The Swarm

The Swarm - WASZP News - November 24th 2022

November 23, 2022 Marc
The Swarm - WASZP News - November 24th 2022
The Swarm
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The Swarm
The Swarm - WASZP News - November 24th 2022
Nov 23, 2022

What content would you like next on the Swarm

All the news from around the world of WASZP. Event entries are open for the 2023 European Games in Quiberon, the NZ Nationals are go in December and why did it take Martin 26 hours to get home from the WASZP UK end-of-season party?

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What content would you like next on the Swarm

All the news from around the world of WASZP. Event entries are open for the 2023 European Games in Quiberon, the NZ Nationals are go in December and why did it take Martin 26 hours to get home from the WASZP UK end-of-season party?