The Brazen Leader

The Problem with Accountability

December 26, 2022 Kevin Berchelmann

I didn’t have enough time. If only I had more…

That’s not my job. Someone else will do it.

I don’t know how. I don’t think the boss said/meant that.

The list is endless. The bottom line… It’s not my fault!

And therein lies the crux of the problem: Accountability isn’t about blame, it’s about ownership.

Leadership Accountability is personal, individual responsibility for the results of your decisions or actions without demand or force and being prepared to explain them when you are asked. Think OWNERSHIP.

So, how do we foster better accountability within our hallowed halls? It’s not hard, if we can get past the blaming game…

1. Clear communications. People know what’s expected and why it’s necessary.

2. Meaningful Consequences. Focus on positive consequences, negative/punishment is indicative of a failure somewhere. (this will be another article – it’s a big deal) 

3. Model accountability. Leaders set the tone. Speak accountability; demonstrate accountability. “Do as I say, not as I do” simply will not work here.

The “Model Accountability” deserves more info… we model Accountability when we accept and embrace our own Accountability. Words like “I was wrong,” “I made a mistake,” “That’s on me,” and other similar statements imply accountability.

4. Reasons include my action or inaction as the center of the failure

5. Excuses that use another person, inanimate object or intangible as the center/cause of failure. Give reasons, not excuses. We all learn, grow and improve when doing so.

Thanks for listening and remember....Be Brazen