Decoding Taylor Swift

Pleaides Egg

March 01, 2024 News Bites

Have you ever heard of the Pleaides an open star cluster located in the constellation Taurus. To be honest, we had no knowledge of this cluster of stars until Taylor swift gave us an egg that led us to the quote"seven stars that shine in the sky". See, in the fall of 2023, Swifties from all over the world took part in a challenge to solve 33 million puzzles that released a key to Taylor's new vault songs that would be on 1989 Taylor's version. Throughout those puzzles, Swifties noticed that some of the letters in the puzzles glimmered. Like any trained Swifty these Swifties went to listing the glimmering letters out. Then worked hard to unscramble the letters to form a phrase. Well, these letters could spell various phrases. The one we found most interesting was the"biggest hint in an S". Since this phrase seemed important, we started working out with this a could mean. Before we go on, we must be clear that we decided to go back to the beginning after already working out a lot of eggs in the midnights and 1989 Taylor's version era's. If you want to jump ahead and see what we did with those areas, please head over to Amazon and buy our EggStream book series, like stream of eggs, EggStream. We have EggStream midnight madness, EggStream vault clues. And we even now have our EggStream beginnings books by Shauna Johnson, your host of decoding Taylor swift. Now, if you remember Mary's song, from Taylor's debut album, has double S's that make up the end of one word and the beginning of another. Mary's song. We believe that to be an egg telling us to start here. So that's where we began. As we explained on our last episode, we realized that Mary's song is an anagram for nosy grams. If you'd like to hear more about that anagram and another one we found, please listen to the last episode, or rather the episode before this one of decoding Taylor swift, as those are covered there. And this episode, we will focus on the constellation Pleaides as that is where this Easter egg rolled. If you're new to this podcast, hello and welcome to decoding Taylor swift with your host, Shauna. Today we are talking about the Pleaides. Star cluster or is it as often called the little dipper. Remember when Taylor swift said she wants to be known for what she loves not what she hates. Well, we think she left eggs for us to find so that we might do a little research and learn a little bit about the things that Taylor finds interesting. We also think the tailor is really into the study of the stars and the mythology behind the stories of the sky, which is why in this episode, we will show you the egg we believe she left and what she wanted us to learn about one of the most well-known star clusters in our universe. To begin let's look at the first few lines of the song, Mary song."She said I was seven and you were nine. I looked at you let the stars that shine in the sky". Obviously we see a lot of words beginning with the letter. S thinking the biggest hint in an S means something. We decided to see what we would get if we put together the S words in Mary's song. The way we apply this rule gave us,"she said, I was seven stars that shine in the sky. Naturally ran to the Google to find out what seven stars she could be speaking of and we found the Pleaides, or as we knew this star cluster, the little dipper. Now we have to be honest, before embarking on this quest to learn as much as possible about Taylor swift and her eggs, we didn't know much about astronomy and we only knew that we thought, past tense, that astrology, while interesting, was complete nonsense. But because the eggs rolled this direction, we decided to learn what we could about the little dipper, which you will now call the Pleaides star cluster. If you remember from your mythology unit in high school, people believed in gods and goddesses like Zeus, Athena, and Atlas and the mortals and mermaids who sometimes mated with them. The story of the Pleaides revolves around Atlas who upset Zeus. Zeus, angry at Atlas made him hold the sky on his shoulders. Atlas though had seven daughters that he could no longer protect from Orion the hunter since his arms were more than full. So to keep our Orion from hunting, the daughters, Zeus hid them, turning them into the seven stars in the sky that we call the Pleaides after their mom Pleone. That story sees the stars as the seven daughters of Atlas. Other cultures have other origin stories for these incredibly prevalent stars that can be seen all over the world, except in the Antarctic circle, from November through April. In fact, these stars are so important that some believe that Halloween may have served as a celebration that they could see these very important stars again. As they marked the beginning of the sailing season, believe it or not. Almost every culture use the appearance of the seven sisters to mark the passing of time, leading many cultures to base their calendars on the regular occurrence of these stars that make up the Pleiades star cluster. To locate the Pleaides, simply look up into the night sky during November through the end of April and locate the three stars making up a Orion's belt. Follow his belt through his arrow, to the stars that look a lot like a miniature version of the big dipper. Those are the stars that make up the constellation Pleaides and have done so for the last hundred million years and will continue to be there for millions more. Something else about these stars that you might find interesting is that we consider the seven sisters a star cluster because they all have the same properties. All of these stars give off a blue glow unlike most stars in our galaxy. This star cluster also happens to form one side of the golden gate of the ecliptic. The other side of the golden gate consists of the Hyades star, which looks like a V and makes up the nose of the bull that we call Taurus. Speaking of cars, Pleaides translates to Subaru in Japanese. That's right. There is an entire car company named after this incredibly significant star cluster that they use and their logo. In Europe, the Pleaides holds such important step. They chose to name their satellites that take images of the earth, the Pleaides satellites. And of course, tortured poets have written a lot about these stars throughout the year so it doesn't seem surprising that in Taylor's starry nights era, she would lead us to one of the most enchanting star clusters. When it comes to astrologist, the Pleiades are associated with the sixth sense of insight or intuition. The Pleiades aren't seen as important as the sun, the moon or planets, like Saturn, the Pleiades are still thought in some cultures to influence personal and collective destinies. How do we tie this all back to Taylor you wonder. Well friend T S 11, better known as the tortured poets department, drops the same day as this group of stars is said to disappear for the year, April 19th. April 19th. also marks the end of the first astrological sign Aries and the beginning of the tourist season. And you know what they say about both. Mess with the pools and you'll get the horns. Considering we believe this album will be fire as in, she will spit bars that will sound like they're coming from a burn book. This seems like the perfect drop date, don't you agree? When it comes to Mary song, there's one last egg we think we see, but it's so out there that we're going to hold on to it until a later date. We have some more digging to do on the timeline of Taylor swift and believe it or not, Brittany Spears and their management in order to bring this delusional idea to you. So stick a pin in that. And with that, we are finished with another episode of decoding Taylor swift. Next episode, we will dig into her music videos and see what enchanting eggs she left us there, and there. are a few, we think you'll find interesting as we did. Thanks again for downloading this podcast and spending time with us as we decode Taylor swift, in order to learn about the things she loves, instead of learning about the things she hates via the media. This is Shauna hoping you enjoyed this episode enough to hit the follow button. So you don't miss a thing and maybe give us a thumbs up to let others know they should be giving decoding Taylor swift to try. Thanks so much and meet you back here soon.