Denim-wrapped Nightmares, a Supernatural podcast

Changing Channels

December 06, 2023 Berly, LA Season 5 Episode 8
Changing Channels
Denim-wrapped Nightmares, a Supernatural podcast
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Denim-wrapped Nightmares, a Supernatural podcast
Changing Channels
Dec 06, 2023 Season 5 Episode 8
Berly, LA

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Berly and LA recap the season five Supernatural episode, Changing Channels.  Over drinks, they'll discuss lore, gore, and what they adore about the Winchesters and their adventures. Now, let's get tipsy!  CW/TW for violent and lewd commentary; listeners beware! 🔞

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Berly and LA recap the season five Supernatural episode, Changing Channels.  Over drinks, they'll discuss lore, gore, and what they adore about the Winchesters and their adventures. Now, let's get tipsy!  CW/TW for violent and lewd commentary; listeners beware! 🔞

Please rate and review Denim-Wrapped Nightmares wherever you get your podcasts! Articles and sources are available on the Tumblr blog. Find other social channels on our Linktree. Automated transcription via


Welcome to denim wrapped nightmares tipsy exchange Podcast where we explore the supernatural series episode by episode.


over drinks, we'll discuss the lore of gore and what we adore about the Winchesters and their adventures.


I'm burly, and I'm a new fan of the series.


I'm LA, and I'm here along for the ride. Now let's get


the Trickster who's great, so is Richard Speight. May that sweet ass never deflate. Hello, la.


Hey, Burley.


Why is it? When we get to the Trickster episode?


We're a little sloppy I guess because we're just so excited. We're down on him.


Oh, that's like every time Well, let me there's only been three of them. Just saying I'm noticing a pattern.


Well, we'll get there. We'll get there. But first, okay. Last episode was The Curious Case of Dean Winchester. And Sam and Dean discovered a 900 year old which, in the form of a very fabulous Irishman named Patrick, and it was guest star how Olson he's running a high stakes poker game where the currency is life years versus money. Bobby sees the game takes a chance to get out of his wheelchair and bets 25 years loses begins to age rapidly. Dean steps in to save them ends up putting 25 years on him. In the end, Sam ends up playing even though everybody doubted him. And he wins against the though which and gets everybody back to their regular ages and gets rid of gonorrhea. Yes, the clap. Yeah, that's which gave them just to turn around. I


have genital herpes this episode, right?


No. Okay, that's that.


Today's episode is called changing channels. And it's the eighth episode of season five. It originally aired on November 5 2009. Episode opens up in like an 80s 90s sitcom style, laugh track live audience whatever thing. Dean had made a really big sandwich


and was really just like a tower. Yeah,


it's massive. And he's like, I'm gonna need a bigger mouth.


That's what she said. That's okay, neither one of us are watching it. Oh, my God. Okay, do you want to redo


it? Then we like shift into like credits. They're backing up into each other because they're investigating something with their flashlights. And I absolutely adored the fake laugh that Jared Padalecki did here. It was so over exaggerated and completely uncalled for. And I loved it.


It was like a whole little montage of different scenarios with them. It was cute.


Where did they find a bike big enough for the two of them? Right. And then the scooters made an appearance. Again, we haven't seen those in quite a while still had no clue what the fuck was happening. At this point, though. We were very confused.


I was enjoying it though.


It was fun. So then we shift. And we're in a motel room. And it's like two days earlier. And this motel room is exactly the same as the motel room whenever the episode first opened, except the colors are way more muted. It's way more dingy, dark. Yeah, I thought that was a really nice touch. Search the sweetness letting us know when something's just not quite right. Again. Kudos. And Dean is watching Dr. Sexy MD. Sam comes out as like, Oh, when did you start menopause. So sassy Sam is back. And in action. After Dean is just like whatever. It's called channel surfing. Like I'm not actually watching it. They leave and go to talk to local law enforcement about the strange death of Mr. William Reynolds. The officer is just like it was a bear. Bear attack. And Dean says, Oh, really, like the bear followed him home and chased him upstairs to his bedroom and mauled him on his bed. The officers just like yeah, sure. I guess it was really angry. Yeah,


what did he say? I guess it depends on how angry the bear was. He thought he was real funny.


Wasn't clever. Then he says, well, there was a witness, Mrs. Reynolds, but you know, she witnessed something traumatic. Sam and Dean looked at each other. Like, yeah,


what is this hysterical woman?


We're gonna go talk to her. As they're talking to Mrs. Reynolds. She's like, surely Yeah, it was a bear. Like it had to have been a bear. They were just like bullshit. Tell us what you saw. She finally reveals that what she saw was the Incredible Hulk and Dean said, Bana or Nora. And she said, Oh no, those movies were awful. I'm talking original television series. Dean got really excited. It was like for regno I really thought we were gonna get a Lou Ferrigno cameo. I


was really excited that shoot I was hoping she would say BANA got a real thing for Eric.


You wouldn't mind Eric Bana following you up the stairs to your bedroom and mauling you but no, it was no Ferrigno in this episode, or Bana. So we cut back to the motel, and we see Sam walking in. He says that he went and surveyed the Reynold residents, and there was a giant eight foot high hole in the door that was Hulk shaped. And he also found a bunch of candy wrappers. In the meantime, Dean had been doing research and found out that Mr. Reynolds, not a good guy, he was somebody who had been to had multiple counts of spousal abuse and all these other kinds of anger issues. Dean even made the comment. It's like you could say you wouldn't like him when he was angry. So they're like, oh, so he got his just desserts. Oh, candy, just desserts, sweet ass. It must be the trickster. Dean is immediately going okay. Like, let's get those massive giant ridiculous steaks. Yeah,


it's like an arm. Size. One of there are


what forearm Let's go. Let's go get the go find this and start slowing this down. Let's go kill him. And Sam was like, oh, no, he's kind of cute. I don't think we should kill them. I think we should talk to him and see if he'd be willing to help us out. He's the most powerful thing that we've come across. Maybe he doesn't want the party to stop some


wishful thinking on Sam's part.


He just really didn't want to kill him. Yeah. Dean was like, he had no problem killing me over and over and over again. I've been wanting to gank him since Mystery Spot, as I was just like, let's just talk to him, see if he'll help us. And if you want them, we'll kill them. So that's the plan. They just kind of hang around with all their steaks, because they're like, he never just kills one person.


I feel like those can't even be called steaks. They're so big. It's like a small, sharp tree.


I don't know. They're like, we're just gonna hang out. He's gonna show up again, because he's going to kill somebody else. Like, he doesn't just kill one person. He makes his rounds in a town before he moves on. So surely, he's gonna pop up again. So they're listening to some police scanner. Some guys saying, Oh, you wouldn't, I wouldn't be able to tell you what I saw. I couldn't believe it. Just get here, Send backup ASAP. And they're like, yeah,


he said, he says, Send everyone.


This is our guy. They're like this. This has got to be our guy. This has got to be our guy. Let's go. So they go to the location, which is like this abandoned warehouse. They pull up and then like, supposedly, someone just died here. There's not a single cop car. No one's here. No one's around. This could be a trek. And so what do they do? Let's just go in anyway. Yep. Not a problem. They get their steaks out of the trunk of the car, and they go walking into the warehouse. Suddenly, they're at a hospital and there's this music playing. And they're both in scrubs, and doctor's coats, and looking around, a woman comes walking up to them and just like Doctor slaps the shit out of Sam, and delivers some monologue about how he's scared. And she believes in him. And I don't even remember what else she said. But Sam is really confused. And so she slaps him again for good measure, and turns around and storms off. Dean, on the other hand, is just as giddy as


could be. Oh, he recognizes her from the show, right? Yes.


I think that Dean would have loved it if he had been the one getting slapped. Yeah. And he realizes they are inside. Dr. Sexy MD. They're walking around. Sam is saying like we're in TV land Dena saying no, we're not in TV land. There's no lights, cameras. Like this is real. This feels real. They're seeing all these characters, including a character who is supposedly a ghost who only exists in the mind of one of the doctors, which was a fun little reference for Jeffrey Dean Morgan, because he played a similar character on Grey's Anatomy. And then he appears Dr. Sexy comes walking down the hall. And y'all I don't know if Dean was starstruck or in love.


He was flustered. Yeah, nervous blushing. Couldn't even look at him and I'm


so excited. Like he was like, there he is. Oh my god. That's Dr. Sexy MD. So he came walking up. I was just like, doctor and said Dean was like doctor and blushing and like, hit Sam. And so Sam was like, Doctor I feel like that's from a movie. Feel like that's from airplane or something? All the Dr. Spin like Dr. Dr. Oh


yeah, doctor. He's like,


why didn't you do what I ordered you to Dean face transplant? Why didn't you do that experimental emergency face transplant. And so Dean is still blushing and looking down again. And then he notices that Dr. Sexy is wearing tennis shoes. Well apparently that is not what Dr. Sexy wears on the show. Part of what makes Dr. Sexy so sexy is that he wears cowboy boots. So Dean slams Dr. Sexy up against the wall. But he enjoyed that right? He was like, Who the fuck are you? And then he transitions into the real Dr. Sexy. We get the trickster. We got the Trickster in multiple costumes today. At the end when he was kind of preaching a little bit there. I was like, oh, when are we gonna get trickster in the priest? outfit? Does that happen? Oh, I want to is that gonna happen? I don't where was that episode? So the Trickster is like hey, you got me Hello, trickster. We're having fun here. Or do you guys were in town. And Sam was just like, we want to talk to you. Please, please, please in the Trickster says, Let me guess You too fucked up. The world is like falling apart and you want me to come clean your mess. I'm not gonna do it. Y'all are gonna play this game. And then we'll, we'll talk we'll figure it out. They're like, what's the game? Is like you're playing it? You're doing it? And they're like, What are the rules? And he was making the most adorable facial expressions, sticking out his lips and raising his eyebrows and just ah. Essentially, he tells them, they need to play their roles. If they can survive the game for 24 hours. Then we'll talk I'll hear you out. But no straight answer on what the rules are. What the game is, just like you're playing is play. Yeah, play the game. Just do it. Have a good time. Love you, fellas. They're walking around. They're trying to figure out what they're supposed to be doing. And a gentleman comes out and approaches Dean and she's like, Hey, my wife really needs that face transplant. Please help me. And he's just like, this isn't real. Leave me alone. So him and Sam start walking again. And the husband reaches in and grabs a gun that was right there inside the door and shoots Dean in the back.


And seems like it's


let's see. I was just like yelling Doctor. Doctor. We need a doctor over here. Turns out up. Sam is the doctor. Apparently what was it cerebrovascular surgeon she called him apparently that means you do stuff on spines. Yeah. At first. Sam was really confused as to what the hell he's supposed to do. And Dean is completely conscious for whatever reason. Yeah. You think you'd be out? Where's the anesthesiologist? Where's that person? Oh, I did forget. After the Trickster disappeared. An actress came or not an actress. A nurse came around the corner was like Dr. Sexy. And you and I both died laughing because we were like, so it's not like McSteamy or McDreamy, like his name is actually ridiculous. Sam Finally he's just like, Okay, I mean, get me what was it some dental floss some whiskey


and knife whiskey. Yeah.


He operates on Dean, he gets the bullet out and stitches them up. He's just like, You're gonna be fine. And Dr. Piccolo, the person who slapped Sam earlier is just in the window. Like putting her hand she gave a great exam. Like it was perfectly exaggerated. Yeah.


Tears. And yeah,


it wasn't too much. But it was enough to be funny. Like, I really appreciated that she went for that Grey's Anatomy drama. And the transition to the next scene was pretty cool. So we see it from Dean's perspective. He's looking at the floor, we see nurses feet, and they move out of the way. And then this light starts flashing and you start hearing clapping, and it shows Dean and he looks really confused. And then it shows the flashing again, and then suddenly it swings open and it's doors and we're now on a Japanese game show. The Game Show is apparently called Nutcracker. Where if you get the answer wrong or you don't answer in time, this giant ball pendulum thing swings up and smashes into your groin. Sam and Dean are both strapped into these contraptions. And the game show host first asks Sam in Japanese What was the name of the demon you chose over your own brother? Sam was just like I don't I don't know Japanese. I don't know what to do. I don't know what you want for me. And the clock gets to zero. So Sam, little contraption goes off.


Oh my god. Terrible. Their feet are like strapped into what looks like ski giant boots. Yeah, I did. The levers like just perfectly angled to go smack right there. Yeah, and it wasn't slow. No. I felt that for him.


He's just like, oh shit. And then dean starts looking around and realizes I don't know why it took him this long to realize he's in the same contraption as Sam. And it's like, oh God, like, I don't want to get smashed in the nuts. What am I going to do? Well, luckily the host and one of the Vanna whites of the show, go over to the side to talk about shrimp chips. Like they have to do their quick little advertisement. So while they're doing that, Sam and Dean are talking and trying to figure out what they should do. We hear this banging and the doors swing open and Casio comes walking in. And he says you two have been missing for days. What are you doing here? They're just like, Fuck, man. Like we don't want to be here. What are you doing here? Cast just dissolve so you just like disappears and static like TV static. And the game shows host says Mr. Trickster does not like pretty boy angels. So now it's Dean's turn on the game. And he asks in Japanese, would your mother and father still be alive if your brother was never born? But while Sam and Dean were talking they figured out okay, we just we just need to play along just play our roles. Just answer the question play the game. After trying to contemplate things over for a second. Dean finally hits the button and answers in Japanese. Even though he doesn't know Japanese that the answer is yes. Dean is declared the Nutcracker champion.


The question was pretty brutal to what was it? It was like neither of them were nice. Oh, if your brother had never been born when your mom and dad still be alive or something like that. It was like date? Yeah, really cutting the knife there. Well in the whole button the knife that doesn't make sense. Which demon


did you pick over your brother? Like neither of them were nice trickster start and shit. Like honestly, we should have known all along. Who's been the most dramatic shit starter character of this entire fucking series. True. That was a really enthusiastic response. It cuts to black. A commercial starts playing. And at first I was confused. It's like what's happening? It's a commercial for her PEXA and that's where Sam declares he has genitals or herpes. But he takes her PEXA twice a day to do his part.


He very begrudgingly begrudging, what am I saying? You'll get it the grudging you will have wrenching. begrudgingly, begrudgingly. Yeah. But grudgingly. Yes. All right. Yeah. Yeah. He begrudgingly says it.


Took you six times. Sorry.


He is not happy having to play out this commercial. No,


no, but he did it. Yeah, he does. Well, he did it. So nebulous, didn't really need it. So next, we're back in the brightly colored motel rooms set 90 set that we were in in the very, very, very, very beginning of the episode. And they're still having their little calm conversation. Okay, like, what do you do you research and then this girl steps out of the bathroom and a swimsuit was like, Oh, we were researching all night long. And Sam goes over and it's just like, Get out of here. You get out of here. Get out in your heels and your swimsuit. Get no clothing for you. Hope it's not cold out there. Get on out here. And they're just talking about like, Okay, how long are we going to have to keep this up? We're just gonna keep playing our roles. The sex could die in here. And then Cassiel comes in again. And he's all beat up. Bloody Nose. Yeah. And he said he got out and they're like, where he never answers. He never says where he was. Where's that side story? What happened to calf right? I kind of want to know what happened, but he's just like, Listen, I don't think this is a fucking trickster man. Like the kind of power it takes to do all of this. That's not a trickster. I don't think that's what we're dealing with here. But before he can talk any further whenever Sam and Dean were like, well then what are we dealing with? Casio gets slammed up against the wall, and then duct tape is over his mouth suddenly in the door. The Trickster appears he just comes like skipping on in mischievious cute self. He turns around he's like a Hey cast yell and cast yell obviously recognizes the trickster. Like you can see it in his eyes. He's got duct tape over his mouth, and he slammed up against a wall and he can't move. But you can tell from the way he looks that they know each other. He sends Castile away. And Sam and Dean are immediately asking Where do you send Cass and tricksters like I mean he's gonna live it's fine. Probably. Don't worry about it. Just fine. Still


think about it. Hey,


tells them again like you guys. You fuckers. You're supposed to be playing your roles. Play your roles in here. And then play your roles out there. You know, Michael Lucifer, the dueling brothers like, Just do it. Y'all are the ones who started the apocalypse. It started there is no turning this back off there is no shutting it down. So you might as well just do what you're supposed to do let's I think he said like, let's like this candle or something like that. I


think that's a I was distracted.


It's been a while Dean is immediately asking the trickster. Okay, got it like somebody else got to you first. So which which side are you on? Which Which team? Are you playing for heaven or hell, tricksters. Like Fuck you, man. I don't care who wins. I just want to get it over with. And Dean says, you're grabbing ankle for Michael or Lucifer.


Yeah, I was like, Oh.


He didn't like, not like he grabbed dean. And like, slammed him up against the wall. And then magically, it rewound. And he grabbed Dean and slammed him up against the wall again.


I remember that.


And he like was all intense, who he was like, Don't ever presume to know what I am. Hmm, that holds Dean to the wall with one hand, Dan is struggling. And Sam is trying to talk to the Trickster chasers, like don't pretend to know me. I'll keep you in TV land forever. So do what I want. Or this,


this is your life. Yikes.


Then we cut to the next show. And it's like a what is it? CSI cop procedural? Yeah. Sam and Dean have on matching suits with blue shirts and sunglasses at night at night. Yeah.




so I can, okay, and then do is like, you know, wear sunglasses at night. douchebags. But they play their role. They get real into it.


I feel like Jared was really like trying to be a little blue steel on this one again, with all the ways sure like what he did with his face.


Mm hmm. The swagger that Jared was doing when they were walking across over to the crime scene and the slomo. Just something about, it was like his hips and his chest were further in front of him than his shoulders. It was real weird. So they walk over because they see this guy near the body sucking on a sucker. So they're like, oh, sweet tooth. That's got to be our guy. Let's go over there. Like just follow my lead. So they're making jokes and puns. After the coroner shows them the giant stab wound. He's like, Yeah, there's a roll of quarters shoved down his throat. You know what I'm thinking? No. Talking quarters,


oh, I know.


What it was it Saturday. And that went? Well. I say check bod. will


know Dean Dean said, What did he say? No, No guts, no


glory. Well, that was after the coroner guy was like, and there was a stab wound in his stomach. And it's this massive gushed out thing with blood everywhere in LA. And I immediately like oh, well, good thing. He pointed that out. They would not


totally would have missed it.


And that's when Dean said that. Yeah. What else did they say? Oh, they said something else. And so the whole time this little coordinate with his little lollipop is giggling and laughing away. So they're getting more and more convinced this is this is him. One of them goes on one side of the body and the other goes on the other side. And they stab him in his heart with their massive forearm stake. Yeah. And it shows it that I thought this was a little unnecessary. It showed some CGI special effects where it showed the steak go into his chest and actually pierce a beating heart.


Well, yeah. Well, like the amount of blood that came pouring out immediately.


I thought that was fun. I just didn't understand the need for like the CGI. Seeing the heartbeat like we Yeah, I mean, it's fine. It's just didn't take away from the episode. We just have never seen them do something like that on Supernatural so far. So I was just curious why they felt the need to do it this time.


Maybe Maybe they do stuff like that on CSI cars, or CSU or whatever. Because that's,


I bet you're right, because I don't watch that shattered either. So that seemed really odd to me. But I bet you're right. Yeah. Otherwise, we're in trouble. Otherwise, this is an issue guys really fucked up. Take this all the way to the top Robert singer Eric crypkey. We need to have some more Oh, Hopefully, hopefully for their sakes, I just hope we praying okay. We already got trickster in doctors outfit right when like the pouty face and the eyebrows and just looking so fucking delicious. And then after they steak this guy he believes out within like two seconds and dies. We hear a chuckling in the background. And now we get trickster in a cop outfit.


Do you like it?


I loved Oh, wait, wait, wait. quick sidebar. How hot was he in Jacksonville?


Well, man, I know you were really liking it. I really Yeah, I was very happy. Yes. He was very nice though.


I love a trucker hat. You know, I love a trucker hat. But I was very happy we got a day with no hat.


Good Hair.


It looks really good. Yeah. Just as mesmerizing in person. I'm a fan. Oh.


You don't say I have to say when he was in the scrubs in the in the hospital. His skin looks amazing. His eyes. I mean, just like his complexion and this beautiful poreless


skin when he did a little pout thing. It was like yeah, oh my god. It's nice. But I liked I liked the cop outfit. So I bet and then they take their forearm steak and stab him too. And he just like falls over. But we get cake cakes. Like flashes to them in the warehouse so that you think it's all over? Color is even back to its everything's normal shade is not over though. Now we're back in the motel room dingy version. So we're thinking real life. Now we're out of TV Land, made it out. They played their roles. They impaled the trickster, and Dean is brushing his teeth, getting his toiletry bag ready. And he's like, I'm really worried about casts where my buddy is I'm really worried about my buddy cast has had it rough to man. He got turned into a joy buzzer accent figure and now he's been like, I want to know what happened to him.


Looks like he's just getting beaten up when he's not in the TV Land. Yeah.


Anyway, Dean looks around the hotel room and realizes Sam's not there. He's just like saying, Where did you go? So of course he does the next logical thing and leaves naturally. He gets in to baby gets in the Impala starts up the engine. And then we hear Sam's voice being like, Dean. And Dean's like, where are you? And seems like I don't? I don't know. And then the theme from Knight Rider kicks in Dennett that what you don't know because you've never seen the show. I remember finding that out on a different episode we recorded. I have no idea why we were talking about Knight Rider on a different episode. But I know we were and you said you've never seen the show. And I it's seared in my brain that you've never seen it. Well.


I will say though, as soon as I heard Sam just heard Sam's voice in the car. I was like, oh, Knight Rider, even though I've never seen I knew. I was like, He's the car. He's the car.


Maybe you have seen it. And you just know. Know the theme for some reason. I


mean, I know of it. And the just Hasselhoff. Yeah.


So, Dean writes his brother. No, he he drives them that Dean drives his brother drives his brother steers his brother. Yeah. punches that gas and his brother gets in that trunk later to Sam does not like it. He's like this uncomfortable. I'm not a bottom. Get out of there. As they're driving. They're talking about everything. They are like, okay, let's let's really look at the information that we've received during our TV Land Adventure. Okay, the trickster. A he sexiest fuck? Be Cassiel seemed to know him. See, he got real upset and aggressive and dominated me. Whenever we brought up Michael and Lucifer conclusion. He can hit it and we think he's an angel. Know that what you just said? No,


I was gonna when you were saying like, he dominated me whenever I talked about Michael and Danny like, slammed


it. He dominated Dean.


I know. I was gonna say you should have said and I liked it. Oh, Dean. Well, you're you're always talking about he likes cats dominating them. But it wasn't Cass. I don't know. He just likes to be dominant.


He just wants to be dominant. He just like he wants to be up against the wall. I mean, I get it a lot. comes naturally to them. They love it. So they go to a national park. I don't know why. And they pull off on the site. And Dean comes out and he's like, okay, you've got us. We give up we're gonna do what you want us to do. So the Trickster she comes walking up and I was like, oh, yeah, this is gonna be fan fucking tastic And then Dean says we're not doing anything until Sam has opposable thumbs again. So the Trickster snaps, and Sam steps out. What were those shares? They looked kind of like, what were those shoes they did. They looked like eggs. What were those? Sam steps out of the Impala? And like you get a real good shot of those boots. And I was like, What am I looking at right now? So the Trickster was like, I'll give him back his thumbs, but he has to wear eggs. Snap,


I guess it'll be warm and come see.


Sam comes walking out. And the Trickster is real pleased with himself. He thinks he's one. But because they've already figured it out. They set up a trap of holy oil before the Trickster got there. And Sam LightSail later, drops it in the oil and they trap him. Dean states that maybe you've always been an angel trickster, it first tries to deny it, but then dean is like, okay, yeah, sure. Yeah, you're not step out of the holy fire, which of course he can't. So then he's just like, Fuck snaps, and they're back in the warehouse. And this is when like, he was kind of preaching at some point. And I was like, Well, here's the priest outfit. Let's get on him next. He essentially tells them that he ran away from home. The Trickster was his. What did he call it? Witness Protection? Yes, he got a new face. Then I told him, I was like, Okay, I knew that. Gabriel, he says his name is Gabriel. And the tricks are were connected. Somehow, they were played by the same actor. But I didn't realize they were one in the same. I just saw, I remember seeing an episode, where I didn't know what was happening. But they were both there. And now like, I'm trying to think about what happened to that episode, and it's just confusing me even more. So I'm just not even gonna think I don't even we'll cross that bridge when we get there. But to Richard Speights, yes,


please. Yeah. When we get to that episode, I want you to be like, Okay, here's what I was thinking


of. I don't know what to think right now. I really don't. So I'm just not going to do it. Yeah. Because I'm just gonna confuse myself even more, but I didn't realize they were the same is my point. Like, I knew there was a connection, some at some point, but they're like the same. It's the same guy. It's been the same guy the whole time. I think


I was like, Yeah, well, yeah.


So he's saying that his family was biting and he was sick of it. So he pieced out he came down to the real world and just decided to, you know, fuck with people instead. And that he carved out his own little corner of the universe, and that Sam and Dean had to show up and ruin it. And Winchesters they started the apocalypse. And now his brothers need to fight. And he's like, and I just want it to end I want it I want it to be done with given be their vessels, and do it. That's what the two of you been destined to be this entire time. And they were just like,


I thought that was crazy. When he was like, when his father like finally turned the lights on this place. Like ever since then they've known it was going to end with the two of them.


Crazy, but then what he said next, where he said Michael Boyle to an absent father, Lucifer rebellious of daddy's plan, like it's always been you to You were always destined to be their vessels. I was like, whoa,


okay, it's all coming together. It's all making sense now. So


again, they ask Gabriel, because he's told them Gabriel, they call me Gabriel. They asked him, will you help us? And he's like, no, like, I'm not I'm not going to pick a side. I'm not going to do that. They're just like, Okay, fine. You give us give us cast back is what Dean said, or I'm gonna, I'm gonna What did you say frame it for me EPA, archangel and some more oil, holy oil. And so Gabriel snaps, and Castile is back and he's not happy. He's a grumpy gas. And he's like, hello, Gabriel. And Gabriel is like, oh, maybe fucking adorable. Real quick. Hey, bro. So he's like, What are you now? So I was just gonna leave me here and the holy fire and he's like, No, because I'm actually not a fucking asshole. I'm not going to leave you here. But I am going to have the last word, sir. This is not about us being dickheads and starting the apocalypse. This is about you, not standing up to your family. Like clearly this fighting and this bullshit was going on. Well, before we were part of the picture. Right? Didn't


he say he was like the apocalypse? That was like a Sunday dinner for me. Am I Yeah, exactly.


Yeah. And he also said like, I ran away like I didn't want to deal with it, baby. So Dean has his little last word. And he turns on the fire not fire extinguisher. He pulls the fire alarm to set off the sprinklers. That's the word I was looking for. And so Gabriel gets all wet your your


scream to get them wet. Okay, it


oh my god whenever the episode first started and they were doing that then and like showing all this stuff and it started showing nothing but trickster stuff I screen because I was convinced that it wasn't gonna happen until way later in the season. I


was too young. I don't know why it'd be nice. I know nothing but I just didn't think we'd get him this soon. There were lots of outbursts, and lots of wine. I guess you could put that.


We had. We had, it was important for the plot. It was important there were important plot points that we had to see. You were


just missing things you were missing a lot of things you needed to go back.


So as Sam Dean and Castiel leave Oh, but Castile does take some time to linger back and just mean mug, his brother.


Oh, yeah, well, obviously he's sassy and dramatic. Yeah,


we got to be sassy and dramatic and just stare at each other. I'm gonna sit here and watch you get all wet.


I see you bro.


I want to know what happened. Right?


I do like I will say I like in the episode with the kid that turned cast and did a little joy buzzer Jackson figure like in that one at the end like Dean's like, Hey, by the way this like my buddy, can we like, can we fix them? Can we save them? And then same thing at the end of this one. He's like, by the way, like, can we get cast? Like any my man? Yeah.


So as they're leaving Sam and Dean are really mulling over everything Gabriel said. But it's always been destined to be them and how they mirror Michael and Lucifer and I think both of them were kind of starting to be like, Oh, fuck, yeah.




Yeah, like Gabriel really gotten to them. They were just like leaving like


immediately think that's like, Oh, shit.


And cast is just like walking around.


Like, you idiot.


I fell for you. Like look


at what happened to me.


That's essentially the end of the episode. It was written by Jeremy Carver and directed by Charles basin. So the only Gore I can think of was Dean's what is it? What did they call them a squib his squib? Whenever he got shot in the back? That was pretty fucking good. Yeah, that looks realistic. So we got like, it's not a splooge but like some blood squirt there. And then the coroner. Whenever he got how I


over there.


I punched my boob because I was trying to do the stake in the heart. When that one corner guy got the stake through the heart like the blood that gushed out of him.


Oh my god. Yeah. So


but that's the only Gore I can think of. Yeah,


I think so. Yeah, I think that was it.


What did you adore about this episode?


Well, I feel like I should ask you first what you need to ask.


Like I've been talking about what I adored about this episode was my recap.


Okay, so what was your pit and peach? I'm sure there's probably not a pit but of seeing your trickster.


Okay. Do you have a pit? Okay, what were Sam's shoes?


The Trickster not


Oh, god. No, the Trickster can have a pit. No, there's no there's no pit.


I'm saying he's your adore. I


know for a second. He was on screen. It was worth my time. Right? Yeah, nope. What


was your favorite part? With him?


I gotta say I particularly loved the reveal of him in the hospital. Yeah, I liked that. And he was fucking adorable during that whole scene. But I did love the reveal of him. But the cop scene too. Yep.


And I did auditions were really


love what you did like now I'm coming back. It's fine. It's fine. And I loved the switch from playful mischievous trickster to angry ventureone or Archangel whenever he got pissed. Yeah, I loved all of those. Those are my three favorite things. I narrowed it down to three shocking


I thought we might be going on for a while. What about you? I did like seeing him again.


You got excited, too. I was happy.


He really does have really pretty eyes. I mean, he also just brings a different energy. Yeah, this time he's on the show. You know, I agree. So I like that. And I guess I like I mean, this is I don't I can't believe I'm gonna say this, but I did somewhat like the cheesiness of it. I guess.


It works with this with him. Yeah, but that character it works right.


I mean, you know me, I'm not usually that big on the campy stuff and whatnot, but I don't know. I liked it in this.


I did too. Yeah. I enjoyed it. Like I said, I didn't get all of it because I don't watch NCIS and so like, thing I'm wondering, was that a joke we missed because we don't watch that show. I got the puns and stuff though. Yeah, because I've seen like spoofs of that stuff. So I understood that was from the show, but now I'm definitely wondering if you're right if that heart thing is from we're gonna pull it up because it's just really weird. It's not from one of those cop shows. It was really fucking weird. But I bet you're right because it was just so out of place hopefully


Okay, well, so take us into lore. All right. Well, of course, we're going to talk about the Ark Angel Gabriel Hmm. He is one of the most widely known Archangels due to his biblical role as the divine messenger who delivered the good news to Mary, letting her know that she would be blessed to become the Holy Mother of Jesus. You


know, if Gabriel popped up in my bedroom, I'd be like, boom pregnant too. Yeah.


There's a lot more to Archangel Gabriel though he is recognized within different religious systems as a divine messenger and guide. They say that these are the signs that Archangel Gabriel is trying to reach out to you. So we're gonna I think sacrilege to like, as like, the way this article is written is very odd that they're putting this in the front, and then they talk more about who he is, I don't know, but we're just gonna go with it. Who is he? If he's trying to reach out to you, you can experience an unexplained sense of calm, a sudden, inexplicable feeling of peace or serenity may wash over you. Suddenly, in the sights you might experience a sudden clarity or understanding about a situation that's been troubling you vivid dreams, usually a vivid or memorable dream featuring angelic or divine imagery, repeated encounters with specific symbols or numbers commonly associated with Gabriel. Thanks for that, but they don't provide any of those numbers. So can't tell you intuitive urges. Strong highpass almost inexplicable urge to take a specific action. Oh, especially if it aligns with gaining wisdom or communication. Wow. Archangel Gabriel holds a position of great reverence and importance in religious traditions and spiritual circles. He's seen as a protector of parents and those trying to become parents whether through birth or adoption. This makes him akin to a patron saint for fertility and family matters. He's often considered one of the seven archangels, a powerful group that serves close to the divine. Gabriel is the messenger who brings insights, clarity and breakthroughs to people. Now, he's not just in Christian tradition, he also plays a significant role in Islam, known as Zuriel, and Arabic, probably wrong he is recognized as the Holy Spirit who revealed the Koran to the Prophet Muhammad. In Judaism, Gabriel appears in the book of Daniel ating, the prophet Daniel and understanding his visions and prophecies. His reach is not only broad across religious traditions, but also deep in the aspects of life he influences much like the other seven angels. He also serves as the divine spark for new beginnings, making him an apt guide for those embarking on new chapter, new life chapters. Furthermore, he is seen as the patron saint of messengers, including postal workers, diplomats and journalists. His instrumental role in prophetic visions shows his mastery over clarity, both in understanding oneself and decoding the intricacies of the future. This makes him an invaluable aid to individuals looking for resolutions or insights into their important matters, be it personal or spiritual. Another layer to Gabriel's role is his contribution to artistic and creative pursuits. Known to inspire people with a divine spark, he is often turned to for guidance and matters, requiring authentic self expression and creativity. This links him closely to the realm of arts making him a divine influencer in the world of painting, writing and all hand involved arts


dance. That's a lot. Yeah, fertility art messages.


I feel like a lot of saints is like that. They'll be like, Oh, patron saint of this, this, this, but then like when you really deep dive into it, it's like they have a whole host of things that they're like an archangel or saint of, but there's a bunch more in this article. I know. We'll post it. But yeah, that's the gist of Gabriel for now. So


to close it out. We have a quote after they had trapped the Trickster slash archangel, and he brought Castile back.


Well, Castile says, Hello, Gabriel. And Gabriel


said, Hey, bro, how's the search for Daddy going? Let me guess. Awful. And he made like these dramatic facial expressions and I was like, Oh my God, he's such a bitch. I love him. Ah, Cher. Thank you for listening to denim wrapped nightmares.


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