the afterlife and we're like, I guess you could say, inviting, and we're so eager to just explore and get evidence and then talk about it. I think I'm not going to say it's a bad thing, but I think that sometimes her and I together are almost a little too inviting. I mean, we do ground ourselves.

Speaker 1:

There has been a couple of times when I've had to like tell the energy and the spirits around like hey, you need to take it easy on her these. You know she's just, you know, kind of like coming out into these other locations and investigating. Like she's not seasoned yet in like going many places, although she does have quite a few under her belt already in this past year. You know, I need to tell them. Like you know, you cannot attach yourself to her or I, you cannot come home with us, you cannot leave with us, you cannot be in our vehicle, but there is.

Speaker 1:

You know, if I had to give any tips always be coherent. You know, be in a coherent state of mind, right when you're out investigating. A little bit of herb is not going to kill no one. Some wine, a little bit of wine, a little bit of beer, it's definitely helpful, you know, just to kind of like relax and take the edge off a little bit, or like in our cases we're very hyper, so it kind of like brings us down a little bit. I wouldn't be like slamming a bottle of you know a whole fucking fifth of liquor.

Speaker 1:

I would definitely leave liquor and hard drugs out of any kind of paranormal investigations because of the fact that you again, you want to be in the right state of mind and you know you got to watch for people going into like psychosis already because you don't know what. You know the energy at these places. There has been a lot of scary and, I'd say, exciting. You know experiences that we've had somewhere a little more scary than others, but you know, with all the evidence that we have and our recordings, videos, and you know certain apps that we use and the spirit boxes that we use and you know all the in between, I would say that my favorite tip now to give anyone is definitely invest in some really good sound enhancing headphones, like what they use at the gun ranges.

Speaker 1:

I feel like that is like the key to any investigation now, like I don't go anywhere without them. It's amazing what you can hear from far away, like, let's say, if I'm all the way in the very back of my backyard and you know we don't have a super small yard, it's pretty good size and, let's say, someone standing at the back of the house, so completely across from each other, if you whisper I can hear it in my, in my sound enhancing headphones. So that is like everybody that does it should have invested in those. I mean, I don't want to sound weird saying this, but when you do wear those headphones to investigations or if you're just doing something like at home, you do have to do, I would say, like a form of meditation. You have to be very calm. You have to be very calm.

Speaker 1:

A lot of videos that you guys see me doing these sessions. I will have my eyes closed. Sometimes I rock back and forth. You really want to feel and you really want to like really, really open up your ears and, I guess, essentially your third eye to know exactly what is being told to you. A lot of times you can hear people walking and there's nobody physically alive walking. You can hear doors opening. You can hear doors creaking. If you're not used to them, I would say take it slow. It is something you kind of have to build up with experiences. The more you do it, the better, the better and easier it will be to manage them and understand in here.

Speaker 1:

So Christina does have a birthday coming up, so I did tell her I will find her a pink pair, a pink headset for her, because she really really enjoys them. At first she really didn't like it. She said she just couldn't hear and it's too loud and the background noises was distracting her. And I told her I said, the more that you use them and you learn how to concentrate with them, you will see that. You'll see now why I always bring my headset. It also is extremely draining. It does drain a lot of energy out of you. First of all, you're focused on what you're hearing and you're painting a picture in your head at the same time, like trying to put all these words together, and a lot of times it's way better than just using your natural ears. So I definitely recommend that Again, be coherent during investigations.

Speaker 1:

Know that when you're tired you need to lay down and go to sleep. Because you are up all day, all night. You can hallucinate from having a lack of sleep. Like I said, what I've noticed, even the last six months I'm losing time, like somehow, some way, there's a time lapse. I won't remember at all, even laying down. I'm talking a lot more now, like when I'm sleeping at these places in my sleep, and maybe it's just something that comes with more. Like as you get more seasoned as an investigator and a researcher, maybe you're more opened. But I definitely want to hear from everybody and hear suggestions and hear your opinions and hear what else you guys think and things that work for you.

Speaker 1:

But I do want to put a brief warning out there. Really, really be careful, especially when you're far away from home and you're traveling and you're not getting a lot of sleep and, like I said, be around people that you trust. I guess I can't compare it to this, but in my mind this makes sense to say this Like, imagine if you are with one other person or a group whatever, and you're all going to do shrooms together, you're all going to eat the mushrooms. It's always been told if you're going to take shrooms you have to be around happy people. You have to be happy. You know like suppressed feelings are not good before taking these. I mean because you could just have a really bad fucking trip, right. Same thing. Same thing with going to investigations or just investigating locally. If you're not in a good mood or you're pissed or you're like really sad, you probably don't want to be going out doing this Because you're more open to negative energy and you're an easy target for a, let's just say, a more potent and onry spirit to take over, or even something that was never living before, so like a cryptid or something much more darker.

Speaker 1:

So I just like a little heads up about this and play it safe and smart out there and, like I said, a little bit of herb, a little bit of wine and beer is never going to hurt anybody, but no hardcore drugs. I would be drinking liquor when you're out in the field and also you want to remember everything. Now, sometimes, even being sober, you don't remember everything that happened until you look back at your evidence or listen to your evidence. So yeah, I just wanted to kind of put some pointers out there and hopefully this helps beginners or anyone out there that's thinking about getting into the paranormal field. And of course, this is all recreational and you do go to these haunted places or haunted areas at your own risk.

Speaker 1:

There's no kind of insurance or a lot of these places. You have to sign waivers and when you sign a waiver somewhere, you're basically siding your life away. Essentially, if something happens when you're there, whoever owns it or the company, they're not responsible for you. So it's definitely something to think about. I think mature 16 year olds that their parents are into this and want to take them to haunted places. I think, like if the parent thinks that they're, they deem them mature enough and able to handle it absolutely. Now I would say, probably like 18 and older, your mind's a little more seasoned and developed at that time, right, so I probably wouldn't be taking kids to haunted locations. But yeah, so those are my pointers. So thank you guys for tuning in and we'll be chatting soon.

Paranormal Investigations
Paranormal Investigations and Safety Tips
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