
Do beautiful journals enhance your writing experience?


50 September Journal Prompts

Is a beautiful journal just a clever marketing ploy, or does it genuinely enhance your journaling experience? We peel back the layers on Lestallion's strategy of combining stunning notebooks with 50 thought-provoking September prompts. From framing September as a fresh start to selling an entire lifestyle of self-improvement, we explore how Lestallion taps into your desire for clarity and peace. By categorizing prompts into areas like self-reflection and emotional well-being, they're subtly suggesting that you need multiple journals for your ongoing journey. 

We scrutinize the depth of these prompts, from writing about dreams to achieving personal growth, and discuss whether a fancy journal truly elevates your self-discovery. Lestallion’s marketing techniques, including evocative language and captivating images of leather-bound journals, tempt us into thinking our thoughts deserve a special place. Is it smart business or genuine inspiration? Join us as we question if the physical beauty of a journal can indeed spark creativity and if we're being influenced by more than just pretty covers.

LeStallion offers premium PU leather journal notebooks for writing, dedicated to all those who are pursuing their dreams and goals, or nurturing their personal development and mental health.

For More Info on LeStallion, check out:

Speaker 1:

Hey, everyone, welcome back, Ready for another deep dive? Today we're wading into the world of journaling and specifically this whole idea of using prompts, you know, to get those creative juices flowing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's really popular, especially now, and we found a site Lestallion that's offering 50 September journal prompts. Sounds pretty straightforward.

Speaker 1:

Right Like OK, give me some inspiration for the month. Sounds pretty straightforward Right Like OK, give me some inspiration for the month. But and here's the catch they also sell these like really beautiful journals. Alongside the prompts Makes you wonder.

Speaker 2:

Exactly it makes you think is it just good business sense, or are they really on to something about needing the right notebook? That's what we're going to be unpacking today.

Speaker 1:

Totally, and it all starts with how they frame September. They're really pushing this fresh start, feeling, you know, like back to school, but for grownups.

Speaker 2:

Oh, absolutely Like. It's a whole new year, not just a new month. And the language they use it's all about therapeutic, finding clarity, achieving peace. They're selling a feeling alongside the prompts.

Speaker 1:

Clever right Tapping into that September reset energy so many people are looking for.

Speaker 2:

It's smart marketing for sure. But the real question is do the prompts themselves actually deliver on that promise?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, let's dive into some of those prompts and see what they're all about. So we're looking at these prompts all 50 of them, and they're neatly divided into these categories. You've got self-reflection, goal setting, emotional well-being.

Speaker 2:

Right and personal growth and even creativity.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Like at first glance, it seems helpful. You know organized, You're the expert. What's the deeper message here?

Speaker 2:

See it's subtle. By making these categories they're kind of implying that journaling it's not just for September, it's a whole lifestyle thing.

Speaker 1:

Ah, I see these categories. They're like bigger than just a month's worth of writing, right.

Speaker 2:

Exactly. It's like they're setting you up for, hey, you need a journal for each of these areas of your life.

Speaker 1:

Okay, sneaky, sneaky, so it's about selling more journals. But what about the prompts themselves? Do they actually line up with this whole ongoing journey idea?

Speaker 2:

Absolutely Take the emotional well-being section, for example, ongoing journey idea. Absolutely Take the emotional well-being section, for example.

Speaker 1:

One prompt asks write about a recent dream. I mean, that's deep, whoa. Yeah, it's getting kind of deep. It's not just your average, dear diary stuff?

Speaker 2:

Not at all. They're connecting journaling to, like, your subconscious. It's implying that to really know yourself, you're going to need a lot more than just a few pages, right?

Speaker 1:

Right, and wouldn't you know it, they just happen to have the perfect journals for that. It's all starting to make sense.

Speaker 2:

It's clever, I'll give them that. And speaking of clever, have you noticed how they're marketing these journals? I mean the pictures, the placement. Oh yeah, it's like you're reading a prompt, feeling all introspective, and bam, there's a photo of this gorgeous leather bound journal. It's like they're reading your mind, feeling inspired. You're gonna need a special place to write all those brilliant thoughts down totally, and it works, doesn't it?

Speaker 2:

suddenly that old notebook from college just doesn't cut it they're tapping into that desire for like a tangible representation of our self-improvement, as if a fancy journal equals a fancier, more improved you.

Speaker 1:

And let's be real, they don't just call them journals, do they? These are argeois, these are Galloways.

Speaker 2:

Exactly. They sound like something you'd find in a Shakespearean study, not on your nightstand. It adds to the allure, for sure, but it also makes you wonder.

Speaker 1:

Do we really need all that?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Like, can't we just grab a pen and paper and call it a day?

Speaker 2:

That's the million dollar question, isn't it? And it's something we should all probably be asking ourselves, because, while Listallion is definitely running a business here, it really makes you think right, Like are we being influenced, or is there something kind of nice about having a beautiful journal, you know, to inspire you Totally. It's like I'm not above loving a good stationery haul, but it's about recognizing that those feelings are often intentionally triggered by well marketing.

Speaker 1:

For sure, like at the end of the day, it's about the writing right, not the price tag on the cover.

Speaker 2:

Exactly. A plain notebook can be just as powerful. It's what you put into it the thoughts, the feelings, the honesty. That's where the magic happens.

Speaker 1:

It's kind of freeing when you think about it that way, like, yeah, less pressure to find the perfect journal and more focus on the actual journaling.

Speaker 2:

Right, and I'd even argue sometimes those rough scribbled notes in a beat up notebook, those are the most authentic you know Totally.

Speaker 1:

It's like capturing a raw, unfiltered version of yourself, and isn't that what journaling is all about?

Speaker 2:

That's it. So yeah, maybe Lestallion has some gorgeous journals and hey, if that motivates you, great. But don't get caught up thinking you need anything fancy to unlock your potential.

Speaker 1:

Such a good point. It's about the journey, the self-discovery, and that can happen anywhere, with any notebook or even just a scrap of paper, if that's what you've got.

Speaker 2:

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Speaker 1:

Well, on that note, big thanks for diving into all this with us today. It's been enlightening, to say the least.

Speaker 2:

My pleasure. As always, it's a fascinating topic and hopefully everyone listening feels a little more.