Lauren's Love Rx

Ghost Bust Your Love Life

Lauren Frances Season 1 Episode 6

Are you haunted by a lost love, and feel creeped out by the prospect of dating again? 👻💔

Then today is the PERFECT time to ghostbust these specters of doom, and banish those skeletons from your (emotional) closet! 🕸🧹

Because whether you still love him or hate him, the 'ghosts of relationships past' can definitely leave their mark, and make it difficult to move on and start dating  again!

Flirt Fact: Being INCOMPLETE and unresolved about a core romantic relationship is the single biggest reason that most single women, stay single. Millions of women shut down and retract from dating after being hurt, disappointed, or rejected. It can feel like your love life has been 'hexed' and you can't break the spell.

And why shouldn't it?

Getting hurt or rejected is PAINFUL.

And when you get hurt too deeply enough or too often, it can make you want to stop playing.

This state of affairs can keep you out of the dating field – for YEARS. 

I call this state of affairs being "Romantically Hexed" and it's not an overstatement. Unresolved relationships can definitely make you feel like you are what one of my clients called "Being Cursed by Cupid."
If you're hexed by an ex, this podcast will help you clear out the cobwebs! 💋👻🕸🧹

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