Denim-wrapped Nightmares, a Supernatural podcast

99 Problems

January 10, 2024 Berly, LA Season 5 Episode 17
99 Problems
Denim-wrapped Nightmares, a Supernatural podcast
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Denim-wrapped Nightmares, a Supernatural podcast
99 Problems
Jan 10, 2024 Season 5 Episode 17
Berly, LA

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Berly and LA recap the season five Supernatural episode, 99 Problems.  Over drinks, they'll discuss lore, gore, and what they adore about the Winchesters and their adventures. Now, let's get tipsy!  CW/TW for violent and lewd commentary; listeners beware! 🔞

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Berly and LA recap the season five Supernatural episode, 99 Problems.  Over drinks, they'll discuss lore, gore, and what they adore about the Winchesters and their adventures. Now, let's get tipsy!  CW/TW for violent and lewd commentary; listeners beware! 🔞

Please rate and review Denim-Wrapped Nightmares wherever you get your podcasts! Articles and sources are available on the Tumblr blog. Find other social channels on our Linktree. Automated transcription via


Welcome to denim wrapped nightmares tipsy exchange Podcast where we explore the supernatural series episode by episode.


over drinks, we'll discuss the lore of gore and what we adore about the Winchesters and their adventures.


I'm burly, and I'm a new fan of the series. I'm


LA, and I'm here along for the ride. Now let's get tipsy. Hello,


la Hello Burley. Our previous episode was Dark Side of the Moon. The episode started with Sam and Dean getting ambushed by a couple of angry hunters. They were mad that Sam started the apocalypse. So they murdered them and sent them to heaven. Cast CL, he wanted them to go talk to Joshua, an angel who spoke with God. So Sam and Dean go on a quest to find Joshua with Zachariah hunting them along the way. They fortunately get some help from ash, and some downer news from Pamela where she's just like, what's the big deal? Just do it. Just have the apocalypse have the fight kill all those people. It's not a big deal, because heavens great yell. Also then they get the ultimate downer from Joshua, when he lets them know that, you know, they were saved by God once before, and they and God also gave them back Cassiel and he's done intervening. That's all he's going to do. Because you know, this whole Apocalypse thing, not his problem. Joshua was just like, Oh, bother. Go back to Earth. You're gonna remember everything this time. And that was it.


Today's episode is called 99 problems,


but a bitch is one.


And this one, yeah. The boys are in the Impala driving frantically from something very fast. Dean says like, or one of them says something about they've never seen so many of them. We don't know what the hell they're running from. But they run into a burning like trumped over 18 Wheeler blocking the whole road. And then these demons are just pulling them from the car. This group of guys has this little mini fire truck, and they start blasting the demons with with I guess it was holy water. Right. Assuming so yeah. And then they start chanting something to and they exercise the demons.


It was like a group of like five of them or something. Right? Yeah. I was like y'all have dealt with more than that. But I guess maybe that wasn't the whole group that they were running away from. Right. It was just a smidgen. They got away.


They go up to the these fellas that helped them and ask, you know, who are you guys? And the one guy says that they are the what is it? Did I write this? Oh, yes. sacrament? Lutheran militia. He's like, those are demons guys. Just so you know.


I know you're not gonna you're gonna have a hard time believing this. Okay, but just listen to me. Right? The apocalypse has begun. Yes. Good luck.


He says buckle up buttercup. He does say buckle up. Our boys want to help them. They're like what's, what's your deal? What do you got going on? And we want to help. They're so helpful. Yeah.


I loved how this group was like, oh, because it's Dean said, you know, that's a police issued shotgun. And you know, don't know where you got your fancy little truck. They never talked about what the sigil is. It's painted on the side of the truck. I was curious what that was and thought it would be addressed. At some point it wasn't. But that's fine. And they just said, Oh, you pick things up along the way. Then we go into the town. And there's like these giant concrete barricades and barbed wire and fences and construction, because I'm like, what they pick that up? Aren't


those big white things with the things around them that like a bunch of water? Yeah,


like you just pick things up along the way. You're a little small town. You


guys are obviously very prepared. Right?


Where did all this come from? And they


go into this church and out like outside of the church is a devil's trap. Yeah. Like they know what they're doing? Well, it seems like they did well. And then the oddly enough, they walk into the church, and there's a wedding going on. Oh, everybody in the row is holding their shotgun next to him. And I think one of the guys somebody tells them they're like, this is like our eighth wedding so far in the week in one week. Oh, I want to just go out on a limb and say I don't think those marriages are right.


I don't think that their soul mate,




And then we have Paul and Rob. Paul is not bowing his head when everybody else in the church bows his head. And Rob is like looking back at him. I totally thought Paul and Rob were a couple. I


missed the initial glance, but then when you said it, and then the next scene or something hit me like glances back at him. I was like, oh, maybe yeah, the way he looked at him.


I was incredibly disappointed that that did not pan out.


Yeah. But the guys who are out front of the church and this the preacher comes over Are. I liked this preacher?


I did too. Oh my God when we were acciden and Richard Speight Jr. was singing that song and he said dirty like a priest. You weren't next to me, but I reached for somebody who wasn't you and I grabbed their arm and then I was like, Oh, that's not LA. So I let them go. But what I was gonna say it was zero. Was where's the priest outfit on? Trickster? Hmm, I want it even more now. need it? Need need it? It's a necessity.


I think Oh, no. But yes, I


liked this priest too. Yeah. And he's kind of being a little Daddy. What? Daddy?


Not Yes. He's just kind of being a little guarded. Oh, yeah. Guard. He's like, you know,


your thigh holster on right. It's a pretty thick thighs to saving lives. In more ways than one. Oh, you know what? You want to fuck a priest or you want to fuck god? Oh. You always do. fleabag Oh,


no, no, that oh, oh, yeah. Oh, I need to rewatch that.


Okay. I'm really mad about remembering things like that. Quotes. My life, you know, trivial things. Yeah. Pretty much. Okay, we were talking matter.


We were talking talking about trickster


eyes. Yeah. Hello, preacher mentions that Paul or Rob, whoever mentioned that they were hunters, not lovers. Correct. They need to clear that up right away. They're like, you know, we want to, you know, help you guys out like, what's, what's going on? What's your deal? So he takes them I don't know where they are. But somewhere in this room where there's a bunch going on, kids are packing in salt into the bullets. Everybody's making those like I started like getting supplies together. They're organized town of hunters. Sam and Dean are impressed. Yes. At first. They're like, how do you know all of this? You know, how did you How do you guys know how to exercise a demon with the five the chanting? Yeah. And how do you even know about demons and the preachers like I can't explain it, how we know these things. And this little petite thing comes out of nowhere. And it's like, yes, you can. It's okay, daddy. I know Sam and Dean. I know all about them. From the angels that told me all about them. I


know their kinks. Yeah, I know everything. No,


no, she does say that. She gets visions and that the angels tell her where the demons will be. So that's why the guy they knew where they are. And they go hunting for wherever she tells them. They're gonna. She


also told them that they're safe here. She's like, because of your ribs, right? Oh, yeah. She really knows them. And they were just both very. And when she said she gets visions, Dean was like, Let me guess. Like, you get headaches and lights and all that now I'm going where's Chuck?




Where is he? Do we get more chuck this season?


We shall see. I forget what he what does he call her


a prophet? Yeah. Dean says you're not the first prophet we've met. But you are the cutest. Yes. And then her dad just looks at him. And he's like, respectfully respectfully, right?


Then it switches to Sam. He's at the motel. He's on the phone, calling casts for backup help. And cast. This voicemail it consists of I don't know why you want me to say my name. And then just pushing buttons that's


above his voice. It goes, You've reached the voicemail of a cast going. I don't I don't understand. Why do you want me to say my name? There's just like Beep boop. I died.


Well, Sam tells them that they're in Jared


battle, like his facial expressions while he was listening to the outgoing message was hilarious. That


was good. And I like later when he tells Dean he's like, Yeah, I left cast a message, I think yeah. No, no, you're good. He tells Cass in the message that they're in Blue Earth, Minnesota, you know, give him a call back. They need his help. And then he's at a bar. He goes over and talks to Dean and they're going over theories about what could be going on in the town. Sam says that the he doesn't get it. These angels are sending people to do their dirty work. And Dean's like well, I mean, they're gonna die anyway. What do we you know?


Yeah, the biggest don't give a fuck attitude. Seriously, I was like, Holy shit, just


like callous cold. Yeah, it sounds like what about how we tried to save them? Yeah. What happened to that? As they're talking and church bells go off and everybody gets up to leave? Yes. Enough to pay those tabs. And that means that Leah has had another vision and so she tells them what she saw the preachers like who's gonna come with me of course Robin. Paul say they're gonna go and then say I'm Indian of course want to say say they want to come and they look over before as a preacher saying a prayer before they head out. And Paul's over there drinking out of a flask like cheers to the


real appropriate. Hey, I get it. Oh yeah, you're about to go hunt demons. And she straight up was like I don't know how many I don't know how many with that, but it's five miles down the road.


Then they go to this house and they're casing the joint and then Sam's trying to break in the door but a demon comes attacks a dean, one of the guys in the group is this kid Dylan, he, he blasts that demon right off the dean. Fighting ensues, lots of demons in the end,


demons popping out of nowhere. And just like taking a gunshot, which we've seen demons do. And then them just saying this little Nokian five word exorcism and the demons smoking out. Yeah. And at that point, LA and I were both like, something about this as off. We didn't know what. But something about that whole scene. It just seemed too easy. Yeah, it was like 10. Demon. There were a lot. Yeah. And I remember when they were leaving Sam was like, that's what it's like to have backup. And I was just like, oh, no, these are we've seen these demons. They have super strength. It just was weird. Yeah,


I agree. It was well choreographed. Yeah, it was it was fighting and how quick I liked it. When a SAM threw the knife in the back of the one guy that, like landed next to Dean and he grabbed a knife and stabbed the one in


front of me. Yeah, it was nice. And the check with the I think it was I thought it was a flame thrower at first. But I think when it showed her using it later, it was actually like a water hose of some sort. Yeah, you know, there was a variety of weaponry. Good Background Music For Action Fight. But it just yeah, just based off of what we've seen thus far, the supernatural universe. It was off. Yeah. And I didn't know why at first, we of course find out why before the end of the episode. They're walking


back to the car. They've done so well at killing all these demons that Leo told them about efficient. Yes, the guy guys from the town are getting in their truck. But the kid Dylan comes over and asks if he can ride with Dean and Sam. Dean was real sweet. He was like You saved my life like you. Next time. I'll even let you drive, which is big.


I think he was like, Well, yeah, you know. He was being really sweet was very sweet. Gave him a beer. You could tell the kid felt special. He felt like he was hanging with the cool kids. Yeah, no, he was very excited. Shame what happened that


unfortunately, a demon hauled him under the car and killed him before they could kill the demon. And so the next scene is the funeral. Dylan's mom, Jane walks Dean and just says, This is your fault. As the funeral commences. Lee is up in one of the front pews and just like keels over having one of our visions. And she says that Dylan's coming back, Judgment Day is coming, and he will be resurrected, they have been chosen, they are going to go to paradise there, everything's going to be great. As long as they all follow the angels commandments. So after after the funeral of this little thing is over, Dean goes in to talk to Leah. She's recovering from her. For her, her visions. And Dean asks her about paradise. He wants to know about it. And he wants to know what all these angels are telling her. And she tells him that there's going to be at price. She say a price fight. Yes. Okay. And she said, It's gonna get really bad. But then they're going to win and it's going to


be peace for the chosen for Yeah, just


the chosen, of course. And you'll just be at peace with people you love. And she mentioned studying that he's chosen as well. And of course, he's like, Oh, no, I think you mean cursed. And she says it must be hard being the vessel of heaven with no


hope. Before we move on, there are a few things that happened in the funeral scene. First we find out Rob, was Dylan's dad is married to Jane. And that's when I was like, oh, womp womp robbing Paul aren't a thing. I don't think that that's going anywhere. I mean, it did. But they were just friends. Yeah, maybe there maybe there was more. Maybe that's why it got so heated. Maybe that's why Jane was so quick to do the things she does. Maybe hmm. And then the other thing was the Commandments from the angels. That was the second thing that made me go something's not right. Because what we've learned from these angels, they don't give a fuck. They don't care if we drink and we smoke and we fuckin so that's really weird. The commandments that she issued.


Yeah. Next Sam is drinking at the the bar with Paul since everybody else isn't at the funeral. No, they're following the following the commandments not drinking. Sam says like you're not a believer. And Paul is like I've never prayed before, not going to start now. And I'd like to set up I'm going to hell, at least I'm going honest. And so they had just like a nice little chat. Sam goes back to the motel. And it's telling Dean that they've cut off all things from the outside world, no internet, no TV, and he's like, don't you think that's suspicious? And Dean's like, I don't care. I don't care. I'm over it. And seems like these angels are just toying with these people. What do you mean? You can tell Dean's just over it. He's not doing it. And Sam's like I can't do if you don't want to do it for you do it for me. I can't do this without you. And Dean's just like, No, he heads out. Sam points out that he is leaving past curfew. Twice. past curfew. Yeah. He's very upset about it. And then we see Leah, and she's clearly had another vision. She's crying this time. And she's upset that the angels are just so angry, and that there's no more paradise. No, most people are not following the commandments and they're upset.


Angels are furious. Yes. How dare they?


It's like, wow, one night, you guys.


It's been a few hours since we told you what these commandments are. And you have not implemented them. Were angels were so mad.


Like, no, no,


they do not care. Right.


And we're back back at the motel. Sam is sifting or going through some books because he doesn't have his internet. And cash goes up. And Cass is something else. He stays at the fridge, I think and he's like, I got your message. Your long message.


The sound of your voice is grating. That's like Jesus. Tell us how you really feel guess.


Yeah. So he kind of stumbles over to Sam and Sam's like, are you drunk? Like what's going on? Guys? Like, yeah, I found a liquor store and a drink. It seems like Oh, K. And he just he's like, are you? Are you alright? And that's when cast like tells him to come closer. And then he whispers in his ear. Don't ask stupid questions.


What's the one liners from Castile in this episode? We're gonna Well, yeah, so


Sam starts diving into what's going on and tells him about the Prophet Leah and whatnot. And, and because like she's not a prophet, and seems like I'm sure she is. You know,


she gets headaches and stuff.


She sees visions, and casts like, No, I have all the prophets names seared into my brain. She is not a prophet. So then dean out on his past curfew situation goes into the bar. There's a fight going on. The people in the town are wanting Paul to leave because apparently Paul's the only person there that hasn't followed the commandments.


Is that his bar where there's liquor? Yeah,


shut down. They want him out of town. And he's like, I think I forget who he says he's like, I grew up here. I was like, I stood at your wedding. And talking


to rob. Yeah. And we grew up together. We were in love. No. And then you got married, and I still stood at the altar. I still stood by your side through all of that. You know, he


was really upset. Oh, yeah. Well, he's like, they're trying to run me out of town when Dean shows up. And he like he's looking at some hope. It's like, yeah, probably the worst breakup ever. And Dylan's mom Jane. She had to get rid of that competition. Yeah. And she's like, Yeah, well, that was then this is now and there's a commotion. They're all starting to fight. June just put June. Yeah, Jane. Jane pulls out a gun and shoots Paul right in the chest. Jane


has got a gun. She got rid of that competition.


She sure did. And he's dead. Dean runs over to him and I forget who


else pasture kitty and


he would like holler. And yeah, Paul's gone. I liked Paul though. I was kind of bummed me to just the probably the only honest one on the town. Rob was


heartbroken. What's in my head canon? He was he was devastated.


We go back to the motel. And Sam was like, Okay, well, you know, if she's not a prophet, what is she then and Cass just blatantly says, The whore. She


capital capital W on the closed caption the whore.


He tells Dean's back at this point. So he tells them both that she rises when Lucifer walks Earth and she spreads false prophecies. Bingo hmm. And they asked about what about these exorcisms that they're doing? Castille them. No, no, it's not real that it's basically translating to say, breed with the mouth of a goat. And


I'm like, What in the mind, Monty Python is


right and like It's like just silent. He's like, Well, it's funnier, and you know. And so I think I forget, oh my God. And he says that the, you know, innocent blood is being spilled and God's name. And that's exactly what they're wanting to happen right now.


The other thing I thought was curious is in literally the episode right before this one. Sam was questioning why he was in heaven and Notting Hill and Dean said, Well, you thought you were right. You thought you were doing the right thing. And Sam was like, Dean, it's not the Road to Heaven that's paved in good intentions. And now we have the flip side of that. And this one, Jane thinks she's doing the right thing. She even says, like you're standing against the flock. You're not going to keep me from seeing my son keep us from Paradise when she just murdered somebody. So she thinks she's serving God. And she's not as we find out so all these people is it's the whole road to hell paved in good intentions thing, right. And then before we leave the hotel, I loved Dean's one liner, which, you know, when he came back, and he had blood on his hand, I did love how Sam was really worried about him. At first, he was like, it's not mine. And nobody sweat up and it's not mine. Paul's dead moving on.


I mean, we've been through so much the religion like okay.


before they left the hotel, Dean said, how do we go pimp of Babylon? Yeah.


But also, before they leave, we do learn that Jane or Chang got a meeting. His name's Leah, is actually dead. This Oh, yeah, this thing has taken over the horror has taken over her body and killed her probably months ago. Yeah. And she's on her way to dragging this whole town into the pit. We see Leah and she's comforting Jane, who's crying just so worried that she broke the commandments, and she's screwed everything up. But Leah assures her that the angels understand why you had to kill that sinner.


They support this murder


do. And her dad's like, how can that be right? Like, no, don't think so. And back at the hotel, they're trying to figure out who they need to figure this out, fix this. And cast is like, well, it's not dean. And it's not me. And Sam, of course, is an abomination. So someone else. And just the way he delivers all these lines in this episode are so good.


I love just everything about cast in the scene. He just shows up and just sets it down. This will kill her. It's a branch from Cyprus or a stick from Cyprus or whatever. And we need a servant of God. And yeah, he's just very matter of fact, just let's just fucking get this over. What it felt like oh, yeah, like forecast. He's on the same page as dean. And he just does not seem to truly give a shit at this point. Oh, bless his heart.


Then we're back to Leah at the church, telling everybody in the congregation and I guess the town the whole town, that she has had another vision, of course. And Midnight is the time it's going to be the final judgment. You know,


you guys have had like, 48 hours to do these committees. To prove yourself prove yourself worth real tough. yourself worthy of Paradise. And it is judgment time.


Yeah. But they're not ready just yet. The angels say they're not ready just yet. Because there are a few elements that need to be taken care of. IE, get rid of the fucking centers and the town. She's got a list and she's attacking it twice to get them all fucking killed.


We got our kill list. Yes. This by midnight.


And so Daddy preacher comes over and he's like, whoa, what do you what are you talking about the killing innocent people. She basically threads them. She's like, you know, asked me again. Question me again. And your name's gonna be on the list next. Yeah.


That thigh holster is not going to save you now. Hate the Reese? I've talked about a thigh holster twice now. It's


not dangerous, though. No,


it's not the answer. You're right. It's not Richard Speights either. Okay, so neither one of us are 100% happy here.


Which I mean, I feel like the dad should have been like, okay, yes, things. Yeah. This may not be my daughter like something's up. But


think he was suspecting it. But not wanting to believe right? Of course.


Of course. Yeah. The guys get the preacher. Castile


teleported him.


That's right. He was walking down the road and Cass came up behind him.


I'm an angel of the Lord.


Don't even put that. Yeah, and so he last. He doesn't blast him.


takes him to the motel takes him from behind. He does he does.


On the shoulder though. Tapping on the short two fingers. And they say yeah, they let the preacher know. He's like, I can't do this. This is It's my daughter and they're like No man. Nah, man, she's gone that she did. Yeah. Before they hold up the what does it Cypress branch to him and tell him like, this has to be done. You gotta


stab this through her heart. He's like, why me and they're like you're a servant of God and he's like your literal Angel and cascos a poor example of one though. I


know I feel bad for. Oh, Cass is out front, kind of sulking. And Dean comes over and tells him You know, I've been there. I know what it's like, you know, deadbeat dads. And Cass asks him how he does it, how he handles it. takes us on a good day, you get to kill the horse. Yeah. Like I sometimes I'm like, if I was there, like I'm reading these lines and be like, we really want to go with this one. But we're back at the church and Leah is telling Jane to go get the kerosene. And she's like their children in there and leaves like, go get the kerosene.


Yeah, they've collected the kill list of people and shoved all of them into a closet. Yeah. Go to like, Burn them alive. I guess is that the plan? Like I still couldn't understand. Like, y'all are in the building, too. I don't understand this plan. And


Jane is so easily manipulated. She is like, Your son needs you to do this. And she just like is like, okay, turns around, goes get kerosene. You're right. Leah goes into another room and the church and cache shows up behind her grabs her arms. Her dad has the Cypress branch, but he can't do it. And she gets loose of casts and just tosses them all against the walls. I think each one of them are hitting walls everywhere. And she runs off back into the congregation area and is telling the people the guys, my dad's a demon. He's after me. And so whole fight ensues. Somehow Dean gets Oh, no, no, she gets Dean on the ground. Good for her. She was straddling him. Oh, and she's like, you're not a servant of God, your self. Or she was pathetic, self hating, worthless. And she's like, that's why my team is gonna win. And Dean's like, Don't be so sure. He's like been reaching to try to get the branch while she's talking. He gets it stabs or, and she starts lighten up. shake. Shaking on the ground. Her face is doing the weird thing it did in the mirror early. Yeah. And she's gone.


She died. Dean did call her whore one more time. Yeah, that's


true. He did. Yeah. Don't be so sure core. Yeah. Not the horror.


Still with a capital H W though. Right. So it turns out Dean is a servant of God after all. Right.


Yeah. Seems like she has Sam very concerned. Yeah. Seems like how do you do? How do you How are you able to kill her? And Dean's like, I don't know, you know, but Sam questions if he's starting to give into the idea of being Michael's vessel. Sam is wrapping up the preachers arm and Dean is just kind of watching and he says that he's gonna go out to the car to get some clean bandages. But we hear the car take off and Sam runs out after him. That thing's gone.


I'm like, where's Castile at this point? My guess up still? Yeah, he wants to go sleep it off. Yeah.


Dean winds up at Lisa's House, who we know from before that has a son Ben that acted just like Dean. And he thought it was gonna be thought for a minute. It was his kid. And he goes her door. She's there and she tells him Ben's a baseball. They've moved. I thought


it was weird that he was like, I didn't have your number. But you have her brand new address because they moved. How did that work out?


Oh, no.


This this whole thing was random. To me. It


was yeah, it was odd. And she asks him if he's all right. And he says Not really. And he says that he just really wants her to know that when he does picture himself happy. It's with her and the kid. Okay, she's like, let's come and come and say let me get up or like, let's talk. And he's like, no, no, no, I gotta go. And she's like, you can just drop a bombshell on me like that leave. And he tells her he has no choice. And she's like, yes, you do. You have a choice. And he says no, things are about to get bad. But he's making arrangements for her and Ben. Yeah, he's gonna go make a deal. But they're gonna have to do some things for him for him to make this deal. And she's like, you know, say please stay say bye to Ben and he's like a better, better if I don't. And then he leans in, which I thought was for kids. We use that he thought he was whispering. So


it just lingered for a very long time to be just a kiss on the cheek. So I was like, is he whispering something to her and we don't know what he's saying. Like what's happening? Yeah, we don't know. Don't know. Because that then ends Yeah. I just thought that was like I get that when he thinks about being a family man, that that's who he would picture because he spent that time with the kid and all of that. But to the point that he felt the need to drive out there. Yeah. And tell her this and do all this. I was just like that just because I didn't feel like I felt like she wanted him to hang out and get to know each other at the end of that Changeling episode. The Kids Are All Right back in season three. But I didn't feel like they actually got to know each other very well. And based off of what they said before that episode, they spent a weekend together fucking. I mean, you get to know somebody that way. But you don't get to know somebody that way. You know what I mean? And then you came to town for maybe a week to handle this monster. At least that's what it felt like in the episode, it didn't feel like they were there for a prolonged period of time. Where you're not really spending that much time with her. Seemed like he spent more time with the kid. And yet, we're supposed to believe that fantasy relationship. Okay. But like a sincere emotional connection. It just, I don't know. It seemed random to me. Wow.


No. Like, I


wish that instead of it had just been a fling that she was like an ex where he had a serious relationship with her. And then they that would make more sense. Yeah. Like with Cassie, where it was this ex that he had had a serious relationship with, but I don't know. I guess like a weekend long Fling is a serious relationship to Dean Winchester, maybe? Yeah, probably. And it does make me wonder like, why would she care so much about him sticking around to say goodbye to Ben. Ben did kind of take a shining tone. He did. He did. But then you haven't heard anything. But yeah, but it's also like, hi, bye. I mean, it was just Yeah, it was kind of odd. Yeah. Anyway, it was written by Julie siege, who also wrote fallen idols. And it was directed by Charles B. Son, who this season has done I believe the children are our future. And changing channels. Where's the trickster? No, no, we're supposed to get another episode from him this season. Yeah. Where's that? All right. Well, Gore. There wasn't any gore. mean, there were fight scenes action. I wouldn't say there was any Gore though. No. Anything you adored in this episode?


I mean, of course. It was.


It was great. I mean, he made the episode he made the episode. I like he had some great one liners in this episode. And it just makes sense for his character development that not only is dad around and perfectly aware of what's happening, but he doesn't give a shit. It's not his problem, and he's not going to help you like, it makes perfect sense for him to be acting like this. Oh, yeah. So I loved


Lal. Misha delivered those lines to perfection. It was


perfectly delivered perfectly delivered. I loved Castile in this episode. I liked father Gideon to me too. Yes. You know, I liked I liked his character. And like I said, I didn't dislike the Lisa thing at the end because it let us know what Dean's thinking. I don't think he was going to he's not going to tell Sam. He's not going to tell Cass like he's who else is he going to tell? How else are we going to know have this confirmation of what he's thinking. So I liked that, that were in on Dan's plan, but it also just really felt random to me. But anyway, today's lore is the horror. The horror of Babylon is disclosed to Revelations Narrator John of Patmos and a vision from an angel, quote, I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was full of blasphemous names, and it had seven heads and 10 horns. The woman was clothed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and jewels and pearls, holding in her hand, a golden cup full of abominations and the impurities of her prostitution. And on her forehead was written a name, a MYSTERY, BABYLON, the Great Mother of horrors, and Earth's abominations. And I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of the saints and the blood of the witnesses to Jesus. Okay, is she drinking semen? Or is she drinking blood? Pick one. Because it says the cup was full of abominations and the impurities of her prostitution. And then it says that she was drunk off of blood. Yeah. Anyway, Revelation 17 three dash six that was an adorable little snort. So the Whore of Babylon does not necessarily represent a resurrection of ancient Babylon, which fell to Cyrus the Great in 539 BCE. Rather, she is often believed to represent Rome, a much more present threat to early Christians. The seven heads of the horrors scarlet beast can be understood as the seven hills of Rome, which at the time were so iconic as to be depicted on coins A number of other early Christian writers and theologians similarly associated Roman rule with the coming apocalypse. Some regarded it as the quote fourth kingdom prophesized in the book of Daniel, a pagan world power that would eventually be destroyed by the kingdom of God. For many contemporary and later Christians, Rome was clearly the Whore of Babylon, who was described as the great city that rules over the kings of the earth, Revelation 1718. Serving as an ambiguous and adaptable metaphor she is sometimes understood as a false religion or worldview that would enable the Antichrist rise to power prior to the Last Judgement. That is from Britannica. In the wiki. We have Babylon also known as the scarlet woman, of course, it's a redhead. Of course, the scarlet woman or Mother of abominations, is a goddess found in the Lima, a religious system, which was established in 1904 with the writing of the book of the law by English writer Alistair Crowley. The writing of the name as Babylon was revealed by Crowley and his the vision and the voice. Her name and imagery are featured in Crowley's labor chief Vel, Valium, I'll begin, Alba Nene. Alba Nene. In her most abstract form, Babylon represents the female sexual impulse and the liberated woman in the creed of the Gnostic mass. She has also identified with Mother Earth in her most fertile sense, along with her status as an archetype or goddess Crowley believed that Babylon had an earthly aspect or avatar, a living woman who occupied the spiritual office of the scarlet woman. This office first identified in the book of the law is usually described as a counterpart to his own identifications as to mega theory on where the great beast, the role of the scarlet woman was to help manifest the energies of the Aeon of Horus. Crowley believed that several women in his life occupied the office of scarlet woman. Babylons Consort is chaos, called the father of life and the Gnostic mass being the male form of the creative principle. Chaos appears in the vision and the voice and later in labor CEF Ville Valo mapping is separate from her relationship with her consort, Babylon is usually depicted as writing the beast. She is often referred to as a sacred whore, and her primary symbol is the chalice or Grail. As Crowley wrote in his book, she rides a stride the beast. In her left hand, she holds the reins representing the passion which unites them in her right hand. She holds a lot the cup, the holy grail of flame with love and death. Semen and blood in this cup, are mingled the elements of the sacrament of the Eon saw some Aleister Crowley shit and figured I'd throw that into the floor today. Nice.


All right, well, to close it out. We've got a quote from Sam. And he says, no drinking, no gambling, no premarital sex dating they basically just outlawed 90% of your personality shares.


Thank you for listening to denim wrapped nightmares.


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