Outback Recordings: Punk Rock Interviews, Insights & Inspiriation

ORP Session #25: Willem Heijmans (Antillectual)

July 03, 2019 Benedikt Hain / Willem Heijmans Season 1 Episode 25

In Session 25 I get to talk to Willem Heijmans. He is the vocalist and guitarist of Antillectual, who became one of Europe's most important punk rock bands  over the last 15 years. They are a staple in the European scene with their melodic, catchy, political punk rock and their relentless effort to spread their music and message. Their are always touring, and recently switched to a new way of releasing their songs. Being smart about how to reach people and the willingness to try new things and adapt to how people consume media nowadays is a skill that still not too many bands bands have and that I've always found impressive in Antillectual. That said, they are not doing it in an annoying or sleazy way, but always stay true to themselves and the values this subculture is standing for. Plus, as basically all of my guests so far, Willem and his bandmates are just cool people to hang out with and talk to. 

In this episode you'll discover:

…how Antillectual stayed motivated and kept it fresh and interesting over so many years of touring and working really hard as a band

…how they balance the band, jobs and personal life

…how Antillectual use new ways to spread their message and music

…how to adapt to the way media is consumed and be smart about the marketing of your band in 2019

…the story behind their single „If You’re Not Outraged“

…our thoughts on the rise of right wing politicians/parties and populists

…ways to be active and fight fascism in your personal day to day life

…why it is important to vote

…why it is important to not only try and change peoples minds, but to support those who already share your beliefs

…“how to raise a proper anarchist“ or how Willem got into politics, music and punk rock

…how Antillectual got started booking tours and releasing records

…why helping other bands and making true friends within the scene also helps your own band

…how Antillectual approaches songwriting

…why getting feedback and a fresh perspective help making better songs

…why Antillectual stopped making full length records

…the benefits of releasing singles regularly

…how Antillectual approaches recording their singles

…the benefits of playing live shows to a click track

…how to get along with each other if you’re in a touring band together for so many years

…why Antillectual committed to 3 singles a year

And much more…


For complete show notes, links and additional info go to:


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