Boosting Self-Esteem Through Positive Habits and Self-Love
50 Self Esteem Journal Prompts
What if you could rewire your brain for positivity and unlock a newfound sense of self-worth? In our latest episode, we uncover practical strategies to boost self-esteem, inspired by Lestallion's compelling blog post on self-esteem journal prompts. We'll walk you through how celebrating your victories, no matter how small, can deposit confidence into your self-esteem bank account. Discover the power of embracing positive experiences to strengthen neural pathways and recognize the impact you have on others, illuminating the value you bring to the world.
But that's not all—get ready to build a comprehensive self-esteem toolkit that includes the crucial practice of self-love. Imagine treating yourself with the same kindness and compassion you extend to friends. We'll discuss the importance of envisioning your future self and finding personal tools that resonate with you to foster ongoing growth. While the journey of self-esteem has its highs and lows, the key takeaway is to keep showing up for yourself, believing in your potential. We hope you'll leave this episode feeling inspired, empowered, and ready to tackle any self-esteem challenges that come your way.
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Okay, so like, have you ever scrolled through social media and just felt kind of crappy about yourself?
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, totally yeah, Like it's so easy to get caught up in those comparisons, you know.
Speaker 1:Definitely, and that's exactly why I think this deep dive is so important. We're going to be talking about self-esteem. Which we could all use a little boost of, sometimes right, seriously, so back on June 12th we saw this awesome blog post from Lestallion with 50, 50 self-esteem journal prompts. It's like a self-esteem boot camp. I love that 50. That's dedication Right. And what I really appreciate is that they go beyond the surface level. I mean, yeah, write three nice things about yourself can be helpful, but these prompts are different.
Speaker 2:Totally. They seem designed to really make you think, dig deep into those beliefs that shaped your self-image.
Speaker 1:Okay, so instead of going through all 50, which would probably take us like a year, I thought we could focus on some of the key themes that stood out to me.
Speaker 2:I love that idea, like a self-esteem tapestry with all these different threads woven together.
Speaker 1:Ooh, I like that analogy. Okay so, thread number one Celebrating your victories. Okay so, thread number one Celebrating your victories.
Speaker 2:Yes, Lestallion has prompts like write about a time you felt truly proud of yourself, or even what seemingly small accomplishment are you proud of today?
Speaker 1:I love that they included the small wins. It's so easy to just brush those off like, oh yeah, did the dishes big whoop.
Speaker 2:Right. But those little victories, they matter more than we think.
Speaker 1:I'm intrigued. Tell me more.
Speaker 2:Okay, so our brains have this annoying thing called a negativity bias.
Speaker 1:Negativity bias.
Speaker 2:Basically, we're wired to focus on the negative, like that one bad comment on an otherwise amazing post.
Speaker 1:Oh my gosh yes.
Speaker 2:So when we take the time to celebrate those small wins, it's like rewiring our brains for positivity.
Speaker 1:Okay, I am all about rewiring my brain for positivity, but how does that actually boost our self-esteem?
Speaker 2:Think of it this way Each time you acknowledge a win, big or small, you're depositing confidence into your self-esteem bank account.
Speaker 1:Ooh, I like that analogy.
Speaker 2:So maybe you didn't finish that huge project today, but you did organize your desk and answer those emails. Those are wins.
Speaker 1:Okay. So it's not about waiting for those massive achievements, it's about recognizing the daily wins that add up over time.
Speaker 2:Exactly it's about shifting your internal dialogue from self-criticism to self-encouragement.
Speaker 1:Which, speaking of self-encouragement, brings us to our next thread the power of positive experiences.
Speaker 2:Yes, this one is all about tapping into those feel-good memories.
Speaker 1:Give me an example. What kind of prompts fall into this category?
Speaker 2:Well, there's one that asks you to describe a time you felt completely at peace Ooh yeah. Or a happy memory that always makes you smile, or even a compliment from a stranger that made your day.
Speaker 1:Oh, the compliment from a stranger one is so true, like it's amazing how a few kind words from someone you've never met can totally shift your mood.
Speaker 2:It's like this little burst of validation, you know.
Speaker 1:Totally. But is there a deeper reason why revisiting those positive memories is good for our self-esteem?
Speaker 2:Absolutely. Our memories aren't just static files in our minds.
Speaker 1:Okay, this is where it gets interesting.
Speaker 2:Each time we recall a positive experience, we actually strengthen the neural pathways associated with those positive emotions.
Speaker 1:So it's not just wallowing in nostalgia, it's actually rewiring our brains again.
Speaker 2:Exactly. You're training your brain to access those positive emotions more easily which can have a ripple effect on your overall well-being.
Speaker 1:Okay, I am so here for this positivity boot camp, but how do we make these positive changes stick, like, how do we turn them into lasting habits?
Speaker 2:That's a great question and it's something Lestallion addresses in some of the other prompts.
Speaker 1:Well, don't leave me hanging, Tell me more. Okay, so we're training our brains to focus on the positive, both our wins and good memories, but Lestallion doesn't stop there, right?
Speaker 2:Right, there's more to this self-esteem tapestry.
Speaker 1:Lay it on me.
Speaker 2:This next thread is about recognizing our impact on the world around us.
Speaker 1:Ooh, I like that.
Speaker 2:Like how our actions affect others and how realizing that can boost our self-worth.
Speaker 1:I remember a prompt about that, Something like think about how your talents have helped someone. How did it make you feel yes?
Speaker 2:It that? Something like think about how your talents have helped someone? How did it make you feel? Yes, it's amazing how much our self-esteem can get a boost when we recognize that we're making a difference it's like we're not just individuals, we're part of something bigger exactly. And our actions? They have ripple effects.
Speaker 1:Sometimes we don't even realize the impact we're having totally like even small things can make a big difference exactly Exactly Like.
Speaker 2:maybe you helped a coworker with a project or just lend a listening ear to a friend, those little acts of kindness. They matter.
Speaker 1:It's like those warm, fuzzy feelings you get from doing good deeds, but amplified because we're connecting it back to our own self-worth.
Speaker 2:Right, and sometimes we need that little reminder to focus on the good we're putting out into the world.
Speaker 1:Makes sense, Okay. Focus on the good we're putting out into the world Makes sense, Okay. So we've got celebrating victories, embracing positive experiences and recognizing our impact. What's next?
Speaker 2:This next one is crucial Self-love.
Speaker 1:Oh boy, that's a big one.
Speaker 2:Right. It's about recognizing our own worth and treating ourselves with the same kindness and compassion that we hopefully offer to others.
Speaker 1:I'll be honest, this is the one I struggle with the most Like. Sometimes being kind to myself feels way harder than being kind to others.
Speaker 2:You're definitely not alone in that.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:It's so easy to be our own worst critics, right.
Speaker 1:Seriously so how do we even begin to shift that inner dialogue?
Speaker 2:Well, that's where Lestallion's prompts come in handy.
Speaker 1:Give me an example. What kind of prompts are we talking about here?
Speaker 2:There's one that asks what are three things you genuinely like about your personality?
Speaker 1:Ooh, I like that one. It makes you stop and actually appreciate your good qualities.
Speaker 2:Exactly. Or there's another one that says imagine your best friend is feeling down.
Speaker 1:Wow.
Speaker 2:What would you say to them? Now? Say those same things to yourself.
Speaker 1:Oh, wow, yeah, we're often way harder on ourselves than we would ever be on someone we care about.
Speaker 2:Exactly so. It's about bridging that gap and extending that same compassion inward, and that's what self-love is all about.
Speaker 1:It's like giving ourselves permission to be imperfect, to mess up and still be worthy of love and respect.
Speaker 2:Exactly, and that's a powerful message to embrace. So where do we go from here? What's the final thread in this tapestry of self-esteem?
Speaker 1:Okay, so we've got celebrating our wins, those positive experiences, and recognizing our impact, oh and, of course, showering ourselves with self-love. Where do we go from here?
Speaker 2:Well, this is where things get really exciting. This last thread is all about future. You.
Speaker 1:Future you. I like the sound of that. This last thread is all about future you, future you.
Speaker 2:I like the sound of that. Right Lestallion has a bunch of prompts in this section about setting goals, envisioning your future self, really connecting with your aspirations.
Speaker 1:Ooh yeah. There was one prompt about that, like if you could achieve anything, no limitations, what would your future self be most proud of?
Speaker 2:I love that one. It's so powerful because it forces you to think big picture. It reminds you that you're not defined by your current limitations.
Speaker 1:It's like that saying shoot for the moon, Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars Exactly.
Speaker 2:And in this case, we're shooting for a future version of ourselves that embodies all the amazing qualities we've been nurturing through these other prompts.
Speaker 1:So we're not just daydreaming about this ideal future self. We're actually taking steps to become that person.
Speaker 2:Yes, and there's something so powerful about setting goals that are aligned with your values and passions.
Speaker 1:It's like those goals light a fire under you. They give you a sense of purpose and direction.
Speaker 2:Exactly, and every step you take toward that goal, no matter how small, reinforces your belief in yourself and your ability to create the future you want.
Speaker 1:I love that. So we've covered a lot of ground today celebrating victories, embracing the positive, recognizing our impact, practicing self-love and envisioning our future selves. It feels like we've created this incredible roadmap for self-esteem.
Speaker 2:I like to think of it as a self-esteem toolkit. Yeah, you've got all these different tools at your disposal. Now it's about finding the ones that resonate with you and using them to build yourself up.
Speaker 1:And remember it's a journey, not a destination. There will be days when you feel amazing and days when you're like I'm back to square one, but the important thing is to keep showing up for yourself, Keep practicing those self-love habits and keep believing in your potential.
Speaker 2:Couldn't have said it better myself.
Speaker 1:So, to our awesome listeners out there, we hope this deep dive has left you feeling inspired and empowered to tackle those self-esteem gremlins. And remember Lestallion's words your future is as bright as your belief in yourself. Until next time, keep diving deep.