How do I love my enemy? — Special Guests: Benjamin Lundquist and Natalie Boonstra

Ryan Becker Season 4 Episode 5

Season 4 was shot and recorded at the Carolina Conference, Charlotte, NC and at Southern Adventist University, Collegedale, TN.

Ryan's special guests for this season are made up of local pastors, students, Conference employees and church members in the Carolinas and employees of Southern Adventist University.

"How do I love my enemy?" This is a big question that could be revisited in a number of episodes. So who is your enemy? Is it your co-worker, sibling, next door neighbor or someone on social media? In today's society it could even be anyone that disagrees with you. Join Ryan and his guests as they explore their own personal experiences and perspectives.

Let us introduce you to this episode's special guests:

BENJAMIN LUNDQUIST is the Young Adult Ministries Director for the Oregon Conference and also serves as the Young Adult Ministries Coordinator for the North American Division. Benjamin has an M.A. in Youth and Young Adult Ministry from Andrews University. He has spearheaded a variety of innovative young adult ministry projects and mentoring models. He is passionate about inspiring young adults to become growing followers of Jesus and leaders for His cause. Ben and his wife Kim spend much of the year investing in the lives of the the next generation through camps, retreats, speaking appointments, and simply sharing their life with others.
Check our Rise and Lead Podcast that Ben hosts. 

Natalie Boonstra is a junior public relations major at Southern Adventist University. She’s the co-host and producer of Flourish by AWL a podcast for Adventist Women Leaders. And she has a passion for using media to connect people with Christ, and build His church. She is also Ryan Becker’s hero. 

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