Get Off My Lawn! - The Mad Ramblings of a Gen X-er

Slow Joe to 'Close' the Border? Kind of.. Maybe? Well, No.

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Is President Biden's border crackdown a genuine solution or just political theater? Tune into our chapter "Border Cracking" as we dissect the timing and implications of Joe Biden's recent border policies, especially with the upcoming election looming large. We scrutinize the effectiveness of these measures, diving into the numbers and types of immigrants allowed into the country, the rescinding of Trump-era executive orders, and the mass parole scheme for immigrants from selected nations. The conversation doesn't shy away from uncomfortable truths, including the handling of crimes committed by illegal immigrants and whether these actions are more about political maneuvering than solving real issues.

In "Concerns About President's Mental State," we address the pressing question: is the legal system being weaponized against political opponents? Fannie Willis and the Georgia DA's office come under the microscope, amidst growing worries about President Biden's cognitive abilities. We bring you observations from lawmakers and administrative officials, alongside candid anecdotes from former Speaker Kevin McCarthy, which raise serious questions about Biden's capacity to lead. Wrapping up with "Challenges Facing America Today," we highlight the failure of Asford to release crucial records under the Freedom of Information Act and reflect on broader national concerns like border control, inflation, and the financial struggles faced by average families. Through the chaos, we hold onto hope for a better future. Join me, Tim, in another riveting episode of "The Mad Ramblin' of a Gen Xer.

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Speaker 1:

What you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it, is now dumber for having listened to it. You don't know what that ought is, mr Trash. I'd show you, but I'm too old, I'm too tired, I'm too fucking blind. If I were the man I was five years ago, I'd take a flamethrower to this place.

Speaker 2:

Do you understand the?

Speaker 1:

words that are coming out of my mouth. You want answers. I think I'm entitled. You want answers. I want the truth.

Speaker 2:

You can't handle the truth. We're going to say it one time For liberty and freedom, the truth shall unseat you Free. This is Tim. Let's get off my lawn the Mad Ramblings of a Gen Xer.

Speaker 2:

Want to talk about Joe Biden and his border crackdown, which is interestingly coming five months out before an election. He hasn't done anything that would solidify the border. He's left it all on Congress and he's just going to blame the Republicans in Congress, and he's just going to blame the Republicans. So now, as you near an election, he sees what the polling says and all of a sudden he decides well, we need to do something about this border, even though we were told for three and a half years, executive actions, executive orders, will not fix the border issue, will not fix the border crisis. Well, it's actually interesting that the rescinding of these executive orders from Donald Trump actually caused this border crisis. So on Tuesday, biden announced the US will shut down the US-Mexico border for 14 days if illegal crossings top 2,500 per day for seven consecutive days. It's a crap down.

Speaker 2:

You're already let 1.8 million asylum seekers on average the last three years come across the border. Now I love this because if you look at the numbers and if immigration is limited to 2,500 per day for a full calendar year, if you do the math, that's 912,500. So, yes, you're still cutting almost that number in half, but you are still letting a million people come into this country and file false asylum claims. Something like 97% of asylum claims are denied because of the fact that they're not actual claims for asylum. To claim asylum, you have to be being persecuted or fear of violence or bodily harm in your country because of the fact that you're either a political person or it could be anything, but you will be inflicted on death or bodily harm in your country of origin if you go back. No, most of these asylum seekers come in and say, oh, we're looking for work, and then I love it because we're looking for work, and then we're just gonna send the money out of the country and back home. So if you take a look at this, if you just take a look, this is crazy. This is crazy. You also have to take a look at there is a mass parole scheme that Biden allowed roughly 360,000 immigrants from Cuba, the Haitians, nicaraguans and Venezuelans to fly directly here to the country as well. So not only are we allowing people to come into the border. We're importing them as well. We're just going out and getting them. Now we're also not going to talk about the gotaways, where there's evidently hundreds of thousands per month of people that are crossing the border, that we have no idea who they are, what they are or where they are. We have no idea whatsoever.

Speaker 2:

Now, biden, of course, is still attempting to blame the border crisis on Republicans and he's called it a worldwide situation. This was in his very brief speech. No, we're not taking questions Today. I'm moving past Republicans' obstruction and using executive authorities available as president to do what I can to address my own issues at the border. Okay, okay, so there's a border crackdown. So you have the mass parole scheme, which is bringing in 360,000 immigrants that you're CB1 app, another 900,000 who will still be allowed in, even at the five, even when we hit the 250,000, a 200, 2,500 mark. So you're still leading in leaving in a total of 1.8 million.

Speaker 2:

So how is this a border crackdown? Can someone, can someone, explain this to me? If you take a look at the number and you take a look going back to 2016, in reference to the people that are applying for the amnesty program, in 2016, you had a little over half a million In 2017, you went under that. 2018, you had a little over half a million. 2017, you went under that. 2018, you had a little over half a million. Again 2019, there was a jump to about 1.1 million. 2020, it dropped again to 500,000. And then 2021, you have had over 2 million. 2022, you've had close to 2.6. And 2023, you're approaching 3 million people. I am so glad that this is a border crackdown. We are cracking down this border guys. We're going to stem the illegal tide.

Speaker 2:

It's an election stunt. This is the same guy that allowed Title 42 to go away remain in Mexico to go away. He did these things immediately when he came into office. There was no waiting. And I find this interesting because not only as this comes on the heels of an election, but an immigrant is accused and let's call him an illegal immigrant is accused of shooting two NYPD police officers and he had his immigration case dismissed within a year of illegally crossing into the United States. Now this guy in New York shot one officer in the chest, shot another officer in the leg when they attempted to stop him on his moped. This was in Queens. He had a hearing in Chicago on May 6th, where an immigration judge closed his case, according to ICE. Really, I mean, I don't understand and I don't get that Now, when a judge clears your case, those immigrants are no longer obligated to leave the country, are no longer monitored by immigration and custom forces, which, of course, is ICE making them basically still undocumented but it allows them to reapply, which they're really good Like. These people are really going to go out and reapply again.

Speaker 2:

So this guy crossed the border in Eagle Pass, texas. He was caught and arrested, but then released in July of 2023. Now he's a Venezuelan national and I thought we were supposed to be blocking all Venezuelans from coming to the country, but I guess that's just. We just forget about that. He failed to provide an address to authorities, which they just decided. We're going to sign him an immigration court in Chicago for his proceedings. He doesn't have an address. We're just going to say okay, we're going to just put him in Chicago. Going to say, okay, we're going to just put them in Chicago. Now, when they are removed, when their case is closed, these immigrants, they can't apply for benefits anymore, they can't get financial aid, they can't get work permits, they can't do any of these things. But what they can do is reapply for asylum.

Speaker 2:

Is anyone seeing the lunacy in this? Is anyone seeing how crazy this is? Now, not only is he suspected of shooting these two police officers, he shot him. Let's just say it. You can say it all the fuck you want. He shot him. He's also suspected in helping attack two women. One was hit in the face and this was during a pair of snatch and grab robberies days before.

Speaker 2:

We're letting in all the best people. We're letting in all the best people in the world. Aren't we Used to be when we had immigration policies we would? You know, we would want to have, we would want to have scientists we would want to have, you know, we would want to have these people coming here who could do something for this country, who could help this country? Nope, not us, we just let other countries empty their prisons.

Speaker 2:

And 215 a of the immigration and nationalization act, which allows the president to spend the entry of certain categories of foreign nationals. Now, if you forget, the trump administration used this back in the day. They used uh, what is it? Uh? 212 f on number of occasions and use this to include travel bans from other countries, but it was blocked by legal challenges and this was blocked by the ACLU. And the ACLU also said it's coming out on Tuesday and intends to launch a legal challenge against the moves that were announced by Biden. So for senile Joe it's a win-win. He's like, well, I'm going to pretend that I'm going to do something about the border, but the ACLU is going to come here and block it and I can be like, well, it's those damn Republicans, they're not doing anything. Those damn Republicans are just blocking this border. It's just insanity. Because then I think back to his first two years as president, who controlled the House and the Senate. I'm not sure I believe it was under control of the Democrats. No, that can't be right. Oh no, it was of the Democrats. No, that can't be right. Oh no, it was. But again, it's all those cowardless Republicans. Right now, biden has issued 94 executive orders since he became president. So it's not like he's against using executive orders, but now he waits five months before an election where he sees where the polls are headed, he sees where things are going, he sees how this is a major point of contention and concern for the American people that all of a sudden he goes. Well, I'm going to take. I'm going to take action.

Speaker 2:

I always tell people I look kind of live, I kind of live in the middle of nowhere. I really do, and I mean it's, you know, it's a peaceful place, but it's literally in the middle of nowhere. And you would think that we would be, you know, immune to the illegal immigrant crisis. But we're not. And I found this interesting because I didn't know this.

Speaker 2:

But I was driving around and I was going to a local shopping center and then you see all these illegal immigrants now that are panhandling inside the shopping centers, you know, with signs, you know with love. We need food, we need this, and you know. And they have their. I love it because they have their children out there, they have coolers, they have chairs. And it's amazing to me that if you're panhandling and trying to get food and money for food and stuff, how did you get money to go out and buy a cooler and buy these chairs and buy everything else? And I love it because it's been, it's been the the amount of people here have been steadily growing and I can't figure out why. And then I love it because you know you watch, because I went into the store and then I came back out and they were piling into a minivan. So you don't have any money, you're panhandling and you are going and you have your wonderful chairs, your signs, your water, your cooler and you're piling into a minivan.

Speaker 2:

All right, I'm seeing some issues here, but the fact that we are literally in the middle of nowhere, I was very confused and dumbfounded how they even found our community and it's interesting because I didn't know this, but I guess it's on Instagram or TikTok or whatever it is. When they find an area, what they do is they tell other people and they get on these social media apps and tell other illegal immigrants oh we're in town X, you should come here. And then, like locusts, they flock in. Think about that for a minute, how organized these people are. And then I just get more and more confused that you see these large amounts of Chinese nationals coming in and if you look at the border itself, they're well financed. They come in with all the same type of equipment. They come in with cell phones and we've talked about this before. They're all military age men. And it's the same thing with places like Venezuela and these in the in these middle, middle middle Eastern countries.

Speaker 2:

I always go back to 1984 as movie red Dawn, wolverines not not the, not the remake, cause the remake was terrible compared to the original. And one of the things they talked about in the beginning of the movie basically, is they had how they had open borders and people were streaming in from all over the world and how you had chinese nationals and russians infiltrate, uh, the sack bases in the midwest and you know they also, you know, became parts of the military and they basically embedded themselves into the infrastructure of the United States. So when the attack occurred, you know, they were able just to shut everything down and stop the launch of tactical nuclear weapons. Now I'm not saying that's going to happen. It's a good movie. 1984 is Red Dawn with Patrick Swayze Roadhouse.

Speaker 2:

But it's just weird that you go back to this movie in 1984 and you see all these things that are going now, in 2024. And you kind of shake your head a little bit, going where are we going with this? Where is this country headed? Where is this country going? And I always use the same statement. I ask people about this upcoming election Are you better off now or were you better off under Trump? Even with the COVID lockdowns, majority of people say I was better off four years ago. It costs on average for a family of four an extra $11,000 a year to live. Just to get by In the last three years, just an extra $11,000 a year. It's almost $1,000 a month, and that's just for a family of four. You look at the housing market, you look at the interest rates, you look at inflation, you look at stagflation. You look at all this and you just wonder to yourself where is this all going? They say that a dynasty usually only lasts about 250 years, going back to Rome and everything such as that, and I believe we're on year 248. So is this going to be? Is Biden the downfall of the American dynasty? I kind of have to say yes. Are we now?

Speaker 2:

Someone got mad at me because I used the word that our legal system is now becoming a banana republic. Are we now at the point where we are legalizing and weaponizing our legal system to attack political opponents like they did in Russia? Show me the man, I'll show you the crime. Or I should say, not Russia, the former Soviet Union. Have we reached that pinnacle? Have we reached that part? Yes, I love the Fannie Willis case because more and more shit's coming out about that and Fannie Willis in the DA's office in Georgia was like no, no, no, no, no. We have never been in cahoots or any conversation with the Biden administration. Well, fannie's boyfriend, you probably should have told him he shouldn't have billed the state of Georgia his hourly rate as he went to the White House and met with the White House general counsel. Probably he I know he doesn't, I know he doesn't look like the smartest man in the world, but I probably would have avoided doing that because it kind of shows you you were kind of a little bit in cahoots and then I I have to cry, I laugh because you got, you got so many things going on with cognitive slow, cognitively slow. Joe, he's 81 old, he's the oldest person to hold the presidency.

Speaker 2:

There is some major concerns. There was an article that came out in the Wall Street Journal that spoke about how 45 lawmakers and administrative officials have talked about or are concerned about the president's mental state. These are people that have had meetings, these are people that have interviewed the president, these are people that are working with the president and they're basically say that he's slow at time to recognize things. He reads notes to make obvious points. He pauses for extended period of times, even with his eyes closed for so long that some people in meeting wonder if he was tuned out or asleep. These are people that are work with him daily. They have to explain things to him multitudes of times. He seems to forget a lot of things.

Speaker 2:

Speaker of the House, kevin McCarthy. Former Speaker, then Speaker of the House, kevin McCarthy, came out and said I used to meet with him when he was vice president. I'd go to his house. He's not the same person. There should be a concern here. He needs to take a cognitive test. Allegedly, in a meeting on Ukraine in January, the president laid a complex case for providing aid and, according to his administrative officials and some participants who said it was common practice for him to use notes during this meeting and evidently he misspoken numerous times on this meeting and in another meeting about the energy policy.

Speaker 2:

There's just, you could see that his cognitive state is going down. You could see how slow he moves. You can see how it takes him forever to formulate a sentence. If it's not written for him, hell, when it even is written for him. He just when he's reading off the teleprompter. He is reading the commands. He is reading the you know, as of February, I could be Joe Biden here. Let's see.

Speaker 2:

As of February, in the New York area, I recall speaking with the general counselor Pause here Calls at the 2021 group of meetings Don't read on During a different fundraiser of the month. I mean, that's what he does. It's insanity at its finest that you're trying to prop up this guy to see exactly what is going on. And then I laugh because we talk about the weaponization of the DOJ. A conservative legal group is suing the Department of Justice.

Speaker 2:

Asford failed to release the requested records under the Freedom of Information Act in reference to a key figure in the New York crime trial of former President Trump. I wonder why they don't want to release those, even though they're complied to or obligated to. Why wouldn't you want to release those? I have no idea. There's just so much misery, there's just so much misunderstanding, there's just so much going on right now in this world that you kind of want to pause and you want to kind of think to yourself it's got to get better, because you hope to God it can't get any worse. You see the border, you see inflation, you see how much it costs for just an average family to live now and thrive. And you wonder, is this the American dream? I've said it once, I've said it before, I've said it a million times the truth is always free. This is Tim. Let's get off my lawn the Mad Ramblin' of a Gen Xer and I'm out of here you.