Divine Savior Church-Sienna

From Death to Life by Grace | Know Greater Hope

May 01, 2023 Pastor Kevin Boushek Season 5 Episode 20

Why do Christians get so excited by “grace?” Why do we sing about “Amazing Grace”? We name our churches after it. We name our children after it. What is all the fuss about? God’s “grace” is his undeserved love for us. But why is it so amazing? This text reveals why God’s grace is the most amazing gift we could ever have. We have a problem – we are spiritually dead. We can’t do a thing to make things right with God. We are captive to the ways of this world and how they squash hope right out of our lives. BUT. God loves us. That changes everything. His undeserved love for us brought us back to life! The same power He raised Jesus with… He has raised us with. We were brought from death to life by God’s grace! God’s amazing grace is the greatest gift we could ever have! There’s no greater hope!

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