OPC Ruling Elder Podcast
OPC Ruling Elder Podcast
David Winslow, Jr.: Ruling Elder Spotlight
On this episode of the Ruling Elder Podcast David Winslow, Jr. is interviewed by Danny Olinger, General Secretary of the Committee on Christian Education. David has served as a ruling elder for more than 40 years. He has the following to highlight: “When you are asked to serve and are elected and ordained you are really being asked to serve a particular congregation. That should be the center of your focus.”
G. I. Williamson, The Westminster Confession of Faith for Study Classes (Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R, 2003)
Called to Serve, ed. Michael Brown (Grandville, MI: Reformed Fellowship, 2006)
Ordained Servant
By David Winslow
“Elder to Elder: Home Visitation and Family Devotions” 8:1 (Jan. 1999): 19-20. [reprinted 15 (2006): 60-61]. Available here: https://opc.org/os.html?article_id=10
“Elder to Elder: A Sample Sessional Calling Record” 7:2 (Apr. 1998): 29-31. Available here: https://opc.org/OS/pdf/OSV7N2.pdf
“Elder to Elder: Start those Home Visits Now!” 7:1 (Jan. 1998): 20-21. [reprinted 15 (2006): 58-59] Available here: https://opc.org/os.html?article_id=9
Also on visitation: Derrick J. Vander Meulen, “Shepherding the Flock Through Family Visitation” in Called to Serve: Essays for Elders and Deacons, ed. Michael Brown, Reformed Fellowship, Inc. 2016, pages 213-227.
Other articles on Catechizing available in Ordained Servant.
“A Dozen Reasons Why Catechizing Is Important” (Thomas E. Tyson) 24 (2015): 48-53.
“How Much Catechesis? The Case for a Maximalist Approach to Membership Classes” (Ken Golden) 21 (2012):41-45.
“Pilgrimage in the Mode of Hope: Thoughts on the Usefulness of Catechism.” (Mark A. Garcia) 16 (2007): 79-84.
“The Necessity of a Doctrinal Map” (Gregory Edward Reynolds) 16 (2007): 11-13.
“The Religion of the Catechism.” (D. G. Hart) 16 (2007): 73-78.
Article on Shepherding Pastors
“How Can a Session Shepherd Its Pastor?” (Lawrence Eyres) 8:2 (Mar. 1999): 29-31.