Denim-wrapped Nightmares, a Supernatural podcast

Free to Be You and Me

November 18, 2023 Berly, LA Season 5 Episode 3
Free to Be You and Me
Denim-wrapped Nightmares, a Supernatural podcast
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Denim-wrapped Nightmares, a Supernatural podcast
Free to Be You and Me
Nov 18, 2023 Season 5 Episode 3
Berly, LA

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Berly and LA recap the season five Supernatural episode, Free to Be You and Me.  Over drinks, they'll discuss lore, gore, and what they adore about the Winchesters and their adventures. Now, let's get tipsy!  CW/TW for violent and lewd commentary; listeners beware! 🔞

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Berly and LA recap the season five Supernatural episode, Free to Be You and Me.  Over drinks, they'll discuss lore, gore, and what they adore about the Winchesters and their adventures. Now, let's get tipsy!  CW/TW for violent and lewd commentary; listeners beware! 🔞

Please rate and review Denim-Wrapped Nightmares wherever you get your podcasts! Articles and sources are available on the Tumblr blog. Find other social channels on our Linktree. Automated transcription via


Welcome to denim wrapped nightmares tipsy exchange Podcast where we explore the supernatural series episode by episode.


over drinks, we'll discuss the lore of gore and what we adore about the Winchesters and their adventures.


I'm burly, and I'm a new fan of the series.


I'm LA, and I'm here along for the ride. Now let's get to La Hello Burley.


We didn't say it last episode, I'm drinking a pineapple white claw and I had a strawberry, a couple of strawberries earlier.


I'm drinking a mango and have only had mangoes because you don't like the main I don't


like the mangoes and we've both had a shot of tequila. Yeah, that's still drinking from that Cimarron bottle.


It's gonna be I'm excited to move on from that I


was gonna that's exactly what I was gonna say. Like, I wouldn't say it's bad. But when it's empty, I will not be buying it again. Right?


Yeah, like I'm ready to try. I


want a top shelf smoother version that we can just mix with some, like just sip on


Yeah. That's like a tough shot to take like if it's like a portrait on or something. I could take it a lot easier.


It's not Yeah, it's not that at all. Well, on our last episode, good God, y'all. Cast TL tell Sam and Dean, that he is going to search for God who will be able to defeat Lucifer. And that Dean's plan to just kill Lucifer is stupid. He also snatches Dean's amulet because that's going to somehow help him track God. Also, Bobby, he's still in the hospital. And his friend. Rufus gives him a call. And he's panicked about demons attacking his town and begs Bobby for help. Since Bobby is in a wheelchair, he sends Sam and Dean to help out, they arrive at the town and realize something's up. The townspeople are hallucinating that there are demons and killing each other when all along it was wore the red horseman or horse. The horse is read. He's


read right? He rides in on the red


horse. Yeah. And that was that.


We didn't get a horseman in this episode. Today. We're going to talk about we didn't I was surprised, but I guess they're gonna like wrinkle them out throughout the season.


That's what I think. I think it's gonna be overarching throughout the entire season.


Okay, I just got a little too excited. I was like, Alright, let's get him on more here and


do it. need these horsemen to start horse Manning? Come on. Now. Do you remember whenever we did the photoshoot the horse Manning photoshoot? No. Oh my god. Yeah, that was so oh my god. So for any of you youngsters who listen to the show, we didn't have tick tock. But we had like challenges. We had two that were pictures. And one of them was horse Manning, where you would have to do a picture where one of your friends pose to where it looked like it was just their body. And the other friend posed to where it looked like it was just their head because of the horsemen fable where he doesn't have a head and he throws pumpkins at people or whatever. I don't even remember what it is. It could Bob crane. Yeah, whatever. And we like went out and did that one day and had a lot of fun. With some good one. We did. I'll post those pictures. I'll post I'll post a couple of pictures. But anyway, moving on today's episode. Yes.


It is called free to be you and me. It's the third episode of season five and aired September 24 of 2009. And guys, it gets it gets sorted in a good way. I have to say that. Oh, yeah. Because Oh, well. I'm also going to preface this with that. We do not ship cast Yellin Dean. Oh, we're


gonna go into it right now.


No, I just I'm just gonna say that. But I see where they got. Well, we've, we've said that, but it's like, between the last two episodes I'm like, wow. Yeah. But anyway, we'll get to that. So we start out skipping


over Siamese nipples. Let's get back to that.


Don't you forget? I'm not gonna say, Okay, we finally get Sam sleeping with no shirt on no motel.


I'm assuming he was completely naked. I'd


like to. He is he's a side sleeper. Just just everybody I need you to know. And Jessica is there she is laying next to him. And she's like, you know, what are you doing running away? He's like, you know, for us or any way to like, get away from it. But like, now I know I'm a freak and like, I'm not running away. It's just I know that that's what I am. And she's like, well, you know, you can say that but at school. You know you you knew that was Still something dark and you you you always knew.


She said, Baby, that's why I died. I was like, Oh, I know lush, Jessica, you look fabulous. But of course like shit.


Yeah, that's done. Yikes. Yes, she was I mean, in her the way she was delivering everything was like, Oh, she's so sweet. But it was all like really, really cut it.


Yeah. If you actually listened if you actually listened to what she was saying. She was talking very sweetly and touching him very adoringly and just, but the actual words, it was just like, yeah,


there were some like misuse sprinkled in, but for the most part, she was just like, yeah, cutting them down. And she's in Yeah, because at the end, she said, you know, the past is always going to catch up with you. And you know, those closest to you are always going to die. Because of you Because of you basically. Yeah,


you're really dark baby. And I'm dead because of you by feel


misled. I miss you. So then it cuts to a week earlier they got because that was getting depressing. This whole little montage. You loved it too. So good. Yeah. So it starts out with Sam. He's pulling up to a motel. He's obviously hitchhiked. He goes to open up the crop, the crunch, the trunk, and as the trunk closes, it switches to Dean and he's got some big ass knife. It's like a little mini sword. He's putting in his pants are like covering up with his suit. It's


got that big ol sword in his pants. Yeah,


he does two of them Okay, keep go. And then it then it cuts to Sam is burning his IDs in a sink. And then it switches to Dean flashing the ID. Then Sam is at a bar slicing up a lemon. And then it switches to Dean having his mini sword up. I guess was that it? Was that a vampire?


I don't think it was a vampire. But it didn't say what it was. Whatever it was he needed a miniature sword to kill it. Yes. Yeah. But these transitions were damn near seamless. Oh, yeah. I mean, holy shit. They were amazing. Like the one where Sam is being a busboy worker. So he's got the big crane of stuff. And he goes and slams it on the bar, and it transitions to forgot about them. Dean slamming the monster on the bar. That's the only one that you've heard. I mean, just damn near seamless. It was whoever edited that together. Law. Perfection. It was so good. Yeah.


And it was kind of like a nice transition from Jessica. Mm hmm.


And just catching us up. Yeah. It caught us up very quickly as to what was going on with each of them now that they're separated. Yeah. It was artistically done. It was it was really well done. And then


well, then we see this little waitress at the bar. Just gawk at Sam from behind. And we were like, We


get it. Yeah, yeah.


I'd be doing the same. I would have a hard time working with them right. Oh, one of the transitions I forgot that I liked was Sam was cleaning the bar. So going up the bar. And then it switched to Dean soaping up Washington baby. Yeah,


that was a nice one, too. I forgot about that. Oh, all of them. I mean, just almost St. Louis was really well done. Yeah. I almost wish that we knew who edited this. Because I feel I feel like that was the editor, not the director necessarily, right?


Well, they may have planned it like that. But then the way that I mean they edited very well, very well. So


well done. Like I rewound that and watched it like three times. It was so good. Yeah.


Then we see, cast catches up with Dean. Dean's brushing his teeth and pops up and cast is just literally right behind him. Like on his jacket. Oh, is that what he's doing? Because I remember that's right. Because I was like that needs to go in the wash.


We got a little bit of blood spray on his face. Whenever he was doing whatever he was doing with his sword. There was a little bit of cleanup that he had to


take care of right. And then cast is on his ass. And he even says like he turns around and casts right in his face it like we talked about this personal space, like stomping right up in my face. And he asks him how he found him since he's got the little thing to hide himself from the angels on his ribs ease and Castle like Bobby told me.


I kind of liked the idea of Castile and Bobby having like conversations off on the side that we don't see that they just call each other and I'm like, Hey, what are you doing?


I don't know if that's, that's how the conversation goes.


I like the idea of it. Okay, but they just have like these little side conversations. Yeah, just talk to each other.


Yeah. I like it.


I like it. Proceed.


Thank you. So Cass is on his mission to find God and he needs some help and he's decided that he needs to find Raphael who is the one that actually killed him?


Yeah, the Archangel that was tethered to chuck and exploded Castile at the end of season four. To


which Dean surprisingly asks that he was killed by a Teenage Mutant Ninja Angel. Yeah. Which was fine.


I was snorting, laughing. I thought that was hilarious.


His delivery was pretty good.


It was astounding. It was so good the line and the delivery. I just I died. Yeah, it was so good.


I mean, I hate to say it, but this episode made me like Dean a little more. He's a little more lighter without Samara


even says something about later, which I don't


like to admit. Oh, yeah, we'll get there. So his his big plan is to trap Raphael and interrogate him about the whereabouts of God so that he can find him and say, Daddy, I need your help. Yeah, it was really sweet and sad. But like Castillo's, like, you know, I need your help. Because you're the only one that will help me. I know. Like he's just out there on his own because


those will baby angel de la hold, and


he's just so in love. But


he's so hot.


So next up, we see that Lindsey who the girl is the girl that was checking out Sam at the bar that they work at. His name is now Keith. That's what he's going by. That's what he's telling people. And she is playing darts and shoes. Clearly she's into him and wants to play darts with him and that when she wins she's She wants a date and him to tell her her his whole life story. He dominates her literally wins the game with all three shots. But he sees on the TV there's what like, here's forest fires in all kinds, all kinds of weather. It


shines a bad news in this area. So going on. I did think it was a nice touch that part of what intrigued her to Sam, aside from the fucking obvious was that he solved the New York Times crossword puzzle. crossway forgot about us word puzzle this day. One she was like, clearly you're highly edgy. Yeah. You're fuckin hot. You're educated. And you're working in this small podunk town as a busboy like you've got a story and I want to know what it is.


I also forgot to say that in the very beginning when he was shirtless in the bed,


and he was shirtless in the bed. Yeah, I'm


sure it was in the bed. And then he was shirtless in the bed. Yeah. And then after Jessica left him shirtless in the bed. Yeah, it was. You could see from like his mid torso up


because he was shirtless in the bed.


That shit was tight, tight,


taut nips. I just wanted to do this.


Well done in the gym, man. So nice. I meant to say that earlier. But for some reason, it just came to me now we got it. Yeah, super important.


It is an important plot point.


After his little flirtation with Lindsay, the new duo Cass and Dean are in Waterville lane, Maine. And they're well, so Diem has made his buddy cast his own FBI, fake FBI ID. And he is preparing him they're gonna go into this, this police station and talk to one of the police officers because that that's a way that they're gonna get to their end game of finding God. And Dean is so sweet to his partner. And he's just buttoning it up his top little button and he's tightening his tie up on his neck and getting them all spiffy and ready to go in. And Cass is terrible. He is not a good actor. I mean, Misha is right cast No. I think go in. And DNS as usual competent cells flashes the idea to the cop cast. He's like, he doesn't even know he's just like staring up a cough DNS to shove him and he pulls out his ID it's upside down. And he's like, He's new. As they're walking in to chit chat. The officer mentions I guess you're like you're here about the gas station situation. And clearly they have no idea what he's talking about. But they're like Yeah, exactly. That's why we're here. And he tells them that at the pumping go there was a riot. Was that when Cass is like demons Yeah, it's a fight Angels and Demons demons and the the COP is like de deeds recovery on this. I have to say it was pretty good. He's like, you know, you know, whatever. I forget what the cops name was like, you know, guy, you know, everybody's got their demons and he does like the little mini mimicking like drinking. It was good. I was like, okay,


the cops named Walt Walt. And he did really well in the scene too with going between like confused and like what the fuck


He was really entertaining. clarifies his demon talk. Walt tells how he saw a pure white or a big fireball, but not like a normal fireball, which passes like it was pure white. And he says, yeah, and after it was done, there was one man kneeling, unheard, perfectly right? Yeah. And while it tells him that it's, it was a mechanic in town, and he can't explain like, why that would have happened. What is it you said he liked something he said, Dean went


loving guests, because the one of our cast yell was like, it was pure white. And he was like, yeah, exactly. Like, I feel like Dean was wanting to be like, write about something too. So whenever he said pure fire pure light, and the guy was just kneeling Dean what? So let me guess he just finished it. I was like, no, he's down at St. Pete's. And he like, looked at Dean like, fucking weirdo. No, what did he call? Casio leaned over? Oh, he called them culture. That's what it was. Yeah, Jack that knightstalker which we learned in our pilot episode A over a year ago. But that was something that inspired crypkey to create this whole series. Yeah, he said no call shack. He's down at St. Pete's. And then Calcio looked at Dean and went St. Pete's.


Dean's like, thanks. Yeah. Thanks for the clarification. And the whole


reason they went to talk to this cop was because somehow Cass knew that this cop had an interaction with the archangel. We don't know how he knew that. Yeah. It was a fun little scene. I enjoyed that entire scene.


I did to really do but the new duo, not the boys because I save calling the boys for my boys. Okay, so the new duo Cass and Dean go down to St. Pete's and they see the guy the mechanic from town but he's like catatonic in a wheelchair. He's not there. Nobody's home. Cast is like, Oh, he's he's just his vessel now. I mean, and I think they have a conversation. linksafe deeds like, Well, with this. That's what happened when Raphael loved him. Like, you know, what's gonna happen to me with Michael? Doesn't? I think


Cass is like, Well, Michael is far more powerful. So it's going to be a lot worse for you. And Dean stills like, awesome. Yeah, it's great.


Good news.


Thanks, buddy.


I literally have that written down. But as did I look to you to like, tell me. What's wrong with me.


I'm cute. And you want to look to look at me?


Just go to look at you. I'm


your Casio. Well, no, you're my dean. We should stare at each other.


Okay, so next up, we see Sam on a computer. He's looking up some omens, and he calls Bobby. And he's letting Bobby know about these omens in town like around him that he's found. Bobby's like why are you telling me this? Why are you calling Why are you telling me this? And Sam's like, well, I just thought you might want to get a guy on it. Check it out. And he's Bobby's like, Oh, yeah. Let me think about the best hunter I know nearby. Oh, that's you. And like Bobby's clearly like, you need to get the fuck back out there. You know, what are you doing? But Sam says, No, he's sitting this one out. He's sticking to his guns. We next find that there's no more motel business for Dean. He's found an abandoned house for him and cats to shack up in.


Not sharing walls with anybody. Right.


Okay. Okay. The cat shows up with a little swim sort of what is that? What was that thing was


like a jug. Yeah, it was a ancient pottery. Yeah, but a jug. And


he says it's part of whatever this ritual is that they need to trap Raphael oil. He


said it was social oil. That's right. Right, right. Yeah, Jerusalem.


And he mentioned that in this situation where they're going to try and trap Rafale that Cass is probably likely to die. Like he probably won't make


it. D it'll be okay. Because no one's going to hurt the vessel of Michael but Cass is like yeah, like you're gonna survive, but me


not so much. Dean says, Okay, wow, like like your last night on earth. What are you playing? And the way he asks him, and the fact that he stayed the way the shot is? Dean's The stairs are right behind him. And he's just, it's dark. And the way he asks him I'm like, all I could think was like, oh, let's go upstairs. Yeah. That's,


that's what we should do. I straight up was like, did he just hit on? Yeah.


I mean, listen, I don't know. I don't


know. But that really seemed like


it did. And like it. There was a pregnant pause between them after he asked. Oh, Cass ends up saying he just thinks he's gonna sit there quietly through the night. And Dean's like, no, no, no. I mean, you don't you don't know boat, no boat. No booze, no women. And the fate you pointed out the face that cast makes like, no. So he was like, so innocent in those comments. Oh, and Dean realizes that cast is a virgin. Naturally, he's an angel. So Dean has plans. Yeah, they got a whole night now. And it switches back to Sam. And a couple of hunters come in and call Sam by his name. And Lindsay's like, oh, what what? I thought you were Keith. They ended up sitting down Bobby. Or Bobby had called them and told them about some demon block party in the area that they needed to go get to, which I'm assuming is what Sam had called them about. And Reggie. Yeah, we liked Reggie. We liked red. He was a third in the bunch. And the three and he was a good looking chap. Yeah. Anyway, they tried to convince Sam to come out there and and hunt with them. But he's, once again, sitting this one out. Lindsey, again, is being pushy about getting a date with him. The name change and all this and then he Oh, they had mentioned he's a hunter. Of course not kind of hunting. He really is. He really does. But anyway, she's just real pushy about it. Don't blame her at all. And then we're at a strip club accounts and Dean naturally Castiel


looked terrified. And I think that was a brothel.


No, you think I just thought it was I didn't


see a pole. I didn't see a dance floor. Okay. Okay. Are brothels legal in Maine, weren't they in Maine? Yeah,


that's what I'm thinking. I thought it was a strip club. Maybe we just didn't see the polls, but she was taking them to get a lap dance. Although there were rooms in


the hallway or private rooms and they weren't like champagne rooms on I didn't see a dance floor or a pole or nothing. Okay, well, I feel like it was a brothel.


I mean, cast does say it's a den of iniquity. So, I mean, he's not wrong. I guess one of the ladies chastity chastity comes up kind of hits on Cass and decides to take him to the back room.


I didn't blame her. She spotted him and went walking. I would have done the same in


her white little teddy and things. Yeah. Angelic, angelic white. So he goes with them with him with her. I got a little confused. See, after as he's walking off with a girl, Dean took off to the bar with some other chick, not chick, another lady. As he's sitting there chatting chumming up with her. We hear a screen and we obviously know it's probably cast. So Dean takes off and finds the lady that Cass was with in the hallway screaming at him, telling him to get out of her face. I think like she's gonna kill something


right at Misha Collins head. Yeah, he dodged it. But I was like, what was that was that her shoe? Like I couldn't tell what it was. I think it was her shoe down. It came close to hitting him. And


then I think as she's walking off, she tells Dean to screw off or something to dinos gas, but he did. And Cass is like I don't know. I just I just looked her in her eye and told her that it wasn't her fault that her dad loved. He just hated his job at the post. Dean is like, Oh my God. He says, this industry runs on absent fathers like what do you do? They end up going out the back door and Dean is cracking up, like bent over laughing and he tells CASS You know, the thank you for that. I haven't laughed like that for so long. You'd like honestly, I haven't laughed like that in years. And it's a little sad,


and even cast looked happy. Or they were walking to the car. Like he didn't understand quite what was so funny. But you could tell he was enjoying himself. It's because he was happy as he was happy. His charge was happy. Yeah, it was really cute.


Well, then we see Lindsay got her way. She is at dinner with Sam. He's explaining a little bit vaguely about himself, and things that have happened. And she's like, Well, what was your poison? She's like, obviously, I know what I know the signs. I know what it looks like to be, you know, an addict, I guess you should say in recovery, right? And she pulls out her little chip and she says she's been three years sober. And I love that. She was like, Oh, I'm not going to pry. I'm not trying to pry but it's like it No, no, you are


all like literally all your.


But she was really sweet. And she told him the way I see it. Nobody can do anything so bad that they're not forgiven or that they can't change from what whatever it is that they did. I think Sam needed to hear that. Yeah, I think so too. Yeah. From a person who has been there too, obviously, so that's nice. But after that, we're back to Cassadine Cass is pouring his oil around Rafael's vessel, they're back at the hospital. Whatever it is, yeah St. Pete's he lights it on fire. I guess this is their way of trying to get Raphael to come when he


landed his ear and did that hole. Oh, I wrote about that chant or whatever it was. Yeah, that was like I'm here come and get me


I think Dean was like, what's what's the time frame on how long it's gonna take and lo and behold, RAF Rafael did not show up. We see the the boys heading back to their abode that they share together their little bungalow. Yeah, guess who's there when they walk in?


Oh, it was quite I gotta say they've been like put teasing us with this ark Angel


Oh my god. I was not expecting that. I'm sorry. No know. Okay, thank you


interests worth it. I'm a lightning bolt wings. It was kind of floated away. He was kind of just like, the way he was like hunched over. It was like, he just like landed there. I mean, the way the physicality the actor used. It was nice. I mean, that it was so unexpected. I did not see that coming. Me either. I mean, oh,


I thought some other things were gonna happen.


Okay, God, so, so they land, right? And the archangels like,


that's pretty good. And


then, and then Castillo comes in was like, oh, and he's like, and it just, it all made me. Do you remember Howard Stern's private parts? Oh, god. Yeah. Okay, so there is a scene in the movie. Or if you read the book in the book, where he talks about this girl calling in wanting his voice to give her an orgasm. And her like laying a speaker down and straddling the speaker and Howard Stern like being like can you imagine if it was Rafael Castile and Dean Winchester, just


all at the same time? All at the same time? Just all a lot. I know. I mean, I don't know. I feel like I feel like it would work. Okay. Yeah, maybe? I mean, just that.


Yeah, beer. Oh, my God, that part.


So yes, okay, well, moving past the orgasms


from the voices. But after the grand entrance, entrance there chit chat. And I think Raphael talks about how he's going to take Dean to Michael, so that he can meet his vessel do the thing. And it was so good. Dean's like walking away, puts his back to him grabs a beer like just kind of looks at him over shoulders. Like I'm not going anywhere with you, but then turns back to his beer. And he's like, clearly.


It was really just an accident. He killed that. He killed that acting completely cool and nonchalant. And then yeah, the cameras showed him with his backdrop elsewhere in the bear and his eyes were just I mean, he did so much with his facial expression there to where you knew he was just going oh, fuck. Oh, yeah. It was so good.


I think it's Dean. He says something like you know, you forgot one thing. You think you're so clever being here coming for me. But you didn't realize we knew you were coming? Yeah. Any throws match on to the near Raphael and the Ring of Fire around him lights up.


And Raphael is just like, oh, let's talk about that actor real quick, though. Okay, because when he was catatonic that man did not even so much as blink. You know, he's


just like drooling. Yeah.


But then as Raphael, just the intensity. Like he went from displaying absolutely nothing to like, seriously making me feel intimidated through the damn TV. Yeah. With his facial expressions and what he was doing with his eyes and everything like Kudo. Yeah, it was real good. demore Barnes.


He did good. Not just see what else he's done. But ya know, I'm sure we'll see him again and I'm, I'm happy to see him. Yeah,


I hope to do this in Hemlock Grove suits. Oh, he was in Hannibal. Oh,


okay. Oh, my God. Yes. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Yeah,


he did really well. Okay, but yes, so Dean looked terrified. Drinking his beer is where I interrupted you the last time? No,


you're fine. And then we talked about how we they lit him up, they lit up right Mephiles fire Yeah. And Raphael as they're inquiring about, where God's whereabouts, Raphael reveals that God is dead. As soon as we learned that God's dead, we switch back to Sam, one of the hunters from the three that came up earlier shows up by himself and he's bloody looking a little rough and ask Sam you know, what's what's, what's the deal with you? And Sam's like, What are you talking about? The guy proceeds I forget the guy's name, but he says that we only memorize Reggie's. Yeah, I mean, it was only important. No offense to you. But actually the actor that shows up at the bar, I know I've seen him in something else, which I thought it was this anyway. Not important. So he says that they showed up to do this job for Bobby. They come to get one demon but they're jumped by 10 of them. And the other guy that they were with, they killed


Steve Steve's guts. Were all over. Oh, yeah. He said, Steve. I still don't I still don't know. The Steven Ritchie. I don't know this third guy's name. The guy who's actually talking me there. But


he reveals the demons were a little chatty in the mix of all this, Tim? Oh, Tim. Okay, good. Good. Oh, Tim. The Super wiki says it's Tim. Okay. Well, Tim wants Sam's help to get Get back. Get his revenge back on these demons that killed Steve. Steve. Okay, because Reggie is okay. Right. Because Reggie, Reggie shows up with Lindsey. And he handcuffs her to the bar.


Yeah, we were immediately like, damn it. Like why do y'all have to introduce us to Reggie in one scene? Yeah. And then literally in the very next scene he's in make him unlikable. Right. Rude.


Not appreciate it. As soon as we learn what they're there for. We switch back to Rafael Cassadine. Raphael is talking about talking to Dean saying like, it's a godless universe at this point. And the angels are tired do Yeah, they're fucking tired. And they just want it to be over. They want paradise. Which paradise means? Sorry, human. Yeah.


But when he said paradise, there was almost a sadness to the way that he presented it. Like it was almost like we just, we want it like, we are exhausted. We just want it to be over. Like, I kind of felt that for him. No saying like, I agree. Like, okay, you're like, ruin everything, whatever. But just saying the way the actor presented it. I felt a little empathetic for Raphael in that moment. Yeah, he immediately turned around and started acting like a dick again. Yeah, because he's an angel. And I love him automatically. Of course, he's gonna be traumatic and all over the play. He's, but I just loved the way the actor delivered this little kind of miniature monologue where he was talking about all of that he did really well with it.


He did. Then we're back with Sam and Tim. He's like, Sam, give it up. Tell us and say it. So Sam fight. He's like, okay, fine, because he doesn't want Lindsey to get hurt. He's like, I started the apocalypse. It was me. I'm, you know, it's me. I'm the problem. He said he was a problem in last episode. Yeah, again, admitting it here,


which again, just makes me so sad because Sam still doesn't know that. Dean actually started it. Right. I


know. That's what I was thinking. Like, Dean


still hasn't been like, Hey, man, you broke the last seal. And that fucking sucks because I tried to stop you and everything. But I broke the first deal. Like, when's that conversation going to happen? Does it ever happen? Come on, should you think Tim


and Reggie proceed to like jump, Sam. And he's got a vial of blood, tender. demon blood. And Tim is like, I want you to break and take this so you can go get my revenge. And he they tackle him they get him down on the floor. They put the blood in his mouth. And I mean, that covers mouth he gets up, which he opened his the way he opened his mouth. He was like, Oh, he took it. But then he ends up spitting it in Tom's face. He deserved


it. He did. And then he kicks their asses. Yeah tells them get out of here. Get you get out of here was about the Oscars where it was Kristen Wiig and Will Ferrell the year.


That sounds familiar.


Oh, man, I shouldn't have done that.


Oh, no, you're fine. He's like about to slit Tim's throat like right next to Lindsey. He's got him up on the bar. And she is just handling the chest here. She dramatically gas Yes. And Sam was struggling. He like looked at her and then he was like, looking back at him like wonderful. I can do it. But then look back at her and he's like, okay, I


guess I won't do it. There's a witness. Yeah, I


don't want to have to kill you too. Looking back at the abandoned house Raphael with the


three vibrato Yeah. Is that the right word? Yeah, sure.


Raphael is kind of taunting Kaz and saying, you know, maybe it's not your God that brought you back. Did you ever think about that? Well, yeah, you know, maybe it's Lucifer that brought you back for his own reasons, and you just never even thought about that. He said,


and we know he needs as many fallen angels on his side as possible. Shade Rafi che shade. I love him immediately. I'm gonna be so upset if he goes away. I'm sure he will. This fucking show. Yeah,


that was pretty much it and they just leave him there in the Ring of Fire, right?


Oh, Casio goes. You're my bitch.


Oh my god. I forgot about that because I was like, holy cow. CASS Yeah,


once they realize they're not gonna get any information from Raphael they are they're just like, Okay, well, we're gonna leave. And Casio is like you're my bet Raphael Kassar


said quite a night he said a night with a lady semi night with Lady.


His tie was undone and his shirt was. I mean, he got a little something some


and he was now he's calling people bitches. Leaving them dominating. Yeah,


always. always kind of been the dominator. Yeah, he's always been the dominators as we've had a moment of the show. Definitely is like giving off that big dick energy in this episode. At the end, yeah. To the to an archangel who exploded him last season.


tables have turned.


And I like how Dean had to be like a good little boy and be like, yeah, what he said when they were walking out, of course, because was that warranted? No, but he just had to show where his allegiance slide. You know? Well,


it was sweet, though. Like, they're in the Impala. And Dean tells CASS You know, I know I know a thing or two about a missing father. Know what it's like, oh, this was so cute. And he says, you know, he was always out there gone. But like, I always knew he was out there. He was okay. Like, he's there. He's, he's still with me.


He said something about how there was like, sign after sign after sign that his dad was dead. But he knew in his heart that John was still alive. Right. So he asked CASS You know, so what, what is your instincts telling you? What is your heart telling you? And Cass was like, he's still out there.


I guess cast asks how Dean is doing or feels, and deems like really good, better than ever better than ever, without my brother. He said he's had more fun with Cass in the last, you know, a couple of days. And mentions, like, you're not that fun. And I've had the most fun with you than I've had in a long time. And he's like, you know, I've been chained to my family so long, but now you know, I'm on my own, and I'm finally happy.


And the cast like vanishes. Yeah.


He's like, okay, good.


Cast. Awesome. I gotta go find my dad. But did you notice what cast was gone? It was like Dean was disappointed. Oh, yeah, totally. You know, like, maybe he's not so good. Maybe he doesn't want to be on his own


code. They're both codependent. Holy


Felicia. Yes.


Yeah, we're back in the motel with Sam shirt on in bed shirt on don't know why. But just as back and she's telling him again, people can't or No, no, I'm sorry. Sam tells her she's wrong, that people can change and that there is reason for hope. As he's saying this, his back is turned to her in her pretty little face. It's almost like it's like a gray smoke ish or something. And it's revealed that this is Lucifer in bed with Sam.


And I do want to point out that before Sam turned his back to them, he had kissed this entity on its neck. We had rolled over and like been like kissing it on its neck. It was was hurt. So Lucifer was just like,


Thank you, hey. Well, Lucifer reveals that thanks to Sam, that's the reason he Sam was the reason that he is walking there right now. Thanks. It's like thanks. And I want to give you a gift. And say it's like no thanks. No, I don't want and want anything from you. And Lucifer reveals that Sam is actually his true vessel and sounds like Crafton No, no, no, no. And he's like, he knows that he needs his consent. But Lucifers like you will very confident that you will give me your it will be you You are the one and you will give me your consent and you will be my vessel. And Sam. I mean, you know, I love my Sammy, and how I've been so disappointed in him. But I feel really bad for him. Yeah.


Like you could tell he was scared. Yeah, he's so scared.


And it's just like, I feel like he has the way It's like he's so scared. But like at the back of his mind, he's like, Oh, I know. Like it is gonna happen. I think


that's what he was scared. Yeah, is that Lucifer was telling and Lucifer was telling him like, I don't lie. No, I think that's what he was scared of, is that Lucifer was telling the truth. And


what he even said, he was like, I'll kill myself before that I let that happen. And he's like, Well, I'll just bring it back again. Yeah, because I know eventually, you're gonna say yes, just


the nonchalant that Mark Pellegrino played this scene. I mean, it was well done. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I just yeah, like it was like


an eerie calmness and like, that confident and eerie. Like, wow,


that's a great description of it. No, that was that. That was the end. And I immediately was like, Oh, my God, he were right. Because LA called it last season, saying that she thought they were going to figure out a way to play the brothers against each other somehow. Well, if they're trying to get one of them to be the vessel of Michael, and one of them would be the vessel of Lucifer. We know that, that they're gonna fight. Well,


yeah. And like, so if Sam Lucifer and Michael is the sward sort of Michael. Which I think isn't that like one of the only things that can kill Lucifer,


right? Yeah, because we learned that in houses Oh, that's right. Yeah. And houses the holy when they were talking about that artwork, right? Not looking good. No. Holy shit man, was written by Jeremy Carver and directed by J. Miller Tobin. So J. Miller. Tobin also directed, born under a bad sign and season two. That was one of our favorites. Very supernatural Christmas and season three, Heaven and Hell in season four. And this is the last episode he did for supernatural. So I knew I'd recognize the name but we haven't heard that one as often. Alright, I don't feel like there was a whole lot of gore. Like the glorious thing what is not even Gore's when they force fed Sam demon blood, but I wouldn't say that was even really gory. So we'll just move past that adore Misha Collins facial expressions with Castile this episode Cassadine.


Oh, my God.


Shirtless Sammy. Oh, God. Yes, yes. And Rafael. Yeah,


yeah, yes. Yes. Yes. Check. Check, check, check, check, check. Check. Check. Check. Check.


So good. This was a really good episode. Yeah. I thoroughly enjoyed this. Anything else? The transitions at the beginning? Yeah. Well, it was I seen it just pop up. It was good to see just again. Yeah, it was good to have her brought back in. But yeah, those transitions at the beginning. Oh, yeah. That editing was art. So good. Oh, good. All right. I'm on Laura today. Yeah. Oh, my God a little bit. We got a little bit to get through here. Okay, so who is Archangel rafail. Archangel Raphael might not be a familiar name to everyone. But his remarkable healing abilities have left an unforgettable mark across various religions and cultures. People believe that he's one of the top seven Archangels who stand near God's throne. His job is to help and guide people who need it on Earth. When artists show him in pictures. He has beautiful green wings that show he's all about making things better and healing. I didn't get that vibe, as much say


from what we saw.


So Archangel Raphael and different religions. Raphael isn't just famous among Christians, Jewish and Islamic traditions also admire him in Judaism. He's a chief angel who helps with healing protection and journeys. In an old story, he even disguised himself as a person to help a guy named Tobiah. In Islam, he's important for healing and protecting humans. His name Raphael means God heals in Hebrew. And in Hinduism, he's even connected to a healing God named Vishnu. But he just wants it to be over. You know what he has to deal with heal humans and healing humans a lot. I kind of get it Yeah, that would be a lot. I'm


saying in general, like I get it if they're tired of having to watch over us like shit with no


direction. Nobody telling you what you need to prioritize. And all of us down here praying for things and yelling Oh God during sex and all that like what is their day life is like, what is it like? Okay, so just like famous people. Raphael has been a big deal in artwork and literature. In pictures, you might see him helping someone heal or guiding a traveler. One of the most famous paintings is called the healing of Tobit by an Italian artist named Pietro Peregrino. probably butchered that, but we're gonna move on. In this painting, Raphael is shown holding a fish, which is a hint about a story involving Tobiah and a fish that helped his dad's eyes get better in story Send books about spirituality. You'll find Raphael as a famous character. He's in texts like the Book of Tobit and the Koran. And in the Koran, people think he's the one who will blow a trumpet when the world is ending. Oh, okay.


It's a big job,


right? I've heard it's a big horn. Raphael had a big impact on lots of different religions and cultures throughout history. No matter if you need healing protection or someone to show you the way. Raphael is always there to help until he wants it to just be over. Right, then. No, not so much.


He has a stopping point. He's over it. What is it? Not a stopping point? Breaking Point, yeah, threshold.


He's at his threshold. Now Raphael can supposedly help you heal problems in your body, your feelings and even your spirit.


I need him right. Really?


I need him. I need him to come down here. But what is lightning wings? Yeah, he gets called upon for physical healing, chronic illnesses, injuries, he can assist in the healing process. He's a helper for doctors, people even think he's super good at healing things like arthritis and cancer. As far as feelings, he can help heal emotional wounds, to help you find peace, and like heal your inner child and things like that. Sometimes our hearts hurt or we feel anxious. Raphael can help us just feel better emotionally. Help us forget about bad stuff from our past and feel better about ourselves, as well as stop us from doing things we know are bad. When you're not sure about your life's purpose or feel about bit lost. Raphael can show you the way I think of him as a compass for your inner self. He can help you figure out where you fit in and what you should do. And if you want to feel more connected to your spiritual side, He's perfect for that too. The Archangel rafail is strong and caring. He's always ready to help you out whether you're dealing with body problems, emotions, or need to just feel more connected.


Okay, gonna have to remember this, huh?


Rafi? Oh, give it to me.


He got two quotes again to close it out because they're just getting so good. First one is Dean and he says, whoa, whoa. Last time you zapped me someplace. I didn't poop for a week. We're driving. He says that to I forgot to preface this that he says that to Caf DL when he's about to zap him demand.


And then for the second one, we start with Cassia hill in the brothel or strip club wherever they were. And Cassiel says this is a den of inequity. I should not be here and Dean says


dude, you full on rebelled against Heaven. And equity is like one of the


chair. Thank you for listening to denim wrapped nightmares.


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