60. THE FORGE: Owning a Business vs. Having a High Paying Job and When to Scale
View From The Top
View From The Top
60. THE FORGE: Owning a Business vs. Having a High Paying Job and When to Scale
Nov 28, 2023
Aaron Walker & Kevin Wallenbeck

Buckle up as 4 entrepreneurs sharpen some iron today with a mysterious guest in the hot seat. Paul, a seasoned entrepreneur with a penchant for storytelling, sits under scrutiny to get to the bottom of his business problems... or is it more of a Paul problem? 

Never shying away from the tough questions, we dig into Paul's current crossroads: to remain content with his business' dependency on him or take the bold leap to build something bigger than himself. 

We challenge him to think about his own personal mission statement as well as his business mission and cast a light on how his current work is making those things happen. 

Key Takeaways: 

  • Should Paul scale his business or tread water (the way he likes it)? 
  • Do you OWN your business, or are you just an employee with a high paying job? 
  • Learn the action steps you might need to take in your own business

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