V-S-T Victim-Survivor-THRIVER

Be Your Own Superhero with Jerrod Hardy

March 07, 2023 Season 1 Episode 21

In this episode, we visit with Jerrod Hardy, husband, father of 3, "retired" police officer, mixed martial arts fighter, entrepreneur (owned MMA gym, currently train LEO around country, Podcast), author, and most recently full-time traveler with his wife in their Airstream. He believes in chasing dreams and living life on your terms and in a manner that you are proud of.   

Take Aways:

  • Purpose is key to a fulfilled life. His is honoring his mom's sacrifice choosing to have him at 16.
  • You discover your purpose when in action not waiting for it. 
  • Happiness/your Best Life is a CHOICE.
  • Get our of our own way, only then can you discover what is possible
  • Vision Board - Clarity, do one with your spouse to learn about eachother.
  • If we limit ourselves, we are limiting our children
  • Be scared, do it anyway - Embrace and Move through FEAR
  • Generational Healing
  • Or Power lies in Accountability.
  • Be your own Superhero.


  • Listen to Jerrod's V-S-T Soundtrack HERE
  • The On Purpose Podcast HERE.
  • Get Jerrod's book, Extraordinary People in Ordinary Places HERE.
  • Follow Jerrod's Journey HERE.
  • Learn more about Thriver Tribe Retreats and HERE.


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