The La Sabrina Hair Design Podcast

EP #13: Naples Holiday Fund Raisers

December 05, 2023 Amy Button
EP #13: Naples Holiday Fund Raisers
The La Sabrina Hair Design Podcast
More Info
The La Sabrina Hair Design Podcast
EP #13: Naples Holiday Fund Raisers
Dec 05, 2023
Amy Button

To learn more visit us:
13040 Livingston Rd. Suite 4
Call: (239)-537-9315

Show Notes Transcript

To learn more visit us:
13040 Livingston Rd. Suite 4
Call: (239)-537-9315

Transcription: Naples Holiday Fund Rasiers

Charlie McDermott  0:00  
It's time for the La SaBrina hair design podcast with Amy button. Welcome back listeners and viewers once again, Charlie McDermott, producer, co hosts of the show here with Amy. Amy, how're you doing today?

Amy Button  0:16  
Very well, how are you? Good.

Charlie McDermott  0:20  
And I'll tell you, we're always looking great. Even on a Monday morning, I am always so impressed. You must like own a hair design salon or something.

So you certainly take care of yourself, you take care of your clients and your team there. You also take care of the community. And it's, it's now Christmas time, it's December, you've got a few things going on there to support the local community Filson. Yeah,

Amy Button  0:55  
so we have, I mean, we have an ongoing cause behind the salon that we've talked about before, where we raise awareness and try to provide for the needs of human trafficking survivors. So for Christmas, we're really highlighting where where the money goes to, I guess. So when you make donations here at the salon, or whenever you book a wash and blow dry the donated portion of the profits. It kind of we had this breakdown of like what the money goes to, and I know my listeners here, but there's a whole list of like, what amount of money meets which need. And so for Christmas, we're focusing on there's a line at the bottom that goes over just emergency like haircare needs or hygiene needs like toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, the things that survivors really need. And so we're going to have a drop box here. So people can come and drop off those items. And we're also having like little tags that you can pick off of the tree that gives you like an Amazon list of you can pick something off with the item, kind of scan it. Even have it shipped to the salon, and we'll put it in the box for pickup.

Charlie McDermott  2:33  
Wow. Great idea. Dang it. Is this your first year doing this? Or? Or is this something that you've been doing in the past. So

Amy Button  2:44  
I think the last four or five years we've done like Christmas gift bags that the survivors would be able to put onto their tree and it had quality shampoo, conditioner, all things here. And then some Christmases, we've added that kit to what an existing nonprofit has already also put together like bags, like purses, full of items, like what we just talked about, like hygiene needs and things that you know, every single person needs and we take for granted. This year, we decided to change it up a little bit. And instead of like having to buy a whole kit for Survivor, you just have each individual person could either buy a whole kit, if they want, they can buy five or 100 if they want. But if you also can only afford just some of the items in the bag, this was just a new way of being able to make it achievable for everyone that wants to help. So this we are we're trying something new it is along the same lines of what we've done in the past. And we are going to steal because there is one safe house that we support. I mean absolutely love all of the girls that are in that safe house. And they were going to put like custom presents together just for them different things that they like, like girly stuff, Chapstick and notebooks stuff that I would want in my stalking. So we're still going to do that for the specific individuals but then above and beyond that have kits that we can put together. They're just ready and available all year long to the drop in centers that we support. Okay,

Charlie McDermott  4:41  
wow. So anyone can stop in, go to the tree, pull off a tag. There's a list of items that they can like you said go on Amazon and and purchase and then did they have it sent Can I think you said they could ship it right to the salon? Is that correct? Yeah.

Amy Button  5:03  
Yeah. Yeah. Have it shipped right here. Everyone's holiday season is busy and everyone's running around. So that's a great option. You don't even have to come back to drop it off. Yeah, I'm sure there's even ways like even if don't have time to stop, and you can give us a call, and we can help you through the process even over the phone.

Charlie McDermott  5:31  
Very cool. And then how about just cold hard cash? If someone says, Hey, you know, I'm traveling, I'm heading Yeah, can you? Can you just take X amount of dollars and take care of it for me? Is that Yeah,

Amy Button  5:44  
well, you can do that, too. Yeah, we usually have an area at the front desk during this season, just for that, if somebody's just got, they want to just like I don't know, I'm trying to think of other businesses that have that at their cash register. We don't do that all year round. But definitely for the Christmas season, we have that option available as well. I

Charlie McDermott  6:08  
love it, love it. Anything else, anything I missed that we should talk about.

Amy Button  6:14  
Um, there is one other, it's a little outside of what we do for fundraising, because we usually really try to stick to our cause is human trafficking. But we have one of our makeup artists that's part of our team is a fire fighter. And she was just in it a major accident on the job and is unfortunately not able to do weddings for November, December and January. And so there is also a GoFundMe for her. And we're trying to as a team support her as best as possible. But she is one of the toughest individuals I have ever met. I mean, you've got to be like a boss to be a firefighter, and also a makeup artist,

Charlie McDermott  7:08  
quite a combination.

Amy Button  7:12  
And she is a phenomenal individual and definitely deserves our support as she tries to get back on her feet. And it's going to be quick, because she does not stay down. Wow.

Charlie McDermott  7:24  
So awesome. So so how can your listeners go to that page or help out?

Amy Button  7:32  
So on our Facebook page, Facebook works the best because Instagram doesn't usually let you click on links as easily. On our Facebook page, we have her go fund me posted there. And I'm trying to think how else would be maybe I could include the link somehow when we post this video. But yeah, that's I think even if you were to search on Go Fund Me, her name is Susanna Webb. And I think if you search Susanna Webb, Naples, Florida, it'll probably come up. But yeah, anything we can do to be supporting her through this season to really a hero.

Charlie McDermott  8:21  
Yeah. Oh, Amy, for your listeners and viewers that want to help out. In any of the causes, all the causes, best way to find you get in touch Go ahead.

Amy Button  8:35  
Um, so giving us a call is usually the the quickest way to get a hold of us. It's just to 395379315 and also on our website, and it's lost Sabrina hair If you go on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, all of that is our tag name is also lots of green a hair design, which is a mouthful and you say it all together, but it's the best way to find that.

Charlie McDermott  9:03  
Super super. By me. Thank you for sharing during this holiday season and all year round and best to you and and your team there and we'll talk in the new year. All

Amy Button  9:18  
right. Happy New Year.