Strange Deranged Beyond Insane

Truths and Tales from the Sky to the Screen in a World of Wonders

March 21, 2024 Melissa
Truths and Tales from the Sky to the Screen in a World of Wonders
Strange Deranged Beyond Insane
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Strange Deranged Beyond Insane
Truths and Tales from the Sky to the Screen in a World of Wonders
Mar 21, 2024

Ever wondered why the sky seems crisscrossed with eerie trails or why we never see baby pigeons? Our latest episode is a whirlwind tour through the foggy landscape of conspiracy theories, from the almost believable to the delightfully absurd. Let's start with a chuckle as I recount my son's hilarious yet poignant musings on slasher flicks, setting the stage for a deep exploration into the murky world of chemtrails, where a 1996 Air Force paper becomes the linchpin of our discourse. As we navigate the layers of belief cloaking these streaks in the sky, we ponder the serious implications of such theories on public health and societal trust.

Venturing further into the realm of the bizarre, we're joined by a special guest to dissect the late music icon Prince's distrust of chemtrails and his ties to the Jehovah's Witness faith and the Illuminati. This chapter isn't just about the purple rain but also the shadowy forecast of celebrity fate and the tantalizingly odd notion that birds might be more than they seem—perhaps even feathered spies in the sky. Through personal anecdotes and thoughtful debate, we peel back the layers of these conspiracy-laden topics, considering the broader consequences of surrendering to such skepticism.

Closing out our eclectic conversation, we shift from the conspiracy-laden to the digital domain of TikTok, musing on its role in championing free speech and connecting ideas. We share personal stories on the quest for simpler living, the challenges of a Taco Bell-fueled post-apocalyptic world, and the elusive nature of baby pigeons. By the end of this episode, you'll have laughed, questioned, and perhaps even looked up at the sky a little differently. So, if you're ready to find humor amidst the haze and reflect on the strange tapestry of beliefs that weaves our world together, this is one conversation you won't want to miss.

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Ever wondered why the sky seems crisscrossed with eerie trails or why we never see baby pigeons? Our latest episode is a whirlwind tour through the foggy landscape of conspiracy theories, from the almost believable to the delightfully absurd. Let's start with a chuckle as I recount my son's hilarious yet poignant musings on slasher flicks, setting the stage for a deep exploration into the murky world of chemtrails, where a 1996 Air Force paper becomes the linchpin of our discourse. As we navigate the layers of belief cloaking these streaks in the sky, we ponder the serious implications of such theories on public health and societal trust.

Venturing further into the realm of the bizarre, we're joined by a special guest to dissect the late music icon Prince's distrust of chemtrails and his ties to the Jehovah's Witness faith and the Illuminati. This chapter isn't just about the purple rain but also the shadowy forecast of celebrity fate and the tantalizingly odd notion that birds might be more than they seem—perhaps even feathered spies in the sky. Through personal anecdotes and thoughtful debate, we peel back the layers of these conspiracy-laden topics, considering the broader consequences of surrendering to such skepticism.

Closing out our eclectic conversation, we shift from the conspiracy-laden to the digital domain of TikTok, musing on its role in championing free speech and connecting ideas. We share personal stories on the quest for simpler living, the challenges of a Taco Bell-fueled post-apocalyptic world, and the elusive nature of baby pigeons. By the end of this episode, you'll have laughed, questioned, and perhaps even looked up at the sky a little differently. So, if you're ready to find humor amidst the haze and reflect on the strange tapestry of beliefs that weaves our world together, this is one conversation you won't want to miss.

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Speaker 1:

Good evening everyone. It is your host hostess. With the mostess, here we go, melissa and Melissa at Strange Durange, beyond and Same, beyond and Same.

Speaker 2:

Alright, thank you for having me on tonight. I can only get down into this subject.

Speaker 1:

I only had to pay her a thousand dollars.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's not true. It was nine hundred fifty. We negotiated.

Speaker 1:

Oh, nine hundred fifty. Okay. Well, why don't you tell them a little funny story about your son? What did you let him watch? I was talking about his behavior when I happened to hit the bus. No, I'm talking about the movie. I have a movie even better.

Speaker 2:

So my son is seven and he and me and my husband, we have been very much in the world since Halloween's a favorite kind of the year, and so Jackson and John pictures are like Chucky and Jason. Since he was like five. Well, he's been bugging us to watch the movie and they thought so we'll be glad to hear him, and he's going to ruin my bug right now.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my goodness.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he's like playing with his fidget spinner. And then he was like dude, you should have ran. He was hilarious, like it freaked him out.

Speaker 1:

Well, let's be honest, guy watches horror movies. Chris, that does not stay awake.

Speaker 2:

No, I don't Okay. I listen to Michael Myers than Halloween. I usually stay awake.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, she wants to make out with Michael Myers.

Speaker 2:

I think it's my story.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because he always chases you, he never lets up, right?

Speaker 2:

No, because, oh my, it doesn't matter how fast you run, he somehow catches up to you just by walking, like it's miraculous.

Speaker 1:

Oh God, you're one of the dumb bimbos in the movie. That's like oh, I was just saying you know I'm going to get away and you just happened to trip right.

Speaker 2:

Oh, no don't. I don't think this is going to work Super slut. Oh God, can I help you sharpen that blade?

Speaker 1:

Oh God, that's awful. You know you being a Gemini. I would have thought you would have been the mastermind behind Michael's Michael Myers telling him what to do. No I would probably be that girl. Oh, of course you're that girl, alright, so we're going to end this episode right now. Actually I'm just kidding, alright. So which subject do you want to start with? The birds aren't real conspiracy or the chemtrails?

Speaker 2:

Um, well, I thinklet's start with the chemtrails, Because it's an older conspiracy Like the birds. Aren't real conspiracy Really just started on TikTok and Twitter Not that long ago.

Speaker 1:

Well, actually I thought it was from Vietnam, right, and that when it started, oh really, I thought that's what my customer said. But anyways, okay, so chemtrails. So what do you think chemtrails are? Before we start Well, two things.

Speaker 2:

I think some of the trails are chemtrails, which are like the water vapor that's created by like airplanes and rockets Right, and then there's chemtrails.

Speaker 1:

Well, if you ask Christina, aka Harry Stack on here, she just drive with her on a trip and she'll say look at all the pretty pollution clouds.

Speaker 2:

I like that word instead of chemtrails.

Speaker 1:

She says look how beautiful the pollution is.

Speaker 2:

And like I was saying I'm high, I say I'm elevated.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my God, alright. So basically, this article from CNN is just saying like we've all seen those white streaks trailing behind jets, creating stripes against the blue sky. The lines are called contrails, short for condensation trails, and that's what you just said. So the water vapor condenses and freezes around the exhaust, and that's what makes that. And then so chemtrails.

Speaker 1:

So how this conspiracy came about, or a theory, I mean same thing, right, but to me like a conspiracy is different than a theory, right, okay. So chemtrails the idea has been around since 1996 and is largely rooted in the Air Force research paper from the same year Weather as a force, multi multiplayer, owning the weather in 2025. It outlines a future weather modification system to achieve military objectives using aerospace forces and does not reflect current military policy practice or capability. The environmental protection agency has stated so in the most basic meaning. Chemtrails conspiracy basically consists that the controls are not created by water vapor at all, but instead are a sign that the government, the wealthy or some mix of the two, is secretly letting out toxic chemicals into the air, creating these white lines.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, and the different contrails dissipate faster than contrails.

Speaker 1:

Contrails, so CON right, and then chemtrail.

Speaker 2:

Yep, yep. And so you were talking about like the weather modification Contrails also, like I thought to be like a way of like population control Right.

Speaker 1:

And I think that's what my customer, that's what got him and I on the subject at work the other day, and he was like I was telling him that we have a podcast and he's like, oh my God, do he's like, have you done an episode on the chemtrails before? And I'm like I mean, maybe we've mentioned it, but we've never done like a full episode. So hey, and then I texted you tonight. I was like you want to hop on, let's talk about it. So it's. You know, the idea is like what you were saying. It says it's supposed toxic chemical chemicals, but they're not one. They can vary. Some believe chemicals are being used to poison humanity, others say it's for mind control and some think some people think it's a way for the government to control the weather. What do you think?

Speaker 2:

I think it's more population control, which I think the government's done a really good job at curving the population without you to like I don't care what you are, but them pushing like gay and lesbian and bisexual and all the others within that umbrella At such a young age. It's causing people not to reproduce.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yeah, Actually my brother Jason shout out to him. He is a huge conspiracy theorist on the COVID, the vaccination, Like he thinks oh, I am too. Yep, and he said not our generation, but the next generation's. It's to make them not be able to procreate.

Speaker 2:

Yeah Well, did you know? I don't remember what, your why or sir, but the government was using these people as test subjects without their knowledge. Oh, I yes, with the voice, and like the government didn't tell these people.

Speaker 1:

No, I watched a documentary and that was so fucked up.

Speaker 2:

Like how easy is it to put controls or something of that nature to all the population and the government not tell us Exactly. Government lies to us all the fucking time.

Speaker 1:

Oh, hell, yeah, they do. We're just numbers, we are and they need to control us? Yep, somehow they will. And Biden is doing a good job of that. You know he's trying to cut off DoorDash. All the extra gig work. Yeah, he's trying to pass that bill. So that's just like. I mean like, that's just like the TikTok fan. Just like the TikTok fan, yep.

Speaker 2:

He used to like deal with like more serious issues.

Speaker 1:

No shit, we have way bigger fish to fry. Like how everything is going up in fucking costs. It don't even matter how much you make. That's another cost of the other day. Oh, you know you guys, you know you guys do make a lot more, but you know the cost of living. I said exactly the cost of living, like I don't give a fuck, let me make less and make living a lot cheaper. Okay, fine, fuck it.

Speaker 2:

Do you know that back in like 1980, we'll say five the average cost of living was like $38,000. And that was with moms who were staying home with the kids? Just a one family income? Oh, absolutely. And when you live that comfortably in today's age, you have to make at least $170,000.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but even at 100 G's it's really not enough for one income. Think about it. Especially if you have more than one kid, you can't.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I agree, but like me, I don't make no $170,000. Hell, no, I'm living at technically a poverty level. Yep, yep. It just blows my mind how much it costs. And you got a raise.

Speaker 1:

You got a raise. Think about that.

Speaker 2:

We're just. It goes fucking back to my taxes. Yep, I know we were just bitchin' about this earlier.

Speaker 1:

I know we just Bullshit. We can't fucking win. I'm scared for the kids. You know what I mean? Oh my, so this now this article is saying how did the Chemtrails conspiracy theory take off? So it's saying the idea that the government is spraying humanity with chemicals isn't completely without base. So during the Cold War, the British government conducted more than 750 mock chemical warfare attacks on the general public. According to researchers, this subjected hundreds of thousands of people to zinc. Uh, I don't know if I'm gonna say it. You know how I am saying this word. Zinc can Canmium sulfide, a chemical chosen due to its small size, is similar to that of germs and because it glows under ultraviolet light, making it easy to trace, the chemical was thought to be non-toxic at the time. Through repeated exposure could be cancerous. The US, uh-huh, the US did the same in the 1950s and the 1960s, using the chemical as a tracer to test the dispersion of biological weapons.

Speaker 2:

See, and so chemtrails obviously is a valid conspiracy theory that nothing for sure really exists, but the possibility of it wraps a bucket loopy.

Speaker 1:

Then this reads on in 2021, a Facebook post went viral claiming that President Joe Biden manipulated the weather through chemtrails and caused Texas week-long deep freeze that February, with hundreds of people engaging with the message and people died. Then, too, that was fucked up like they literally froze to death. On X, thousands of people follow accounts dedicated to tracking and posting proof of these chemtrails. One 2017 study, which had a nationally representative sample of 1,000 people, found that about 10% of Americans believed the conspiracy completely, while upwards of 30% of Americans at least found it somewhat true. So think about that 10% completely, 30% somewhat Right, fucked up. So let's move on to Prince. I know I watched his interview years ago on Instagram. That was on, but I watched it again on TikTok. So he did this rare TV interview. He talked to Obama about chemtrails on PBS, and this was April 28, 2009. And this is a Rolling Stone article about Prince. Okay, so Prince also related some personal, intimate stuff, including his childhood bout with epilepsy that made him an outcast. See, I didn't know that he had epilepsy.

Speaker 2:

No, I didn't either.

Speaker 1:

No, until I watched this stuff on him, he says. I tried to compensate for that by being as noisy as I could and be as flashy as I could, he said. Prince also shared his two favorite misinterpreted lyrics. Dig, if you will, a picture of me, marvin Gaye and the kids, and when Doves cry and a woman who heard pay the rent collect instead of little red Corbett. That's fucking great.

Speaker 1:

But anyways, getting back to his so Prince made a rare television appearance yesterday, sitting down with Tavis Smiley for his PBS talk show to discuss about chemtrails. So oh, and I didn't know this about him, he was a Jehovah Witness.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I knew that.

Speaker 1:

Okay. So he's saying he brings up chemtrails and he's saying it's a conspiracy theory that argues jets sorry, I had to pop up here that argues jets drop chemicals through smoky exhaust. When I found out that there was a president before George Washington, I wanted to smack somebody. And the historic election of President Barack Obama. Prince said I don't vote and I got nothing to do with it. And he went on to explain he doesn't vote because of he's a Jehovah Witness and that prophecy is what we all have to go by now.

Speaker 1:

So then he gets into his weirdness about some personal stuff and then he goes on. I'm trying to find the part. Sorry, guys, it's like all these pop-ups, but anyways, to give you guys an address where he grew up at, he recalls seeing chemtrails, okay, and he talks about like how he knew that they were different from regular clouds and that he would talk to his mom about it and how he thinks that that caused a lot of his illnesses. And he also hold on a minute. I'm trying to pull up the other article. See, they kind of this was the whole conspiracy about Prince too, about how he died, because he was really getting into, like environmental science and it's really hard to actually find it.

Speaker 2:

Isn't it funny how, like celebrities and stuff will come out with different causes and then suddenly they got mysterious spells.

Speaker 1:

Well, yeah, that's what happened.

Speaker 2:

And then he started trafficking and he moved these documentaries coming out car accident.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's, yes, you reminded me. So, prince. He said that he was digging more on chemtrails and that he knows that it's part of the Luminati and that was actually like very, um, very close to like when he died. Yeah, okay, I finally found it the Luminati but they're all fucking videos. Um, someone said purple chemtrails killed Prince. I'm not jazzed. Like why would you say that Purple Rain Like like Prince is like. My favorite song is Purple Rain.

Speaker 2:

Oh, my God, when I went to his concert I know we know you went to Prince, so I know that I was so bummed at the show and then I was like no way did he not sing Purple Rain? Okay, everyone's clearing out and I'm like no, not even yet. Sure shouldn't have came back here, or the rock I'm down to like I don't know, like the first level before the main level, and we're at like those green scenes, wow. So that was my clear moment with Prince.

Speaker 1:

Okay. So Prince wasn't afraid of a little conspiracy himself. This reads on Tavis Miley's PBS show. So, going back in 2009, prince mentions that he saw a Dick Gregory speech. It was so inspired by Gregory's discussion of chemtrails and conspiracies he wrote a song about it. Dreamer, off his album Lotus Flower talks of chemtrails in the sky and how everyone in the neighborhood is fighting soon after. The idea behind chemtrails is that there are chemicals in the jet stream behind aircraft and those chemicals are either one controlling the weather or two acting as destructive mind control agents to influence behavior. And then this reads too about his death.

Speaker 1:

People took some kind of warning and it is a kind of an eerie thing to say right before you died. Some people think that this was a message excuse me that he knew he was going to be murdered, so he was really like in a deep dive into this like more recent time too. I mean he's been talking about it for a long time, but I mean it seems like anybody with any influence when they die. I mean I'm sorry when they come out and say something that they're dead. It's fucked up. So let's just be happy on the podcast that we're not like big time celebrities, because I mean, some would already, you know, unalive me. They'd have been like, this bitch has a big mouth, like, get rid of her. She's speaking the truth, oh my God. So that's on chemtrails.

Speaker 1:

I do believe in chemtrails for real. I don't know exactly what I mean. I think there's a multiple things that they're used for government, wise, illuminati, whatever. But I will leave some time at the end because I want Chris to talk about the Illuminati, because what she, how she believes. But before we get into that, this article and this, what my client was talking about, like the chemtrails and the birds aren't real. So are the? Are the birds real? That you see, are they not? Here's what you need to know about the viral conspiracy theory. Have you heard the latest viral conspiracy theory? Birds aren't real and the animals are actually drones sent from the government to spy on you. The theory admits birds were real animals, but US officials forcibly made the entire species extinct in the 20th century, according to the movement's website, and all of these real birds were replaced with surveillance drones.

Speaker 2:

Uh huh.

Speaker 1:

What do you think?

Speaker 2:

I'm trying to think that every bird is. No, I don't, I don't, but I heard a theory that saying that they genetically alter the pigeons. Okay, Eventually by. I guess by now all of those are not real birds.

Speaker 1:

That's why I want you to get on here, because remember the time you were talking to me about baby pigeons and you're like when have you ever seen a baby pigeon? And I'm like, what are you talking about? And I was like, wait, I only see them when they're full grown.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you do not see baby pigeons. I'm so used to why I think that pigeons are not real birds.

Speaker 1:

You want to know something really fucking weird today. Like I know it's kind of off subject, but I was driving through the neighborhood coming back the first time by my from my brothers and I have a rental vehicle like a loaner right now, so I was like driving it a little bit and I kept seeing something like right, like it was below the power line and I'm like, am I just seeing this? Well, it's my good eye, you know my surgery. I am like, no, I see this. So I fucking drive under the thing and it's a fucking drone little one. Just it was literally in the air by itself and I had to seriously drive back by and it was fucking still there, very, very small Jones.

Speaker 2:

So me to the fact that people watching what I'm doing and I can see the drone obviously can see me.

Speaker 1:

Let me tell you it was so. It was not that high up to the point where it's because I'm driving a bigger truck right now the Silverado to the point where it was like not that much higher than the roof of the truck that I'm driving and I'm like who fucking has it? Is that some of the neighborhood Like, is that from the guy? I don't know, that's fucked up. Yeah, it is so with the whole luminati, because obviously this all it's like a big circle jerk. It all points back to a luminati higher than government or our government, whatever. Why don't you tell them your thoughts of luminati, about celebrities and all that?

Speaker 2:

Oh, celebrities, almost all of them are part of the luminati. Um, the political, the grids presidents are all part of the luminati and I think that they do a lot of fucked up things.

Speaker 1:

But why did you say um? What's the number one reason why celebrities work for the illuminati or why they are the Illuminati? First, they have to have some power and they're the biggest influencers, right, correct?

Speaker 2:

So like Beyonce or like she'll do, like us and panic rituals on a fucking stage? Yes, but people don't know that it is. It just looks like it's part of the show.

Speaker 1:

No, people are starting to point it out. Now, though, people are putting that shit out there. Now, I think celebrities are going to get evaporated, and this is my opinion. Okay, so we came into this new portal after the pandemic, right? I feel like they're going to put us through a new portal and they're going to evaporate celebrities, and one day, we're going to wake up and we're not going to like remember any of those celebrities.

Speaker 2:

Hmm, that's an interesting theory.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if it's going to happen in our like soon, but they keep talking more and more about this three or four days of darkness with this eclipse, and now they're making that. You know, we're going to go to Dayton to see the eclipse and now they're taking control of that and they're saying that there's going to be traffic jam like jams, and they're getting the border patrol involved and everyone's like why, over a fucking eclipse, they didn't do that in 2017 for the eclipse Right? Oh, and I read an article they said be stopped up for food and water for about three, four days.

Speaker 2:

Now I'll go ahead and do just the same side. I mean, am I there's even rules that are closed on that day.

Speaker 1:

What's closed Schools? Well, yes, so people pointed that out on social media too. See, that's something they can't get rid of. They can't get-.

Speaker 2:

Because I remember being in school when I saw my first knee club. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Then another one I was little too was I was in my aunt's pool and she bitched at me for looking up with my bare eye, but oh my God. The thing is now they're coming back and saying oh well, we basically put spring break around the eclipse. Well, why would you do that?

Speaker 2:

Right Now they're- You're gonna make some.

Speaker 1:

They're saying that the eclipse is like a man-made thing now, so I don't know what's gonna happen, but this is all part of this conspiracy, shit, I mean.

Speaker 2:

Like I said I hope not, because then they have complete control over our weather.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, think about it. Like my flowers in the backyard, going out the door while they're all bloomed. Yeah, Already. Yeah, everyone's been-. One of the girls I work with she put it on Snapchat today oh, that's early, yeah, they're already bloomed. Everything on my tree in front, in the middle, in the front yard, by my garden, it's all blot they're not blossom, it's budded.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Ah, crazy, huh, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So I don't know. But this one guy got kind of shitty one day. I was cutting his hair and he was like he's the one who brought it up. He was like I don't know why everyone's making a big deal of the goddamn weather, blah, blah, blah. And I said well, sir, respectfully, people are starting to freak out just a little because the crops, like they, might be shit this year because of the weather. And he goes well, why the hell do I care? I'm not a goddamn farmer. I said, well, do you eat food, sir? Do you like to eat food? Right, is that priceless? And he was like, oh, and I'm like, yeah, more cookies. Yeah, like, you know, if you like to eat, if you got a family to feed, like might not work out, your favor, right? No, so I don't know. This is it's crazy, though, but I don't know just weird things lately. You know, I always am like a I try not to think about synchronicities and stuff but like they're always like blatantly like right in my face and I'm just like oh God, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I was just actually talking to you the other day about this lady. She's a nurse. I said my friend Chris says she knows every plague that's ever happened. She knows it all. I said, and she did say a couple of years ago, she said that coronavirus is like the black plague and it will be back for more. And she said I absolutely agree with her. And I said, oh shit, that's scary Coming from a nurse, because it's true though. Yeah, we're not over it.

Speaker 2:

I mean, even today and this day and age, people still get the bubonic plague.

Speaker 1:

Do you think another pandemic is on the rise?

Speaker 2:

Well, like with a lot of plagues, they go down or slow down for a few years and then like Boom. Yeah, so Do I think We'll be in another lockdown. I don't know that we'll be in another lockdown. I don't know that the people will allow it, right.

Speaker 1:

Well then didn't Sylvia Brown say in 2024, something like A virus is going to come back with vengeance, basically?

Speaker 2:

Oh, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I know Kevin's big on Sylvia Brown. I had to ask him. I think he read all the books, but, um, I don't know, it's pretty cray, cray. Oh my God, all of our listeners are guys, so excited tonight. We're all about, you know, doom and gloom and so and we're over here laughing, we're like.

Speaker 2:

Listen, if you can't laugh through top subjects, I don't know to tell you, right, we're pretty fucking morbid.

Speaker 1:

Yes, we are. You know we haven't crashed the funeral yet. I've crashed a wedding before in my life. That was fun.

Speaker 2:

I wish the wedding to in Ohio.

Speaker 1:

Oh, actually we and then we also crashed a party bus, a wedding party. Oh, that's cool. Oh God, that was years ago. I've never crashed a funeral. You know, we should try that. We should Well see, you can like stay serious and you're going to get all into like your feelings because, like you know, you can like you know you like read people like their last rights or whatever. Like I'm going to be like cracking up. You're going to have to like punch me and be like shut up. I'll be like that's so fucked up. I hope, first of all, I'm not going to have a funeral because I can't even afford to die. I say that all the time. But let's just say, in some wonderland I have this funeral. I hope somebody crashes it. Like I hope, if I'm in a, in a fucking coffin, like someone tips over the coffin, like do something fun, oh you are.

Speaker 1:

I know the Ouija cards. Yes, look at the messages. You're next Ha ha, ha, ha ha.

Speaker 2:

I'm just going to hold a minute for my Ouija board. Um, no, I want, like I don't know, somebody that nobody knows coming to my funeral. Come over to me and be like my boss. I'm going to have to do now and walk away.

Speaker 1:

Yep, there you go, although you don't really look I'm a mad boss. You don't really look Italian. No, I don't. You're right, I'm a French Canadian mom. You could be French Canadian mom, or you could be like the Swedish mom. Let's see what else. Ha ha, ha ha. You could go for Irish. Oh, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Anyways, I want to get out to a cemetery soon.

Speaker 1:

I went by a cemetery. Well, I mean, except for like just driving through, you know, for like the little spots that we went, but um, through states, you know. But I want to get out to a cemetery soon. That would be fun. I'm going to try to kidnap a baby pigeon and see if I can debunk this.

Speaker 2:

Ha ha ha, dissected, ha ha ha. Yeah, dude, I'm a puppy.

Speaker 1:

I'm a guy that would be so fucked up if you dissected a baby pigeon. There's like all like fucking computer chips in it. Should I be like whole? Like that would freak me. I'd be like, oh my God, maybe I didn't want to know.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to go and get a new window. You have a head on your fucking app, because the government's going to be like, oh, she can't say what's really going on.

Speaker 1:

Yeah right, they'd listen to the podcast. They'd be like, oh, she's special, we don't have to worry about her, she just rants on about shit. Ha ha, ha, ha, jeez. Is there any quick conspiracy theory that you really like?

Speaker 2:

I mean, there's a lot of them, but I don't know One that I was just telling you about earlier. Like, do you think that the government has a cure to cancer but is refusing to do so?

Speaker 1:

Yes, absolutely yeah, because look at all those doctors in other countries that do natural stuff when my and then they die like they get killed. My mom, when she was going through cancer, like my brother, fought like hell to try to get like apricot seeds because that was supposed to do something for cancer. Then all of a sudden you could not, you could not order, it was illegal to get apricot seeds. Oh, fuck yeah, there is, fuck yeah. And you know what? I hope I'm not living to actually see that conspiracy come true, because you know how fucking angry all of us would be, all the people we lost, like, yeah, we're all going to die someday, but like what the fuck Like?

Speaker 2:

I lost. So you have population control. It's to hit the pharmaceutical Yep and then you hit some kickbacks from the pharmaceuticals with government.

Speaker 1:

I mean kids fucking die, okay. I mean like you can't even reason with that. I mean I don't know. Yes, but I, to answer your question, 1000% yes, and maybe listen, maybe not every single form of cancer, but a lot of cancers yes, I agree.

Speaker 2:

It's just like our government like against a lot of homeopathic remedies, or you know well, just, or CBD, or you know all these things that are proven to help humans, Even with homeless. My grandma had cancer and I gave her CBD. I'm not saying that that was the only thing that cured her, but you have to help the process, absolutely, look it up.

Speaker 1:

That's why I started on my CBD pens too. Like the CBD THC, like it's amazing what CBD CBD does and it comes from. You know the certain part of the plant and if you get all scientific about it and you look up diagrams and shit, you see what it can do for your body. Yeah, but another thing to the homeless like they can, they can do homeless pads Like they can. Like there's people out there scientists, architectures, all that. They've been working on this stuff and you'll see it start to take off in like little sections of the world and then it's just like boom, it's just gone, it's disempated right away. You know what I mean. Like there's all this instead of like worrying about fucking TikTok bands and you know this and that, like this is all the shit that people should be talking about and they're not. I mean they are. This is why I love TikTok. You take TikTok away from me and I'm going to be an angry, angry, fucking bitch. Oh, me too. Because I love TikTok. Yeah, because TikTok tells you the truth.

Speaker 2:

That's why they I think it's one of the few platforms that we can communicate with each other freely on our freedom of speech.

Speaker 1:

I feel like I've made more friends on TikTok than I ever would on Facebook or Instagram. Like Instagram shit, facebook shit TikTok. I mean I just keep Facebook for like family and like some friends on there, but I don't really go on it a lot, you know that. But TikTok is like you can build like common grounds, trust with people because it's a safe spot. Like people can talk about what the things that need to be talked about.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely yeah.

Speaker 1:

So I'm very passionate about the TikTok thing and the but yeah, the cancer thing, absolutely, the homeless thing, absolutely. I mean, it's just there's so much and that's why so many people are going to simple way of living and are building tiny homes. We don't need all this extra shit. I mean, obviously we don't need a lot, but they keep taking and taking and taking and making everything so expensive, like we're all going to be in the fucking hut soon. We're all going to be living in huts. Yeah, yeah. I mean, do you even know where to hunt Taco Bell? Like, how do you hunt Taco Bell?

Speaker 1:

Oh my God, that's going to be so depressing, like how do we hunt for Taco Bell? I need Taco Bell, please. I need the secret sauce recipe for the cheese the nacho cheese, please, taco Bell. I'll do anything. I'll do anything within reason.

Speaker 2:

I need to have the Scott Byworld chicken nuggets for Jackson or I'll fuck.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's easy. Once the world goes to shit, we'll just go into the freezers and get him chicken nuggets. But knowing Jackson, he's going to ask a million questions and he's like well, actually I don't like chicken nuggets anymore, it's going to be chicken fries. Oh God, that kid's too smart for his own good. Yeah, he is, but anyways, let's end this. So Jackson, her son, he likes scary shit, but it okay, because it scared me when I was younger the original. But I kept watching it, watching it. Actually, I've had girlfriends that like wouldn't be my friend anymore because I told them that if they come spend the night we're watching it. They're like I'm not spending the night, I'm not your friend. I was like fuck you. Actually, jackson asked to see the original.

Speaker 2:

He said I want to see the original. Dude, the original is so good, but yeah, I put it into the little watch this one.

Speaker 1:

Okay, the second one, though has that one might really freak him out.

Speaker 2:

We started the second one and I stopped it for the evening.

Speaker 1:

But I have been waiting for what? Now? It's been years for the show Welcome to Derry, okay, and the whole fucking Hollywood strike thing. Fuck that up. But it's back in production, whether it's done or not, I don't know. They haven't really given like a complete, you know absolute okay Hurrah date, but it is coming in 2024. Now, whether that's later in this year or I cannot fucking wait for that show Welcome to Derry. I even made a TikTok about it again. I made two TikToks about welcome to Derry.

Speaker 2:

What are streaming services?

Speaker 1:

about Um HBO Max. I think, oh, fuck yeah.

Speaker 2:

I have that.

Speaker 1:

Sweet, I will be watching that religiously and I know they're going to do. Hbo does a good job, so, yes, I'm super excited. I made a good show.

Speaker 2:

I'm excited.

Speaker 1:

I'm so excited.

Speaker 2:

I showed me a preview of that and I was like okay.

Speaker 1:

Did? I have been waiting for this for like four years. Soon, as they came out and even announced it, I was like, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, thanks. I've always been obsessed with it Since I was little. I'm telling you like a lot of my girlfriends were freaked out. They were like you're crazy, I don't want to watch it. I'm like, well then, you can't come over. I only had like a couple of friends Even my guy friends were like scared sometimes, how like obsessed I was with it. I just I was never that kid scared of clowns. Now my cousin, Sarah, hates clowns. My sister-in-law Kobe I fucking hate Clyde. Oh my God, you know what. I'm going to kidnap all you bitches. Take you guys to Ohio this year for the clown car wash.

Speaker 2:

I've been to the clown car wash.

Speaker 1:

No, the one in Ohio. Oh, not the one in Ohio, that one and that's. You know we're not going to talk too much shit about Ohio, but the Ohioans are crazy. They're like Michiganders 2.0. I, I've watched videos and like it's creepy. It is like really creepy. Yeah, I went to that clown one with you remember. Yeah, that's right. Yeah, oh, my gosh, you know what. You just, you just Listen, I don't know my step-down memories of it. You just stepped down in tear. God, I got to pay you to be on the podcast. You can't remember anything we did.

Speaker 2:

I'm not any good.

Speaker 1:

Oh my goodness Well I guess you can revive yourself, because the latest podcast you did on the, go ahead and say it, cause I'm going to say it wrong the cult.

Speaker 2:

Oh, the annual kids Annual.

Speaker 1:

I don't always you know what I always want to call it, but Carissa is brewing up a new cult episode which I'm excited about. Yes, I'm still researching. Morbidly excited about.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I am still working on it. I want to find like a cult that like nobody really knows about.

Speaker 1:

Okay, Well, that one. I had never heard of that one.

Speaker 2:

Right and I want to find something similar, like, of course one day I would love, or maybe I'll do it with another cult, but you know, like the branch to the, to the ends, or you know, like Jim Jones, those kind of cults Find one.

Speaker 1:

It was all in. Trust me, Find a small like weird one in Michigan.

Speaker 2:

Two All right, I'll start looking. I didn't think about just nailing it down. I don't know. I have to see if there's anything.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, I'm excited. Yes, well, that concludes tonight's episode everyone. Thank you guys for listening. You know where to get a get ahold of us on our email. Go ahead, chris. What?

Speaker 2:

that Go sisters 2124 at juniorcom.

Speaker 1:

Tell them you're a TikTok too. You're a TikTok.

Speaker 2:

Oh God, god, I don't know if I know my name, hold on.

Speaker 1:

What is her name? She doesn't know me, okay.

Speaker 2:

Kisa K-I-S-S-A-52485.

Speaker 1:

Finder on TikTok. Finder, tiktok, you don't stop Well that's all.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I just want to thank you for having me on tonight.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for coming aboard and we'll be chatting with you guys soon have a good night.

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