The WallBuilders Show
The WallBuilders Show is a daily journey to examine today's issues from a Biblical, Historical and Constitutional perspective. Featured guests include elected officials, experts, activists, authors, and commentators.
The WallBuilders Show
Faith, Resilience, and Leadership: Combatting Cultural Decay and Human Trafficking- with Jaco Booyens
Jaco Booyens joins us to uncover the powerful intersection of faith and culture at the ProFamily Legislators Conference. With a compelling focus on obedience and spiritual resilience, Jaco draws inspiration from biblical figures like Moses to guide us on a journey toward our "promised land." He presents a challenge to leaders: embrace humility and adhere strictly to divine guidance to fulfill our nation's role as a beacon of light and an ally to Israel. Jaco also shares his impactful efforts in the fight against human trafficking, as well as his hands-on experience in drafting an executive order to combat this grave issue.
The urgency to rise against cultural decay and uphold Christian and conservative values takes center stage in this episode. We emphasize the necessity of strategic long-term action, much like the calculated influence seen in educational and societal shifts over the decades. The discussion highlights the pivotal role of men as protectors of family and faith while warning against the dangers of complacency and moral decay, particularly in combating sexual immorality and human trafficking. This episode is a rallying cry to enact legislation rooted in Christian and constitutional values, ensuring that children are protected and traditional values are preserved for future generations. Join us in this call to action and collaboration with like-minded leaders to reclaim and protect our cultural and moral territories.
Rick Green [00:00:07] Welcome to Intersection of Faith and Culture as the WallBuilders Show, taking on the hot topics of the day from a biblical, historical and constitutional perspective. Today we've got Jaco Booyens sharing with you from the Pro-family Legislators Conference, and we've been doing as many of these as we possibly can. You know, you've got a great opportunity once a year for your legislators to come together and get a chance to sharpen each other's countenance with other legislators from across the nation and then hear from great speakers. Yesterday we had Justin Haskins. Of course, they get a lot of time with David and Tim Barton and Glenn Beck and all these other speakers that come in and so into these legislators. And then we share as much of that as we can with you, our listeners at the WallBuilders program, because, hey, you're out there, our boots on the ground in your communities all over the nation implementing these things. And so the chance for you to hear from these folks is great as well. So Jaco is doing incredible work. You can visit his website today at Jacobooyanministries.org. We have a link at our website for you as well. But here's Jaco speaking to these legislators from across the nation at the Pro-family Legislators conference.
Jaco Booyens [00:01:09] Thank you, everybody. It's such an honor to be here at this event. And to be invited back means that you didn't mess up too bad last year. So but I want to thank David Barton and Tim Barton. I think sometimes as Christians, we don't understand what it means to celebrate the Lord. And and I'm going to go as fast as I can for 20 minutes and it's going to go for the jugular. But I want you to understand something real quick. God tells Moses, Speak to the rock. Moses strikes the rock. And does not see the promised land because of it. That that should make every Christian shudder because you struck the rock and I told you to speak to it because he struck it before. Well, strike it again. And water comes out of that rock. God delivers the promise to Israel. Water comes out of the rock, but he doesn't see the promised land. Joshua gets to walk across the dirt, Jordan, and go into Promised Land. Make no mistake. At its best, what happened when an election was we were given an opportunity. To now ask God, how do you want us to walk? So that we walk in absolute obedience according to his way. And we will get to enter the promised Land. Or we will send someone else. This nation will go to the Promised Land. This nation was set apart by God to be the friend of Israel. This nation will be the lamp on the hill. It will be the light. This nation will prevail. The question is, will you walk into the promised land or will you not? Scripture tells you when you drive a demon out of a human being and you do not occupy the territory. Seven Come back in. Be careful. You're elected. You're revered. I honor you. We lift you up. But we are called the sons and daughters of God to tear down the high places, not to build them up. You ask of yourself today? Has my my appointment, my election become a high place in my own eyes? Then tear it down. It was my staff and my office. Think this is the high place, then tear it down. You go low, God goes high. You follow his word by the letter. Noah. Four cubits. Yea, five cubits. Stare. The man had never seen rain in his life. Had never rained. And he's telling people water is going to fall out of the sky. They tell him no water comes out of the ground. Not four years, not one term, not 80 years or 100 years. A single vision. I want American Christians to become savage. I want American Christians to become so tough spiritually, not hard hearted, but tough in the Word of God so that you stand if you're the only one in your state house, in the Capitol, in front of your constituents, wherever you are, and you stand so boldly on what you know to be true, to be the Word of God. And I promise you, you're going to go in a season here. Let this be a prophetic word to you. You are going to go into a season here where you stand unashamed, unequivocal. You will be covered by the Lord. You will see protection like you've never seen. You'll be bolder and say, I used to be less bold and be attacked and canceled. Now I'm more bold and it's like I'm walking undercover. Yes, there will be a cloud by day and fire by night matter will fall out of the sky. Water will come out of a rock. This is an opportunity like you've never had. Each and every one of us. I did it this morning, three hours ago. I was in Bentonville, Arkansas, in Wal-Mart's headquarters, working with the leadership there on fighting human trafficking through Wal-Mart. And I told them the same thing. Beware. If you're in leadership in any form, and that's all the men here, you're the leader of your house. If you're in leadership, more will be required of you. In our fight against human trafficking, you could say Yaku trumps in the White House. It's going to be there. I believe it will just keep the guy safe and get him in the White House. He's going to be there. And I know what it looked like when he was there last time I served on the White House Council Against Trafficking and by God's grace, went through transition training. And we're going to serve there again. And it's definitely, without question, better when he's in the White House. But I just want to give you a news flash. When he was in the White House and he signed an executive order which we helped draft. And I've got the pen he signed it with. And it was an epic moment in the White House and in the Joints Chief of staff are there and everybody is there. They still only gave him $75 million to fight human trafficking. And who's the they? It's Congress. So do not think for one second that our fight, the fight against human trafficking, the fight against sexual immorality in a nation that was set up to be a moral nation? Our forefathers told us this constitution is for a moral people. It's not for an immoral people. So if you think you could blend in immorality into your faith, immorality into your office, you could water it down. You could become a lukewarm Christian. And beware if it's come out of your mouth and rebuke your own tongue. If you've said I'm a conservative Christian, rebuke that word. You're not. You're a Christian conservative. You lead with the faith, you lead with the Word of God. You posture your heart in front of the Word of God. Christians love Psalm 91. Psalm 91. I want to cover over the Lord. I want to be under his wing. He's promised this a thousand fold to my left, 10,000 to my right. I will not stumble. That's great. The right verse to. If I abide in the Lord. Then there's cover. We have an opportunity now where the field is level. The opposition is weakened. Do not for a second think that this is new to Satan. Are you kidding me? This guy has fought this battle for thousands of years. He negotiated with Caesar, with Mao, With Stalin. He spoke to Hitler. Hitler spoke to him. If you approach this next season in cruise control, you're going to get run over. This is an opportunity. There's only two kinds of generals in the world. There's a conquering general and an occupying general. Which one? Or you know which one you are and play your part. If you are to conquer, Trump is conquering. He's a conquering general who's going to occupy. Because he can only give you four years. Who's occupying, who's taking the opportunity to say, hey, Clay Jenkins, the county judge in Dallas, Texas, he's career in politics is over. Who's going to go run against Clay? Who's going to take that little community in Dallas, Texas, back? Because the White House doesn't control. That is the. Trump doesn't control. That is the Clay Jenkins does. Well, the sons and daughters of God elected by the people. Take this opportunity right now and go conquer territory. Do not think it's conquered. It started. We had an unbelievable head start a couple of Tuesdays ago. The American people spoke. Now you need to be more vigilant, more hungry, more vicious. In your face more bold and say, take territory every single day, Take territory back in your house, take territory back in your marriage, take take territory back into the hearts of your children. The great guys in the room, all the wise guys call your children. I know they're 40 years old and say, I want a deeper relationship with you, son. I want a deeper relationship with your daughter. Bring my grandbabies. I want to read the word of God to them. Bring the grandbabies. Sit them down it. Read them the Constitution. Let's take them through. WallBuilders. Take territory every second of your life. Right now. You got to fight harder than you fought to get Trump into the White House. Because if you fight now. If you fight for the next four years, we will have territory and we will build legacy and we will build from victory to victory because God's kingdom goes from glory to glory, not glory to retreat, to retreat to glory. To retreat. This is an UN, but I don't know that our nation has ever this baby country. It's a baby. You go to Scotland, there's steps. There are thousands of years old. We're about to approach 250 years and look at what we have done and look at what we have given up. We have given up the innocence of children. We have given up family. We have given up marriage. We've given up the word of God. We've got pastors that sprinkle in sexual immorality into the gospel. You got a watered down gospel. It is not the gospel of Jesus Christ that stood at the Sea of Galilee and told 12 men and a whole bunch of women that never get credit. Walk with me to Philip. I walked on foot. I've walked at 13km from a Sea of Galilee to Cicero. Philip II. Peter. Who do they say I am? Some say you're Elijah. Some say. I say you are the Messiah. Great. Walk with me A couple more steps. These gates of hell, a cave that exists today, that if you go to Caesarea, Philip II today, the cave is there well on in time when Jesus is standing there with disciples there sacrificing children. James, Paul, Peter, John witnessed with their eyes, with Jesus. The blood of children poured out on an altar, sacrificing children and raping women to Moloch. It's the Temple of Ben in the garden of Zeus. Where that cave is that. Pan Pan sexual pan comes from Ishtar. Ishtar is a god, by the way. Ishtar identified as men and women. Ishtar celebration month. What's the month of June? It is demonic. What is going on in our country? It doesn't fix itself because we occupied the Oval Office. This is a moral fight, people. A president cannot fix your marriage. A president cannot have your 16 year old daughter that's cutting herself. Stop cutting. A president cannot have your six year old daughter that post a porn image. Get it back. Cannot stop her from speaking to a predator. We have to take territory because we were afforded an opportunity. Now, by God, by the grace of God. Turning a guy's chin bullet grazes his ear and he said, Not on my watch. I'm going to give my people a chance to take territory back. But you cannot, as an elected official now go on cruise control. You have to call a staff meeting in your office and say, It's game time, baby. And now we're going to play. And when we're 14 points up and there's five seconds on the clock, we're not going to kneel like the NFL because we're kind. We're going to put another seven points on them. And we got to pound Satan into the ground. And this nation will rise from ashes and it will be the friend of Israel. And you will see a new nation that you've never seen before. This guy is mad. I'm. You don't understand. I'm at war because I see. I see daylight. And I know in football, if you run for daylight, you're going to hit a hole. You're going to see the end zone. I see daylight. We were given a crack in the armor of the enemy and saying, do you see it? I see it now go. God opened a door. Walk through it. Do not go on cruise control.
Rick Green [00:13:25] I've got a quick break. We'll be right back. You're listening to The WallBuilders Show.
Jaco Booyens [00:14:42] This is not the time to go run victory laps. Bill Belichick Not a good guy, but a good coach. Belichick told his team when they were at their high. Brady He got about seven hours to celebrate and then go to work. Here's my message to you. Get a cup of black coffee tomorrow morning and go to work. Victory lap. Done. You celebrated for two weeks. Done. Take territory. What you should be asking now is what's not in our hands yet. Which school board is not in our hands yet. What superintendent is not in our camp yet. What seats? Not in our camp yet. Did you just one just take a chill pill? That's not how you advance this mission. Because you will drift, you will fade. And any space you leave, Satan will occupy. He occupies and he plays a long game. I pray that our leaders in our nation start casting a 50 year vision for Christianity and conservatism, 100 year vision. We need to start casting way ahead because that is how the enemy plays. John Dewey in 1933 signed the Humanist Manifesto. John Dewey brought the public education system from Joseph Stalin and incorporated into America. Our public education system was built on secular humanism and Marxism. They laid the foundation to sexualize children. 40 years later, when they brought in man to man boy love association when they funded Alfred Kinsey, when they funded you, we have winner. It was a long strategic plan to get to 2023 and ask you, the American people, well, what is a woman? And the men in the room. Let's be real. We did not. We did not as a nation, maybe you as an individual, but we did not as a nation respond correctly to the question, what is a woman? Because where I'm from, a little town in Africa, you cross my mom, I punch you in the mouth, you speak ill of my sister, I punch you in the mouth. You don't cross my mother. You had to challenge why God made my mom her womb. The men of this nation, when they come again. And they will come again. Because they listen to Lucifer when they come again and they come against your wife and they come against your daughters and they come against a woman and they come against your Bible and they come against your God and they come against your Constitution and your first and Second Amendment. You better stand on the wall because you're called to be a watchman. On the wall is like your 33 seven. And if you don't, the blood is on your hands and not again. The social experiment through Covid, the social experiment through drag shows for kids. You've been there. You've seen it. Do not be fooled twice. Next time, when they come, I want to see the men in this nation say you've got war on your hands. But. And there's a big but. There's a big but. The men will not rise. If they drink from the poisoned well. And our men in our nation have been drinking from a poisoned well. See? God knew. When Gideon came to him and said, I got 10,000 men and they are warriors and we're going to charge. And he goes, No, you don't. You do not let them drink. And the ones that grabbed water with their fist and lapped it up like dogs were ones who wanted to drink from a poisoned well. And God says they will stab you in the back. Take these 300 that knelt down and held the water up. Open hand to God. And those are your soldiers. I'm not looking for 10,000. I just want 300 because we will take the enemy territory with the 300. But you better make sure you're part of the 300. Because men. If sexual immorality is in your life. Then you feed the beast. I fight every day because pornography is the entry drug to human trafficking. We rescue children, not foreign children crossing the border. Yes, that's under 2% of trafficking. Is foreign children crossing our border? 98% of children traffic in America are American born children. Up to 47% of the children trafficked in America are trafficked by their own families. There's not a zip code in this country. We don't fight trafficking. So you're going to have an opportunity to partner with us, to partner with Steve Toth, to learn from Steve Toth, to learn from a nature shot sign, to learn from one another to partner on bills, and you better ask for help to put teeth in those bills. Do not go past passing SB 900 and have all the teeth removed in a Conservative committee. And it's a nothing burger and no district attorney will ever take it to court and no child will see a predator get 30 to life because some is pleading it outside of court. A new type of bill is going to come from your office, a bill that's filled with the gospel of Jesus Christ, with the Word of God, with a constitutional value and a bill that has consequence, real consequence, because predators don't care unless there is serious consequence. I argue with police forces that don't even want to take their driver's licenses away. Well, the Predator has a right to a driver's license. Well, why don't we cancel the sex offender registry? You've got 15 states, some of them represented here where I've seen bills in your state where your state wants to lower the age of consent to 14. Those bills are drafted. Gavin Newsom is going to run that bill in January. It doesn't fix itself because we took the White House and the Senate and the House. It's the Sons of God and the daughters of God. That's going to have to rise up and take this territory back. Our future depends on it. The child that was completely confused and covered that was 15 years old. That was taught online that was telling. There's told he's going to kill grandma if he hugged her. That said, if you sing in church, people are going to die. But somehow, magically, you can sit in a restaurant because the virus doesn't drop below six feet when you sit down. It's an intelligent virus. You just don't understand. That kid that was completely confused, that was sexualized online. That child is a voter now. Your grandbabies. Your friend's children are targets for predators. The crime changes every ten days. They just launched 16 new platforms, big tech. And every one of the platforms are A.I. platforms that take a child's face off the child and puts it on a graphic porn video. And you can tell the difference. And children are distributing porn, child porn, which is a felony. By putting their classmates faces on adult porn. And it's in the ether and it's there forever. We can fix things with policy. We're going to talk about policy in a minute. But make sure policy is going to matter and then hold those accountable, particularly the D.A., particularly the prosecutors, the judges. We need to talk about accountability to the bills that you worked so hard to pass. He do all the work to whip up the votes to get it in committee, get it in the right committee, move it from this committee to that committee. It's an act of God. Just to my calendar, for goodness sake. Make it count. And consider the children of our future. I must read this to you. This is Isaiah 6362, sorry, New King James IV said watchman on your walls. Jerusalem. They shall never hold their peace day or night. You who make mention of the Lord do not keep silent. Your choice, but you will face him. He will ask you, What did you do with the seat I gave you? You will make mention of the Lord. Do not keep silent and give him no rest till he establishes, until he makes Jerusalem a praise on the earth. You could just fill in the blanks. The United States of America. Because the promise to Israel is the promise to you because you have grafted in Jew gentile the same. You're grafted into the kingdom of God if you accept him. So Lord Savior resurrected King, seated in the right hand of God in the mercy seat. The Lord has sworn. By his right hand and by the arm of his strength. Surely I will no longer give your grain as food for your enemies. And the sons of the foreigner shall not drink your new wine, which you have labored for. There are promises we can stand on if we follow the ways of God. Our Constitution was drafted from the Word of God. The experts are in the room. If you are bold enough to stand on that premise. You're going to take territory. And it will not be for years. It might be 32. We might never see this nation turn to evil again until the Second Coming. And that's my desire. This nation needs to go to a place where the whole world looks at it and say. It is the promised Land. As a friend of Israel. To usher the Kingdom of God back into your territory is now your duty. You've been given the opportunity. You have a champion in the White House. He's drafting a cabinet that should be a Pro Bowl team. But you can't let Washington. Control your little town. You were given dominion over that town. God is going to ask you, what did you do with it? Our organization. We will fight with you. I will come in the trenches. We will fight. We will whip up votes. We will support the bills. You write not just about the bills we write. If it's righteous and it's just and it's for children and it's to fight immorality. We are with you.
Rick Green [00:25:42] Our folks are out of time for today. That wasJaco Booyens speaking at the Pro-family Legislators conference. You can, of course, visit Yoko's website at Yacoubian ministries.org. Now that's spelled like Jocko, so j a. C. O. B. O.O. Y. E. N. S ministries.org. We'll make it easy for you today at our WallBuilders website, so make sure you check those out as well. And by the way, check out wallbuilders.com today. Great place to make a one time or monthly contribution. Also a great place to pick up some great tools for yourself and your family. Some educational tools, some good swag in there that you can wear and advertise for the principles of liberty and for these truths. Check all of that out at WallBuilders NBC.com. And then of course, if you missed any of the radio programs over the last few weeks, head to WallBuilders Dot show and catch up on the programs and share it with your friends and family. The more you share, the more the program grows. The more people we get trained to be good biblical citizens helping to restore our constitutional republic. Thanks so much for listening. You've been listening to The WallBuilders Show.