Voice Like A Lion

Voice Like A Lion with Jennifer Watson: Mastering Leadership Resilience and Emotional Intelligence

January 31, 2024 Steven Pemberton
Voice Like A Lion with Jennifer Watson: Mastering Leadership Resilience and Emotional Intelligence
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Voice Like A Lion
Voice Like A Lion with Jennifer Watson: Mastering Leadership Resilience and Emotional Intelligence
Jan 31, 2024
Steven Pemberton

Unlock the secrets to high-performance leadership without the risk of burnout. Leadership virtuoso Jennifer Watson joins us on Voice Like a Lion to share groundbreaking insights on mastering your unique leadership frequency. Through a captivating blend of personal anecdotes and expert frameworks, Jennifer illuminates the path to optimizing your brain-body chemistry, allowing you to harness your innate strengths and maintain your 'zone of genius'. Her wisdom offers a fresh perspective on steering clear of the pitfalls of relentless success and the toll it can take on your physical and emotional well-being.

Have you ever considered how emotional regulation shapes your leadership success? Jennifer and I explore the delicate balance required to navigate the emotional highs and lows that accompany high-stakes decision-making. Learn how to conduct a self-audit on your emotional health, employ gratitude to recalibrate your emotional state, and foster a supportive team environment. This conversation promises to arm you with the tools necessary for shifting your emotional states to achieve leadership success, resilience, and effectiveness.

But what about the deeper impacts of trauma on our leadership styles? We tackle this head-on, discussing how to recognize and process these triggers to master healthier emotional management. This episode is not just about leading others; it's a journey towards personal growth, self-awareness, and the continuous evolution of our leadership capacities. Join us for laughs, gratitude, and a transformative look at how we can redefine effective leadership to embrace well-being and emotional intelligence, all while navigating the human side of our leadership experiences.

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Unlock the secrets to high-performance leadership without the risk of burnout. Leadership virtuoso Jennifer Watson joins us on Voice Like a Lion to share groundbreaking insights on mastering your unique leadership frequency. Through a captivating blend of personal anecdotes and expert frameworks, Jennifer illuminates the path to optimizing your brain-body chemistry, allowing you to harness your innate strengths and maintain your 'zone of genius'. Her wisdom offers a fresh perspective on steering clear of the pitfalls of relentless success and the toll it can take on your physical and emotional well-being.

Have you ever considered how emotional regulation shapes your leadership success? Jennifer and I explore the delicate balance required to navigate the emotional highs and lows that accompany high-stakes decision-making. Learn how to conduct a self-audit on your emotional health, employ gratitude to recalibrate your emotional state, and foster a supportive team environment. This conversation promises to arm you with the tools necessary for shifting your emotional states to achieve leadership success, resilience, and effectiveness.

But what about the deeper impacts of trauma on our leadership styles? We tackle this head-on, discussing how to recognize and process these triggers to master healthier emotional management. This episode is not just about leading others; it's a journey towards personal growth, self-awareness, and the continuous evolution of our leadership capacities. Join us for laughs, gratitude, and a transformative look at how we can redefine effective leadership to embrace well-being and emotional intelligence, all while navigating the human side of our leadership experiences.

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Steven Pemberton:

Hello everyone and welcome back to Voice Like a Lion podcast. I'm your host, Steven Pemberton, and today we have a friend of mine who I know is going to be a quick friend of yours. This is Jennifer Watson. sought-after and an international speaker gracing TEDx stages Sounds like another one this year. Healer, visionary, on a mission to help leaders heal and accelerate their deeper purpose of impact through shifting their mental emotional state and optimizing hi gh-performance, leadership. She is the founder of Watson Worldwide. Jennifer, welcome to the show.

Jennifer Watson:

Hi, it's so good to be here, Steven. I love supporting your community and I'm ready to serve and wrap and roll and see what kind of goodness we can get into.

Steven Pemberton:

Thank you. I am really excited to have you here because we've had a few different conversations and I love your take on leadership and how you help leaders be able to become high performance leaders, because I do believe that there's a difference. What got you into the world of leadership?

Jennifer Watson:

It's interesting. Maybe a lot of leaders say this, but I'm going to say it. I was a natural leader a lot of my life it was just one of those things.

Jennifer Watson:

I just felt I was the person, the visionary. Take the bull by the horns, start and lead the path that was not gone down yet, just really bringing in a lot of different, amazing people onto a team. I had a natural knack for that From a very young age, starting in sports. I was a team captain on a lot of different sports and well into college, where I ran at Wisconsin Madison. Leadership came naturally to me through sport. Then, ultimately, I started my first business not too many years after I graduated from physical therapy school. Even before that, when I did a few hours or a few years in with another company, I was already up to the senior leadership within a year.

Jennifer Watson:

I just have naturally always been a leader. But what I have found, Steven, is my own pitfalls, things that I did that I could have done better, and things I believe leaders need at the tip of their hands to really accelerate their team, accelerate their impact, accelerate their profit and still keep their health and still feel really good on their playground. Again, through my own journey my own businesses as well as connected with other business leaders I have found my own journey in frameworks I now share with other leaders to really help optimize your vitality, optimize what I call a healthy high performance to really be in your unique leadership frequency. Once you have that, I believe you can be pretty unstoppable with your team to give what you want to give to the world.

Steven Pemberton:

The thing about finding your own frequency this is what I actually say, something similar, but it's a little different, and I've heard it a couple of different times is just finding your lane, because we talk about it in different areas. We'll talk about it with comparison and things like that, but finding your lane we call it zone of genius, whatever you want to call it. I think that that's incredible, that you help people be able to find that frequency in their life, because the way that you lead a team may be wildly different than how I lead a team, but that doesn't make it less effective. It doesn't make your way better than my way, but there's a way that I do it that suits the people that I work with and there's a way that you do it that's going to suit the people that you work with.

Steven Pemberton:

How are you able to find your frequency? I know you were saying it was natural, but I would also like to say I was a natural leader. But what's funny is I was the opposite, where I was a natural leader, but I loved being alone. I didn't want to be with people. When I was in a group of people, I would always be nominated to be the leader of the thing, and I was always just deathly afraid and saying absolutely not. Then they made me the leader anyways and we usually did really well, but it sounds like you, from a young age, learned how to just step into it. With you stepping into it, how did you find your own unique frequency? And then how are you helping other people step into their unique frequency?

Jennifer Watson:

Absolutely. You know, I believe leadership comes from using both the left and right brain, and what I mean is from a left brain perspective. All leaders are a little bit different on their gifting, on how they communicate, on different things that are definitely foundational for leadership. But I want to move from that space a little bit today, you guys, as we're talking about frequency, because what I mean about staying in your lane and kind of giving all the weeds, that being in your zone of genius is not just knowing what your gifting is as a leader and how you can expand yours and help others expand theirs, but for me it's really understanding the chemistry of how your particular brain in your body, optimizes itself so it can show it fully as a leader. And that requires you to listen to your brain and body. Many of us even as leaders because we're feeling we have to get 20 things done today, we're racing around, we're trying to be high performance.

Jennifer Watson:

I teach healthy high performance. You're not burnout. We can talk about that, but it's first starts with you just listening to hey, I love that, that's something that I love to do as a leader. And you feel it in your body, you guys. It feels expansive, it feels light, you feel in your jam, you feel almost like in your flow. Okay, connecting, feeling, listening to your body when you are trying to find your space as a leader, find your gifting kind of what your knack is is super important. So I teach people frameworks to help them actually tap into brain body chemistry, to listen to it, communicating to you, so you can actually get into your lane more effectively and actually stay there. When your brain and body, you're communicating to it and you're optimizing it through a lot of healthy frameworks I give it. When stuff comes at you, as we often get as leaders and business owners, you stay anchored in brain, body integrity so it can continue to communicate with you and continue to be in a jam. That is high performance and healthy.

Jennifer Watson:

Because I'm going to be honest, you guys all of you are probably high performance and all of you have been successful, but how many of you have been burnout, exhausted, but still doing pretty well? I'm not saying some of you guys haven't done that, but I'm going to tell you right now you weren't in your frequency for you to actually be in the highest form of performance. Think about if you're doing well now, if you actually get into a higher, healthier performance and get your brain and body and listen to it and get it in integrity with you. Oh my gosh, you not only accelerate your performance, accelerate your profit, accelerate your leadership unique giftings, but guess what? You actually feel good doing it.

Jennifer Watson:

You're not burnout, exhausted brain fog by the day and not have things you want to do later in the day and give to other people that you want to give to because you're so tired. You guys really get this. Leadership frequency to me is not you just getting your unique gifting, getting the foundations down in your unique gifting, but actually understanding how your brain body works for you to stay in your lane and keeping it in integrity so when life gets lifey or your business throws things at you, you can actually stay in vitality, being clarity, making good decisions and staying highly productive and high performing, no matter the environment. When you understand that and learn the frameworks to do that, you truly become unstoppable, because life is always changing and you better know how to step in as a leader and teach your team to do the same.

Steven Pemberton:

That's something that I've experienced just over my years of being a leader is there's absolutely been successes that have come with huge deficits.

Steven Pemberton:

And that's what that's so interesting, that you talk about this mind body connection, because most of the time, especially with the high performers for the people that are listening, there's been absolutely some high performers listening that they, they will sacrifice what their body is telling them for the achievement. That's why they say, well, I'm a high achiever. It's like you may be a high achiever, but in this area, this other area of your life, your actual health journey of your life, you are losing in that area because you have so focused on achieving whatever that dollar amount is achieving, whatever that promotion is. And I think that that's such a great way to look at it because it should be all in one right. If you because eventually maybe not now, maybe you are winning in whatever field, whatever field of battle that you're in, but eventually, if you're not taking care of your health, if you're not taking care of your actual mind, if you're always having this brain fog, eventually it will catch up and you will not be as high a performer as you are right now.

Jennifer Watson:

And you know, and the thing is, you bring up to good points, David, and I hope listeners are listening to this I get it. I was in what I call the unhealthy high performer. You guys, I was successful for a while. I'm going to be honest, I was successful and I'm sure all of you can say that like I'm successful. But for one, how do you feel? Are you living well? Are you burnout, exhausted? You shorten up physical health issues, heart palpitations and, number two, if you haven't already, you're going to self-employed. Okay, don't you want to just feel good and stuff that you love to do? One and actually, if you think you're high performing now, that actually you can accelerate important, just shadow the glass ceiling on things that you thought you're being the best high performer. And you guys, I work with leaders and their teams all the time. When we start shifting their mind, body, chemistry and the lying it to their gifting, they become unstoppable because again, once this stuff starts happening, you have so much brain, body integrity it can take on anything. I have a lot of frameworks to help when you go through different hard times and how to reel that from a decision making, from a communication making, from getting your team and a good team environment. But it always starts with you and how you feel and how you're radiating your frequency as a leader, and no matter how many frameworks you have over here to get the process done and get your team on board, if you are not doing well, you're not showing a fully for a team and they were not showing a fully for you. And I'm going to give you one tip you guys start creating a better mind body chemistry that works for you.

Jennifer Watson:

When life gets like you, or change or a challenge to start happening, you have to learn how to emotionally shift your state. What do I mean by that? When you get a bad email, what happens sometimes, steven? Maybe get angry or maybe get anxious about it, or maybe get consumed and start going well, gosh, how do I respond? You start losing productivity because you're letting the emotion overtake you. Maybe something happened where you had to navigate a tough conversation with a colleague of yours or a team member. Maybe you had to fight with your wife before you got to work.

Jennifer Watson:

You guys, in that emotion is still surrounding your brain and your body. It's stalling you because you're persevering. You're stalling you because now it's creating physical symptoms in your body of whatever emotion you're feeling and you're not getting the work done that you want to get done that day or not doing it very well. So, learning everyone how to shift the emotions that come at you when things trigger you during your day and I'm saying in the pebbles in the shoe, okay, when you have enough loss during the day, the emotions just start stacking and stacking.

Jennifer Watson:

You start becoming brain fog. You start becoming low tolerance to things that are happening during your day. You start getting edgy with your team because, I'm telling you, I always start getting more involved in the business. I always start with shifting people's mental, emotional state as leaders. Then we get into the good stuff of leadership and gifting and then we get into the good stuff of frameworks that help with productivity and communication. Understand this, you guys when you get in your leadership frequency, it requires you to assess and bring in and optimize your brain and body chemistry, and one way that you do that is learning how to shift your emotional state's frameworks. I go through all the time with my clients. You can get out of the weeds, like you said, and then you can shift your emotional state's frameworks back into your lane of gifting and take on the day that you had planned.

Steven Pemberton:

I think the emotional states. The first time I'd ever heard that was at Tony Robbins, and I remember at this point I was already a successful leader, but he talked about changing your state and I just thought that that was such a funny concept of why do I need to change my state? I'm already successful, I'm already doing this stuff. But what I found was exactly what you just said and I'm gonna be honest. Well, this is be real, let's make this really practical. Let's not make this five years ago, let's make this five minutes ago, so right before I got on the podcast and I actually just had another podcast air and it aired it's been live for a little less than three hours and somebody watched it and left this long comment about everything they didn't like and I was just like you didn't even watch it. It's like you actually didn't take the time to understand the concepts in the video and I felt it.

Steven Pemberton:

It usually starts in my chest and I and I'm just able to identify those things. At this point I can feel my chest kind of tighten up and it almost feels like this little fire starts burning and I go Okay, I'm starting to get away from where I need to be and for me. I went and I just talked to my wife and then after that we're just kind of recentered. I was able to sit there and find gratitude. What am I grateful for? I'm grateful this person just watched it. I'm grateful they commented at all, and that helps shift my emotional state to be able to get back to where I need to be To be able to do this podcast with you.

Jennifer Watson:

No, and that's such a great point. It's so brilliant that you're able to do that. And I'm gonna say this about leaders you guys, what we have a tendency to do is two things, and it's great that you do that stupid. We have to do two things. One, if we're feeling it, we push it down because we have to get on with our day, okay. Or two, we're not. We're so used to being in kind of this. I'll call it negative emotions state throughout our day, with whether it be anxiousness or frustration or anger or whatever that we think it's quote normal, you guys. So, whatever boat you're in, first and foremost, do an audit, I think for everybody, right now. Forget some of our tools right now, just do an audit. You know how you were feeling today. Get in touch with what emotions you were feeling, where did you feel it in your body, and just do that all week by Acknowledging where you're at. Then we, you know, can give you guys the right frameworks and tools, start moving that emotion through. Remember, emotion is energy, you guys, just like food. There's certain things that it can be more effective to help navigate it more powerfully. Pushing it down is like giving yourself, you know, drain, oh, okay, like your gut is like it's gonna shut down right and it's gonna react to that. When we start, when we start and keep pushing down Emotions and avoiding it or not even realizing it's there, it will finally Manifest physically, mentally, and it will finally show up, as you said, in Frustration and lack of productivity and rumination. So I would encourage all of you just if you're not really knowing what emotions are having today, just do an audit all week. That's where you start from there. That's when you guys, you can start looking at them. Themes like what often gets you up Is it always these females, is it when you have bad conversations? And you can start honing in Because from there, as a coach, as a practitioner, we start giving frameworks that can help move you through to pay in the switch Situation that you're most triggered. I will say this everyone as you do the audit and students Is really important for all your listeners.

Jennifer Watson:

When you start kind of seeing a theme of something that gives you a certain emotion and it's pretty consistent throughout the week, there's usually a trigger there for a reason. Sometimes this is from core traumas in our past and the least we have from those car traumas. It can be from our childhood, demographics and things we learned and wired into our system at the ages that we were developing. There's so many reasons why it can be there, but if something is continuing to trigger me, you, it's usually something else that happened long time ago that's causing that to continue to trigger you and gives you this emotion that you aren't digesting. So, as a coach, there's a lot of frameworks to kind of dial clients through on that.

Jennifer Watson:

But just being aware what emotions you're having, what are the common ones you're having, what Steven just said, that's at least a start. You know you're always angry and frustrated after you get a bad comment on a podcast or whatever it is. At least pausing, you guys, there's a lot of power in the pods. It gives your brain an opportunity to say oh wow, steven's not running from this, he's not pushing it down, he's just settling, which means it might be kind of sort of safe. What happens then is the brain starts activating the creative zone, the solution zone, the solution zone, it starts looking at other things to help process the emotion. Now, again, it's not always going to be fully digested. Sometimes you do need more coaching or structure and framework.

Jennifer Watson:

But just by again, you guys, just to remind your, start auditing your week, what emotions especially some of the lower ones, that you're having, are they consistent with a certain Activity and pattern?

Jennifer Watson:

And then just pause with it if you're finding that that isn't helping long term. This is where coaching comes in. You guys, this is something I do for a living. I've had my life's work around this is really teach you guys how to be 10 out of 10 plus versus five to six, and do a pretty good job. One of my biggest quotes, steven, is good is the devil. To great Many high performers and leaders are like well, I make good money and I have pretty good team and everything, but you guys, you feel like crap. And what if you could feel great and actually be 10 out of 10 with all the high performance and all the goals you have? And it starts with Identifying your emotions and starting to shift them. And the shift for you guys for now, without the frameworks I have, is to give you that audit and then pause, because that'll allow you to digest the emotional a little bit, if not a lot.

Steven Pemberton:

So when somebody comes to you because you brought up a really good point and I think it's it's one of those things that a lot of people especially men if I'm honest, I see this the most in men is when it comes to traumas, they just bury those things. For a long time I lived a very compartmentalized life and, yes, maybe you stored that away in your to go bag of your traumas, but it's still going with you as something that you're going to be carrying into every conversation. That's something that happened to you and you're not addressing it. So when somebody comes to you and they have these traumas and they have these triggers, let's say that as somebody who they get triggered but they're not self aware enough to do that audit, to know that it's coming from a childhood trauma. They think it's more coming from as well. My coworker would change. Well, if my wife wouldn't do that, If the guy who cut me off wouldn't have done that, then I wouldn't act this way. How do you help them become more self aware? I guess would be the word.

Jennifer Watson:

Yeah, and that's so great. You know, first and foremost, you guys, I just want to use the word trauma when it back up a little bit. You know that word has been thrown around quite a bit. Here's the deal everybody. There's small trauma is there's bigger traumas. All this have the way that we viewed life.

Jennifer Watson:

I will say this at its basic level anything that triggers you consistently, that you find yourself, perseverate on and it's a common thing that is is triggering you throughout your week, everyone that's coming from a trauma Okay, I'm not talking about what actually Stephen just said. Where, let's say, someone cuts you off, you get a little irritated and you go on with your day, you're naturally going to get a little bit upset. But if you keep persevering on that and you want to follow this person and like, drive him off the road or that, you guys, this is where we have to look at it further that it could be a trauma, something from your past and something from your childhood, and that does everyone require more coaching, support to help you really break free of that, rewire the brain and get the brain and body on board, to be in a safe space, to choose a different emotion and different behavior. And, by the way, you guys, it doesn't mean you have to have a big trauma. You know I have worked with people that have been sexually assaulted, that have lost you know their child to death, that have all those things. But I've also had people that were just made fun of as little kids in kindergarten and it was during their developmental time and they brought up different patterns of feeling traumatized and not trusting people because they were made fun of it six years page Okay. So, you guys, micro or big traumas, traumas if they're there and you're not finding what we just talked about, pausing, you're not sure where it's coming from it does require, I will say, coaching or counseling to help you become more aware and then give the frameworks, really process that import with that set. I love what you said, stephen. So many of us I'll just do it even leaders, you guys just own it blame people. This person did this and this is why this is not done on time. This person should have done this and this is why this is happening. This person should have done we all have done that. You guys.

Jennifer Watson:

Two things here. At the end of the day, even if that person is partially responsible because a lot of times they are, by the way, you guys, but that's something we can control, right, we can control our part and I'm going to tell you guys right now we always have a part. Even if you think 90% is their part, it doesn't matter. You always have a part. And what you'll find? Often you have a major part and that's actually awesome thing, because that means you have some tools we can give you right now to actually shift that part, so it can influence that situation. So when it comes up again that's similar to that situation, you will address it differently, you will process it really, you will be able to start shifting your emotion in a more powerful way. So that's the first thing you guys know. You can't control other people. You usually have a part, so start dealing with that. If you are a person, see nothing, that's great. If you're a person that's like Jennifer I get into so many people, guys especially, I've suppressed their emotions.

Jennifer Watson:

I even know what that is. I get it. This is what I'm going to say. I'm going to go back to the pods. The reason why we suppress you guys because we don't deal with them. We think it's actually courageous to get on and suck it up and go through our day. I'm encouraged.

Jennifer Watson:

All my men and women out there, I'm going to encourage you and challenge you to look at performance and doing a good job as a leader in a different way. When you start changing your relationship to what you think that is, it's going to help with the second part I'm going to give you, and what I mean by that is be a leader that feels you can actually be healthy and be high perform. Be a leader that feels you don't have to be burned out, exhausted and hold that as a gold star to actually be a good leader. I want you guys start challenging that thought process that you have to be exhausted, brown, overwhelmed, doing 20 things a day and feel horrible at the end of the day to be a quote good leader and high performer. Challenge you in general on that, because what we just said for the last 30 minutes and how you can be a lot more optimal when you're feeling good anyway. That's the first part. The second part once you start changing your relationship, that does a big thing to the brain, stephen, because it starts being suggestible to other options, and what I mean is okay if I'm not supposed to feel miserable. Just pushed on my emotions and you're telling me that I should look at a relationship differently. It's already going to start searching for a different thing to be looking at and a different way to be feeling about it, including emotions. Okay, changing the relationship. Your brain's already being suggested to looking at emotions differently. Secondly, what we just talked about before everyone power in the pods.

Jennifer Watson:

I'm gonna encourage all you men and women that are like I have no clue what you're talking about the emotions and run I know I feel I'm gonna encourage you every hour on the hour, to actually get off your phone, turn off your computer. Insist For five minutes and sit and do what, jennifer? Nothing. Sit for five minutes and just start scanning your body. Do you have tension in your shoulders? Do you have gas gut issues or you feel pretty good? Do you feel weak? Do you feel high energy? Do you feel low energy? Just start documenting Every hour on the hour.

Jennifer Watson:

This is what I call somatic checking, you guys. I do this all the time at the end of an hour how am I feeling? A little low energy. I need to move. I need to get my vitality back up. I'm actually feeling pretty good, I think. Go on to the next task. You guys, a somatic check-in is gonna help you start learning your emotions and what you're feeling this audit we're talking about. So I'm gonna encourage all of you that's on the show today. Challenge you. Maybe not every hour, that feels too much. Every other five minutes, sit, turn off every cellular I to your computer device and sit and just start scanning. How am I feeling, how's my energy? Do I have tension in my body? Am I feeling angry about something?

Jennifer Watson:

Just start sitting and pausing in it and you will start becoming Aware, you guys and where they say, before you're gonna start changing your relationship, to thinking up, to push everything down and run and get exhausted. Your brains are to being Suggestible because you're saying, hmm, I'm willing to look at it differently now I'm gonna pause in that different relationship. What am I feeling right now? You guys, you'll be surprised in a week. You will be surprised how much more awareness you will have on certain emotions and tendencies you have Toward in activity and emotion. From there, some tools that we mentioned earlier and otherwise, if there's something more triggering, this is where coaching is necessary.

Jennifer Watson:

You guys, I work with amazing, epic leaders all the time that have trauma. They can't work through on their own. They have emotional states they're still struggling with, even with the pause, and that's a okay. I have so many coaches of the years. You guys, if you want to know how I became successful and how I stay in my leadership, frequency coaches okay. I've always found it really weird that after athletics, we stopped getting coached after we're 18. You guys, we're always growing and evolving. We can't see everything. We don't have all the frameworks. Get a coach if this stuff doesn't work. You guys, I love working with leaders that can actually learn to shift it more powerfully. Get through that crap, trauma. Learn to become more aware move that energy through.

Jennifer Watson:

Have a powerful state that allows you to take on anything during your day and allows you to be kind, connect with your team, allows you to be productive and high performing. There's a game changing. I'm telling you to change nothing in your business frameworks and to start teaching yourself. Have to shift and shift Exponentially at a higher rate during your day when stuff comes at you. I can't tell you how much your bottom line is going to change and your impact is going to accelerate Game over every day. That we can. Twice on Sunday.

Steven Pemberton:

Jennifer, that's amazing. How can people get connected with you because you you've just done such an amazing job of breaking it down and talking about your frameworks and Giving them a taste of how? Not because, honestly, they can walk away with real value for the people listening. They can walk away with what you've already given and we can implement that today, like the systematic check. That's something I might want to start looking at a little bit more often, because I've just kind of sporadically done it and not Actually had a system behind it. That's why I love that you called it a systematic check, because you're actually making it into a system. So how can people connect with you to learn more about you and your coaching?

Jennifer Watson:

100%. You guys, this is my life, work and this, the stuff that we're giving you, is going to create traction, but it's not necessarily going to get you to where you want to be. So please connect with me if you have questions, if you're interested in just talking to me about possible support. You guys, it's not a pressure situation. We're here because I want to see you actually elevate to a newer level. We need more powerful, healed leaders, you guys. So I would love to connect to you. The best way to connect with me is through Instagram or LinkedIn. On Instagram, I'm at the Jennifer Watson. On LinkedIn is Jennifer Watson. I answer my own DMs. I do have ability. Just connect with me and if you want to just and you have some questions answered or you want to just set up a call and see how I might be able to support you further, I would love to come along and learn more about your journey and see how we can do that.

Steven Pemberton:

That's for everyone listening. Make sure to take advantage of that, because that's how I met Jennifer, was I just connected? I honestly just reached out to her and that was how we first connected, and it's been beautiful to see how, even just in the short conversation, she's been able to give me breakthroughs. So I know that just in the little ones, I could just imagine what she could do in the big ones. Now, jennifer, before I let you go though, this happens on every one of my podcast now is tell me a funny story about something that's happened either on your journey or in your business.

Jennifer Watson:

Oh my gosh, let's see here, that's a funny story. You know, I'm gonna say this, you guys, as a leader, one of my giftings I think a lot of leaders have this I'm a risk-taker and I'm not afraid to face plant, because to me it's the learning moment. I'm not afraid to face plant. And this is actually when I was a captain on my college track team and I was interested in a guy and they were saying oh, you should go ask him out, you should go ask him out, he's on the guy's track team.

Speaker 3:

And I went up to go ask him out and to find out he was engaged, so totally face-planted, learn a lesson of getting more information on him as a leader than I was, but I was going for it other people wanting to ask other guys out on the teams too, and it was my way.

Jennifer Watson:

It's a funny story, but it's also part of my gifting as a leader is I'm not afraid to go forward in, have funny stories like this, where sometimes I'm successful, sometimes I face plant and it's a lesson of.

Speaker 3:

Maybe I should have checked out first that he was not engaged so that's my funny story in leadership on a track team and I will never forget that.

Jennifer Watson:

And let me just tell you his response was so very kind because I wanted to crawl into a hole great question.

Steven Pemberton:

That's amazing. Thank you for your story. Thank you so much for just spending this time with us today on the voice like a lion podcast. For those of you guys listening, I've already said it once, but make sure to go all the this all of this will be in the description for you to be able to find the social medias to be able to connect with Jennifer, but I do find it really important for you guys to take action and to get connected with her. She's amazing at what she does and, jennifer, thank you again for being here thank you so much for having me, steven and to everyone else.

Steven Pemberton:

See you, guys, on the next episode.

Optimizing High Performance Leadership
Shifting Emotional States for Leadership Success
Understanding Trauma and Shifting Perspectives
Understanding Emotions for Personal Growth
Laughs and Gratitude With Jennifer