Feet of Clay—Confessions of the Cult Sisters

003-B Sharon's Interview on IWATF: "Keith Green Arranged My Teenage Marriage"

May 03, 2023 Tracey and Sharon Season 1 Episode 3

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CORRECTION:  In this interview Sharon mistakenly says she was with LDM through 1985 - truth is she was there until early 1987.   

This is a REPEAT of Sharon's guest appearance with hosts Brian McDowell and Troy Waller on their podcast I Was a Teenage Fundamentalist,  Episode #076: "Keith Green Arranged My Teenage Marriage” (Keith Green Part  2)   

They’ve  generously allowed us to share this interview here as a convenience to our listeners.  Enjoy!

Don’t miss Sharon's  brief discussion with Tracey, talking about her experience going back in time and looking at all this crazy shit.   Our episode #3 here:


SHOW NOTES FROM IWATF #076:  "Following on from Episode 072 Was Keith Green a Cult Leader?, we interview Sharon Madere. She was 'led to the Lord' by Keith and experienced the 'baptism in the Holy Spirit' experience with Keith in the 1970s. She lived at the Last Days Ministries commune in California and later in Texas in the 1980s. In this episode, Sharon tells her stories and claims Keith Green arranged her teenage marriage to Martin Bennett, one of the three elders of LDM.  Correction: In this episode, Sharon says she remained with LDM until 1985. She wishes to correct this and state she stayed with LDM until early-1987. 
Transcript of the episode is here.   Podcast links: https://linktr.ee/iwatf
You can follow Sharon & Tracey on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/feetofclay.cultsisters/

"Feet of Clay - Confessions of the Cult Sisters" is a new podcast hosted by  Sharon Madere (Bennett)  and Tracey Phalen (Reed), who both worked alongside Keith and Melody Green at Last Days Ministries (LDM).  As one-time key leaders in the organization, they go on record about the spiritually traumatic and often damaging influences of the Greens and the multitude of materials (many of which are still available today) published through LDM, including 'The Last Days Newsletter'.  Sharon and Tracey each joined LDM as teenagers, where they met and married their respective spouses during those cult-commune years.  Both couples independently left LDM in 1987 and moved hundreds of miles apart.  They continued in their hard-held beliefs for over ten additional years, yet ultimately divorced in the early 2000s.  In this podcast Tracey and Sharon  come together to talk about their parallel journeys out of the cult mindset, the long process of unpacking indoctrination and spiritual trauma, and their separate but often co-mingled road to healing and  humor.   Come join them on the journey!


We love acronyms -- and we aren't afraid to use them! Here are some common ones that we might forget to explain:
LDM - Last Days Ministries (organization)
ICT - Intensive Christian Training School (at LDM)
YWAM - Youth With A Mission (organization)
CCM - Contemporary Christian Music

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