Let's be perfectly Queer Podcast
A queer Australian podcast hosted by a Transgender Teacher and Pansexual health care worker. Creating space to talk about queer stories, be an informative resource and interviewing specialists on queer topics.
Let's be perfectly Queer Podcast
6 - Queer Imposter Syndrome
This week on Let’s be perfectly queer podcast we are talking about Queer imposter syndrome. Delving head first into how heteronormativity and internalised homophobia leaves some of us feeling inadequate in our queer lives. Addressing questions such as “can I be gay if I haven’t slept with someone of the same sex?” And “what makes you a good queer person?”
Listen in for some laughs, fun facts and a good dose of authenticity.
Below is a list of organisations that provide further information and support information sourced from Health direct.
QLife — counselling and referral service for LGBTIQ+ individuals: call 1800 184 527 (3pm to midnight
daily) or chat online.
Lifeline — support for anyone having a personal crisis: call 13 11 14, 24/7, text, or chat online.
Suicide Call Back Service — for anyone thinking about suicide: call 1300 659 467.
Beyond Blue — for anyone feeling depressed or anxious: call 1300 22 4636, email or chat online, 24/7.
Headspace — mental health space for ages 12-25 years.
Kids Helpline — mental health support for young people aged 5-25 years. Call 1800 55 1800 anytime.
ACON — LGBTIQ+ health and HIV prevention and support.
TransHub — ACON’s digital trans and gender diverse platform.
Head to Health — a guide to digital mental health services from some of Australia’s most trusted mental
health organisations, including a list of phone support services.
PFLAG — Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays.
ReachOut — mental health resources for young people.