Strange Deranged Beyond Insane

Celebrating the Extraordinary: A Milestone of Mysteries and Marvels in Our 100th Episode Spectacular

March 27, 2024 Melissa
Celebrating the Extraordinary: A Milestone of Mysteries and Marvels in Our 100th Episode Spectacular
Strange Deranged Beyond Insane
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Strange Deranged Beyond Insane
Celebrating the Extraordinary: A Milestone of Mysteries and Marvels in Our 100th Episode Spectacular
Mar 27, 2024

We've hit the triple digits, Strange Deranged Beyond Insane family, and it's all thanks to you—our fans of the fantastic and followers of the freaky! Your host Melissa here, and I'm bubbling over with excitement as we raise the roof for our 100th episode bonanza. Picture this: a little over a year ago, a microphone, a dream, and a sprinkle of the supernatural kicked off this wild ride. Now, we're here—a compendium of the bizarre with a side dish of the bewildering, all wrapped up in a celebration of the peculiar that's taken us from shadowy corners to the spotlight of paranormal podcasting.

This episode isn't just a pat on the back; it's a festival of the oddball spirit that unites us. I'm pouring out thanks like an overflowing potion of appreciation to every listener, guest, and ghost (why not?) who's been a part of this extraordinary journey. From TikTok bops that haunt our playlists to the stories that send shivers down our spines, we're the avant-garde in a world that's quick to dismiss the unexplained. So, buckle up, my fellow aficionados of the arcane, as we set our sights on the next century of episodes—no signs of slowing down, no fear of the fringe, just pure, unadulterated, mind-boggling fun.

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Show Notes Transcript

We've hit the triple digits, Strange Deranged Beyond Insane family, and it's all thanks to you—our fans of the fantastic and followers of the freaky! Your host Melissa here, and I'm bubbling over with excitement as we raise the roof for our 100th episode bonanza. Picture this: a little over a year ago, a microphone, a dream, and a sprinkle of the supernatural kicked off this wild ride. Now, we're here—a compendium of the bizarre with a side dish of the bewildering, all wrapped up in a celebration of the peculiar that's taken us from shadowy corners to the spotlight of paranormal podcasting.

This episode isn't just a pat on the back; it's a festival of the oddball spirit that unites us. I'm pouring out thanks like an overflowing potion of appreciation to every listener, guest, and ghost (why not?) who's been a part of this extraordinary journey. From TikTok bops that haunt our playlists to the stories that send shivers down our spines, we're the avant-garde in a world that's quick to dismiss the unexplained. So, buckle up, my fellow aficionados of the arcane, as we set our sights on the next century of episodes—no signs of slowing down, no fear of the fringe, just pure, unadulterated, mind-boggling fun.

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Speaker 1:

Hey, when the people run, it's done. When the people run, it's done. Hey, everyone, it's Melissa, your host at Strange Strange, beyond Insane, and I have the best episode yet and so much fun for me, okay, you guys. So this episode marks the 100th episode that we have done on here and I'm so fucking excited and I'm so thankful and humbled that I actually have listeners and, you know, people actually appreciate what I'm putting out there and are listening to it. So, just to kind of recap, the podcast is just over a year old and our first episode that was ever published was February 5th of last year, 2023. So in just over a year, we have put on a hundred episodes, and I say we, because so many people that have been on here, so many co-hosts, people that I've interviewed, I'm just so grateful, I'm so excited that it is 100th episode and it's definitely a celebration.

Speaker 1:

So I put together something a little fun, a little cute, so Strange, deranged, beyond Insane, right? So 100 strange and more weird, a hundred deranged and more delirious, a hundred beyond and above. A hundred insane and more unhinged. I cannot wait to get to 200 episodes. So you're going to just keep hearing me say a hundred more, a hundred more, a hundred more, and I'm going to keep going. So you know, I just want to put it out there that I've learned a lot being in the paranormal field researching, traveling, and all of the drama that comes with it too. So it's all been worth it. I would do it all over again. I am very pleased to have a platform to speak on, you know, in a safe place where we can say whatever the fuck we want, right? So I'm going to start off with saying people often get called weird, like it's a bad thing. They're seen as strange because their behavior is not what others are expecting. We, the weirdos, dictate and validate our core oddness and I do, and I know everyone on here has to be a little weird themselves, right, and we show it off through our creativity. This has been a creativity portal, if you will. For me, it's been an outlet. It's been the best thing that I think I've done in the last five years. A lot of time goes into this and you know even money like, and you know equipment and you know we can just keep going on and on. But again I will say it, I would do it all over again. I'm so happy that I got on here and started a podcast. It was in the brewing and in my thoughts for some years, before this even happened, and I just like, again showed off with creativity.

Speaker 1:

Right, we are never scared or we're never too vain to see and value the unknown or the unexplainable and to elevate our awareness. The others who fear us or our evidence that we share truly reflect how closed-minded and frightened they are of what the human brain can manage. We do not discourage this way of thinking, but instead we enlighten their ears and eyes with confirmation that not everything can be explained or rationalized. That's what we do on here, right, and it takes a whole village. Again, you guys, everybody, thank you for listening, thank you for tuning in, thank you for sticking it out with me and everyone that's been on here and has helped me and has given me ideas. Even Thank you.

Speaker 1:

Tiktok. Tiktok is like my number one platform. I love TikTok, tiktok. You don't stop. Also, that song in the beginning is one of my favorite little TikTok songs.

Speaker 1:

So allow me to carry on with even more baffling segments into the unknown. I'm just going to keep going. I'm going to fucking go for it and I'm not going to stop. I'm not going to shut up, I plan on investing my future and more knowledge, travel and research on all subjects that are oddly interesting for my listeners. Just a reminder, you guys that are listening being weird or not fitting in someone else's viewpoint is actually very intelligent. I think I love having a voice to highlight what most humans are afraid of or unfit. You know they think that it's unfit in social encounters to like talk about these things. And I even know personally I'm not going to put any names but some people's spouses or partners that think it's. You know, they have even researched. You know, all these unknown things themselves and they're in and it's again, it's interesting. I think it's a good table conversation. It's a perfect way to debate safely, of course, all right. So in modern English, the word weird came to refer to things that seemed to happen by magic or that were strange, unusual or mysterious. So again, I am happy to be a part of all of that.

Speaker 1:

Just a little background on me. I've always been this way since I could remember. Remember, yeah, I lived a normal life Growing up. I played sports, you know, but I was always very creative. I was my best suit, I would say would be anything creative in art, writing music, and I've always taken a liking to like horror movies, but mostly movies that had real life events in them or that were, you know, based on what really had happened. I've always been a space dork. I've always been into NASA, always, you know.

Speaker 1:

Again I will say this you know, god rest my mother's soul. I'm glad she is at peace. The one thing that I wish she was here to see would be me what I'm doing today, because I always told her you know, mom, you would have to be super naive to think that we are the only things human or breathing things, you know, that are in this whole entire world, like there is other other unknown species out there. I always knew that, I always felt it and I said one day the alien talk and all the space talk that you think is crazy, it will be normal to sit around and talk about it and guess what. It is very normalized now, and I've always taken a liking to cemeteries and the strange and the unusual and I always read up on, you know, like afterlife and stories about people dying and coming back. I've watched so many documentaries in my life so this was always calling me right and I'm so glad.

Speaker 1:

In my mid-30s, my terrible 30s, my wonderful 30s, in fact. I love being in my 30s way more than I did in my mid thirties my terrible thirties, my wonderful thirties, in fact. I love being in my thirties way more than I did my twenties. I love having a voice on this platform, I love to be able to talk to the listeners, I love to interview anyone and everyone and I love to hear everyone else's thoughts, and you know again, you guys, thank you. I cannot stress enough how humbled I am that I've made it to the 100th episode and that I do have listeners from all over and a couple of different parts of the world. In fact, actually, I can pull it off right now and let's see All time. Okay, let's go to locations. All episodes, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So, like us, canada, united kingdom, germany, australia, russian federation, india, south korea, guatemala, togo, mexico, louisiana I think I said it right Ukraine, new Zealand, norway, poland and Turkey, and I have all different cities and in different states, a lot of different ones in California, texas, illinois oh god, it just list goes on. So, ohio, lots of parts of Ohio, pennsylvania, missouri, tennessee, arizona, new Jersey, iowa, new York, virginia again like four or five different parts of Cali, I think I said Ohio, maryland, indiana and Georgia, I think I already said that, british Columbia. So it's so cool to see this. You know, like Montana, I got Massachusetts, connecticut, oregon, oregon, however you say it, I think okay, Washington, arkansas, vermont, arkansas, vermont, england, london, england. I mean, it's just so cool.

Speaker 1:

Again, I am so very humbled, you guys, and thank you, and I just wanted to do something fun and enlighten you guys for the hundredth episode and there will be plenty more pumped out Please email us at ghost sisters 21, 24 at Gmail. Again, that is, ghost sisters, 21, 24 at Gmail. Of course, if you look up, strange, deranged, beyond insane, we are on all platforms that you listen to podcasts on. You can find me on Tik TOK, you can find me on Facebook, you can find me on YouTube. Just look up, strange, deranged, beyond insane. Thank you guys, so much again. Thank you for tuning in. There will be plenty more weirdness to come. Talk to you soon.

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