My Soul Dog
Stephanie, a certified positive dog trainer, discusses dog training topics, hydrotherapy, dayCARE and all things dog! Stephanie is a little bit obsessed with her soul dog, Bam so you may hear of him from time to time, as well as, her love of the candy Nerds and building dog related things from wood. She tells stories of her training classes and invites guests on to tell about their stories with the wonderful soul dogs they have raised and own.
My Soul Dog
What's In A Name?
What goes into naming a new pup? Do you talk about it with friends? Get opinions? Do you feel you should change your pup's name even if they have lived with it for 3 years with their prior family? Are there names that are a "hard pass"?
I reveal my puppy's name in this episode! It is one I have never heard in any class I have taught before! I will also tell you where it's from and I am not ashamed to admit it!