so there's this...


December 15, 2022 Brooke Viegut & Cornelia Smith Season 1 Episode 4
so there's this...
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so there's this...
Dec 15, 2022 Season 1 Episode 4
Brooke Viegut & Cornelia Smith

JOYYY to the world… or not? Is joy actually destroying our world? In this episode, we reflect on the definition of joy—a fleeting moment of intense pleasure and elation experienced in the present—and exchange purportedly joyful designs that disappoint us and also Mother Nature. Brooke comes out as an ice queen and unleashes bold anti-glitter vitriol over the airwaves, backed with jaw-dropping facts about the secretive Glitter industry that may or may not be manufacturing weapons. Cornelia unwittingly dovetails off of Brooke’s topic with a segment on party poppers. No, not the fun kind of poppers—the mini confetti explosive devices that are hell for people with sensory issues and anyone who cares about plastic pollution. Also, they’re highly flammable! In conclusion, confetti is a gateway drug to pyromania. How do you feel about weaponized joy?

so there's this... is produced, edited, hosted, and researched by Brooke Viegut & Cornelia Smith. Special thanks to the MA Design Research, Writing & Criticism program at the School of Visual Arts.

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Show Notes

JOYYY to the world… or not? Is joy actually destroying our world? In this episode, we reflect on the definition of joy—a fleeting moment of intense pleasure and elation experienced in the present—and exchange purportedly joyful designs that disappoint us and also Mother Nature. Brooke comes out as an ice queen and unleashes bold anti-glitter vitriol over the airwaves, backed with jaw-dropping facts about the secretive Glitter industry that may or may not be manufacturing weapons. Cornelia unwittingly dovetails off of Brooke’s topic with a segment on party poppers. No, not the fun kind of poppers—the mini confetti explosive devices that are hell for people with sensory issues and anyone who cares about plastic pollution. Also, they’re highly flammable! In conclusion, confetti is a gateway drug to pyromania. How do you feel about weaponized joy?

so there's this... is produced, edited, hosted, and researched by Brooke Viegut & Cornelia Smith. Special thanks to the MA Design Research, Writing & Criticism program at the School of Visual Arts.

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