Sage Studio

Sage Oak NCAA Student Athlete Earns Full-Ride Tennis Scholarship to Boise State University

Sage Oak Charter Schools Episode 11

Liam is a NCAA Sage Oak high school student.  He recently earned a full-ride tennis scholarship to Boise State University.  Liam works closely with his Sage Oak Education Advisor to create a personalized and flexible academic schedule that allows him to spend hours a day training on the tennis court and in the gym all while completing coursework, meeting NCAA requirements, and maintaining his GPA.

Liam shares that his mindset also plays a pivotal role in his ability to deliver on the court while balancing high school and time with friends.

Liam comes from a tennis family.  His father, who is a former professional tennis player turned coach, has been coaching Liam since the age of 5.  Liam hopes to turn pro himself following his time at Boise State.

For more information on our Sage Oak NCAA program, please contact

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If you have a student who is pursuing athletics, they're an NCAA student, and you wanna know more about what Sage Oak offers our NCAA students, you're gonna love the conversation that I have today with Liam Toroman. Liam is one of our Sage Oak High School students who just earned a full ride scholarship to Boise State playing tennis. It's a great conversation and it's really incredible to hear the opportunities that are available to students who are. Willing to work hard and put in a lot of time and put in a lot of effort. So stick around for this one. I think you'll really like it. Well, welcome to another edition of the Sage Studio. I am so excited today because I am talking to a Sage Oaks student, and this is something that we've not had a chance to do yet on the podcast. So I'm really excited that we are going to be talking with one of our current Sage Oaks students. Liam, thank you so much for being here today, and he is gonna be telling us all about his story of being one of our NCAA athletes, and it's pretty cool. So I cannot wait to get into it. So welcome Liam. Thanks for being here. Yeah, thanks. Yeah, ex excited. Good. Well, you should be excited. Tell us a little bit about yourself, Liam. What are, where are you from and what are you up to? Uh, I live in, I live in downtown Los Angeles, and I play tennis like. In Orange County, like, uh, but I try to play like every day. So, uh, . Yeah. I play like five hours a day and, uh, I'm gonna play, uh, division one tennis soon and then, uh, hopefully try to go pro afterwards. So yeah, that's, uh, that's what I'm trying to do. Those are my goals. So those are some pretty awesome goals. I love that. And then you're trying to balance, you know, life as a high school student on top of that, so that's a lot on your plate for sure. Yeah. Yeah. It's, it's a grind sometimes, but , how long have you been a student here at Sage Oak uh, I'd say, uh, since I was in, uh, maybe I think like freshman year of high school, so like for, for a long while. Okay. For a bit.. That's good. That's cool. I'm glad to, to know that you've been part of our, Sage Oak family for a while, and that this is a model that's been working for you with all that you have going on and all the aspirations that you have, that's really cool to know. What do you do outside of work and outside of, I call it work, uh, outside of school and outside of the work that you're putting in on the tennis court, what are some of your other interests? Um, not mo, I mean, I like to, uh, I like to work out a lot. Mm-hmm. like that, that could be part of tennis, but I, I like to do it for fun as well. I, I go to the gym quite a bit. Um, I like, uh, I like, I like playing video games. I'm not gonna lie. That's okay. You don't have to lie. Tell the truth . Yeah. Yeah. I like, I like to grind video games every now and then. That's good. Just to, just to relax after like a long day of practice just to like chill out a bit. Yeah, I like that. I'm sure plenty of other students can relate to you as well. Do you like to just zone out on your own or do you like to get on the games where you can, you know, chat with other people while you're playing? No, I just like to zone out on my own. Yeah. Play the, the single player games and just, just chill for a. Have you always been like that? Do you kind of like to operate solo or Yeah. Yeah. I like, I like to do things on my own. Definitely. Uh, yeah, I, I go to tournaments by myself. I, I do everything pretty much on my own. I, I like that a lot better, so. Well, that's good. I mean, that, you know that about yourself and that you know, that you thrive in that environment. Is that something that kind of drew you to tennis? Is that it's more of a singles, um, type of sport? Do you like. Yeah. Yeah. I never really liked, uh, like team sports. I, I played basketball when I was a bit younger and I, I didn't really like it because, uh, you got like teammates and stuff. But, uh, like, uh, when you play tennis, it's single player, so everything's on you and like what you do. So like, if you mess up like it, it's all on you. Like you messed up, like, like the consequences. Just, just on yourself, like you're doing everything on your own, like, Which is like, I like that a lot about tennis and like, I think that's why I play cuz it's a like a single man sport. It's just like you gotta do everything yourself. Like there's no help out there. So.. Yeah, I guess in one way that's good because you know, if there's an air or something went wrong, like you know, you, that falls on you that you only have yourself to blame. But on the other hand, that's kind of a lot of pressure. Like you don't have anybody else to blame. Right. It's all on you. So how do you, how do you manage both sides of that? Well, yeah, I mean, yeah, it's definitely not for everybody to play like tennis like that cuz the pressure's like crazy. But yeah, I just. I, I just try to like, uh, train really hard before my tournaments cuz like, I know if you, if you put in a lot of work, like the pressure kind of like goes off because, you know, like your level, once you get onto the court, you know what you're capable of. And, uh, like I, I enjoy the pressure a lot, so the more pressure I feel, I kind of like it. So, uh, really? Yeah, it, it doesn't really affect me. I, I like, uh, like if I'm playing like a guy that's worse than me and he is like beating me, like I, I like to like, uh, I like the feeling of coming back and trying to win. I like the challenge, so it's, it's not, it's not that hard for me to deal with, but it, it can be tricky from time to time when if you, if you like for example, playing someone you know, like a friend or something. Like that could be difficult. And then, then you just have to like, I don't know, just take deep breaths or just . Why? Why is playing a friend more difficult? I think that'd be easier in a way. No, no, no, no, because, cause when you're playing your friend and he wins, then when you see him at practice every day, they're gonna be like, I'm talking trash the whole time. There's an extra level of anguish that comes with being beaten by a friend. Yeah, that's, that's brutal. But that's so funny. I love that. So take me back a little bit, like, I mean, obviously this is not an overnight thing. You have been working at this and playing tennis for a long time. So when did you start playing tennis? Oh, I started playing tennis when I was around like five years old. I'd.. Okay. And I That's really early, right? Yeah. Yeah. My dad was, is a retired professional tennis player, so he taught me how to play. He, he got me on the court since I was like, like really little. Like, I started hitting balls when I was like, like barely even, like, I don't know, I like, like five years old I think. Something like that. Did you love it right away?. Yeah. I really liked it. I, I always wanted to play, like, I always wanted to play tennis more and more, so. That's so cool. Yeah. I've always enjoyed tennis. So, so you're five, you're out there, you're running around on the court, you're like probably dragging around a racket that's as big as you are. Yeah. And you're out there and you're having fun. At what point did you start like working with a coach?? Well, I never, my dad's been my main coach. I've, I've never really had a coach like, like that. I've always just worked with my dad and I went to Mission Viejo with him ever since I was little, like eight. I started just, uh, going to, going to work with him and seeing him te teach people. And then after his lessons, he would like work with me for a couple hours. So, uh, I would just do that on a daily basis. And then, uh, like I think I entered my first tournament when I was around nine or so. Okay. I just, I just loved it and I just, I just kept playing. So did you immediately love, like how a tournament was different than just playing? Did you like that competitive aspect? Oh yeah, definitely. I think like when I fir, when I won my first match, it was like the greatest feeling ever cuz like, just all that pressure and everything is just like, it's like a relief almost. When you win. It's like, Like, it's when I first felt that I was like, I, I just gotta, it's like I, you just gotta keep playing this, you know? Yeah. So, yeah. So nine was when you won your first tournament or when you played your first tournament? When I played my first tournament and, uh, I won a match in that tournament, but I didn't win the tournament. I think, I think I lost like in the quarter finals or something. I don't even remember. It was so long. And then when did you win your first tournament? Uh, I think I was around. 11. I think I won a tournament in Claremont. Okay. At like 11 or some, something like that. Yeah. 11 or 10, I think that was, yeah, that, I don't even remember that, but uh, yeah, I just remember it was in a 10 point tiebreaker, so I won like against some other kids that ...yeah, we were just, we, we didn't know how to hit the ball hard cuz we were so little. So we were just Yeah. Ball like, and it was, it was like a two and a half hour tennis match. I remember. Oh my gosh. That's grueling. That is a long match. You must have just been so stoked to have it finished. Yeah. Yeah. Let alone win it. Right? Yeah. It was crazy. My nose is like peeling after the match and stuff. Oh my gosh. It's totally burnt from just being out there forever. Yeah. Was that a game changer for you though, like when you went through that it's totally grueling, it's hot, your nose is peeling, it's this like long day and then you're victorious the end. I mean, what were you just like bit by the bug at that point? Oh, I mean, yeah. It's like that's the greatest feeling in the world. It's like, it's crazy. Yeah. So, uh, I was definitely, uh, exhausted after that one., I, I think I remember my dad took me to In-N-Out after, and then, uh Oh, always a bonus.. Yeah. I kind of refueled and I, and I gained my energy back, so I love that. I love it. I've got three boys myself and I always know if we end anything with a trip to In-N-Out, it's a good day. Yeah, yeah. Can never go wrong with In-N-Out I love it. You cannot go wrong. I agree. Okay, so there you are. You're. Probably like 10, 11 at this point when you're winning, starting to win tournaments. Yeah, I was around, uh, yeah, I'd say 11, 10 or 11. Yeah. Okay. So you're starting to win these tournaments. Um, what's your like secret sauce, by the way? Do you have something that you're great at? Uh, well, when there's different styles of playing tennis, so there's like, like a, like a slap, which is a guy that tries to everything as hard as you can. There's like a grinder. There's like a, like a servant volley. I like, well, I, I, I, I grind most of the time, so that's basically just a, you just make balls and run around the court and you wait for the other guy to like make a mistake basically. Okay. But you rely on your fitness to play. I'd say that that's my biggest weapon, I'd say is my fitness. I would. Oh, that's good. That's interesting because I don't know that people really realize the amount of fitness off the court that you have to build in order to have endurance on the court. Right. Can you speak to that a little bit? Yeah. Yeah. So I, I think tennis now is one of the most like, uh, like, uh, fitness demanding sports right now. Like I'd say it's like, it's crazy. I work out.. I do. I I run like five miles a day plus weights. Whoa. Uh, just to keep up because if you're not fit in tennis, you're gonna like lose every match because like, you have to rally like 50 ball a point and you're running like this, like for like 50 times in a row, uh, like over and over again. 20 seconds in between every point. So like tennis, I'd say tennis and like long distance running are the two most, uh, like physically demanding sports. You have to be in shape for sure. You gotta to eat healthy, you gotta do everything to like stay in shape. So yeah, it's, it's a little crazy. Yeah. I mean, that's a commitment. And when did you start getting to a place where you were willing to make that kind of a commitment? Was, was it about like middle school age or was it just when you started high school or when did that shift happen? I'd say I started working out with a, with a trainer when I was 13 because I was always a bit taller than everyone else, and so I would be a lot more sluggish. Like I would burn out in points like way before everyone. So, uh mm-hmm., my dad took me to a trainer and I just, uh, I started doing fitness and my tennis just went like this. So then, uh, yeah, I just kept doing it. So around 13 I was, I was working out in the gym I think like maybe four times a week. So, and then I've just stuck with it now. I do pretty much, uh, every day, I'd say. And was that the point that you started to kind of think to yourself like, okay, I think I really wanna do this. Like not just do it as a sport, but do it as a career. Do it as a life. Is that where where that started to kick in? Yeah, I'd say, I'd say 13. I was like, yeah, I want to play tennis like professionally one day for sure. And so when you made that commitment, um, what else had to change in your life? Obviously the way that you went to school was a huge, huge shift, right? Like looking into high school. Yeah. Um, that was one of the big things that had to shift. Were you, um, were you prepared to, to make that shift? Was that a hard decision to make? Uh, well, it wasn't that hard because before high school I was already like skipping days of school to play. and then my parents were like, yeah, I think, I think it's good if we like try something else. And so I started doing Sage Oak like online and uh, I just got a lot more flexible. I could work out and play tennis like, and I could do school like later in the day or at night. And uh, it was just a lot easier for me rather than like skipping class and doing this and doing that. It's just like, it's a lot more flexible for me to go and travel and play tournaments as well. So it's just a lot better. Mm-hmm.. Yeah, I think it was a good change to, and it wasn't that difficult. I think I, because I never really like, uh, like liked going to school anyway. I was just so focused on tennis. Mm-hmm., I, I think it was a pretty easy shift for me. I think. So, uh, do you feel like you're missing out on some of the interactions that you would have with other students or just, you know, friends in a different type of high school environment? Or do you feel like you get that even with your unique schedule? Oh, no, I, I definitely get that because, A lot of kids do online that play tennis because it's, it's just so physically demanding. So when I go and play tournaments and stuff, I, I meet a lot of friends there and, and everything. So it's, uh, I don't think I'm missing out on much. Yeah. So you find that, okay, so you can use the Sage Oak model so that you're able to be more flexible, you can schedule your courses. Yeah. It sounds like you're getting way more out of your courses now than when you were in more of a traditional model and just trying to have to skip things. Now it's just you do them at a different time. Yeah. Yeah. And then, , you meet up with other kids or who are doing the same thing. It's like, yeah, that, that, that's how we do it, right? Yeah. Yeah. It's, it's, it's a lot better. I can, I can do whenever I want and then I meet other people that do the same thing as me and then, you know, we can hang on the weekends or something. So it's, uh, I don't, I don't, I don't think I'm miss missing out on much at all, I'd say. That's cool. I'm so glad to hear that. What does it like a typical schedule for you look like? Like right now, what does your weekly schedule look like? Uh, so typically I wake up at like 7:30 and then, I go for like a little run and then, uh, I always, uh, I always go to Starbucks right after. Nice. And then, uh, play tennis for like, I'd say two hours, then maybe lunch, and then go to the gym and then. Play tennis at night, another practice, and then go for like a five mile run. And then that's pretty much how my days go, I think. Wow. Yeah. That's a big commitment. That is such a big commitment. That sounds exhausting just listening to you, but I love that you have that ambition and that fire in you right now to do that schedule. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. It's, it's, it's pretty crazy, but I've gotten so used to it cuz I've been doing it for so long. And so then when do you find that, um, you have the best time to work on your courses? Do you like to work on them in the evenings? Do you like to kind of bulk them and block them together and get them done on the weekends? Um, I like to zoom in the evenings because I go for a run. I come home like, eat a bit, take a shower, and then like I feel good and I just like knock 'em out in the evening and, and go to bed. I think that's typically how I, how I do 'em. That's cool. Yeah. I love that. So you're not only working towards earning a high school diploma, but you're actually following our NCAA program so that you can take this and move into college as well. When you are working on more of a NCAA pathway, right? You, that means that you are a high school student, but you are also working towards, meeting those requirements to be considered as a college athlete and for those athletic scholarships. So the requirements are the same in many ways, but you just have to make sure that you're maintaining a higher level GPA and that you're meeting the college admission requirements as well.. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. So yeah, I have to just, uh, pretty much keep my GPA the same. I can't be fluctuating it that much and uh, yeah, as long as I do that, I think I'll, I think I'll be fine.. So tell me a little bit about this. So you're in high school, you're playing a ton of tennis, you're working out, you're working really hard. And then where does that goal come in to want to move into college and play sports in college? How does that happen? Well, like what, what gave me the idea? Yeah. Did you always wanna go to college or do you just feel like it's the, the right, career path for you? Or wh where is that motivation coming? Well, for the longest time I just wanted to go straight pro. I didn't really wanna go to college, but, uh, there's so many guys on tour now that went to college first and then like went pro, so, and then I took it, uh, like four visits to some schools to like see if I, if I liked it. And, uh, I, I think it's, it's actually really good cuz college, I think college tennis matures you like quite a bit and uh, I think people that go straight pro like don't really get that and they burn out fast. So I, I think it's like going to college first is like a big like, uh, like maturity and like growth things cuz like you're playing like schools all over the country that are also like really good players and you're working out and you have like coaches pushing you. So I think that can set you up to like go far and professionally for sure. And I just thought like that, that might be a good thing for me if I, if I can get a good scholarship. So like why not do it. So speaking of scholarship, I know that you're planning to go to Boise State, but tell us about the scholarship side of things. Yeah, so they gave me like a, like a full ride to go. So, uh, Are you kidding, ? Yeah, that is. So, I love how you're so passive when you say that, like, it's not a big deal. Like that's a huge deal. Yeah, yeah. It's, it's pretty crazy. But yeah, so it was like a no-brainer because I, I almost went to a University of Arizona, but they gave me like, like maybe like 80% or something. And, uh, full-ride is much better. So I just like, Took, just took that up cuz my parents obviously don't have to pay much and it's just like, it's just good for me, you know? I'm like a main. That is so cool. Have you had a chance to get out to the campus yet and see what it's going to look like and feel like when you get there? No, actually this is the first school I haven't like visited, which is crazy. That is crazy. They've had seasons and I've always been traveling, but I'm gonna go in April, the beginning of April to to ch and they're actually planning a match this weekend against L M U, so I'm gonna go watch that. Oh, sweet. That'll be great. Yeah. I can meet some of the people on the team and everything, which would be, which would be pretty nice. Are you nervous about shifting from this environment, this schedule, kind of what you know to living on campus and life on campus? I mean, I mean a little bit because it's gonna be like completely different because, uh, it's super cold there. so I will be playing indoor tennis, which is in California, but that'll be a shift. Yeah. California's just purely outdoors, so it's gonna be like a little weird. The courts are much faster, like the ball moves, like at a, at a crazy speed. So that'll take some time adjusting, but I, I think I'll get used. Oh, I think it's gonna be awesome. It'll be such a great experience for you. You're going to get a chance to, um, you know, hit the academic side like you were saying. Also, just grow as a person, grow as an athlete. And, um, do you know what you will be majoring in, in school? Do you have any idea? Uh, not yet. I gotta figure that out. I gotta, yeah. One thing at a time, right?? Yeah. I, I, I've been thinking about that for a while, but we'll see. I have no idea. And do you still plan to go pro after college? Yeah, I still want to go pro after college, which is, uh, yeah, that's something I want to do. So, Yeah. So what does that pathway look like? So you go to Boise, you earn your degree there, you get to play for them for, uh, the time that you're there. And then how do you go from college to pro? Well, tennis is a little different than like basketball and football. Like you don't get, uh, you don't go pro like after college because like the NFL like takes you or like the n you have to play. Like, uh, these things called futures. So mm-hmm., it's, you play qualifying, uh, like matches for like 15 Ks. Futures are basically the lowest level professional tennis, and if you win three matches in qualifying, you get into like a, like a 15 K, like, that's like the lowest professional tournament you can play. And then if you win around, you get an ATP point. So basically you're pro if. an ATP point, so you like get a ranking and everything. Okay. So do you think that you'll finish out your time at Boise before you start working towards that, or is that something that you'll work at while you're in school? Well, I'm, I've, I've already been playing futures for like six months now, so I, I'm doing it now and I'm also gonna try do it during college as well like in the summer, play some, try play some as well That's so awesome. I love that. That's cool. Okay, so I know that there is always debate in tennis about courts and what people like to play on. You mentioned the shift to indoor and that's definitely gonna be a change for you, but do you like to play on certain surfaces? People always wanna know. Are you more of like a regular surface or clay, or what are your thoughts on that? Uh, I definitely like the, the classic, just hard court. I don't like, I don't, I hate clay or I just, I can't stand it. It's, it's just so frustrating. Yeah, because the balls, like, they bounce different every time cuz it's just like little things all over the courts and it's, it's just like, it's just so annoying. How about grass? You like playing on grass? I played on grass once and I actually, it, it wasn't that bad actually. It was a Yeah, cuz at least it bounces the same every time on, on you. You never know what to expect and you're playing on clay. It's just so random.. I definitely like the, the hardcore the best. It's just like, just like classic. It feels like real tennis, like no, like weird dirt or anything. Yeah. Sure, for sure. I am not much of a tennis player, but, uh, our family does watch a lot of tennis. My husband plays a lot of tennis and my kids like it, so, um, but so we watch a lot, but I always know that's a debatable thing. Like who, you know, who plays best on which surface and what surface people like to play on. There's, there's a lot to it because of what you said, like there's so many little nuances with ball spin or just a million little things that change just on the surface alone, right? Yeah, yeah. Like so many little things every surface, it's just like completely different. Even, even where the courts are is like crazy cuz altitude, if you play it like a high, like if you go to Vegas, like the ball's, like bullets, they're just like flying everywhere. You're like, it's just like, Yeah, it can change so much depending on like what surface you play on. It's like completely different. So crazy. What is your dream tournament? What do you want to play? Uh, definitely, definitely US Ooen and cuz I don't know, it's just, it's just in my home country and it's like, yep. Uh, it's, I'd say it's like the most famous tournament besides Wimbledon. I mean obviously Wimbledon's the most famous tournament, but US Open is like, that'd be crazy if I played that like honestly. You can see yourself. Are you doing that now? Do you do a lot of like mindset visioning, goal setting to get yourself there? Yeah. Yeah, definitely. I, I try to like do small goals first. Mm-hmm., so try to just, I'm trying to win a future right now. So that's my main goal. That's, I do a lot of visualization with that. It's always good to do that before it matches too, like, just like picturing yourself, like winning points and stuff. Yeah. Yeah. I tend to do that from time to time. So I think that is one of the most underestimated skills in tennis specifically, is the mindset. Like when I did play a little bit, I mean, honestly, it's one of the reasons why I don't play is because I didn't know how much mental work it was going to be like to get yourself in that right head space and be thinking about what is your opponent thinking and where are they going next? I mean, there is a lot of like mental challenge to the game of tennis, would you say? Yeah, it's, it's crazy., it can be a little overwhelming. Yeah, it is kind of, I think it's one of those things, I don't know. What do you think? Like do you think you either like have that in you or you don't? Or is that something that can be learned as you're playing the game? Um, I think it's definitely something you're born with to an extent. Mm-hmm., well, I think, I think you can also learn it through playing as well. Like you can, you can teach mindset, but I feel. with some people you like, you can't teach that. Like, it's just, it's like impossible, right? It's so mental. Like there's, there's no way. Like, cuz I, I hang out with some of my friends that don't play sports and like, like I just, no matter. I have a friend, like I, I like him a lot, but no matter how much training he does, like , he's not, he's not gonna be able to play tennis like, because of that. He needs both. The mindset in just mindset. Yeah, just mindset. It's, it's just, it's like 70% mental, I'd say tennis is like crazy, crazy mental, I'd say. It's really, I would agree with you. I was really, really surprised. Like I thought I was gonna just, oh, it looks so easy. You get out there and you hit the ball and you run around and it's, you know, great afternoon. But no, it is really a tough mental. Yeah. Yeah. Especially if you're playing someone like, uh, like not as good or like a guy much better than you. It's just like, like you're thinking like, oh my God, like I have to play like this because he's so good and I have to do this cuz he's like this. And it's just like, it can be a lot sometimes, but I mean I think that's why people play cuz uh, you have to think about that stuff. I don't know. Yeah, I think so. Does that help you off the court as well, having that mindset?? Uh, yeah, I'd say so because I'd say I'm, or it's like a really long match, I, things are just so much easier. Like if there's like a long line at the grocery store, you're just like, oh, this is nothing compared to like, like playing, I don't know, like in a hundred degree weather. Right. Against some, like, I don't know, some guy that plays for like USC or something.. Yeah. It gives you a little life perspective. Yeah. Yeah, it definitely does. It's crazy. That's cool. That's cool. Who do you look up to? Who are some of your favorite players? Uh, I like Djokovich is my favorite. Yeah. I like, uh, yeah, he, his mindset's crazy. Yes. He's like, yes, it is. He's like so intense about everything. Like he has like an insane diet. He only eat like fish and like vegetables. Like, I don't know how someone does that. He's eat one thing forever. He's like, yeah, he's definitely the greatest of all time, I'd say. Okay. Who else? We, we play similar too. I'd say, uh, I'd say, uh, who else? I like Tommy Paul. He's like a good American player. I'd say I play similar to him. We both like grind, we make a lot of balls. So I like, uh, I looked up to all the players that kind of play like me cuz I can take things from their game and stuff. That's awesome. That's so good. So great. I love that. I love hearing, your ambition, your love for the sport is clearly apparent. I, I mean, with all of the work it takes to do it, the time it takes to do it, the dedication to, you know, all of the physical commitments along with all of the mental commitments, and then you've gotta manage school on top of it. I mean, that's really, That's really a lot that you're biting off, but, uh, kudos to you becasue it sounds like you're doing a great job and what an amazing payoff with the, uh, full ride scholarship to Boise. So that is so great. I'm so excited for you that that is happening. I know that our team here at Sage Oak at, call them our team um, we're supporting you too and so excited about it. In fact, it was your education advisor, Brenda, that , contacted me and was like, she works with all of our NCAA athletes here at Sage Oak and she was like, you've gotta talk to Liam and hear about his scholarship. Tell me about working with Brenda over these last couple years. Yeah, I'm, I'm really grateful for Brenda and like working with me for, with the NCAA stuff, uh, is, she's super flexible with when I go to tournaments and when I have to do meetings with her and stuff. Like, cuz sometimes I'll, I'll go like, uh, like I don't know, to Greece or something, and she's like flexible with the meetings. Like she's very like understanding about like athletics and stuff. and, uh, yeah, I, I like Brenda a lot. She, she helps me a lot with my work and everything with tennis and stuff, so, yeah. Yeah, it's, it's, it's really good having her with the NCAA stuff and everything. She's super knowledgeable and she's that great bridge between you and Sage Oak and the colleges. So, um, that's awesome. Tell me, uh, what you would say to anyone else out there, maybe that was kind of in your shoes, like they are starting to get serious about playing sports in college and, uh, maybe going pro, they're trying to look for the right program. What advice would you give them as far as trying to manage being a, a NCAA student on their way to becoming a pro and also being in high school? Mm. I'd say if you're struggling managing everything, I'd say just like it's gonna pay off one day. If you keep that in your head, in the back of your mind, like it'll pay off and it'll just make you like better as a person, like from day-to-day life, it'll just make you mentally stronger. So like, I don't know if you're having doubts or anything, just, just, just like, just keep doing it honestly. Cause it, it's gonna pay off and like, why stop, because it's, it's like nobody else is doing anything better. Like, would you rather be doing this? Or like, I don't know, just sitting, sitting around and watching tv, you know?. So, uh, yeah, I'd just say just like keep moving forward. Just like, don't stop. That's such awesome advice. I think it's so great. I, I just think that you're living it. You're living your best life right now. You have so much ahead of you. Congratulations on the scholarship. It's super incredible. We're all very proud of you, and we can't wait to hear what's next. What's next in the life of Liam. Right.. All right. Well, thanks so much for recording with me today and sharing your story. We really appreciate it and wish you all the best at Boise State yeah, thanks a bunch. Yeah, are welcome. Thanks.