Denim-wrapped Nightmares, a Supernatural podcast

Hammer of the Gods

January 17, 2024 Berly, LA Season 5 Episode 19
Hammer of the Gods
Denim-wrapped Nightmares, a Supernatural podcast
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Denim-wrapped Nightmares, a Supernatural podcast
Hammer of the Gods
Jan 17, 2024 Season 5 Episode 19
Berly, LA

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Berly and LA recap the season five Supernatural episode, Hammer of the Gods.  Over drinks, they'll discuss lore, gore, and what they adore about the Winchesters and their adventures. Now, let's get tipsy!  CW/TW for violent and lewd commentary; listeners beware! 🔞

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Berly and LA recap the season five Supernatural episode, Hammer of the Gods.  Over drinks, they'll discuss lore, gore, and what they adore about the Winchesters and their adventures. Now, let's get tipsy!  CW/TW for violent and lewd commentary; listeners beware! 🔞

Please rate and review Denim-Wrapped Nightmares wherever you get your podcasts! Articles and sources are available on the Tumblr blog. Find other social channels on our Linktree. Automated transcription via


Welcome to denim wrapped nightmares tipsy exchange Podcast where we explore the supernatural series episode by episode.


over drinks, we'll discuss the lore of gore and what we adore about the Winchesters and their adventures.


I'm burly, and I'm a new fan of the series. I'm


LA, and I'm here along for the ride. Now let's get


Hello LA. Hello




Today's episode was a good one.


Oh, of course. Yes, I know. You know, I know.


I know. You know,


I know. You know, I know you knit I know that you like.


Okay, but before we get into all that last episode was called the point of no return. Was that a Kevin Costner movie?


There's a What's the young Fonda girl? Bridget Fonda. There was a movie with her point of no return that I really liked. She wasn't like an assassin. They pulled her out of jail and made her an assassin. What


am I thinking of? What is Kevin Costner? I don't know. Anyway, well, in that episode, Dean was starting to think that the only way to stop Lucifer was to say yes to Michael. But the angels had moved on. They revived Adam, their brother from another mother, and told him he would be the new vessel now, Dean did not like that. He wanted them to take him instead. But Sam and Castiel was just like, No, that is not happening. Not on my watch. But then dean escaped. And then Casio was like, Ah, he found him. And then they work together as a team and told Zachariah, yeah, okay. Zakhar. I was like, Oh, my God. Yes. Really happy. Unfortunately. They double crossed Zachariah. And that was that. Oh, it is important to note that Castiel got blown away. Blasted himself and the beginning of that we still don't know where he is. Yeah. And also only Sam and Dean escaped. Dean killed Zachariah. This is the worst like miniature recap. No, no.


Come on.


Dean killed Zachariah. And then he was like, Okay, two brothers, two arms. But I'm sorry, one of you is big enough that I need both arms. So the other one like you just gotta keep up. And he didn't.


But is he did?


I don't know. Michael Gautam. I think Michael got them. But we don't know any. We don't know them got him. Me. I


think he got them too. Okay, because there was the bright light in the fancy room. And then it was like not fancy anymore. What if you just took them? Well, that's what I meant by Gautam. He took, oh, I meant dead. Oh, no, I think he kidnapped him and he's going to use it. He's going to try to use that as method because, okay, Zacharias method almost works. Right? Okay, so I figured he's just going to do the same thing. Okay. Got it. They don't seem to original these angels. Also, I saw an interesting argument online, that if Ben was really deemed son, wouldn't the angels have just gone and gotten him? I thought we knew he wasn't as fun though. But people like to say that he is. Oh, I see. Well, and when they just gotten him, because if Castillo could be like, I'm gonna use your daughter, Jimmy. And why wouldn't the angels have just copied Castillo's method? Sounds good. They were smart. They still would have done it though. Because apparently Lisa is really important to me. Right. So they probably still could have used that method. And that probably would have been more effective. But yeah, I'm not saying it's moral. I'm just saying, I get what you're saying. Anyway, that was okay.


All right.


Well, today's episode is called Hammer of the gods. And it is the 19th episode of season five, and it aired on April 22. It aired on April 22 2010. And we start out in Muncie, Indiana, Indiana. I can't talk already. I know. There's this really rundown shitty looking motel. There's a security guard that pulls up and he's going in which I don't know why. Looks rundown like why are you there?


Yeah. Like who? Oh, who called? Yeah, exactly.


Did somebody did Mercury call from the hotel? Maybe? I bet. I bet. tricky


bit that he? Yeah. He's walking around. It's dark. He's got his flashlight out. He's walking around in the place is a shit show. And he walks by this dead plant. And after he walks by it, the plants just like it just slowly starts to come alive again. And they're beautiful. This gorgeous color. Yeah, purple. So that was weird. Yeah,


that was never explained. What was that? Oh, well


in a moment. Okay. So then out of nowhere, this guy pops up and he's an Suit Tie bow tie looks fabulous. And just columns can be like it's just supposed to be there. Thank you. So something like it's getting started, you know, everybody's coming. Everybody has their part to play. He's like even you to the security guard and security. I was like when? He says, Yeah, your


dinner. Yeah. And then we get our 26th Blood splooge of the supernatural series. It was thick. We don't know how or what happened. Not at all that just a fertile blood splooge splashed on to some broken I think was a mirror like something or frame or whatever. It was thick. Yeah, it was a lot. It was


some stuff in that. It was kind of


chunky. It wasn't as chunky as the Hollywood Babylon. Where the guy went through the fan true, but it was Yeah. Wow. So that's the first one. There's a lot. This was such a good episode. So


after that happens, we see the boys pulling up to the Elysium fields motel. gorgeous, beautiful. It's thriving. It's the exact same hotel we saw in the beginning, but now up and running and beautiful. So I think he like brought it all back to life. With the with the flowers, you


know, Oh, okay. brought everything was symbolic and metaphorical for like that. It was all going to okay, I I


like I just figured like, because like when I saw it, I was like, Oh, it's coming back to life. And then when that splash to the hotel looking amazing. I was like, like, he brought it all back.


Back, including the electricity and the signage and everything. I loved the style. It was beautiful. Yeah,


I would stay there. Sam Dean pullin they get in and Dean's excited. He's like nice digs for once. And I would be to right now the creepy guy from before that killed the security guard is behind the desk, and he is typing away very faithfully. When he was not typing words, I'll tell you that much. And he checks them in. And as he's taking them in, he notices he tells Dean he got his school Nick on his chin from shaving, and hands him a tissue. And he blocks it. And he's like, Well, that's weird. Like, how long ago did he I believe it's nighttime. When did you shave


the shaving in the car? Yeah. And they were apparently had quite the journey because Sam talks later about the detour on I 90 the Hurricane like all these things. It's not like they were just down the road. You know, so


who knows? But Dean asks if they have any coffee and the creepy guy is we have a buffet all you can eat the best pie in the tri state area. And that gets Dean going. And he goes over it is a lovely display of cakes and everything. And there's a guy standing there. He's like, man, it's like heaven, huh? And Dean's like, trust me. It's better.


That was a good line.


I thought was funny. And then like you mentioned he plucked that thing off one of the cakes. What was it? I would have thought it was just like a thing of icing wasn't


just clay, but it was solid. Oh, yeah. Maybe


it was like a little candy. Candy on top. Yeah, very important to this plus it is either way, gross. Don't touch it. Unless you're taking the whole thing.


You didn't even take a slice from that. Yeah, you just took the top of it. I was like rude and the guy. So


anyway, as he's walking off with his pie, he runs by this lady sitting on the table by herself drinking her little Martini. And she's fabulous. She's really like, and like Dean tries to you know, lay on some charm. And she's like, uh, no, no, no,


I understand. No, yeah. I love to write. I


was like, yeah, good for her.




shut it down. So he meets up with Sam and I noticed Wait,


wait, I do want to point out he did. Like literally the Joey Tribbiani. Oh, that's right. How you to win? Yeah. No, no, keep moving.


I love it. But yeah, so two tables down. He goes and sits with Sam and Sam is clearly eating like vegetables and some protein. I'm like, Oh, well, Sam, Sammy, and Sam's ready to go. He's like, we need to go. This storm is crazy. He's like, it's a bit. It's like biblical telling. He says it's Noah's Ark out there. You know, we're stuck in here. And for one seems like a no. Well, I shouldn't say for once. He's like, how much sleep did you get this this week? Yeah, not just last night. This


week. He's a three or four hours. I was like, What the fuck? Yeah. You mentally cannot function off three to four hours of sleep in a week.


No way. No way. Dean commences and he's like, you're no help to me. If you're burnout. You know, let's just take a night off or once we're in a swanky place Dean's real into let's stay.


Bobby's monitoring, right for Lucifer activities. It's good. Take


a breather,


relax, kick back, go grab some food off of a cake that you're not going to touch otherwise,


don't touch that one. As soon as they decide they're gonna stay. It's the camera kind of like pans over follows a waitress into the kitchen. And as she's passing by where some people are making some sort of food food. We see a whole severed arm from like the elbow down. It was hand it was like the thing I was like, I was expecting it to get up and like walk walk around on the counter right it's that's what it looks like you're right. So we're so we already know the security guard was dinner now we got a severed arm so somebody's eaten people Yeah. And


not in a fun way right


though they head to their room and it is nice they have read their beds or read they got their pre partitioned while everything's fam feed chocolates on the pillows. And Dina of course is very excited when he sees that there is Casa erotica 13 On Demand.


Casa erotica,


he's happy Ooh,


on demand.


We're gonna watch the other 12


and then Sam acted all grossed out. Excuse me. I remember distinctly the first time that we heard Casa erotica while watching the show. And it was a you Mr. Sam, sitting on the end of a bed. Watching Casa erotica. So how about you take the jeje Lux and direct them towards yourself? That's right, Mr. Judge Judy judgey judgey.


Well, he does make a good point, though. He's looking around and he's suspicious. And he's like, What the hell's he's like, Well, this isn't right. He says what what the hell is a four star hotel doing on like a no star highway and like no middle of nowhere. And as there's as there's talking, there's loud banging on the door or not on the door. I'm sorry, the wall next to them. It's a brick wall. And it bangs and then it bangs again. And the bricks that come loose. Yeah.


Well, real quick rewind. When they were walking into their hotel room. They looked over and saw a couple like making out in the hallway. And Dean, like took notice like elbowed Sam like,


oh yeah, check it out.


I mean, they were kind of a little sloppy. It was a little PDA. Yeah, I don't mind a little PDA. But that was like a little. The doors right there. Arms were flying clothing. Yeah. Off. Like, come on. Come on. And we did here while Sam and Dean were having their little conversation a little bit of a mica.


Yeah. So


the assumption was he just thrusted really too hard, but I'm not gonna lie. That's what I thought whenever there was the bang, and the bricks came through. I was like, all right. We got like Hercules in the other room. And he thrusted one to meet. Oh, my God.


I did not think What did you I just was like, something's going on over there. Not good. Of course, they go. And they the guys leave and go to the room. And there's nobody in there and the walls normal. They're like, what the hell. But Dean does bend down and he picks up a ring, which looks like an engagement ring. So they go down to the lobby and ask the creepy guy at the front desk. What happened to the people in the room next to them? He's like, Oh, honey, they just checked out just now, literally. And he's like, Well, it's kind of weird that honeymooners wouldn't take off without this. And he holds up the ring.


Like also that Sam was like, I mean, they were kind of in the middle of something.


How's that possible?


I feel like Dean said something else funny about like them their attack? No, I don't know. Anyway, the creepy guy says plucks from Roseanne says he'll put it in the lost and found guys are like okay, friends, fuck and weird. We got a case. So Dean's like alright, you sit here and watch Norman Bates behind the counter in the lobby. And I'm gonna go do a little recon and watch. He's like, and he's pissed. He's like, I want a night off. Nope, sorry, boy. Sam starts to follow creepy guy around the hotel. And the creepy guy clearly knows him. It's following him. Oh, yeah. I


liked how the actor did that sly little look over his shoulder. I wonder what that actor is? He looks so familiar. Yeah, we got to look that up. And just the facial expressions that he would do the like, fake little smile. He did really well. He did with being handsome and so nice. But also creepy. Something's off.


Yeah, I think even say I'm called him creepy.


Okay, John emit Tracy. He was in iZombie and Yellowstone.


Oh, okay. Okay. But yeah, so Sam swallowing, and he kind of turns this hallway and Sam follows him. But all of a sudden, it's like, he's like turned around. The guy is gone. And he's turned around and like, what the hell? And you're you're a little sick. Yeah. And now he has a neck on his neck


into your paddle like he kind of jumped? Yeah, heard the noise. I was like, Oh, my beautiful face was his neck. My beautiful neck. Oh, I'm only used to getting like rope burn. They're not cuts. Oh, true.


Well, that's happening. Dean is walking around with his EMF little meter. haven't seen one of those in a little bit true. That was fun. And he walks by this one room and just lo and behold, there's an elephant.


Naturally, the special effects were perfect. I


thought I like oh, so I wasn't looking at it. And I just saw like some a sheet go up. Yeah. And I thought it was somebody covering up a body like a guy covering up a body. So I was like, What's that guy doing?


Yeah, whatever. You said, What's that guy doing? I was like, What guy?


What do you totally missed? I totally missed you had to


rewind it. And I didn't say anything. I was like, No, I rewound. And I hit. It was like, it was just like the corner


of the screen that I saw just sheet moving. And I mean, I guess it didn't pay attention. The arm looked Gray, but I don't know what I was thinking.


I loved the special effects on that. Yeah, it was it was done really well. Well,


now it makes sense. Because the the elephant was picking up a towel, not a sheet to cover. Like,


he was picking up a towel to cover his trunk. Right?


Oh, get it. I know. Me as Dean sought out of the corner of his eyes, and I was like, What the hell and backs up. And when he backs up, the elephant's gone, but there's a guy there standing in a towel. He's like, dude, like, get out of here.


This ain't no beep show. Yeah.


Then it switches to the lady from earlier that was just did not name with this guy who's putting a necklace on her and she's like, You're sweet. I hate sweet. And I was like, Okay.


I love her. Yeah,


she's the creepy guy comes in and he's like, we're ready. Everything's set. And she's like, Are you sure? He says yes, the pantry is full. And the Winchesters are here. I forget what she asked him, I guess. I don't know if she straight up asks him for the blood. Yeah. She says, Did you get the blood? Yeah. And so he produces like two vials of blood. And he's like, I'm fast. And she says thank you. Mercury. Mercury. Mercury.


He said the boys never knew what hit him. She's right. Yeah. Yeah. And he was fast. Fast as that could be. You'll never catch me. What is that?


Oh, no, you're so then we're with the boys. They are back in the hotel lobby and it is empty. Nobody's there all the people that were there in the hubbub when they first got there are gone. They go for the doors. They're locked. And they're like, Okay, so check in but can't checkout mm classic.


And this is when Sam actually starts talking about all the shit I was mentioning earlier. Right Dean says so you're saying we were led here. I liked that Sam was said like rats in a maze.


So they go into like exploring and they end up in the kitchen and they're walking by this pot of red boiling water which I think Dean's like he's tomato soup or something.


You and I were both like that is not tomato buddy. No, not look like


it and so he takes a ladle to kind of lift up whatever's in there and it's two eyeballs. And the reaction he does cracked me up like it was just such a like pissed off bitchy girl boom I've because I've done that. I've done that same move as well. It's like hand and the look away like the disgust the head up and the hand up like and like here's the


thing at this point, we know those Winchesters have seen far more disgusting thing. But both of them were just like, oh, yeah, just oh my god.


It was I don't know why I just started so funny when I saw him do that. They can't handle the boiling blood and eyeballs. We dealt


with the vendors who ate people and did this stuff but you guys have this in a kitchen to tell you you're trying to make culinary masterpieces out of people the kitchen man the kitchen


they move on from the pot I think it's Sam going over to the this walk in i i call it a walk in because that's what we called it when I worked in restaurants looks like but if they're in the walk in that's basically a freezer so there's people in there they slam up against a window to see I'm trying to like be like getting us the fuck out of here.


Yeah Berkery. That's a freezer not a pantry.


I guess. I mean, I guess it was pantry but it just looked like what I do have a walk in.


I thought it looks like freezer, right? Yeah, I jumped when the guy slammed his hand. Yeah, no, I jumped. And


Sam tries to pull out his little toolkit to break or pick the lock. But he turns around, I think Dean said something. And he turns around and he Sam is facing needs like there's somebody behind me. And sure enough, there's two guys behind him. The two guys pretty much capture the boys and take them into this like it's like a ballroom.


Yeah, there's a sign there's a grant ball. Okay, there you go over the doors. Everybody


is wearing a nametag and we notice these names are very kind of familiar. We see again Nash and Odin Kelly, bear and submit it. And bow Balder apparently all these gods have gotten together. Mercury says that they are I don't know if it's Marie, somebody says that the boys are the guests of honor. I think it was Balder He's kind of saying he's like I haven't you know it's been centuries since the last time all all of these this many gods were under the one roof. We're here because the Judeo Christian Apocalypse that is upon us and they have the best bargaining chips with the Winchesters against the Archangel Michael. And look so far we


got their vessels. I liked when Dean when they first got shoved into the ballroom and looked around and they saw the name tag and we did the zoom in on all the name tags. Dean went Something tells me this isn't a Shriner convention. Yeah.


That's good. Yeah.


As they're all chit chatting and kind of bullshitting with each other and getting in arguments. The boys kind of casually try to stand up and leave but no chandelier falls right in front of them. I think it was Callie that did it.


Oh, hell yeah. She said, Stay. Yeah. Oh, I


forgot. I don't know what at what point in the scene but Mercury brings in like a cart and tells them that dinner served. And sure enough, it's the poor security guards. Poor guy. That's what became of security guard. He in fact, was dinner.


I also liked whenever they realized they were in a room full of gods that Sam just looked at Dean and went. We're so screwed. Yeah, like, Oh my God. Yeah. Like, what are you going to do? What are you gonna do? Oh my god. Ah, and I also loved Callie, I need to look up the actress who played her. I love the feminine authority with which she played this role. She killed it. She was good. Yeah, so I liked


I was I was sitting there thinking I was like, I knew she's probably just gonna be in one episode. I was like, It's too bad. Like,


I'd like to see some more same. Yeah, same.


I mean, she handled all these men around her. She was in charge.


Yes. And there was no question about that.


Loved it. She says to everyone that the archangels only no violence and so like, if we were doing this, we're gonna have to fight them. And mercury. This is probably one of the only times I liked Mercury's like, I'm just like a thought. We haven't even really tried to like, talk to them. Like, let's let's be rational. You know, let's just talk to them. And Kelly's like, Fuck no. And who fucking asked? Yeah, and out of nowhere from across the table. She's somehow choking him. Vader did that shit she did. And as all this isn't who's this these double doors to the ballroom open and who arrives? Ah,


I squealed is Gabrielle sure room comes in. He says, Can't we all just get along? Everyone in the room came in their pants immediately.


Oh, God, I missed that part.


Did you really gotta watch it again. It happened for sure.


But we didn't notice that as he's kind of coming in. Oh, you when he first comes in. Sam starts and then comes in everybody else. Sam starts to say his name. And he just like with two fingers. Like two fingers. Yeah. Oh my god. I gotta stop. I gotta think before I think big talk. Okay, so yeah, he shuts the shuts the Yeah, like he can't talk. And


I love Jared and Jetsons performance of this, particularly Jared Jensen did good too. But I love that Jared. He looked like a fish out of water. Just like what he was doing with his mouth. It was really cute with his mouth, huh? Well, he had just come in his pants.


Oh, could I forget? Well, one person I think might have come in their pants. Holy because she was clutching her


chat like touching herself. Or


talking. She was just like, staring I'm just like, kind of caressing


her like cleavage area. What does that decolletage? Yeah, ever just like rubbing on herself. I was like, I get it.


We're like, okay, something's there. I can't remember exactly what he's telling them. But what what does he say? And then he snaps the boys. Oh, he's like the like,


he was like you're welcome for the orgasms for Oh, okay. I


miss that line too.


That was the first thing he said. And then he tells Sam and Dean it's always the wrong place. Worst time with you mutton heads. Hmm. And then he like snaps him away because he's like, you know, the adults need to talk right? Oh, and they did they called him Loki. The gods that's important. The Gods called him Yeah. Balder called him Loki, which I do think it was interesting with the variety that they had in this episode that they went with Balder and Odin among the gods Loki to though well Loki, but so I thought for sure Loki was going to kill Baltar. Yeah, but that didn't happen. No. But yeah, that's the important note. He cuts them from St. Gabriel. Yeah, because everybody in that room knows him as Loki, not Gabriel.


After Gabriel is done chatting with the gods. He shows up in the room that he snapped the boys into.


Is he done chatting with the gods though, or did he duplicate himself? Hmm,


well, we don't know. We


don't know. I think he duplicated him so probably right. I think that is it pretty quick. Yeah, it was really fast and I will opt for believing there are duplicate Richard Speight. Juniors every chance I get,


well, of course, guys are like, won't Gabriel's behind all of these shenanigans and it's like, his signature thing, like putting us in these positions and Gabriel's like, Nah, no, not me. Yeah,


you think I did this?


You know, it's gonna happen like Mike Lynn and Lucifer like, they're gonna dance, but it's just not happening tonight. They're not gonna be here tonight, like they're wanting them to so they can have their little fight against each other. But he ends up mentioning that he's there for Cali. Because they had a thing back in the day. He's sentimental. Yeah. So he's there for her.


And like you said, his skin is beautiful. Oh, I did love when he said chick was all hands. Yeah,


that was clever. That was good. Oh, and he mentioned that Callie has put a blood spell on the boys. So that's why they can't leave their they're trapped. They're like, under her bond her spell whatever. And he mentioned they mentioned like, Well, what about what's going on with you like they called you Loki? But you're Gabriel. He's like, I'm in witness protection, bro.


I fuckin told y'all. Yeah. And then dean was like, well, then we'll just tell them, right? Oh, the whole thing was. Gabriel's plan was to just rescue Sam and Dean. But Sam and Dean are like, No, we're gonna rescue everyone in the pantry too. And Gabriel's like, No, way too much work to try and get everybody out of the pantry as well. And that's when Dean started threatening them. Well, like your Loki. They obviously don't know who you are, will tell them who you are. And Gabriel said, I'll prevent you from talking. And they were like, well, then we'll write it down. Okay, I'll cut off your hands. And then you said but then they're gonna be like, What are you walking around with no hands.


Good point. I


love that. This was a conversation that happened in the fucking show we just have. So they hadn't they hadn't backed in a corner. Yeah, that you're not just taking us out of here. We're gonna save everybody. Right? Whatever


their plan was. We don't know. But we see Gabrielle show up in Kelly's room. And he's got candles going roses.


I thoroughly enjoyed the pan over from the candles that lingered on those fingers fondling that rose. Oh, hands.


It's a very seductive situation. Yeah. When


it first she said leave. I was like that is the Viking God. You let him plunder and ravage you Callie. Do it for us.


He goes in you know he took the slowly makes his way over to her lucky ends up there making out great kiss. Yeah. Good kiss. And as this is going on, it's lovely. But he is slowly trying to reach his hand to the two vials of the boys blood. But Kellyanne has with up Yes, she does. And she wouldn't she do.


She got his blood to Oh, that's right. So that he can't leave now. Yeah, yeah, me. I'm just like, I've got you now. Like your mind? Yeah. Oh, you're bound to me. That's what she said. Yes, you are bound to me. Like Oh, hmm. Now and forever. I know your game though. Callie. I know why you don't want him to go. Right.


Huh? Good move. Yeah. Who knows?


Get it girl get it.


The guys are downstairs in the lobby again, heading toward the kitchen. But before they can get there. Odin. I forget to like one or two of the other gods have this guy from the guy from earlier that said like it was heaven at the buffet. They have him then like just like, drag him across the lobby. Desk. Unnecessary. Yeah. And just like hack him with a cleaver. Yeah.


And from the screaming and the cut off of the screaming immediately. We're assuming he was decapitated. Yeah. Yeah. Didn't quite see it. I did feel bad whenever the guys were leaned up against the corner. Dean tried to like go interfere and Sam just stopped him was like, yeah, it's too late. Like it's gonna be three on one. And they're fucking gods.


Yeah, sounds like nothing. Yeah. And it goes back to Cali and game and he's just telling he's like, Don't do this. Yeah, well,


oh, he was bagging her. It


was so sweet. So I mean, he was there. He was there. I mean, for the boys, but like, on a side mission for her. It seems like they


did really well with us getting no background on them whatsoever. Both of the actors can't Richard Speight Jr, of course, and the actress who played Kelly they did really well with I got invested in their relationship right away right just with how they illustrate the chemistry was great, but just the banter just it was excellent. Yeah, I want more Callie and Loki. I


know. I


was jealous, but it was so good. But


yeah, so she's begging her Don't do this. And she's like we have what? I know I saw I keep glancing at it keep looking at


retrospect Jr. on the calendar while we're talking.


Yeah, so he begged her not to and she's like, No, we have to do this. We have to do it. And he's like, you're gonna die. You're gonna die. And she's like, Nah,


kudos to her, though, that she's like, I'd rather go out fighting. Yeah, they think they can just come and take the earth and all of that, and we're not going to do anything like, right. So I understood both their points. He was trying to save her. Because for some reason, an angel would be easily able to take out Kelly. I feel like


come on. Well, she makes like she did make a like a little speech about how the westerns are so Westerners are so arrogant and that, you know, clearly like your religion isn't the only religion. Yeah, there's more than your God. Not the only God.


Not even the oldest. Yeah, yeah,


she made some great points. After their little interaction. We find the boys in the air back in the kitchen, trying to break into the walk in my my notes as Dean kills God on sale.


It was one of the guides that I am very much looking forward to trying to pronounce later. Okay. It was a giant. It was a giant freakin steak again. Yeah. Where did that come from? Why did you have it on hand?


There's no way he had it on hand. It was too big. Where was he carrying it? Like what was


it supposed to be? It was because we didn't see what the tool was like. We didn't see the impalement that's my biggest complaint of this whole thing is just how were they able to kill him so easily.


That's true. Like we kind of need to know. Yeah, like, we get the angel blades and things like that. And what was it? Yeah,


like, what did you it was just the tool in the kitchen. That Oh, this is the thing I need to kill Sal shin. Like, granted. I know he's a kitchen guide. But I only know that because I did the


lore. Oh, neat. It's like the vessel thing.


I don't know. I don't know. I thought that just seemed a little too easy peasy. I agree. All of them. It was a little too easy peasy. Yeah. I adored this episode. Let me go ahead and get that out. For reasons, but I did not adore that aspect of it. I agree. The editing during this was really cool. Because we had the back and forth between the struggle with Sal Shen where they were trying to save the people and seeing Callie and Loki making out and Loki trying to get the blood vials from her before she really let him know like, couldn't know what you're doing. It was I liked I don't normally like it when scenes cut back and forth like that. But I liked it in this one. It was done really well.


So after Dean takes out that God, we get a flash of the ghost spacers. And so yeah, I don't know what when I don't understand why this was even in it. It was a commercial. Oh, is that what it was? Yeah. For their web series. Okay, so


I shouldn't mention in that. And no, it's fine, because we're through the bonus episode on it.


Anyway, we got a little montage of their new little crew. And it was cute. And I was happy to see them. Yeah. After that we're back in the ballroom and Callie is I don't know if it's Kelly or Balder. But one of them's like the Trickster tricked us. And she's kind of like leaning over Gabriel in this chair


sits in his lap. Oh, did she? Yeah. I didn't. So I was like, yes. Do it. Sit everywhere. Get it? Well,


she did reach in. Yeah. But it didn't pull out the sword. We want it. Right. Exactly. She pulled out an angel blade. And whop was she reveals that she in fact, knows that he is the Archangel Gabriel.


Why don't have your mountains back. Right. And


she he's like, You can't beat Lucifer. You guys. Like it's not gonna happen. He's my brother. I know him. So anyway, and then she's like, if anyone gets to in this world, it's me. And she stabs


Gabrielle. And I screamed.


But he just like she just stabbed him. He kind of lit up a little and then she just, he's just there in the chair. yesterday.


She was like, see they can be killed. Like it's not a big deal. We got this right. Go Team Go. And I was like, This is bullshit. I was pissed. I was like, there is no way this is all weekend. The episode. It didn't last all that long. Yeah, exactly. But still in the moment. I was not a happy camper. And even though I was mad to her, Callie, she did really well with displaying a little bit of sadness. Like you could tell she was resolved and what she was about to do. Yeah, doubting what she was about to do. But she wasn't happy about it either. Yeah, and the actress did really well with the way she delivered her lines and her facial expressions to convey that emotion that she was sad about it. Yeah, I really enjoyed this actresses performance. Me too.


Well, after that, being out of like, decides he's got this. He's like with the bra like bravado, he just stands up and he's like, he's like, alright, you think he says, like primitive screw heads or something like that? And Sam looks at him like, are you? What are you doing? And he makes a little speech about how him and Sam can get Lucifer there for them. You know, we got we got to, we got to connect. We can get him here for you. And you could do what, whatever it is you need. But if you're going to if we're going to do this, you're going to get rid of those hostages in the pantry. A deal's a deal. We see them releasing the hostages, and they Oh, it's Dean standing out in front of the hotel. A someone in the back of D. Dean's card in the back, baby. It's like, Hey, don't look at me. Don't look. Don't look at me.


I looked at Don't look at me, I died. I


die. It's like natural. So, Dean goes to get to the bed in the backseat. And it just Gabriel He is not dead. And he's like, Do you really think I'd give her my actual Angel plate? made


it out of a can of orange slice? I was happy again.


I know. I know. I was too old. You were you were so he tells he's like Callie likes you I can tell. You need to get the blood vials or whatever. And then we need to leave. And then they go in this little argument Dean's getting onto him about not standing up to his family again. And it's like, pot cattle talking to each other. It was like projecting projecting. Like back and forth. Well, Gabriel was


saying I can't kill my brother, right? I don't he doesn't want to


kill his brother. Right? Well, indeed, like can't or won't.


Isn't different. But just like you said, like, you're acting all strong. And like, oh, I need to be Michael because somebody's gonna take you out. Would you really if it came down to with Odine? Right, would you really? So I don't know. I just thought that was kind of interesting little. The dynamic is very


interested for tat or whatever there. Then if I just forced them in this room with these gods, he's like, Well, it's gonna take a little scrubbing off my ribs to get these. Get them get them here. And Kelly's like, it'd be easier if we just break spaces like


she's just matter of fact.


And Sam's face was priceless. Priceless. I can't talk all


of the actors in this episode, the emotion they did on their face, emoting that's the word. I'm looking for the emoting they did on their face. 10 out of 10. I


agree. Well, lo and behold, we actually find out that Mercury has already called Lucifer. He's in the lobby. And Lucifer is I forget what he says to Mercury, but it's something again, about I think, arrogance or something like that. And he ends up just like lifting his hand and snapping Mercury's neck for I mean, I kind of liked mercury.


I did too. So I was kind of bummed. I was too. I like all of the characters in this episode. Yeah, we're wasted. Agree. Every single one of them could have come back. I hope come back for something. Even if it's just one more episode. We'll see. It was a waste. And I felt like again, the care the actors. They all nailed their roles. Yeah. I loved everybody in this.


I mean, it's good episode, though. Oh, that's


a great episode. This was one of my favorites. Yeah. This is one of my favorites of the season for sure.


So yeah, next, then we see Lucifers in the hallway on the way to the ballroom, and he's just killing people left and right hills, I think ganache, Baron Smitty. And I think a couple other people we didn't really know who they were.


First we saw him curb stomp, Odin. Oh, that's right. I forgot about and then we get our 27th Blood splooge of the supernatural series whenever he kills ganache, and our 28th Blood splooge of the supernatural series whatever he kills Baron some my son may know somebody somatic somatic. I don't know. I'm terrified of the war. I'm gonna struggle. So


many so many. I don't know. But as this is going on in the hallway there in the ballroom, the lights are flashing and Sam like, he's like he's here. He knows he can feel it. So Lucifer enters the ballroom and Baldurs like, like bows up to him for like a fucking idiot, really. And like comes at him and Lucifer just like, puts his hand through his fucking chest all the way through his back. Yeah kills him.


I would love to see the behind the scenes footage of the shots, because the editing was done really well. But like clearly that's going to be a mannequin or something that Mark Pellegrino had his hand through, because you could see his bloody hand on the other side of it. Or maybe it's fake hand. On the other side. I don't know it looked like it was it looked like it was his hand. Yeah, it looked like it was a real hand and I think it was probably a mannequin or some I would love to see the behind the scenes of that. It was cool. So


after he takes out boulder Callie comes up And her whole art like, from her fingertips who are shoulders light on fire, and she blasts the shit out of Lucifer. Yeah, but of course, nothing happens. So we all knew that was gonna happen. Game shows up as Sam Dean are kind of like hiding away from the fight and he gives the castle erotica to Dean and tells him to guard it with his life. And then he produces his actual Angel blade,


Lucy I'm home meals,


he goes out and tries to protect Callie from Lucifer. And he's kind of like getting loose for his attention and tells the boys like to get her out. Gabriel is talking to Lucifer. They're kind of like sidestepping each other while they're talking. And he's like, you're my brother, I love you. But you know, you're because he's a great big bag of debt. And dad loved you the best and you just couldn't handle it when he brought the new baby home. And this is all just like a little temper tantrum. And we see the boys drive off. So we know they're safe. And we go back and loose. We're saying Gabriel is disloyal and giros No, no, I'm loyal to that. And he's like, who he's like to people. And he's like, Dad is right. They were about they're better than us. And he was sort of like, so you're willing to die for a pile of cockroaches. Real nice.


Better than when he called this broken, flawed abortion.


Oh, I have that next Yeah.


You and I both looked at each other, like, your real No wonder you're real loved the idea of bringing your Lucifer back at the


buds. Gabriel says he is on the people side, not loose furs or Michaels. And he tries to so we see him in front of Lucifer. And then out of nowhere, we see him also behind Lucifer shoulder, and he's trying to trick him to stab him in the back.


But it's Lucifer saying that in that moment, like I know where your heart really lies. Oh, I still didn't see it coming. But


yeah, sure enough, he turns around, gets the knife from Gabriel and stabs him. Oh,


I literally yelled out like, oh, no,


no, but you notice it. You want to talk about the wings? Oh,


yeah, whenever they showed the ash and like I was crying and upset. They pulled out we noticed that there was ash coming up toward the camera, which I have not noticed before. But it was a really nice touch. I really liked it. Also, Gabriel mentioned something when Lucifer was saying that we're flawed and all that other stuff. Gabriel said, you should see the spearmint right now. You and I both like what's that? I googled that gentleman's club. Okay. I guess it's not the classiest of establishment. Interesting. But yeah, I was devastated. But I mean, we know he's coming back. Hang on here. So he's going to be back next season.


Should we be saying this? Yeah.


I mean, people who listen to this typically aren't watching the show for the first time. We know. Well, but you know, he comes back because until you said that, I told you there's the confusing episodes. Surely he's coming back and like, oh my god, he doesn't come back until season nine. All seasons to go. Fucking Yeah. Okay, keep going. Well, after


we see Gabriel on the ground and his wings and he's dead, it flashes to like a like if you're watching a movie or video cassette or CD, and there's the warning for adult content. It's Kassa Radhika, and we see Gabriel in the porno.


Oh my God. He told her you need a moisturizing. Yes, he did when he was rubbing on around. Trust me, I was paying attention.


Anyway, after he's done canoodling with the lady, he addresses Sam and Dean directly to the camera. He's like without me you guys have zero shot of killing Lucifer. But what you can do is you can cage him, you can trap them, their keys out there to the cage from the four horsemen. So the guys are like okay, they shut it down. They don't watch the whole thing.


I mean, I am willing to bet that each of them watch the whole thing separately. Maybe? I don't know. They're waiting until a long time.


They they sit there chit chat and then they say well we've got wars ring and famines ring so well let's go hunting for the other ones. And then we see the one of the most disgusting scenes I've ever seen like Oh, and there's this older man walking into this like General Store and he's sick flies are buzzing around him. He's blowing snot everywhere. sneezing, his hands are covered in snot as he's touching on everything. Yes. And he pulls up. He pulls out this like medicines like is is as good as when you drowsy he's like I've got a lot of driving to do. So it goes over to the counter to get get it for And the guy and sneezes on him and it's so disgusting.


Yeah, I couldn't watch it. Yeah, I noticed that you were looking away quite a bit. It was disgusting.


But thankfully, we see him leave and all of a sudden he's fine. Yeah. When he gets in the car yeah, he's fine and get some car and his license plate is si knt rd for sick and tired do you have and then he just flies off normal is convenient sick at all but a car full of flies. Yeah,


I didn't understand the flies. That's the same actor who played Trash Can man in the original TV adaptation of the stand. Can't remember his name. Yeah, I


think I've seen him and other stuff. Yeah, for sure. He's


a character actor for sure. Yeah. Pestilence. Gross. Gore. This was a good gory episode. It was it was a lot of fun gore. We had three bloods Blue Jays in this episode, one that happened before the supernatural. We had the severed arm the eyeballs. I mean, it just good fun. Gore. Yeah. What did you adore about this episode?


Well, I mean, of course, Gabriel coming back. I know that's yours. And I did kind of like mercury.


I loved the gods. Yeah. Like I would have loved to have seen them again. So I'm pretty disappointed that they were killed off and I was disappointed. They were killed off so easily. Right. And definitely Callie. Oh, I love Kelly. Yeah, she did not get killed off. So maybe we will see her. It's true. She got out of there. I noticed a bunch of little touches in this episode, and I'm sure that they've done this and previous episodes before. I just happened to notice them in this one like in the castle erotica video at the end that the room number was 69 perfect touch. Like just every actor, the detail that they put into their performances was phenomenal. And then of course, I fucking adored seeing Richard Speight Jr. Again, yeah, yes, because I'll take any opportunity to look at that face, but also his performance. I mean, he nailed it, and just the emoting that he does with his face. So expressive, tiny lift of brow, changing the size of his freaking eyeballs, from looking kind of squinty. And what's the word? That guy from Michael's? You scoundrel, like a scoundrel look, in one scene to being these big doe eyes and looking cherubic, like in the next I mean, just nobody can touch him with that kind of stuff all around. I adored it


chair cherubic or chair avec.


I thought it was terrific.


Oh, okay. I


don't know. I might be mispronouncing that. I don't know what


not register with Neva now I


know. It could be terrible. Maybe I've no no wrong. This. This is my number one of the season so far. My favorite episode. This was so good. It was written by Andrew dabb and Daniel Loughlin for the teleplay, and the story was David Reed. This was also the only episode directed by Rick Botha or bada be OTA Yeah. Which is a shame because I thought, the editing and everything I thought, which made it that was him. Maybe it wasn't but thoroughly enjoyed this episode. I thought it was really, really good. All right, for lore, we're looking into the gods. I don't think that any one of them should be eliminated. So we're going with all of them. Bear with me, and especially thank you to because that's where I got the most summarized versions of the lore. So I'm going in order of their introduction. So we're starting with mercury, Mercury and Roman religion is the god of shopkeepers and merchants, travelers and transporters of goods, and thieves and tricksters. He is commonly identified with the Greek Hermes, the fleet footed messenger of the gods. Mercury is sometimes represented as holding a purse symbolic of his business functions. Artists, like followers of Roman religious themselves freely borrowed the attributes of Hermes and portrayed Mercury also wearing winged sandals or a winged cap and carrying a Cadiz he Yes, or staff


did I do it? Just said staff,


staff, you carry the staff he has a staff in his hands. Alright, so next up, we've got Kali, collies, iconography, Colt and mythology common associate her not only with death, but also with sexuality, violence, and paradoxically, in some later traditions, with motherly love, and just reading that sense a lot again, the actress nailed it. I really wish I had looked her up. Let me do that real quick. Rakesh Sharma is who played Holly, she was in yellow jackets, which I actually watched but I haven't seen recently so I need to go back and watch that again. Yeah, I really liked her and her portrayal of this character. I feel like she totally embodied that. This. Yeah, sexuality violence and yet motherly loved she nailed it. Although depicted in many forms throughout South Asia and now much of the world, Cali is most often characterized as black or blue, partially or completely naked, with a long LOLing tongue, multiple arms, a skirt or girdle of human arms, a necklace of decapitated heads, and a decapitated head in one of her many hands. She is often portrayed standing or dancing on her husband, the god Shiva, who lies prostrate beneath her. Many of those portrayals depict her sticking out her tongue, which is sometimes said to indicate her surprise and embarrassment at discovering that she is trampling on her husband. Oops, yikes. The Debbie Maha Maya tells of Callie springing from the anger of Goddess Durga to slay the demon Rock Top a Shia, or blood seed. During the struggle, a new demon emerges from each drop of rock tuck tea just blood as it hits the ground. To prevent this, Callie laps up the blood before it can reach the ground. So I guess that's why they had all the blood spell stuff. In the episode worshipped throughout India, but particularly in Kashmir, Kerala, South India, Bengal and Assam. Cali is both geographically and culturally marginal. Since the late 20th century, feminist scholars and writers in the United States have seen Callie as a symbol of Feminine Empowerment, while members of New Age movements have found theologically and sexually liberating inspiration in her more violent sexual manifestations. Mm hmm. Next up, we Sauganash Ganesha elephant headed Hindu god of beginnings, who is traditionally worshipped before any major enterprise and is the patron of intellectuals, bankers, scribes and authors. His name means both Lord of the people and Lord of The Goddess, which is the goblin hosts of Shiva. Ganesha is potbellied and generally depicted as holding in his hand, a few round Indian sweets of which he is in ordinate ly fond, his vehicle is the large Indian bandicoot rat, which symbolizes Ganesha, his ability to overcome anything to get what he wants, like a rat, and like an elephant, Ganesha is a remover of obstacles. Many different stories are told about the birth of Ganesha, including one in which Parvati makes her son out of a piece of cloth and asks her consort Shiva, to bring him to life. I thought Shiva was Kelly's husband. What's happening here? One of the best known myths, myths how talk. One of the best known myths, however, begins with Parvati taking a bath and longing for someone to keep Shiva from barging in on her as that was his habit. As she bathes, she needs the dirt that she rubs off her body into the shape of a child who comes to life. But when Shiva sees the handsome young boy, he or one of his attendants, cuts off the child's head, when Shiva cuts off an elephant's head to bestow it. On the headless Ganesha, one of the tusks is shattered, and Ganesha is depicted holding the broken off piece in his hand, according to this version of the myth, Ganesha is the child of Parvati alone. Indeed a child born despite Shiva has negative intervention. Yet Ganesha is traditionally regarded as the child of both Shiva and Parvati. In some parts of India, Ganesha is depicted as celibate, but in others he is said to be married to both booty and city. Yet other traditions give him a third wife ready, and these are intelligence success and prosperity. I wouldn't be my mirror to the three of them slurring all over the place over here. Alright, next up, we've got Balder, Balder and Norse Mythology is the son of the chief god Odin and his wife Frog. Beautiful and just, he was the favorite of the gods and the guy was handsome. I mean, he was no Richard Speight, Jr. I totally understand why Callie 100% just tossed him aside as soon as Loki showed up, but he was he was a handsome guy, who was most legends about him concern his death. Icelandic stories tell how the gods amuse themselves by throwing objects at him, knowing that he was immune from harm. The blind God HOD deceived by the evil Loki, hey, killed Balder by hurling mistletoe, the only thing that could hurt him. After Baldurs funeral the giant tests thought probably Loki in disguise, refused to weep the tears that would release Balder from death. Some scholars believe that the passive suffering figure of Bulder was influenced by that of Christ, the Danish historian, Saxo grammatica. This, however, depicts him as a worrier, engaged in a feud over the hand of a woman. Oh, all right, next we have Ballwin samdi and voodoo the father of the spirits of the dead bow and SAM D is considered to be wise because he holds knowledge of the dead and the outer world. The first male buried in the cemetery is said to become the manifestation of bow and SAM D. Guardian of the cemetery. When Baldwin SAM D ventures out of the kingdom of the dead, he must wear dark or colored glasses to protect his eyes from the bright light. However, he frequently takes out the right lens to see the world of the living, while the other lens allows him to keep an eye on the realm of the dead. It is also said that with his right eye, he watches his food as Ballwin samdi is notorious for his forfeitable appetite. He even makes his own liquor raw, clear in a form of cheap rum steeped in 21 hot peppers, which renders it so spicy that no one else can bear to drink it. Bow and Sandy sometimes comes to earth as a ragtag beggar. But he usually wears formal attire, which includes a top hat, a tail coat, and a long black cane, complete with a skull handle. Although his dress may indicate otherwise, he is a trickster, and he spends much of his time engaging in lewd behavior, as he ridicules those who take themselves too seriously. Balance its presence is a constant reminder to those in the land of the living, that all must succumb in the end to Ballwin, the ruler of the afterlife. All right now we got Xiao Shen and Chinese religion the kitchen God, who is believed to report to the celestial Gods on family contact, and to have it within his power to bestow poverty or Riches on individual families, because he is also a protector of the home from evil spirits. His periodic absences are thought to make the house especially vulnerable to becoming haunted at such times. One belief was that at least once a month, Xiao Shin departs from his place above the kitchen stove to relate to the celestial gods or to the city's spiritual magistrate. Shang Huang. I know I'm butchering this stuff I said before you're doing the city God, literally wall and moat. What he has seen. It was also believed that toward the end of the 12, lunar Moon Xiao Shin must make an annual report to the ruler of heaven. Before the time of his departure, honey or sweet food is ceremonial, ceremonially, ceremonially sweet smeared over the lips of the gods paper image, so that only pleasant words may issue from his mouth. offerings of food and wine are placed before the image, which is then burned along with figures of chariots, horses, money and household utensils, all made of paper. As the new year begins, a fresh image is placed above the stove to welcome the returning DD. Oh, we're almost done. Odin was there which I thought was an interesting choice. Why they picked Odin baller folders there. Why is Odin there? Right. But anyway, Odin, one of the principal and gods in North mythology. From earliest times, Odin was a war god and he appeared in heroic literature as the protector of heroes. fallen warriors joined him in Valhalla. The wolf and the Raven were dedicated to him. His magical horse sleeping there had eight legs, teeth inscribed with runes and the ability to gallop through the air and over the sea. Odin was the great magician among the gods and was associated with runes. He also was the god of poets, and outward appearance, he was tall, old, and with a flowing beard and only one eye. The other he gave an exchange for wisdom. He was usually depicted wearing a cloak, and a wide brimmed hat, and carrying a spear. Last but not least, we have Loki in Norse mythology, a cunning trickster who had the ability to change his shape and sex. Although his father was the giant Pharaoh body, he was included among the acier, a tribe of gods. Loki was represented as the companion of the Greek gods Odin and Thor, helping them with his clever plans, but sometimes causing embarrassment and difficulty for them and himself. He also appeared as the enemy of the gods entering their banquet uninvited and demanding their drink. He took that in this episode, because like we're just lost my invitation and my invitation. He was the principal cause of the death of the god boulder. I totally thought he was gonna kill boulder in the episode. Loki was bound to a rock by the entrails of one or more of his sons according to some sources, as punishment, thus, in many ways, resembling the Greek figures Prometheus and Tantalus. Also like Prometheus, Loki is considered a god of fire, because he's fucking hot, with the female giant, anger Botha, which means distress Bringer, Loki produced the progeny hell, which is the goddess of death Yogur your mon your mankind, the serpent that surrounds the world, which Odin actually mentioned in the episode and I think you're right about that pronunciation, and Fenrir the wolf, Loki is also credited with giving birth to sit near Oden's eight legged horse. Loki status in pre Christian Scandinavia remains somewhat obscure. The medieval sources from which came much of what is known of Loki provide no evidence of a cult, unlike for other Norse deities, and the name Loki does not appear in place names. And that's it. Nice. That's the lore I have on the many gods which were included in this episode. And then most of which were killed off before the end like Kelly's literally the only one who walked away No. Nine we don't get Loki again until season nine. Well, we had a good run here on Dannemora nightmare. Good run guy. Ah, all right. That's all that's all I got. There wasn't anybody who I thought oh, we should just cut this one. It's not interesting. So I decided to just cover them all. Because unfortunately aside from Loki, we don't know that we'll see any of them ever again on Supernatural. We'll do a deep dive into Loki. After season nine, Jesus Christ.


Okay, well, to close it out. I mean, I already said it, but it's fine. Okay, so quotes from Gabriel to Lucifer and he says Lucifer, you're my brother and I love you. But you're a great big bag of dicks. Chair.


Thank you for listening to denim wrapped nightmares.


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