Frequency Broads

Conscious Consumption: Separation is an Illusion

February 29, 2024 Tara Entrieri & Victoria Magda Season 4 Episode 5
Conscious Consumption: Separation is an Illusion
Frequency Broads
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Frequency Broads
Conscious Consumption: Separation is an Illusion
Feb 29, 2024 Season 4 Episode 5
Tara Entrieri & Victoria Magda

Do you know what energetically fuels you? It’s a loaded question with many avenues to explore. We are often faced with duality in this reality but sometimes operating above the playing field gives us a holistic advantage to any situation by simultaneously navigating any polaring thought, belief or action. Perspective is truly one of our greatest gifts as individuals having this human experience.

The level of destruction and pollution humanity has reached must be openly discussed. This continuous take, take, take without any regard to the repercussions of never giving back or considering the impact of overconsumption is what’s gotten us to this point, not to mention the plaguing egoism and extreme arrogance of those pulling the financial strings. 

This episode is dedicated to Earth and serves as a reminder of our responsibility for practicing reciprocity for all that we consume. The energies of Earth contain an enormous amount of information for us to tap into. Our sense of responsibility for either creating or destroying this world, our environment, must be awakened in order for humanity to blaze a new trail of how we operate on this planet. It’s time to wake up! 

Show Notes

Do you know what energetically fuels you? It’s a loaded question with many avenues to explore. We are often faced with duality in this reality but sometimes operating above the playing field gives us a holistic advantage to any situation by simultaneously navigating any polaring thought, belief or action. Perspective is truly one of our greatest gifts as individuals having this human experience.

The level of destruction and pollution humanity has reached must be openly discussed. This continuous take, take, take without any regard to the repercussions of never giving back or considering the impact of overconsumption is what’s gotten us to this point, not to mention the plaguing egoism and extreme arrogance of those pulling the financial strings. 

This episode is dedicated to Earth and serves as a reminder of our responsibility for practicing reciprocity for all that we consume. The energies of Earth contain an enormous amount of information for us to tap into. Our sense of responsibility for either creating or destroying this world, our environment, must be awakened in order for humanity to blaze a new trail of how we operate on this planet. It’s time to wake up!