Strange Deranged Beyond Insane

Eclipses and Omens: Unraveling the Netflix 'Three-Body Problem' Conundrums and Cosmic Coincidences

April 02, 2024 Melissa
Eclipses and Omens: Unraveling the Netflix 'Three-Body Problem' Conundrums and Cosmic Coincidences
Strange Deranged Beyond Insane
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Strange Deranged Beyond Insane
Eclipses and Omens: Unraveling the Netflix 'Three-Body Problem' Conundrums and Cosmic Coincidences
Apr 02, 2024

Ever had a dream so vivid it felt like a premonition? That's where this journey begins, as I recount an unsettling dream that eerily mirrors the chaotic reality meets gaming world of a show I'm engrossed in. Further stoking the flames of fascination, a TikTok video resonates uncannily with my nocturnal tale, prompting an exploration into the strange coincidences and dark happenings around the Netflix adaptation of "The Three-Body Problem." We're not just talking about fictional entertainment here; we're wading through a tangle of peculiar events, from an executive's grim fate to NASA's eclipse-related rocket launches, and pondering the enigmatic undertones of a highly anticipated solar eclipse. 

Prepare to be hooked as we foster a connection with you, our valued listeners, opening up for insights and thoughts that fuel our eerie narrative. Feel the intrigue build as we tease the interplay of conspiracy theories with the real-life drama surrounding a sci-fi phenomenon, and the notable attention it received from none other than former president Barack Obama. Through our discussion, we invite you to join our community, where your voice adds to the suspense and speculation. It's not every day that an executive's sentencing, celestial events, and a former president's production ventures align in such a bizarre cosmos of coincidence. Tune in and become part of the conversation that everyone will be talking about.

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Ever had a dream so vivid it felt like a premonition? That's where this journey begins, as I recount an unsettling dream that eerily mirrors the chaotic reality meets gaming world of a show I'm engrossed in. Further stoking the flames of fascination, a TikTok video resonates uncannily with my nocturnal tale, prompting an exploration into the strange coincidences and dark happenings around the Netflix adaptation of "The Three-Body Problem." We're not just talking about fictional entertainment here; we're wading through a tangle of peculiar events, from an executive's grim fate to NASA's eclipse-related rocket launches, and pondering the enigmatic undertones of a highly anticipated solar eclipse. 

Prepare to be hooked as we foster a connection with you, our valued listeners, opening up for insights and thoughts that fuel our eerie narrative. Feel the intrigue build as we tease the interplay of conspiracy theories with the real-life drama surrounding a sci-fi phenomenon, and the notable attention it received from none other than former president Barack Obama. Through our discussion, we invite you to join our community, where your voice adds to the suspense and speculation. It's not every day that an executive's sentencing, celestial events, and a former president's production ventures align in such a bizarre cosmos of coincidence. Tune in and become part of the conversation that everyone will be talking about.

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Speaker 1:

by this show real quick, so I just started watching it and I'm on episode destroyer of worlds, and let me tell you about it. In the show they have an item they put on top of their head right here and it turns their reality into a game, but it still feels real, smells real, tastes real everything. So in this episode there was an eclipse, and that's where the point is right now, and everything that happened after the eclipse reminded me of my dream that I had. I posted this as pinned to the top of my page. Of course it's not exactly like my dream, but the correlation is crazy.

Speaker 2:

So, before I keep going with these voice notes that I'm adding to this episode, I do this guy you can't see it, obviously it's a video, but he wrote down his dream and then shared it onto TikTok. Now, just over a year ago, I had a dream. Actually, my friend Carissa that's on the podcast, she's been on here many times. I shared it with her because she was in my dream and basically in my dream, her and I are walking outside. It's completely dark, like pitch black dark, not like a normal night time, and I look up to the sky and I see all these lights and just crazy chaoticness in the sky. It was scary as hell.

Speaker 2:

And I looked at her and I said, oh my God, do you see that? And she didn't respond to me right away and I'm like hey, do you see that? And she looks at me and she says it's happening. And I said what's happening? And then she like ran away into this back part of this building and I'm trying to follow her and find her. And then she comes out and I'm like what's going on? And she's like we, we got to get out of here, we got to go. And I woke up and I was like petrified because in the sky it was like all these crazy beaming lights purple, orange, red, like fireballs, just crazy. Anyways, I'm going to continue with this video. It is no hotter than it was before. What's happened to my army?

Speaker 1:

The planet is under the meditation of the Lord Jesus Christ. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Civilization number 184 was destroyed by the stacked gravitational attractions of a trisolar syzygy.

Speaker 3:

But in this civilization you've correctly determined your true purpose in the game. You have now entered level 4. The universe has more dimensions than the three we occupy. They are hidden, folded up, far too small for us to see, but we have the technology to unfold them. Some energies you cannot imagine, but focus on our single photon, e8. When we unfold its higher dimensions, even a tiny proton becomes something unified.

Speaker 2:

The way it's looking, it look like y'all been planning for this for a long time. Okay. So when he says that he pulls up an article about cERN Now, cern has caused a lot of conspiracies over the years, but this is an article. This is from March 28th 2024, so current. It says CERN to test world's most powerful particle accelerator during April's solar eclipse to search for invisible matter that secretly powers our universe. Okay. And then the other article reads and this is about the nasa.

Speaker 2:

So nasa will launch three sounding rockets during the total solar eclipse on april 8th 2024 to study how Earth's upper atmosphere is affected when sunlight momentarily dims over a portion of the plane. So the APEP sounding rockets will launch from NASA's Wallops Flight Faculty in Virginia to study the disturbances in the ion sphere created when the moon eclipses the sun disturbances in the ion sphere created when the moon eclipses the sun. The sounding rockets have been previously launched and successfully recovered from White Sands test faculty in New Mexico during October 2023 annual solar eclipse. So they have been refurbished with new um, everything new and they're going to be relaunched in april 2024. So I guess this is happening on the day of the eclipse, which everyone has, you know their thoughts and everything about it. Um okay, I've been saying it, they're making a huge deal about this, all right, so let me pull up a another um uh video for you guys.

Speaker 3:

Hold on okay, we need to talk about the show three body problem, which just aired today on netflix on 321. I have been tracking the release of the show since december of 2020 because of what I'm about to tell you right now. This is Lin Qi, a 39-year-old video game mogul who spent a ton of money to buy the rights to the Chinese sci-fi novel, the Three-Body Problem. This book became an unexpected best-selling hit worldwide. It won the Hugo Award for Best Novel, which is one of the biggest awards you can get in science fiction. Marcus Zuckerberg and former President Barack Obama are part of the book's loyal fan base. So when Lin saw this incredible popularity, he bought the rights to the book because he saw the potential for the story to go worldwide.

Speaker 2:

So I'm just gonna stop that video right there so you notice how she says Barack Obama is like a huge fan, and it's kind of funny how some of the latest episodes we talked about Barack Obama producing the show. The Day the World Ends, I think. Or Leave the, I'm sorry, leave the World Behind. I'm sorry, you guys Leave the World Behind. I get them all the sci-fi movies switched up, but Leave the World Behind with, um uh, ethan hawke and julia roberts. So barack obama was involved in that one too.

Speaker 2:

So this three body problem Netflix show is like some crazy fucking shit. There's so many conspiracies spiraling about it. I'm only on like the fourth episode and it's fucking insane. It's super nerdy, like beyond my brain expansion at times. So, anyway, so an executive who worked on the three body problem show was sentenced to death for fatally poisoning the show's producer.

Speaker 2:

The Three-Body Problem is a story by a Chinese science fiction author, lu Zhang, whatever the first novel in the remembrance of the Earth's Past Trilogy Remembrance of the Earth's Past Trilogy. So the series portrays a fictional past, present and future wherein Earth encounters an alien civilization from nearby system of the three sun-like stars orbiting one another. A representative example of the three-body problem in orbital mechanics. The show based on this novel is on Netflix and is about a fatal decision in the 1960s this happened in China that echoes across space and time to a group of scientists in the present, forcing them to face humanity's greatest threat. This series has become very popular very fast, with many viewers and, like I said, a lot of people are talking about it within each other social media platforms. I mean, I've already texted people about it and you know, have you seen this show? Have you? You know, even on the phone, talking on the phone, have you started watching the show? What do you think about it?

Speaker 2:

So Yuzu Games executive was handed a death sentence for the murder of the producer of the show. The shanghai first intermediate people's court found zu yao guilty of fatally poisoning lin q, who was dubbed china's billionaire millennial. The New York Times reported Yuzhu Games, which Lin founded in 2009, owns the rights for all adaptations of the sci-fi bestseller, including stage animated and the Chinese language series Three Body, which premiered last year. So Zhu's sentence of capital punishment was handed to him March 22nd, the day after the series created by the Games of Thrones showrunners, david Benioff and DB Wise and Alexander Wu. They debuted it or, I'm sorry, they showed it on Netflix and yeah. So this is all happened and I thought this was recent time, but this was in 2020, I believe. All right, so lynn, who is credited as executive producer on the series, died on christmas day 2020 yep, so 2020 at the age of 39.

Speaker 2:

10 days after he ingested a beverage that Zhu had laced with poison, four others fell ill as a result of Zhu's poisoning drinks in the Yuzhou offices between September and December in 2020. But they did not end up dying, according to the court documents. Excuse me, so only the one passed away, unfortunately. Um, so one of victim. One of the victims was Zeus replacement as the head of subsidiary that controlled business related. Um, you know, angles, the business stuff.

Speaker 2:

Um to the sci-fi book series. Um, yeah, it's pretty fucking crazy. Like, when I seen this article on Google, I actually um text messaged it to my husband so I could cause I knew I wanted to do an episode on this. Um, cause I've been kind of like getting into the show, but I thought this was like recent time, like I didn't realize this was, you know, like four years ago. So, basically, to recap, the show, it's a bunch of science, nerdy stuff. There's like a game, like a VR that's introduced in the game and the VR is so realistic that the players, players can smell, taste, they can feel the wounds that are inflicted on them. It's crazy and it's about like, um, I guess, like a CERN, like company right, and all these different scientists and um, a solar eclipse type deal. That's like catastrophic, like we already talked about. And in the movie movie, I'm sorry.

Speaker 2:

In the show, um, it shows the date four, nine and our friend, mr 420, you know, round of applause for him, mr 420. He's been on here. I do want to get him back on here soon. Um, you know he's very busy though on his platforms, but, um, he's made many videos about this show and the first video he made he was like you guys watch this fucking show. It's crazy. And he shows the scene that in the sky. It shows like this alien, like high tech civilization sending messages, you know, almost like a Morse code to earthlings, if you will, the scientists showing four or nine. And he made like a controversial video like what do people think? Some people said, well, the eclipse is supposed to be four or eight, so who cares about four or nine? And Mr 420 goes in and, you know, kind of explains well, that's the day after and there's been like a lot of different things being talked about this show in correlation of our eclipse this year. It's wild and it's really devastating what happened to the producer. But, yeah, I would love to know what everyone thinks.

Speaker 2:

Have you guys started watching it? Are you done with it? I was planning to be done with the show already, like you know. Started watching it. Are you done with it? I was planning to be done with the show already, like you know, finish it. It's looking like it's going to be more like next week. This week has been extremely busy already and it's only Tuesday. Well, now it's almost Wednesday, but yeah, so I do plan on finishing that.

Speaker 2:

So, you guys, if you have any suggestions or you want to talk about the show or tell us what you guys think about it, um, you can always reach us at ghost sisters 21, 24 at Gmail. Again, that's a ghost sisters 21, 24 at Gmail. Also, you can listen to strange, deranged beyond insane, insane on any platform that you listen to. Your podcast Main one is Spotify. It's free. You can listen to it on Amazon Music I mean there's iHeart Apple, anywhere you guys listen. Also, if you look up Strange, strange Beyond Insane, it will show my TikTok and some of my videos. You guys are more than welcome to reach out to me on TikTok. I've talked to a lot of people on there and I have a few that I have lined up that I want to get on the podcast and interview. So thanks again, guys, for listening and tune in.

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