Strange Deranged Beyond Insane

Shadows of Suspicion: Bridge Catastrophes, Eclipses, and the Echoes of Global Mysteries

March 27, 2024 Melissa
Shadows of Suspicion: Bridge Catastrophes, Eclipses, and the Echoes of Global Mysteries
Strange Deranged Beyond Insane
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Strange Deranged Beyond Insane
Shadows of Suspicion: Bridge Catastrophes, Eclipses, and the Echoes of Global Mysteries
Mar 27, 2024

Could a bridge collapse be just the tip of the iceberg for something far more sinister? Buckle up as I, Melissa, guide you through a riveting episode packed with eerie coincidences and conspiracy theories that will have you questioning reality. We kick things off with the bizarre circumstances surrounding the Baltimore Bridge disaster and the cryptic advisories for the upcoming April 8th solar eclipse. Why are officials suggesting precautions that seem over-the-top for a fleeting celestial event? Explore the unsettling connections between the film "Leave the World Behind" and the uncanny events unfolding before our eyes. I'll walk you through my frenetic theory-crafting sessions, drawing parallels that might just send shivers down your spine.

As we tear apart the web of speculation, we scrutinize the potential cyber-attack narrative proposed by Andrew Tate, and the ominous declarations from figures like Alex Jones and Michael Flynn. Could a seemingly isolated incident actually be a harbinger of World War III or a black swan event? We dive headlong into the disquieting reactions and their potential global repercussions, from the UN Security Council to cryptic moves by Israel. Then, shifting gears to a lighter note, we ponder the strange behaviors of animals during solar eclipses. Could these be natural warnings, or perhaps opportunities for technological espionage? By the end of our journey, you'll have indulged in a feast of curiosities that span the political, the natural, and the downright bizarre. Join the conversation and see if you can untangle the truth from the madness.

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Could a bridge collapse be just the tip of the iceberg for something far more sinister? Buckle up as I, Melissa, guide you through a riveting episode packed with eerie coincidences and conspiracy theories that will have you questioning reality. We kick things off with the bizarre circumstances surrounding the Baltimore Bridge disaster and the cryptic advisories for the upcoming April 8th solar eclipse. Why are officials suggesting precautions that seem over-the-top for a fleeting celestial event? Explore the unsettling connections between the film "Leave the World Behind" and the uncanny events unfolding before our eyes. I'll walk you through my frenetic theory-crafting sessions, drawing parallels that might just send shivers down your spine.

As we tear apart the web of speculation, we scrutinize the potential cyber-attack narrative proposed by Andrew Tate, and the ominous declarations from figures like Alex Jones and Michael Flynn. Could a seemingly isolated incident actually be a harbinger of World War III or a black swan event? We dive headlong into the disquieting reactions and their potential global repercussions, from the UN Security Council to cryptic moves by Israel. Then, shifting gears to a lighter note, we ponder the strange behaviors of animals during solar eclipses. Could these be natural warnings, or perhaps opportunities for technological espionage? By the end of our journey, you'll have indulged in a feast of curiosities that span the political, the natural, and the downright bizarre. Join the conversation and see if you can untangle the truth from the madness.

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Speaker 1:

This is a distraction. This is a distraction. The Baltimore Bridge collapse is a distraction. Everything that's been going on these past couple weeks has been a distraction. For what's really finna come? You guys do realize that this man tweeted out that March 26th something bad was gonna happen in Baltimore, and Twitter deleted it right away, but that ain't tell you.

Speaker 2:

Good afternoon everyone. It's your host, melissa at Strange, deranged Beyond Insane. All right, so today I have a. I guess you could say it's not too strange or unusual for this podcast, but I do want to start off with saying that I have, in my latest episodes, have talked a lot about you know what's going on, the events this year in the most recent times, and I kind of want to pull all this together today. So I'm going to start off with again talking about the 2024 big solar eclipse, this year, which is April 8th, so it's only a couple weeks away.

Speaker 2:

Now I do want to point this out. Okay, so there's always like the basic advisories for a solar eclipse. We've had many. It's not like a rare thing for them to happen. However, this one is extremely rare the totality and you know we can go on and on. We've already explained that in the latest episodes. So the usual advisories are like okay, we're protective, we're the right protective eyewear. Obviously, be careful driving in it, you know, keep your headlights on when it's dark. Blah, blah, blah. Now I just kind of want to point this out. So this year this we'll just call it this rare event is issuing much more different advisories. So I do kind of find it weird that they're saying to schedule errands and your appointments early and I mean I guess if I had to reason with that I would say, okay, because it's going to get dark for so much time, right, but if you're already in your doctor's office or you're in the dentist's office and you're, you know, getting a cleaning done, like what would it matter if you're already in there? But we're going to, you know, when we keep digging and picking your brains, you'll see what I. You know what I mean by this. This one is extremely fucking alarming. This advisory is saying have communication plan ready, so for your friends and family. They're saying that there could be a shortage of internet this day. Have cash on hand because of the internet shortage or the power outage, whatever you want to call it. They're saying to buy necessary groceries and have your vehicles filled up with gas.

Speaker 2:

Now, everybody knows that when there's a solar eclipse or any type of you know phenomena, that happens. Everybody around the world wants to see it. So I understand, like the heavy traffic and all that, and they, you know figure. Okay, let's be safe when you get a lot of people in one area that are trying to see the same thing. You know that could be an issue. I understand that They've already talked about the traffic jams and this and that, like, why would we have to go buy groceries and, you know, set up for this If this isn't that big of a deal and it's a literal solar eclipse? That isn't going to even be you know all fucking day long it's. I think it's like four minutes, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So, anyways, a lot of this is coming from like Ohio's, you know, like news and advisories and that, this and that. Because Ohio is going to be the hot area to travel, at least our way, and I was going to go with my friend Michael and Kevin, we were thinking about driving to Dayton. However, I don't think it is necessary nor safe, so we're going to stay in the Detroit metro area and watch it. I don't even want to be on the road, so I would advise anybody working that day traveling. Be safe. Okay, so now this brings me to and this again is all kind of coming together.

Speaker 2:

So the movie we've talked about this on the podcast to leave the world behind on Netflix Julia Roberts, ethan Hawke great fucking movie. We've talked about this on the podcast to leave the world behind on Netflix. Julia Roberts, ethan Hawke great fucking movie. I love it because it picks your brain apart and everyone will have a different theory, right? Best kind of movie there is to get the people talking and to get everybody debating and sharing their thoughts on it. Excuse me, okay. So over um last several weeks, I have been jotting down things, um, basically um typing things on my computer and how I want to go about this. But today I just got um like a firecracker up my ass after I got done with my hair appointments and I just started writing like crazy amount of notes and really trying to figure out how to put all this together. So I'm going to start off again leave the world behind with the movie. So let's talk about what's really and what people are talking about and then I will get into my notes. One moment, okay, hold on one second. One second, okay, okay.

Speaker 2:

So this particular video is saying that, um, the baltimore bridge crash, the recent crash that just happened, um, they are actually saying that that is the same crash that happened in the movie leave the world behind, and I can't find it. You know, this has been the weird thing I've been sending. I actually sent Carissa. Here's another thing I want to point out really quick. I know I'm getting off subject, but, um, I sent Carissa a TikTok video today and, um, I was like I sent her back a message and I was like, hey, hey, let's see. I said I sent you a TikTok, laughed my ass off about when you're in your car on a bridge and her biggest fear is like heights and she hates going over bridges with bodies of water. I said it's not to scare you, it's just like, hey, like it's an educational video. And I've been seeing a lot and I'm not.

Speaker 2:

I really haven't even had to look up what happened with this terrible collapse of this bridge, baltimore Bridge, because it's all over the news, it's all over TikTok, all platforms. But in just some videos that I have watched recently just jotting down notes, there's like all these commercials and advertisements saying like if you were to fall in water in a vehicle, what to do, and all these emergency plans that have to do with a bridge and water, and I find that very alarming. And, um, excuse me, her response was, huh, and I said I sent you a TikTok, laugh my ass off about if you're on the car on the bridge and if you were to fall in and what to do. And I said I'm not sure if it went through. And she goes, I only got an Epstein video, the other one won't load. And I was like, oh, okay, never mind then. And she was like, well, you could always resend it. And my response to her was I didn't save it, but I honestly couldn't find it, which I thought was really weird because I had just sent it. So I was going to play another video about the movie Leave the World Behind and the Baltimore Bridge, but I cannot find it. It's showing that the video is not available. So, anyways, moving forward. Okay, so tying in all these weird phenomenas? Okay, leave the world behind.

Speaker 2:

So the conspiracy with the major eclipse going on and this bridge talk and all these other things happening in the world right now Everybody is pointing out about the oil tanker ship crash the real life, meaning that it could actually be the beginning of a slave ship, about this movie and that it is like metaphoric for what is happening today. So the White Lion ship is basically in the movie. They're showing that it's an attack on America. It shows like there's these scary deer that are appearing and there's obviously something really wrong with these deer. They're not like normal deer that you see every day. You know, roaming the fields, there's all these Teslas crashing, bizarre screeching in the movie, flocks of flamingos randomly landing in the pool. You know that could be a lot about the climate control and the climate changes and there's so many meanings.

Speaker 2:

So this movie has a lot of symbolic meanings. So the white lion the white lion is referenced. Now this is about the animal, the white lion. Now this is what I find extremely, extremely bizarre and you can't even like trip over this, hop over this, push this away, without thinking, okay, there is like all this shit happening is all fucking tight end. My friend, my good friend, mr 420, on TikTok, he has been on the podcast. He has been ripping video after video after video out there. It pretty much you know explaining the same type of thing that I'm doing right now.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so the symbolic meaning the white lion is reference to a slavery. Lion is reference to a slavery, the ship. But now, speaking with the animal, it's showing that this is like. The white lion is a special place. It holds a special place in African folklore and the history is with legends telling that they were children of the sun god s-u-n sun, sun god and were sent to earth as sun gifts s-u-n sun gifts, meaning the animal, the white lion. Um, yeah, that's weird, right, and this big eclipse happening and that movie just came out and Obama owning I don't know if he owns the production of that or rights of the production, but everybody knows that Obama is behind that movie on Netflix too.

Speaker 2:

So if you kind of like you add all these together and all these meanings, I mean you can't tell me that you miss it, right? And you don't have to be a conspiracy freak to fucking see it. It's right in front of your eyes, right? And this movie is really the other part of it is showing that how US is. Us basically goes under attack because they've created so many enemies with other countries and basically when the other countries fight back and kind of, they kind of take our tricks and use them against us. And you know there's mind control in this movie. There's, you know, just all kinds of. So if you have not seen that movie again, please watch the movie Now.

Speaker 2:

The White Lion Ship is. This is. This goes back in history. So it was an English privateer, operating under a dutch letter of mark that that brought the first africans to the english colony of virginia in 1619, a year before the arrival of the mayflower in new eng. The African I'm sorry, the African captures were sold as indentured servants and this event is regarded as the start of the African slavery in the colonial history of the United States. So I'm like wow, okay, and I'm not even laughing because it's funny, I'm just like it. All the hidden meanings are there, you know, okay, so, and it's again. So the Americans wrongdoings.

Speaker 2:

Um, it's showing this in the movie and it's constantly showing omens and a series of unfortunate events that take place in this movie. The movie clearly points out a lot of direct mentions to signs and symbolism, along with many omens. So now, with this Baltimore Bridge collapse. So in the movie, you guys know the ship comes, everyone knows something is crazy happening. Something crazy is happening because this ship doesn't stop and it just brushes up on shore Right and if people wouldn't have moved, the fuck out of the way. Obviously you don't want to be taken out by a huge, massive, large body of ship. Steel coming and you know, running you and your children over your whole family. Steel coming and you know, running you and your children over your whole family, okay. And then about the Baltimore Bridge collapse a bridge in the movie, the airplanes, all of that.

Speaker 2:

So there's a lot of conspiracies already running wild on the internet about this whole bridge thing going on the Francis Scott Key Bridge. So they're going. These conspiracies have really went viral. Um, so basically this, I mean just right off the bat it's a cargo ship. Um, so that could cause supply shortage. Um, it definitely altered traffic that day, shipping and routes impacted.

Speaker 2:

Um, a lot of people are saying that this is a cyber attack or World War III. So again, the US has yet to confirm the cause of this collapse, even as rescue operations continue. Now, as of yesterday, I know that there was at least over 200 dead. I don't know how many more have died or how many more they have found. I hope not many more. It's terrible what happened and you don't hear about this every day. This isn't like a usual thing that happens so hours after the crash on the Francis Scott Key Bridge. You know, like I said, the internet went wild. So this goes from terrorists to Israel to some users across the platform. X and other platforms are blaming each other and other countries and this and that, and they're just finding all reasons why this happened and obviously these rumors and these conspiracies and these people are going to keep spinning their wheels because they still have not they still have yet to find a cause on why this happened.

Speaker 2:

Now, I have watched many videos in between doing hair yesterday at work. I've talked to a lot of clients about it at work. The videos do seem very fucking sketchy. You literally see how the ship hits, just the support and the lights are on, and then all of a sudden they go off. So very sketchy, so let's get into some more. Okay, so the influencer, Andrew Tate, steve Sadowski, if you're listening to this episode, this is one of Steve's favorite guys that he used to really follow. Actually, steve got my he actually picked my brain apart about this, this dude, and I had finally started doing some research on him and I'm like, wow, this guy does have a point. Okay Again. So this is influencer.

Speaker 2:

Andrew Tate claimed that this was a cyber attack. Again, opinion based. That's what he thinks. Let me go through all my notes here because I have many. He thinks it's because he pointed out the ship's lights went off and was deliberately steered towards the bridge, the bridge's support. That's what I think the same thing. I mean when I watch the videos I'm like that, like holy shit. You can see it clear as day.

Speaker 2:

Infowars founder Alex Jones reposted and said that World War III has already started, while US ex-national security advisor Michael Flynn referred to the collapse as a black swan event. Again, if you guys don't know what the black swan event is, it is a metaphor that describes an event that comes as a surprise and has a major effect, and it is often inappropriately rationalized after the fact, with benefit of hindsight. Term is based on an ancient saying that presumed black swans did not exist until they were discovered in Australia in 1697 and it became reinterpreted to mean an unforeseen and consequential event. This theory was developed by Nassim Nicholas Taleb and this was started in 2001. So some of the viewers that are kind of like talking out about this event are saying that, are saying that this accident was linked to the UNSC I'm sorry, the UNSC, aka United Nations Security Council. In recent resolution over the Gaza ceasefire, netizens said that Israel just hit the US over not using the veto power. Israel just hit the US over not using the veto power and again. Meanwhile, synergy Marine Group said a cause of this crash has yet to be determined.

Speaker 2:

So just a little recap, because I know I kind of like spit out craziness and I got to go through all my you know notes. Just a recap. So just in this year alone, you know, we have this huge solar eclipse. Everybody's excited for it. Hold on, hold on. Not everybody's a dork like me, so not everybody. But even if you're not excited about it, it is a cool event, right, and it went from like this cool fucking event that everybody's going to be able to see and it's going to be in America and it's not just in some other country that we'll never be able to travel to to see, and the totality of it and the rareness of it. And it was, like you know, my episodes about these things started like oh, this is really cool, this is a rare event. And then the cicadas rare event and the leap year and blah, blah, blah, blah.

Speaker 2:

And now it has obviously turned more dark because you know they want to make a big fucking deal out of like, oh, my God, you have to go to the grocery store, you have to do this plan for this. Then it went from like warnings to okay, you need to be doing these things on this day. Certain schools are closed again. Um, they, you need to be doing these things On this day. Certain schools are closed Again. A lot of officials came back and said well, spring break, the kids are already off school. People are making a big deal. No, a lot of kids are already on spring break, at least here in Michigan. I don't know about the other states. So, if anything, they and whoever they are let's just say government, anybody in power they're the ones making the big fucking deal.

Speaker 2:

And then these, these rumors get out and everybody goes crazy and wants to put it over the platforms. And then, you know, they get pissed because people are talking and then they want to take TikTok away, because people find everything on TikTok. And then it's like well, why are you making such a big deal if it's not a big fucking deal? So I can't even enjoy it, because now, like me alone, I'm like, hey, I don't want to travel. If there's an issue, why would I do that? That's stupid.

Speaker 2:

And then you know these movies that come out for entertainment and I've got to say, being somewhat a movie critic myself, there hasn't been a lot to choose from, at least new and even like really good TV shows. However, leave the World Behind, I think, was done, amazing, amazing. I did not find out that Obama was also a producer owner, whatever, until like a couple weeks after I seen the movie and I was like, holy shit, like that's weird. Right now, the next thing I want to point out is a new show I'm gonna pull up Mr 420. Um, you know, I think I vote Mr 420, um for TikTok president. Um, I think he should be the owner and president of um TikTok.

Speaker 2:

Now, I literally did not even put much thought into this when I seen this show on Netflix Cause I was. I seen this new show on there and I was like, okay, maybe. And then I seen his videos and I was like, okay, now I have to watch it. You literally cannot fucking unsee it. It's like they put it right there in front of your face and you're like, but here's my, here's my thing about tying all this in together. Okay, why would they make it so obvious? Now, that's the other part, I guess, of the spectrum, if you will, or the other side, or whatever. And then you've got people saying they wouldn't just put it out there in the open, like that. And what are they distracting us from that's equally terrifying, right so like, let me pull this up. Here's Mr 420 talking about the National Guard is responding. Where is his video about this new show? Give me one moment. Mr 420 does post a lot. Here it is Now.

Speaker 3:

I know this is going to seem like some conspiracy shit, but you need to watch the show Three Body Problem on Netflix. It just dropped today and I'm watching it and in the first 15 minutes of this weird show that has to do with CERN in Okay, so notice how he says has to do with CERN.

Speaker 2:

All right now, let me keep it going for a second.

Speaker 3:

Look at this clip for a second and look at this clip.

Speaker 2:

This is this new mini TV series on Netflix. And look what just came up. And his Mr 420 says is this a warning about our eclipse? So I'm going to pause this. Okay, so in this show, I think it's like this Is it the first? Yeah, it's the first episode. It literally shows this actress in the show. I can't really like explain it without you watching it, but let's just say she's starting to see all these um, like numbers and they're just like appearing everywhere she goes and the number, the number one, like the first fucking thing that she sees, and it shows it. And remember, this show just came out is four zero nine. And I know you guys are like, okay, that's just a coincidence, but watch the show If you haven't already watch, leave the world behind and then watch the show.

Speaker 2:

Three body problem. And you cannot tell me that these things are not all fucking linked Like. They are putting it in the open. Again, this is not like a conspiracy. This isn't like oh, melissa is on her podcast rambling on about some fucking crazy shit. No, it's all out there to see this.

Speaker 2:

Now, the whole Baltimore Bridge thing there is a lot of theories floating and that is very fresh. Again, I'm sorry for the families and anyone that has lost anyone in this tragedy, because I have to kind of speak lightly on this because, like I said again, it is very fresh. But I mean, if you're looking for answers, it's fucking right in front of you. Why are they? You know, and there's been movies and shows that have been made in the past that really make you think like, okay, what else is going on. But it's, it's crazy because people are hashtagging this show Three Body Problem as solar eclipse, april 8th end of days. And if you kind of like look onto some Nostradamus stuff you know Sylvia Brown and you see all these things happening you kind of are like these people really weren't fibbing.

Speaker 2:

Now, a lot of these predictions weren't completely spot on. Some of them were, but most of them are pretty much they will give you a good run for your money and it's like I said again, it's it's plain to see. It's out there. The only thing that I have not seen, um is like the whole cicada event that's happening very, very soon. Um, I haven't seen. Haven't seen any like gloom and loom, if you will, on that yet, but I'm sure something is going to come out on that and kind of tie this together too. Oh duh, I almost forgot, speaking of that, the cicadas. So another thing, actually, that I've been curious about since I've, um, you know, found out about the solar eclipse. Um, was mostly about the animals, because, we do know, when we went into the pandemic and even post pandemic, a lot of animals were acting very bizarrely. Um, and of course that's probably, um, you know, that's you kind of just think that that's going to happen anyways, because people were not out and about as much, there wasn't as much traffic, yada, yada, yada.

Speaker 2:

However, give me one moment. I got information overload everywhere. Okay, so I did screenshot you guys Sorry, again, squirrel moment. I did screenshot a part of that video that would not let me when it said video unavailable. And you know what's fucked up On my screenshot? It shows my face and it shows that I reposted it on TikTok, but I cannot open it. It won't. It says video unavailable, excuse me. So I screenshot this portion, which I find is very ironic, that I cannot no longer pull up the video. Anyways, this woman says, for those of you who do not know, the Francis Scott Key Bridge is the same bridge event that took place in the Netflix movie Leave the World Behind. The production company is also owned by the Obamas. How ironic is it that I screenshot that and I cannot find the video. I must be onto something, okay.

Speaker 2:

So moving forward again now with tying all this in together and talking about the animals and you know, is this going to be? Is this going? Is this bizarre event or events going to affect them? So, in a more more recent study, and what scientists are saying as of today, literally three hours ago, from Newsweek, it says that solar eclipse may cause significant change in bird behavior. The upcoming total solar eclipse is set to bring people from around the country to stare in awe at the cosmological wonder, but it may also spark strange behavior in birds. The timing of the eclipse during a period of when many bird species are embarking on their spring migration this could cause the birds to act bizarrely.

Speaker 2:

Researchers from Cornell University are saying Animals have been acting strangely during eclipses in the past, often initiating their evening behaviors or even stopping to watch the phenomena and acting anxiously. During this 2017 eclipse, we saw a decrease in flying insects, flying birds, but we didn't see anything like the typical pattern of movement when it gets dark at night. Andrew Fransworth, a visiting researcher at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, said in the statement at sunset there is typically a big pulse of movement, showing insects, birds and bats either going to ground to settle for the night or just beginning nocturnal activity. Most bizarrely, it says most bizarrely during the 2017 eclipse, galapagos tortoises at the Riverbank Zoo in Columbia, south Carolina, started breeding during the height of the totality, a study found. Well, that's interesting. Good for them, good for the tortoises.

Speaker 2:

The Cornell researchers hope to use this eclipse to get a glimpse into how phenomena like this can affect bird migration, as many birds fly during the night. By seeing how animals react to the total eclipse, we can get clues to how they perceive and use light under normal circumstances. So there's a lot of things I think about this For one. Okay, cool, you know, you guys know me I'm an animal lover, so I think it's interesting always to talk about animals lover. So I think it's interesting always to talk about animals.

Speaker 2:

But it's funny that um, chris and I, we, we did part of our last episode. Was our birds real, or you know, the whole birds are not real movement that they are actually birds, especially baby pigeons were replaced with um cameras and recorded devices, I'm sorry, recording devices to spy on humans, right. And then also, it's kind of like, is this a warning? Because if there is something bigger happening, okay, you're outside, let's just fast forward, say it's April 8th, you're outside waiting for the eclipse, and then all these you know, I don't want to put it out there, I'm just saying, I'm just saying, okay, you guys don't fucking take me too seriously, but you just see birds falling from the sky and you're like, oh my God, that has to be an omen. That's what everybody would think. But then, because the researchers already put it out there that birds may act bizarre, so don't be alarmed, or is it a way for them to maybe redo or fix or enhance their devices that are quote unquote so-called birds?

Speaker 2:

I don't know. I'm sure you guys think I'm crazier than ever and you're probably right. Hence the reason this podcast is called Strange, deranged Beyond Insane. By the way, you guys, I still am up there on the top insane podcast, so that feels good because, yeah, we love being insane and yeah, I'm going to keep spilling out this crazy shit. And you know, yeah, I'm going to keep spilling out this crazy shit and you know I I'm usually the person to, especially now having this platform to speak on, you know, freely, and it's again a safe spot.

Speaker 2:

I kind of like sit back in the dark a little bit and kind of just see, like let it, let all these rumors and conspiracies unwind, and I kind of like take it in, don't internalize it, because I'm I don't want to become that right, because that's what makes you go crazy. You cannot sit there all day, every day, and just think about conspiracy after conspiracy and, like you know, like literally you'll fucking drive yourself insane and up and you know, nut house. So I just kind of sit back and watch and then I observe and I kind of do like my own research. If it's still kind of like picking at me and picking at my brain, that is when either A I get typing or I get into just recently I've been writing like a psycho and I start doing notes you know, taking notes and I start doing a lot of research. And that's what really like captivates my interest, because I can go back on my notes, which I have several times, and I'm like, okay, try to debunk it, try to debunk this, Try to debunk that, and it's like lately you fucking can't do it. It's like right there. So I guess my purpose for this episode is again to spin my wheels and pick my brain. Enough to pick everyone else's brains and see what they think.

Speaker 2:

You know like, what do the people think? What do the listeners think? What are the other platforms saying that? I haven't heard about Um and you know, you guys know how to get ahold of me. We do still have that um email open, so go ahead and email us at GhostSisters2124 at Gmail. Again, that's GhostSisters2124, at Gmail. You can also find me on TikTok and Facebook. If you type in Strange, strange Beyond Insane, you will see TikTok with my name.

Speaker 2:

You also can listen to our podcast on most platforms that you listen to on podcasts. It is free on Spotify, amazon Music, I believe. Yeah, we're on iHeart Music and, I think, some of the other sites. You might have to have a subscription. And also I wanted to give you some news and update you guys.

Speaker 2:

Um, thank God for the husband, paul. He did give me um, he got me a hard drive and taught me how to do all that on the computer. So I am um in the process of freeing up a lot of space and I am literally speaking today. Um, I had to hop on and do an episode just because, again, it was just driving me nuts to hold all this in.

Speaker 2:

But I'm actually in the process of bringing a lot of video content over to my computer now, now that I have the extra space and I can kind of go back and forth from that to the hard drive, and I'm going to be uploading a shit ton of video footage on YouTube. And of course you know I've been kind of nervous about doing that because I know YouTube's platform. I've never used YouTube, I've never really been a YouTuber like on there, going on live, adding videos or even watching a lot of videos. Obviously, tiktok's always been my thing, so I'm a little nervous for some of my content to go on there, just because I know it's set up a little bit differently and I'm sure I will get flagged on a lot, you know. But what's new? They still flag me on TikTok, but I just want to let you guys know that update. So thank you again for tuning in and listening and we will be chatting soon.

Unraveling Strange Events and Conspiracies
Speculation and Conspiracy Theories
Eclipse Impact on Animal Behavior

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