The La Sabrina Hair Design Podcast

EP #8: When is the Right Time to Get a Haircut?

June 13, 2023 Amy Button
EP #8: When is the Right Time to Get a Haircut?
The La Sabrina Hair Design Podcast
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The La Sabrina Hair Design Podcast
EP #8: When is the Right Time to Get a Haircut?
Jun 13, 2023
Amy Button

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13040 Livingston Rd. Suite 4
Call: (239)-537-9315

Show Notes Transcript

To learn more visit us:
13040 Livingston Rd. Suite 4
Call: (239)-537-9315

The below is an auto-generated transcription from the podcast. Please excuse typos and grammatical errors.

Transcription: When is the Right Time to Get a Haircut?
Charlie McDermott  0:08  
Welcome back listeners and viewers, Charlie McDermott, co host producer of the show here once again with Amy. Amy, how you doing?

Amy Button  0:16  
Very good. How are you?

Charlie McDermott  0:17  
Good. Good. Great to see you on this Monday morning. And we have another exciting week coming up. Right? Who we are. So, Amy, I don't know if if you're aware of this, but the weekend before last our daughter got married. And yeah, it was just a wonderful, wonderful event. However, I was faced with a dilemma a few weeks prior, and that was the timing of my haircut because we're Yeah, you're paying 1000s of dollars for photographers and, and I don't want to ruin my daughter's day by or life by being in a photo, you know, don't bother. And they're like, what's up with that dude's hair? So it was, I was like, When should I talk? Because there's always that fear, especially because we move to a new area said I don't even use the same, you know, hairstylist or barber or whatever. So I'm thinking, Oh, my God, I'm going in blind here. And if the guy screws up, you know, how much time do I grow it back and all that. So I'm just going through all this stuff in my head. Finally, it'll or fortunate it all worked out. But I'd like to hear from the professional. And I wish we did this episode a few weeks ago. Right time to get a haircut.

Amy Button  1:37  
Yeah. So in your case for men's cuts, like even the littlest, littlest amount of growth obviously shows, whereas if my hair grows half an inch, you're not really going to notice the difference, but your hair cut, it's going to be a little more noticeable. So and everybody's hair grows at different paces. And then surprisingly enough, everybody's had also, and I don't know if anybody, any of our listeners have ever experienced this, but there are certain times of the year where your hair grows a little bit faster than others. So there are, there are times especially when people are spending a lot of time outside, they're drinking lots of water. And I swear the sun has something to do with it. It's a four plants, and that's what makes it grow. But they'll be like, Oh my gosh, I usually can make it you know, five weeks became between haircuts, but I felt like I needed one a week sooner. But for a special event, like in your case, I would usually recommend at least for men's cuts a week or Philly has a pixie cut, like get it cut a week prior that gives a couple of days just in case, you notice something isn't exactly how you want it for pictures, then there's time to tweak or adjust it. Or if it was a little bit too short, your hair has just enough time to grow in to make one.

Charlie McDermott  3:16  
That's good. That's good. I that is good. We still have one more daughter, so I'll get it right next time.

Amy Button  3:24  
Yeah, call me.

Charlie McDermott  3:29  
And that's interesting. You know, I didn't realize hair can grow different, you know, differently certain times of the year. Yeah, I

Amy Button  3:39  
mean, even though I mean, there's like, there's your hair goes through phases where there's like a shedding phase. And then there's a phase where it's like a growth spurt as if you're 12 again. So yeah, our hair has cycles, our eyelashes have cycles. And so you need to pay attention to those. But a good rule of thumb is for our ladies, if they have like a shoulder length, hair cut or or a bomb. Those looks depend on the layers and the movement that's in your hair. And the sometimes the layers will kind of lose their shape. So the rule of thumb is like five to eight weeks depending on the specific client's hair and how fast it grows. But you want to keep an eye on that the movement that's in your haircut. If you feel like it's starting to look kind of limp, then it's probably time to schedule your haircut. Maybe you know, it's just taking the tiniest bit off of the bottom but reshaping those layers is what's going to keep your style and then for my long haired clients like me, like I need a haircut right now. Actually, our stylist in here Phoebe pulled me aside the other day and said you need a haircut. On the very ends of my hair looking a little fuzzy, and you can see there's some areas where there's split ends, and you want to get those off your hair as soon as possible. So they can't kind of split up the hair shaft and it'll just stop your hair from growing and it'll stay that thing. Length and it won't be healthy and polished on the end. So that's another huge tip is if you start seeing fuzzy split ends, it's time for a trim, even if you don't have long hair.

Charlie McDermott  5:30  
Okay, okay. So it sounds like the shorter your hair the more frequent, I guess,

Amy Button  5:38  
yes, if you're looking, if you're looking to grow your hair, we would cut your hair differently than if you're trying to maintain like, Yeah, Bob, or a shoulder length hair cut, then yeah, we would change the amount of appointments you would do in a year, based on which look.

Charlie McDermott  6:00  
And if you want to slow down the growth of your hair, you just stay out of the sun and you don't drink water. No, just kidding, right? Just

Amy Button  6:05  
stay in the closet.

Charlie McDermott  6:08  
And please, drink water. That's awesome. Anything else we should be aware of when making that most important decision of when is the right time to get our haircut.

Amy Button  6:24  
I would, you know, if you have built a relationship with your stylist, just keep their schedule in mind. So if you're trying to maintain a length and movement in your hair and a certain style, then you don't want to leave your appointment without scheduling your next appointment. Because it you know, as the stylist gets busy and they're building their book, you might not be able to get in and that's gonna be the difference between hating your hair for two weeks, or having the look that you're going for. For our longer hair cuts, clients, if you you just a regimented person and you like to have an appointment, you know, three times a year, then it's also a good idea to schedule ahead. But yeah, sometimes for the longer hair clients, it really is just depending on how well they're treating the ends of their hair.

Charlie McDermott  7:25  
Love it. Love it. Oh, Amy, thanks for sharing. You know, it's one of those questions. I didn't know how important it was until personally i i had that special event. So I know this is going to be helpful for one a lot of guys who are kind of like myself, and obviously your clients and the folks out there. So once again, thanks for sharing and doing what you're doing. And now go get your haircut girl. Yeah.

All right. Well Until the next episode, we'll talk soon see me. 

Amy Button  8:04  
Thanks, Charlie.