Breathe Into Business

Giving ourselves permission to change

November 09, 2022 Amy Kuretsky Season 1 Episode 1
Giving ourselves permission to change
Breathe Into Business
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Breathe Into Business
Giving ourselves permission to change
Nov 09, 2022 Season 1 Episode 1
Amy Kuretsky

Change - it’s the only constant in life, right? In this episode we’ll talk about all the changes this podcast has gone through in its lifetime, why it’s so hard to make changes in our business, and consider the places in our life we might be ready to give ourselves more permission to change.

We’ll also talk about what you can expect in this season of the new Breathe Into Business podcast.

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Join the Breathe Into Business Patreon to get access to monthly live breathwork events, the community Discord server, plus the private podcast feed with interviews, breathwork recordings, and more. Membership tiers are sliding scale $5-$33 per month.

To learn more about Amy and her work, head to

Show Notes Transcript

Change - it’s the only constant in life, right? In this episode we’ll talk about all the changes this podcast has gone through in its lifetime, why it’s so hard to make changes in our business, and consider the places in our life we might be ready to give ourselves more permission to change.

We’ll also talk about what you can expect in this season of the new Breathe Into Business podcast.

Support the Show.

Join the Breathe Into Business Patreon to get access to monthly live breathwork events, the community Discord server, plus the private podcast feed with interviews, breathwork recordings, and more. Membership tiers are sliding scale $5-$33 per month.

To learn more about Amy and her work, head to

Welcome to breathe into business a podcast for folks who want to hear what it's really like to run an intuitive lead business, I'm your host Amy kuretsky a breath work facilitator who helps service providers. Creators and artists tap into their own inner knowing so that they can run businesses from a place of trust and self-confidence. I created this podcast to help folks like you. Who are disillusioned with the / culture of online small business building to permission yourself to follow a different path. In these episodes you'll hear conversations that are, messy and even a little bit scary at times my biggest hope is that each of these episodes helps you feel even 10% more confident in leaning into what your intuition is sharing with you and doing business your own way. Let's take a breath and talk business all right let's get started. Welcome to the first official episode of breathe into business conversations on breathwork self permission and running and intuitive lead business. I will say it feels good to be here for me at least hopefully it does for you too so let's take one big breath together and then we'll get started, so take a nice big inhale through the nose if that feels good. Big exhale in the mouth letting those shoulders drop. All right I think we can do this now so my name is Amy maybe you know that by now and if you've been a subscriber to this feed for a while. Like some of you have maybe been subscribed to this podcast feed since 2016 which is just mind-blowing to me. And if that's you maybe you'll have noticed a lot of changes and evolution that has happened over here in that period of time so you know since 2016 I've changed my expertise, you know my background is in Chinese medicine I'm a licensed acupuncturist I own an acupuncture and, healing Clinic here in the Twin Cities but over that time I've Incorporated more breath work and, business experience into my practice so now over in this Arena on this feed, we talked a lot about breathwork we talk a lot about business we talked a whole lot less about you know physical health and healing and Chinese medicine, in that time I've also changed my business you know I went from having a solo acupuncture practice in 2013 and now I co-own a clinic with nine employees and a hole team of amazing practitioners and administrative staff and. It's a completely different business from what I started with and also at the same time I've been kind of separating my own, solo business and sustainably and slowly growing that breath work and business support side of my business as well. And I've also changed this podcast you know as of today we've changed the name here you are listening to breathe into business. We've changed the topic a bit although that feels a little bit more of like a slow gradual change as opposed to a big surprise change. We're changing the format we changed the intros and outros we change the artwork basically everything that could be changed about this podcast is changing. And also and you know the last several years I would say that my philosophy on both healing and business has changed over that time. Remember like the name of this podcast used to be Health fuels hustle and that originated from a belief that I do still. It's a belief that the health of our ourselves and our businesses are inextricably tied. And just like Adrian Marie Brown shares in her wonderful book emergent strategy. You know what we practice at the small scale sets the patterns for the whole system and I believe that that is true in our. Businesses and in our bodies and how those two things are actually part of the same system so I believe that bringing you know healing into one space even a tiny part of our life or our business is going to support healing in the other. And while I still believe that to be true you know many of the other thoughts and beliefs around both healing and business have evolved a lot since 2016 and that's probably obvious to anybody who has been listening to this podcast for several several years you've heard the conversations shift from a real focus on you know health tips and tricks and and that morm. Physical health focused work to a more holistic look at what health looks like from a Mind Body Spirit and business perspective. And you know from taking in the events of the last six or so years you know my own personal experience with health crises crisis seeds I don't even know how you would how do you pluralize crisis but you know my own experience with surgery and health ups and downs during that time you know also listening and learning from the lived experiences and stories that others have shared with me. Especially voices that have been historically silenced and minimized. You know all of these things we have a pandemic we've had a Uprising we've had so many things happen in the last six years that have, really influence the evolution of my own philosophy on Health on healing on business. All of these things basically everything having to do with the topics that my own business is built around has slowly and steadily shifted and evolved over these years. And as my thinking has evolved my business has as well. I shared a couple of those ways that it changed earlier just a minute or so in this podcast but also my business has shifted in really focusing Less on outward growth and more on the internal shifts and Transformations that I find so. Personally valuable for myself and for my clients. You know it's really letting my business now let's really every offering or way of working with clients and Community have its own. Identity have its own Evolution and really change as my needs change as my businesses needs change and as my clients needs inevitably change as well. I've also really kind of slow down just about everything in my business and really allowed my nervous system to have the final say, and whether that's from my day-to-day routines to really how I set goals and move towards them to even how I show up for my clients. It's all really focused on both my nervous system and my clients nervous system. Which is basically to say that a lot of my business has now run through a much more trauma-informed lens both in how I work with clients and how I sell my services because I am a business. You know in all of these things there's been a lot of change and I had to give myself a lot of permission to change my mind. Like a lot of permission so now that you know where a good five or so minutes into this episode you can probably guess what today's topic is all about. It's about permissioning ourselves to change you know a couple years back I wrote a newsletter. Really publicly admitting to changing my mind on something I had created an offering I had said it was going to be this that and the other I published it I shared it, and then after it had already gone live I decided to change something about it. And for me that was super super scary it was really scary to take that step and make that change and then even scarier to tell people about it in public. Because I had already shared it and made this change so I felt like I really needed to share publicly. Kind of why I decided to make that change not because I necessarily owe anyone a reason or anything like that but because one of my. Kind of deepest values for my business is really sharing honestly and openly and being really Frank having just really honest conversations with my community as to. What I do in my business and why I do it I think that's one of the most important values that I hold in my business. And so it was really scary for me to make that change but then it was even scarier to share about it publicly. And yet to this day that newsletter is still one of the top red topped clicked and top reply to emails that I've sent out people really resonated with it. So you know why is it so hard to give ourselves permission to change our minds especially when we often times get data back from other people saying. You know you changed your mind you told me why you changed it and I am supporting you in this change like people really cheerleaded me on in my change and in all of the changes that I've made in my business over the years I've always been cheerleaded on I've never had somebody come up or at least not to my recollection right now had someone come up and be like Oh I'm mad at you because you made this change it's always been really supportive but yet it still feels so hard so why is that. You know I think that there is you know so many possible reasons we can't name all of the possible reasons out there in this one podcast episode. But I will say that many of us have grown up with really- messaging about changing our minds. Especially if you grew up in the United States and the United States political environment I know I can remember myself, for years like hearing political grandstanding about. Like flip this idea of flip-flopping or changing our mind or they voted this way and now they're voting this way or like there's something in our American political system that people really. Are almost forced into taking a position and the Never Ever Changing that position so we kind of had this like ingrained belief and our brains as we've grown up that once we take a position we need to defend it mightily or otherwise be seen as deceitful. But for me I'm like less concerned that people are going to interpret my change of mind our heart as like deceitfulness I'm more worried that they're going to see it as flakiness, I've been really conditioned. By my own Capricorn rising energy and recovering type A identity as being somebody who is reliable that's somebody that people can can depend upon and so giving myself permission to change my mind especially when I'm afraid that it's going to disappoint somebody that is what gives me a complete identity crisis. But as I've shared before and I'm going to share it here again I really do believe that our world would be so much fucking better if more people were willing to admit when they were wrong or misinformed or just. More aware and begin to change their mind you know I wish that people would change their mind like I wish that more pro-lifers which like let's actually not use that word let's say anti-choice because that's really what it is I wish that more anti-choice people would change their mind and stop trying to control the Reproductive Rights and reproductive health of this country, like wouldn't it be great if more people who had that one viewpoint. Became more informed maybe had more lived experience that connected them to people who did make choices to have abortions or to choose whatever they needed to choose for their own body autonomy and wouldn't it be amazing if those experiences and that, mmm that connection allowed people and invited people to change their mind we want more people in this world to change their mind think about all the other things that would make. This world as a whole better if people just got off of their off of their soap boxes out of the corners that they maybe have been backed into you and just listened, and opened their heart open their ears open their minds and change their mind. And trust me I am not trying to equate any of the you know changes that I've made in my business or that you are maybe thinking about making in your business and life as nearly as important as some of these really bigger systemic changes that need to happen in this world but. Just like Adrian Marie Brown says the small influences the large if we can feel more comfortable with changing our minds on small things then maybe we'll get more comfortable changing our mind on big things. You know one of my favorite quotes about change and probably one of the most popular ones out, in culture as well is from Octavia Butler is dystopian novel parable of the sower and in it she writes all that you touch you change all that you change changes you, the only lasting truth is change God is change. And every time I read that I get chills because I love that quote so much the only lasting truth is change. It is so relatable to me it feels so true, and because it feels so true it also feels so permission giving to me it reminds me when I read it that changes always happening whether or not we see it. And that by embracing the inevitability of change we are invited to be co-collaborators of that change. And I know I just got really big and out there with some of these things that I'm talking about but I'm gonna bring it back now and bring it back to where we started. Which is all of the changes that I've made in my business over the last handful of years or decade or so since I've been in business. And the change that I'm making a no here with this new show so even this podcast the one that you're listening to right now, this wouldn't be here if I hadn't given myself permission to change my mind. You know from 2016 until maybe right before the pandemic happened I'd been podcasting pretty regularly, moving between some solo shows and interviews with awesome people and really allowing kind of the gentle evolution of my thinking and working take place live in real time over the Airways and into your earbuds. And you probably saw some of my own thought change happen or you heard it happen over those years if you've been listening. And then in the fall of 2019 like right before the pandemic started I was really feeling pretty burnt out and I needed to take a break from the commitment of releasing podcast episodes and then of course we all know what happened just a few months later our entire world shifted and so then fast forward to just the summer. I really missed the connection that I felt this podcast offered me to all of you who are listening and I really missed the creative Outlet of sharing in this kind of different way but I knew that without a doubt going back to just recording a health feels hustle podcast episodes was not how I wanted to get back in your earbuds it was not how I was showing up in my business in this day to day it just didn't feel like the same business it didn't feel like the same podcast it just didn't feel in alignment so of course you know me I did some breathwork about it I pulled some tarot cards about it and I also got a little bit of help, I'm a big fan of reaching out for help when you need it and so I worked with Amelia over at softer Sound Studio shout out to Amelia and their team if you're someone who needs podcast support, I recommend them and I let this podcast change all of those tools that I use kind of gave me the inner permission to let this podcast change. Like change a lot so here we are in this new show. With a new way to connect to each other a new way for me to support you as a business owner as someone who might be disillusioned with the / culture of online and small business building. As someone who might be looking to permission yourself to follow a different path and find more trust and confidence in your own brand of doing business differently. Welcome this space is for you I'm so happy you're here. So since this is our first episode I really want to give you a kind of roadmap of what this is going to look like I want you to kind of feel really supported and really kind of guided on this path together that we're now on so here's what you can expect from this podcast going forward, we're going to be releasing an episode every other Wednesday so maybe a little slower Cadence and what you're used to you for podcasts but guess what I have a lot on my plate and I don't have the capacity to record to write and record and send an edit and all the things a podcast episode every week. And I'm guessing that you have a lot of podcast that you like listening to if you are like me someone who loves listening to I actually have more podcasts that come out every week then I actually have time to listen to them so I'm hoping that by giving you a podcast episode every other week. Actually going to work better for you and your business and your life and your schedule as well too. I'm also going to be having some shorter episodes like this one with Focus topics and take away questions for you to consider on your own ways of doing business differently. But I'm also going to do some longer-form interviews with amazing business owners out there have some scheduled right now that I'm really excited about and each conversation is going to be focused on the ways that those business owners have given themselves permission to do business outside of the conventional norms and what they've learned along the way. Basically how did these people decide to do business differently how are they doing business differently and what have they learned about it. We're also going to do 12 episodes seasons probably multiple Seasons with a month or so break in between them. Or you know maybe we'll do something else I don't know if I decide to change my mind you'll be the first to hear about it here so. That's our episode today thank you so much for listening I am so excited to be back in your earbuds a couple times a month connecting with all of you and before I leave you to the rest of your day I'm going to offer this question for you to consider. We're in your business and or in your life are you Desiring more permission to change. So take a breath or take many breaths during maybe a little practice of breathwork yourself and see where that question takes you. And if you want to share with me where you are going to permission yourself to change I'd love to hear about it send me a quick voice note via pipe speak over on the podcast website, or join our patreon community and share your thoughts in our Discord server it is a great chill supportive place for you to connect and Converse with other business owners who want to do business differently, along with the community Discord server we also have a lot of great other things we have a couple Live Events every month sometimes we're doing breathwork sometimes we're doing co-working sometimes we're doing flash masterminds all sorts of fun Live Events where you can meet maybe your next business bestie. We also have a private audio feed where I share everything from like ask me anything style episodes to interviews with community members and also an audio version of my newsletter so if you're missing out on that that's the place to find it, and when you join us I even send you some sweet little snail mail that fits in with today's podcast theme, the community is sliding scale with tears starting as low as five dollars a month you can read more about the benefits of our patreon community over at slash Amy kuretsky, thank you again so much for being here I am really truly thrilled to be back and yeah I will see you next time. Zion thanks so much for listening today if you liked this episode, even if it just got you to think about your business a little bit differently I'd love for you to subscribe to the show and share it with a business bestie or a few of them. And if you're interested in giving yourself a bit more permission to get messy in your own business. Head on over to the show notes to download my free coaching module on embracing the mess, in it I share my thoughts invite you to write and reflect and offer some actions you can take to start embracing and loving the Messier parts of yourself and your business. Breathe into business is recorded on the ancestral lands of the Dakota and anishinabe peoples. It's created by me Amy kuretsky with the production help from softer sounds Studios, thanks again for listening and breathing into your business with me today.