Clarity from Chaos Podcast

Michelle Obama Revealed: Documentary Michelle Obama 2024

Dave Campbell

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Clarity from Chaos guest:  Joel Gilbert, author of Michelle Obama 2024: Her Real Life Story and Plan for Power and director of the documentary Michelle Obama 2024. Gilbert is a political commentator and foreign policy analyst based in Los Angeles.

 Michelle Obama is not who she pretends to be. In Michelle Obama 2024, filmmaker Joel Gilbert does a deep dive into the life of the most popular woman in America and reveals one game-changing detail after another. Gilbert’s investigative journey takes him from Chicago to Princeton to Washington to Martha’s Vineyard and beyond. Along the way, he discovers that Michelle has created a cynical, highly effective, false narrative of her life story based largely on gender and race. In Chicago, Gilbert chronicles how Michelle has repeatedly run from the Black community or sold it out, much as her father did when he served as a precinct captain for the Daley Machine. Gilbert then exposes Michelle Obama’s “I hate politics” disclaimer as strategic cover for her intense lifelong political advocacy as he deconstructs Michelle’s best-selling autobiography, Becoming.

 As the best-loved Democrat, Michelle has been preparing to run for President since 2016 by following the same formula as Barack did before her. This includes writing an autobiography, giving the keynote speech at the Democrat National Convention, and heading up a voter registration organization. Gilbert also unveils Michelle’s psychological dark side and explains how her deep feelings of inadequacy drive her to run for the presidency. Gilbert ultimately reveals the real Michelle Obama, one very few Americans know or understand, but that all must be wary of as she seeks the highest office in the land. If she wins in 2024, Gilbert predicts, Michelle will take orders from global elites...and chaos will follow as surely as night follows day.





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Thanks for listening to Clarity from Chaos

Dave Campbell:

With the list of Republican presidential candidates growing, eight with the inclusion of Pence and Christie, one must wonder about the Democrats. Currently we have three, Biden, who is widely unpopular, Robert F. Kennedy and Marianne Williamson, who stands no chance. Hillary Clinton has indicated that she's not running, but we all know how power hungry she is. But is there anyone else that comes to mind? Our guest on Clarity from Chaos is going to discuss someone who is currently flying under the radar. He is the bestselling author of Michelle Obama 2024, her real-life story and plan for power. He is also the director of the documentary Michelle Obama 2024, Joel Gilbert. Joel is a political commentator and foreign policy analyst based in Los Angeles. Welcome to the show.

 Joel Gilbert:

Thank you. Great to be here today.

 Dave Campbell:

You know, the first thing that reminds me about Michelle Obama is her wonderful statement about being proud of my country for the first time. And I kind of go from there, discounting, you know, who and what she is.

 Joel Gilbert:

Well, that was an interesting statement. That was back in 2008.

 Dave Campbell:


 Joel Gilbert:

Michelle was actually speaking to very large crowds for several months, very anti-American speeches. and she said a lot worse things than that it's just that when the media started to pay attention when Barack won a primary she said for the first time in my life I’m proud of my country that's when everyone took notice of Michelle and said wait a minute what is her message and it was so negative uh... that the campaign told Michelle they said listen uh... people are going to hate you and Barack could win the presidency except for you So they told her to take a step back. So that's when she came up with a completely new personality. A couple days later, she said, well, I hate politics, and I just want to be the mom-in-chief. So, she's taken that step back since that time, even in the White House, for eight years, even though she had a tremendous influence on the Obama presidency. But by maintaining her position that she doesn't like politics, which is not true, she's been able to be on hundreds of magazine covers, hundreds of talk shows. and she developed a personality, a perceived personality as a extremely popular former first lady such that she has just a huge following. She's probably the most popular woman in the country right now.

 Dave Campbell:

Well, you know, in interestingly looking at her history and friends, she's got some pretty, pretty, questionable acquaintances. There's Bernadine Dorn, Nan King, Santita Jackson, Jesse Jackson, Howard Taylor. And then of course, we can't go on without mentioning Valerie Jarrett.

 Joel Gilbert:

Right. Michelle has a whole host of people involved in her life that I uncovered. I went to Chicago, I talked to her elementary and high school classmates, teachers, principals, three of her boyfriends, her mother, and all those characters you mentioned had significant roles in Michelle's life. One of the ones that's new is that Michelle was best friends with Bernadine Dorn, the head of the Weather Underground. She worked with her for two years at Sidley Austin law firm. Barack and Michelle would have dinner at the home of Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorn for years in the 90s. And Michelle used Bernadine Dorn as a guest lecturer when she was a community organizer for something called Public Allies. So, the influence of these 1960s domestic terrorists on both Obamas cannot be underestimated. And I think that's where Michelle's radicalization really took place. It was not in college. It was her association with the anti-American radical Bernadine Dorn.

 Dave Campbell:

Well, that makes sense. In her community service career, I'm quite sure that she did no service for the black community other than just make the same veiled promises and the same veiled lies that most Democrats make to the black community.

 Joel Gilbert:

Well, Michelle has a very interesting story. I go into this in the book and film. uh... Michelle had a very poor relationship with black people when she was little growing up her parents took her out of schools that were all black and she sent to school with whites instead of going to an all-black high school not a bad high school block from her house south shore high school she went to an all uh... kind of a mixed race a lot of white people elites at the hour-and-a-half away at uh... Whitney young that's where she met uh... Jesse Jackson’s daughter Santita Jackson and Michelle kind of ended up growing up in the Jackson household when Jesse was running for president Michelle talked openly in her book and in her uh... autobiography tour about being afraid of black people growing up they would beat her up for acting white and talking white she got into a fist fight with a girl who called her an oreo meaning you're black on the outside but you're really a white girl on the inside Michelle watch the brady bunch growing up she said that Mary Tyler More was her idol uh... Barack said the reason he liked Michelle is cuz she reminded him of his grandmother from was kind of white grandmother from Kansas he said the family was like leave it to beaver so Michelle’s problem with the black community uh... was that she had nothing in common with black people she was always afraid of them they would be dropped and uh... she spent her childhood running away from black people she had no black friends and when she i chronicle this in the book in the film her career in Chicago was exploiting the black community she worked for Valerie Jaret as the assistant planning commissioner at the at the uh... mayor's office of Chicago there Richard Daly and Michelle’s job was to knock down the projects the projects or about twenty thousand black people live the Cabrini Green and Michelle destroyed the projects and gave away the land to democrat donor developers like Tony Rezko who wanted the land because was And after Michelle proved how callous she was toward black people, she was hired by the University of Chicago Medical Center for $300,000 a year to deny access to healthcare to the black community, prevent them from using the emergency room. A lot of them didn't have insurance, so the University of Chicago was losing money. So Michelle started something called the South Side Health Collaborative, and her job was if you're black and you showed up at the emergency room, she would put you in a van and take you back to the south side and dump you off at this crappy little clinic and then Michelle would tell the black people it's good for you this is better for you same thing when she knocked down their home she said it's better for you if we take away your homes so Michelle’s relationship with the black community is one of exploitation and fear and Michelle spent the last you know some years trying to convince black people that she's just one of them and to do that she makes up these phony stories of having suffered from racial discrimination growing up one of the people you mentioned man king was her uh... guidance counselor Whitney Young High School and she claimed that for years she's telling the story that her guidance counselor racially profiled her regarding her applying to Princeton University she said the guidance counselor said you're black maybe you're stretching going to try to go to Princeton turns out her counselor was a black church going black woman named Nan King so that story is phony and all of Michelle’s stories about being held back in life and suffering discrimination are complete nonsense Michelle was an elite kid her father was a precinct captain politician working for the democrat mayor Michelle went to Paris when she was in high school with her French club very elite kid no experiences in common with black people and Michelle has been chronically trying to manipulate minorities and black voters with phony stories to get them to think that she's one of them, but she's not.

 Dave Campbell:

Well, this sounds like a true Democrat, Joel. You know, they've been manipulating the black community for, a hundred years or so.

Joel Gilbert:

Well, Michelle is one of those people. Look, University of Chicago Medical Center couldn't hire a white person to deny access to blacks, to healthcare. The mayor's office. couldn't hire a white person to knock down their homes. They had to hire Michelle, who knocked down their homes, took away their healthcare, and said, it's going to be good for you. And Michelle made a lot of money exploiting the black community in this matter.

 Dave Campbell:

Well, you know, it's interesting because as of late with the Obama Library, they're pretty much on track to do the same damn thing, aren't they?

 Joel Gilbert:

You know, the Obama Library, they took over this section of Jackson Park, which was a very nice park on the south side that accommodated ball games and concerts and uh... the Obama’s came into put the Obama library they've been fighting for years about giving certain number of contracts to minority contractors they finally started building it like a year ago but they're definitely taking away the park space and it's causing the community be gentrified a lot of people losing their homes and as usual the poor black people the south side gets screwed by the Obama’s

 Dave Campbell:

Well, that sounds eerily familiar for a couple of different reasons. So, let's talk about the film. Give my audience a kind of a thumbnail version of the film.

 Joel Gilbert:

Well, the film is one where actually takes place in Chicago and also at Princeton University where I go and I talk to her thesis advisor when Michelle was in the sociology department. She got into Princeton with very low-test scores, not the highest grades. pretty much probably because her brother was a basketball star there and also because affirmative action was pretty big in the early eighties so Michelle in her first semester gets very poor grades, she was used to getting A's at Whitney young she gets C's and D's so she runs to the sociology department and then African American studies of all things black girl coming from you know a black area in Chicago goes to study African American studies at but she did it to get good grades. And so I go to Princeton, and I spend a lot of time in Chicago talking to Michelle's classmates, her teachers, her mother, her boyfriends. And so, I present a picture of Michelle Obama's life of someone who really had nothing in common with black people, who lived in fear of them, who got beat up by them, and who exploited them. And you contrast this real story of Michelle's life history with the fake story that she's been promoting. She has... just as much as a fabricated story as her husband Barack. When Barack ran for office in 2008, white people thought he was black, and they liked that. They said, oh, that'd be great to have a black president. But black people didn't think he was black, not one of us. He had a white mom, he grew up in Hawaii, he was an elitist who went to Harvard. Black people didn't support Obama at first. It took a lot of work by Michelle in 2008 to fool the black community, to get them to come on board. She would put on a fake urban accent. talking to black people, she would tell these lies and stories of discrimination were all lies. Michelle was a big fashionista growing up. I interviewed her, her hairdresser from age 18 was a celebrity hairdresser named Michael Ronnie Flowers from age 18. Michelle went to the Miracle Mile in Chicago. She had all the latest most expensive fashions from designers like Erka Goldman and Maria Pinto. and she was on the top 25 international best dressed list in 2005 was Michelle Obama. In 2008 Michelle shows up on the campaign trail for Barack. She can't show up all decked out in fashion, say hey I'm another Harvard lawyer like my husband. She showed up on the campaign trail looking like a homeless person. She'd wear a t-shirt or an old sweater from the 50s. She didn't comb her hair. and she used her fashion to manipulate voters and manipulate minorities with a phony urban accent when needed to make them think that I am just kind of one of you so the book and the film take you from Michelle’s birth and her childhood the daughter of a precinct captain uh... running away from black people living in fear of black people exploiting black people and her career at Princeton so you get an entirely different story her relationship with the sixties terrorist Bernadine Dorn Her work as a community organizer, people don't know that, she was a community organizer for three years just like Barack with this organization called Public Allies. And what they did was they would take people that were disenfranchised from society, they take high school dropouts, people that got out of prison, and they'd give them jobs to work for free in the bureaucracy in Chicago and government for 10 months. And one day a week, Michelle would radicalize them with socialist training. uh... kind of the idea of the deep state the idea was when they finish working their internship they'll get jobs in the bureaucracy and work their way up over the years so the film or the book is on amazon dot com you can watch the film at or get the DVD and you get an entirely different picture of a very political person Michelle the daughter of a politician she grew up in Jesse Jackson’s house when he was running for president Michelle's a better speaker than Barack, she's a better politician than Barack, she comes across more authentic, and that's why I'm convinced, and I make the case in the film, that Michelle is planning to run for president.

 Dave Campbell:

So what do you think the timing's gonna be?

 Joel Gilbert:

Well, the timing has to do with, yeah, the timing is, sorry, the timing is that nothing happens in the presidential race. until the fall. That's when different states require candidates to submit signatures to get on the primary ballot. I think the first one's Alabama. The deadline is October or November. So really, when Biden put out a video, what happened is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced he's running. I think the Biden people were afraid of him because of the Kennedy name. So as a reaction... Biden put out a three-minute video saying he's running for president. Well, that's not a real announcement. And Biden is doing nothing now. And I think Biden will formally drop out for any number of good reasons. It could be his health. It could be the House investigations. It could be because he has to pardon Hunter. There's a lot of good reasons for him to say he's not running. I think that'll happen in the fall. And I think that's when the party will have to turn to Michelle anyway, because no one else can raise $100 million in two weeks that Michelle can. no one can raise all the signatures they need in two weeks. And I think Michelle has kept a very high profile with her autobiographies. I pretty much trace in the film how Michelle is copying Barack's formula to run for president. When Barack, before he ran for president, he had a voter registration organization called Project Vote. Michelle started a voter registration organization called When We All Vote. few years ago, she's been running around registering people to vote. Barack wrote two autobiographies, Dreams from My Father and The Audacity of Hope before he ran for president about his whole life story basing his candidacy on his life history. Michelle did the same thing she wrote an autobiography called Becoming and she just released another one now called The Light We Carry. They're both best-selling books and they're also on Netflix. and lastly Barack was the uh... keynote speaker for John Kerry in two thousand four at the democrat convention that's the position that introduces the candidate and uh... sure enough Michelle was the keynote speaker for Joe Biden at the twenty twenty convention so i think she's positioned herself very high-profile and the democrats have pretty much prepared themselves for Michelle to be the nominee they move the uh... first primary instead of Iowa where Michelle would have to go campaign in a hundred counties They moved the first primary to South Carolina, which has a 50% Democrat primary voters are African American. And Michelle claims South Carolina as her adopted home state because her grandparents are from South Carolina, and she used to go there for family reunions growing up. And of course, the Democrat party convention is in Chicago where they would have a hometown girl nomination. So, I think they set the stage for her. and I think this is all going to happen in September, October.

 Dave Campbell:

Well, you know, Newsom, I think is going to get himself into this as well. How do you think those two end up head to head?

 Joel Gilbert:

I think Newsom is not a serious national candidate. He's done a terrible job in California. He's kind of a slimy type of person when he speaks. I don't think he has any real appeal. So if anything he's angling for a vice president spot with Michelle because he could claim or they could claim on the ticket they have Michelle, who will claim, hey, I've lived in the White House for eight years. I met 150 world leaders. I've traveled the world. I've seen it all. I have the experience. But it'll be important for her to have someone with actual executive experience with a huge state like California. So I could see those two being on a ticket together.

 Dave Campbell:

Yeah, I would think that that Valerie Jarrett ends up in there somewhere too.

 Joel Gilbert:

Yeah, certainly Valerie Jarrett is Michelle Obama's hero. She's written about that. She worked with Valerie Jarrett at the Mayor's office in Chicago when they took the homes away from the black community. And Valerie Jarrett also heads up the organization that sponsors Michelle's When We All Vote organization. That's part of this larger group that's funded by the Soros people. So Valerie Jarrett is very much on Team Obama, and she'll be in the mix too.

 Dave Campbell:

That's scary just in itself. So where can people, you mentioned, where can people find the film and the book, Joel?

 Joel Gilbert:

You know, the film you can actually watch right now, you can live stream it on or get the DVD on And then the book version, which is different, a lot more information on the book, that's on And you can also find the DVD of Michelle Obama 2024 on

 Dave Campbell:

Well, it's been a real pleasure speaking with you, Joel. And I hope people go out. I watched the trailer earlier today and it's, uh, it's remarkable. Um, just how phony everything continues to get built around, politics these days.

 Joel Gilbert:

Well, it is somewhat disappointing, but Michelle Obama certainly represents the phoniness on a high level. Her life story is just as phony and fabricated as her husband's. life story, her fake life story revolves around her false claims of being held back in life and growing up as a black woman on the south side of Chicago. Michelle's not even from the south side of Chicago. She grew up in South Shore, which is on the lake, on Lake Michigan, where Jesse Jackson lives. He never said he was from the south side. South Shore is a very upscale middle-income community. That's where Michelle's from. And she had an experience growing up of fear. of black people and running away from black people. And you get the real story of Michelle's history, and that's her biggest problem. She's more of a white girl than she has anything to do with black people.

 Dave Campbell:

Yeah, I guess I'd be remiss if I didn't ask the question. How do you think he would, how do you think she's going to fair up against Donald Trump?

 Joel Gilbert:

Look, it's going to be an epic battle, I think. I do think that the Biden administration will indict Trump for document, taking documents for January 6, he'll probably be indicted in Georgia. They're certainly doing their part to make it easy for Michelle Obama. So, she does not, you know, Trump's going to have so many problems and so many court cases, she can just say, well, you know, when Barack was president, we didn't have any scandals. And this, President Trump is just so corrupt, he's got to deal with all this. So, they're certainly helping her out as much as they can. and Michelle we use the race card the media loves the race car i can imagine a debate or Michelle looks at trump and says you'll never know what it's like growing up as a black woman in America you know he'll have to say Michelle you don't either and uh... he sees a start by saying Michelle are you going to apologize for what you did to the black community in Chicago and Michelle how much money did you make denying access to health care for black people He needs to start the conversation to expose Michelle as someone who exploited and abused the black community her whole life.

 Dave Campbell:

Well, again, Joel, it's been an absolute pleasure speaking with you. We have been talking to Joel Gilbert, the director of the documentary, Michelle Obama 24 and the book. Michelle Obama, 2024, her real life story and plan for power. Thanks again, Joel.

 Joel Gilbert:

All right, thank you so much.