How to Be More Selfless and Caring — Special Guests: Natibel Fortunato and John Moldova

Ryan Becker Season 4 Episode 12

Season 4 was shot and recorded at the Carolina Conference, Charlotte, NC and at Southern Adventist University, Collegedale, TN.

Ryan's special guests for this season are made up of local pastors, students, Conference employees and church members in the Carolinas and employees of Southern Adventist University.

One of the biggest problems we face in our society today is that of selfishness. It is so easy to be consumed by "my needs," "my wants," "my..." In today's episode, Ryan explores with his guests the topic of, "How to be more selfless and caring." Join them as they share their perspectives and personal stories.

Let us introduce you to this episode's special guests:

Natibel Fortunato is currently studying Social Work at Southern. Driven by a passion to serve others, make systemic improvements for those in need, and follow God’s calling on her life, she loves serving those around her, discovering new places and things to try, and meeting as many dogs as possible.

John Moldova is a sophomore theology major at Southern Adventist University. He really enjoys music (playing guitar) and loves reading books. Moldova is also an intrical part of the Engage Ministry program with SAU’s recruiting team. 

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