V-S-T Victim-Survivor-THRIVER

Perfect The Way He Is with Becca

Zanna Wolfgang Season 1 Episode 25

In this episode Becca shares about the process of discovering and navigating her son, Max's diagnosis of Hypothalamic Hamartoma, a rare lesion that arises in the ventral hypothalamic region while the brain is forming in utero. HH is estimated to be 1 in 200,000 individuals, with a slightly higher number of males versus females. Their story in insightful and inspiring. So much magic in the messy of this hard, yet beautiful journey that helped shape them all.

Take Aways:

  • Perfect just the way he is.
  • There is beauty in the perfectly imperfect. 
  • What HH is.
  • The power of horse therapy.
  • Not all kids fit the box but all kids have a gift to offer the world.
  • Appreciate what is right in front of you.
  • Don't compare-Just BE.
  • Focus on what you can do rather than what  you can't.


  • Listen to Becca's V-S-T Soundtrack HERE. 
  • Hope for HH - learn more HERE.
  • Email me to connect with Becca -  zanna.thrivetribe@gmail.com
  • Connect with me to learn more about the THRIVER TRIBE RETREAT HERE.


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